One thing you can count on Folks is the fact that we will deliver the video from last night's City Council fiasco.
However, while much is being written about last night's meeting throughout the Blogosphere, the MSM is simply too afraid of our local Government Officials, therefore they'll keep quiet about it to secure their income.
As I rode the elevator to the third floor, (alone) the doors opened and there stood Chiefy Webster. At first he had that deer in the headlights look in his eyes as he saw me inside the elevator. Then he saw I was dressed in a suit and tie, (nicer than his own, mind you) and he started laughing at me, like a 7 year old child. I ignored him and walked passed him and he started getting even louder as he got into the elevator. All I kept thinking was, this is a supposed grown man who leads the City?
Look Chiefy, everyone knows you read this Blog and watch my Television Show. So let me first say this. If you thought last week's Show was tough on you, wait until this week old man because YOU will not be able to show your face again in the City of Salisbury and perhaps anywhere else. Remember Chiefy, Comcast Channel 9 at 10:30 AM.
Folks, this Show is a must see for everyone. We taped it yesterday and of course it will air on Saturday. VERY POWERFUL! I don't need to come back at old Chiefy when he laughs at me for dressing nice. I'm a confident enough man to know, I'm far more respected in this community than he'll ever be.
That being said, I received a phone call yesterday from a gentleman in which he and I haven't seen eye to eye for many years. In fact, he hated my Blog and pretty much everything I represent. That is, until last Saturday. He called me and said, Joe, we haven't gotten along very well for a lot of years but I want to apologize to you for the way I have been acting towards you. I saw your show on your Blog and I had NO IDEA what you had been put through. I had always been told the other side and never gave you the chance to tell me your side, I'm sorry.
So you see Chiefy, you will lose your job or you will go running for the hills like Jim Rapp, John Jacobs, Carrie Samis, Barrie Tilghman, Mike Dunn, Lynn Cathcart and so many others I have exposed over the years. It's only a matter of time before everyone finally hears the truth. So we'll see who's laughing at who in the end.
Now, moving on to last night's meeting. What a mess, huh! That Louise Smith is something else, isn't she. Can you tell each and every one of them watched my Show and then met with Barrie Tilghman to figure out yet another way to shut me down. They knew I was going to go after their new PIO Officer at the SFD. They knew I was going to expose the SFD and Lore' Chambers for her part with Hoppes. They knew I was going to be the one and only person in a position in which I could straight up challenge the Chief of Police without hesitation.
So what's the answer, shut Joe Albero down. That's OK Folks, I have my own TV Show now, they can't stop me. They tried for years to shut down Salisbury News, it failed and we have now grown into the most popular Website in the entire state. Actions like Louise Smith made last night will simply draw that many more people to the new Show.
My phone rang off the hook immediately after she did this, so LOTS of people were watching PAC 14 last night and witnessed it LIVE. Many of you asked why I stood there and took it. Well, one thing I will tell ALL of you is, I have kept my word with Louise Smith and as a gentleman I will always continue to do so.
Soon after my Mother passed away I ran into Louise Smith at Sam's Club. I was walking through the parking lot to head into the store when Louise called out, "Joe, can you give me a hand." I immediately replied, sure Louise, what can I do for you. She had a large box of copier paper and couldn't load it into her trunk, so I gladly helped out. As I was loading the box into her trunk Louise was giving me her condolences about my Mother and as I turned back around to thank her, two gentlemen were standing behind her. I thanked her and one of the gentleman said, "Are you Joe Albero?" I said, yes Sir, I am. He said, "I just want to thank you for everything you do." The other gentleman said, I thought that might be you Joe. He put out his hand for me to shake it and said, you do a great job and I follow your Blog every day. Well, Louise was beside herself as she got a touch of what I run into every single day I'm out on the streets.
Louise quickly took her cart and put it in the storage area while I finished my conversation with these fine gentleman. Again Folks, we're not just getting there, we have arrived and Louise Smith knows it. They never said hello to Louise Smith. Heck, they didn't even recognize her presence. One thing I did notice was that Louise Smith was parked in a Handicap Parking Space with a tag in her window. Folks, Louise Smith broke the law. You see, that Handicap Tag is for when she transports her MOTHER. Her Mother wasn't with her, nor is her Mother there every time she goes to a City Council Meeting and takes that Handicap Parking Space at the GOB.
Don't you worry Folks, it will soon come around. I will NOT be the person Barrie Tilghman and so many others have painted me out to be. I will be respectful, yet I will not stand down.
Cant imagine the scenereo if I were in the elevator, ha,ha...
The Chief looked like a damn fool while standing there at the mic with his head turned while talking. Doesn't he know how to speak into a mic? It's obvious he doesn't know how to do ANYTHING.
Joe, I respect you for the gentleman you are and what you are trying to do for Salisbury. Thank you for not allowing that Bitch to get you to turn as ugly as she was. I'll make sure I take my camera everywhere I go from now on so I can catch her parking illegally. The SPD won't do anything about it, but showing the taxpayers will be a joy.
When your ready to start ringing the bell, I'll be proud to join you. You do so much good for your community. I sure can't say that for the three Village Idiots.
Joe, your inability to separate your personal vendettas from serious city issues will always make you divisive. You must see how this affects the public debate in a very negative way.
When you gloat about your perceived "victories" over Jim Rapp, etc., it renders you ineffective with most who have tired very quickly of your juvenile behavior. Your core fans may love it, but you will not effect change this way.
Its better than the alternative,trust me.
Mrs. Smith was out of line last night. Her mother died years ago. She does take care of another elderly lady.
And that's where Mrs. Smith belongs, doing nice errands for other old people, not playing power monger with a gavel.
Some people just do not belong in political office. Mrs. Smith is one of them.
And shame on her for parking in a handicap space illegally!
I believe about 25% of what you just wrote. And that's on a good day. First, your suit was from Sam's Club, so it cost you about $75. Nice quality from some kid working in a sweat shop.
Also, you don't have your own TV show. You paid for that time, and I have the record to show it. Wanna prove me wrong? Try buddy. You're a sociopath, and the faster someone puts a bullet in your head, the better off we all are. That's not a threat, just something I hope that happens.
Joe-Standing up for what you believe in in the face of the unknown outcome speaks a thousand words. Some people have no idea what integrity is or they have different levels of what their assumption of it is. It is all in how you are raised. Your mom did an excellent job. One thing that is for sure in the long run, honesty and trust is the path to true success.
2:2 "I know your works, and your toil and perseverance, and that you can't tolerate evil men, and have tested those who call themselves apostles, and they are not, and found them false.
The majority loves you for this. There has got to be devine strength behind everything that you do and with that power, noone ever fails. You are a beautiful person.
11:53 Well said!
You know Joe, I respect you for putting up both the positives and the negatives. I am one that periodically goes to the other website and have tried to post some things that were not out of line, just opinionated. And they would not even post them.
I respoect you for posting both sides - the negative and the positive.
I know you have done a great job over the years informing the public of what we would never have been able to find out.
To be honest, I visit your site BEFORE the daily times, WBOC or WMDT.....why??? Because I know you have the latest.
You keep up the good work, not many people have the will or determination as you do, an I am one of them, that's why I am glad there is a Salisbury News.
Loyal Reader
John Robinson, something that I hope happens is your business - complete with your lying wife included - goes out of business. You've treated enough of your customers like crap (including lying to them about phone conversations with your business being recorded when they weren't). Keep posting things on this blog like what you just said you hope happens to Joe, and people who've kept quiet about how you REALLY treat customers you don't happen to like will decide to tell their whole story right here like they should've done months ago.
That's not a threat. Just something that will happen if you keep wishing people dead publicly because you don't like them. You know who I am and what I'm talking about, so keep running your mouth and you'll again be featured prominently on this blog.
The wish you made against Joe - no matter HOW much you may hate him - was way out of line. All by itself it speaks volumes about your character. Nice display for a local businessman to put on in public, Johnny boy.
Dear Mr.Albero,
I want to commend you on how you are responding to people who ridicule you. When a gentleman chooses not to return bad behavior and bad actions, he becomes the better man. Continue to walk this path and your adversaries will look worse. Always take the high road.
I think john should go back to his old job as a bouy checker for the coast guard Oh thats wright HE LIED!
Why are you so bent out of shape over Salisbury Fire Department having a Public Inforation officer anyway? How do you get your press releases from the different police agencies? One would assume they have a Public Information Officer also. Have you actually seen what work that FF/PM Brown has done in the past months with her position. Why don't you get the facts on the duties that go along with her position instead of listening to your snitches. A real news agency would not allow the personal attacks to people that you allow. It's all about the drama and not the actual facts with this website.
anonymous 9:46, that would be called censorship or yellow journalism. While I don't like many of the comments posted here, all of them come from YOUR OWN, people you claim as Brothers. Bitch at them for sending them in and stop trying to blame the honest ones who give you the avenue to express your first amendment rights. Oh, and today, try to remember thjose who served our Country to bring you those exact freedoms.
There is line that has been crossed with the comments that were being made on this site. You can control what goes on your site and you know that individuals have gone too far with what they have said. Like I said before you go and attak a person's position why don't you get the facts first and you would be suprised to see the work being done by the department that does try and keep the public informned on the events that occur in the Salisbury Fire Department. All Im attempting to say is to show respect for this woman. Remember she is somones daughter, girlfriend and is human. You can claim censorship all you want but, at the end of the day do what is right. I do appreciate what our soliders do for this country and without them we would in serous trouble.
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