John Robinson has left a new comment on your post "There's No Such Thing As Transparency And Accounta...":
I believe about 25% of what you just wrote. And that's on a good day.
First, your suit was from Sam's Club, so it cost you about $75. Nice quality from some kid working in a sweat shop.
Also, you don't have your own TV show. You paid for that time, and I have the record to show it. Wanna prove me wrong? Try buddy. You're a sociopath, and the faster someone puts a bullet in your head, the better off we all are. That's not a threat, just something I hope that happens.
Wow John, sounds like Joe has gotten under your skin. Who are you getting kickbacks from? It seems interesting that you are so down on Joe who is bringing the problems in Salisbury to light. I would think you would want to get behind his cause to see Salisbury return to the city it once was. The only answer is that you are living better with the situation as it is!
Thanks John! You and the rest of your-kind are helping to get Joe's numbers down. If you keep this up his numbers will be equal with CBS, NBC, ABC, etc. Keep up the good work.
(BTW John, I think you and your-kind are real A$$E$!)
John should worry more about where he is going to relocate his businesses after he is evicted from Court Plaza at the end of this month.
this guy sounds like a gun-nut wacko. How old was he when his mamma dropped him on his head?
i thought that guy did not read your blog joe! Another half truth crazy rant. Will that guy go away already.
Well EVERYBODY pays for the TV time. some are lucky to have sponsor cover the costs. If you are suggesting you are not paying I want you to let me know how cause I need to rethink how I do business. Anyway, the guy Robinson is a slug.
Is this the same John Robinson that is president of the Bennett Middle School PTA ????
Mr. Robinson, do prove to everyone that I have paid for my Show. You're a liar and I'm calling you out. In fact, I own 100% of the rights to my Show as well as 100% of the revenue brought in from my Show. Now, pussy, try and beat that deal.
I recall, you didn't even get paid for your radio show. Come on John, show everyone something you can't provide, because you're a liar.
I thought he didnt read Salisbury News......yeah right
Joe just like the the green fool hes not worth it.
why is he being evicted from court plaza?
Due to the last line from JR, I sure wouldn't want him around my children or any child I know.
Sorry don't know who he is, not that I am missing anything.What business does he own so I don't go there.And it did sound like a threat or something that a very childish person would say. He must have something in his closet he is afraid might be brought up.
I know some people at the health department who can make him go away :-)
That is a threat. Just because he states it isn't doesn't mean anything. Be careful Joe he sounds like a lunatic. I really hope he gets in trouble for threatening like he is doing.
Geez, this Robinson guy sounds really nuts. Sounds like everyone needs to stay clear of him! I'd say that was a definite 'threat' issued on Joe.
John Robinson has a vested interest in high crime/robbery rates. Does he not buy 'used' jewelry and gold?
His father had a clock repair shop, but the son can't meet those high standards and slipped into a pawn type operation.
Salisbury News gives power to the people.
Damn could JR look any worse?
Hey John, don't you have a pawn shop somewhere to run? scamming people out of gold or old watches?
guess you like salisbury just the way it is! sounds to me you profit just like the slumlords do!
Yes, this is the same Bennett Middle School PTA President. Just another reason to keep your kids from public school. They let anyone in and let any loser call the shots. He should be kicked off the PTA just for this threat or at the least the kind of violent attitude he has pubicly displayed once again. What kind of role model is he for our community children???????
thought you wanted people to watch their language on your blog joe. You wont print stuff with bad language on it. It's ok for you to call someone a PUSSY though. real classy.
sean w
I have no idea where he is moving, however his truck is gone>
Joe I do hate you I mean I love to love to hate you but I wouldn't never wish this on you.
TTYL My Friend
I have heard him before (first-hand, he was speaking to me at the time) wishing for a bullet to find its way into Joe's skull; between the eyes if I remember correctly.
Can you say PSYCHOpath? He could always choose to not read Salisbury News
His full name is John D Robinson. What do you think the D stands for, Dick? or Douchebag or Dumb A$$.
This man needs to resign from the PTA. What a wretched example for children. My kids don't go there, or I would send it in and demand his resignation!
This is awesome. You got him good. HOW MANY VIEWERS DO YOU THINK READ THIS!!!!??????
Robinson, if you were only half the man you want us to believe you are!! HAHAHA,you're such a joke which is EXACTLY why your woman is looking for your replacement as you read this. As we all know, she certainly deserves it!
I've called you out to your face johnny boy, and have seen others do the same, but every single time someone does it you want to turn into the funny boy because you're just a little coward with a Napoleon complex.
I'm a better example for your children than this douchebag.
Sperry Van Ness Property Managment Will Be Glad,when John Robinson Leaves the Court Plaza,His drama is a constant Stain that will not go away until he does.
The Court Plaza cant give away space for retailers as long as Robinsons skate shop is in the parking lot. The place is half empty,looks like a ghost town.
4:19 maybe dildo, deadhead, drug abuser, dementia, dysfunctional, drunk, deadbeat, dumb and dumber, dingbat, diseased, ????? could be any or a combination of them
Anon 4:19, After some hours of reflection and considerable deep thinking, I have come to the conclusion that the D stands for douchebag.
Anon.12:42,2:53&6:17, John Robinson is President of Bennett Middle PTA. This is part of the countless hours of "charity" he provides our wanting community. I wonder if an audit of the treasury is necessary or if there are any "questionable " expenses incurred? The members of the PTA should demand the resignation of this self-important,demented individual!
I understand his newest success is a tattoo parlor near the hospital. Maybe the kids from BMS get a discount.
Do Billy and Andy know that John is out of Court Plaza before the end of the year?
Joe, Robinson says constantly that he doesn't read your blog. WTF?
Teh reel jon Rosinbon sez> dis canot bee uh commmmemt frum mee/ sins der r know speling misteaks oar gramac, gramat, grammactical earrors1
I think you all need a valium. Bullet in your head? Pussy? Dick? I'm glad you are all at your computer and not having this exchange face to face. The SPD might need to be called. You all scare me and for that reason I will remain anonymous.
I just talked to john ,and he said he,s moving to a big building that he just bought. No this just in, that was a lie. Oh wait he just bought the net building NO this just in, he can,t make up his mind on what lie he wants to go with,make up your mind Johnny Boy!
We would never do business with Robinson. Ever. Because of what he's written on this blog.
Anon 6:46, what TOOL did you use ?
Robinson, the 40 kids that you were supposed to take to a skatepark in B-more this week are still waiting. Could that have been another empty boast/lie?
Once again John Robinson lets his mouth overload his fat dumpy ass.
It's a shame the mental health people don't reward you for exposing those in such dire need of a mental health professional. These rants go far beyond a difference in political opinions, you seem to attract alot of sick minds.
This Robinson Character should move to Fort Hood. I think now they would be ready for him.
This a$$hole needs medical help. He is an embarrassment to his wife and family. His sources for "legal" gold buys are drying up thus his stream of finance. The end is near.
John has an inferiority complex. He has let his father's business go down the tubes. He is a failure as a business man. He is not much of a husband due to his child-size sex organs. His mouth and extrovert behavior is a force John projects to compensate for his lack of maturity and success. Even his sessions with a local psychologist have failed. I feel sorry for his family and hope he finds the help he needs.
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