While the Salisbury Kennel Club brings in hundreds, (if not thousands) of people for their annual Dog Show, the Judges have to be housed somewhere. This year they chose the Comfort Inn in north Salisbury.
It turned out, this was not the best of choices as one of the Judges had to be removed from one of the rooms because it was loaded with BED BUGS.
One Judge was removed at 2:00 AM in the morning and put in another room, it was that bad. Who inspects for this kind of thing? All I know is, I'd be furious!
Look who owns and runs it.These ppl dont care.
No small job getting rid of these things. Thanks for the heads up on this situation.
Bed bugs are on the rise again in the U.S. due to increased international travel from Europe (where they never really went away) and since many of the most effective insecticides that were used against them have been banned it is a struggle to kill the little critters.
At this time, there is no policing policy for bed bugs.
They were eradicated back probably the 1960s. Now with the era, people are traveling abroad much more and there has been an influx of bed bugs due to the traveling, the immigrants and fumigation chemicals that cannot be used anymore. The bed bugs are like roaches, get one egg in a suitcase or packing box, you have a million. Belongings have to be packed up and run through a hot cycle for weeks.
National if not international problem. I do not think you can go into a hotel anywhere without at leaset a chance of bedbugs.
Joe, this is unfair. Bedbugs can happen anywhere, to anyone. They're as random as a lightning strike. Why not show a little compassion for the hotel owner, who never sees it coming, and really has no way to prevent them. Actually, there is one way to prevent bedbugs: don't get into the hotel business!
Looks like this is another case for our inspecters to take care of. I would think this was a health issue and part of a licensing process.
Bed Bugs!!! I could understand it if it was fleas....
My roommate lived in Italy for a while and he says bed bugs are the worst thing in the world. gross.
That's a shame. Always been a nice place.
Lice and pinworms happen in the best of families, too, so let's not be too judgmental.
We have no BED BUGS and/or GANGS in Salisbury.
10:16 is right, if a Bed Bug comes in with a guest and is left behind, it is almost certain that they will not be noticed by housekeeping. within a few days, they will have multiplied, without the hotel owner/manager even knowing it. this is not a cleanliness issue on the hotels part. Now, if this was a known problem, and they weren't taking the proper steps to deal with it, then I say string them up!
Due to the judge's belongings also being in that room, the judge most likely took a bed bug or two home. Gross!
Joe, I just returned from Bucharest, Romania, and yes, you guessed it - I was bitten by a big bed bug. Upon pulling back the sheets, I found six more, almost microscopic, ones. After I called the front desk, three concerned employees showed up at my door. I was moved to a different room for two more nights and had no more problems.
I accepted the encounter as part of the human experience. As another poster said, it could happen to anyone anywhere, to include places, such as, the Comfort Inn or the Ritz-Carlton.
Sounds like this BELONGS on several agendas as safety/comfort hazard...i.e. hotal owner associations and health dept. The hotels cannot make money due to public discomfit and disgust. The consumer needs to feel comfortable that the issue has been resolved. We can solve many other problems; so solve this one. I don't even want to think about the hassle of thinking I'm on vacation and then the hassle of painful bed bug bites!
I work in a large resort-and never heard of BB's till then. It is something that you do not see coming-have no warning signs of and are ridiculously hard to detect and rid. The hotel never starts out with them, they are brought in by a guest. Rooms become infested one by one usually un-noticed until one of 2 things happen. 1) a guest who tends to be more sensitive feels the bit and awakes in the night or 2) they become such an infestation you can actually see them. That's when things are really bad. There have been reports in almost every major city over the last few years of the return of the bed bug. You absolutely can not blame the establishment for them...unless they blatantly are doing nothing. There is a very stringent procedure to be followed. Both time consuming and expensive. I know that our resort has had this problem and you would not believe what goes into it. EVERYTHING in the room, furniture, draperies, rugs etc get destroyed. The room is shut down and "treated" with whatever chemicals they now allow. Before the guest is allowed to leave the room and before it gets treated, they have to bag (double I believe) the suitcases, clothing etc. which is then sent to a specific dry cleaner in town that uses a specific chemical/hot water and dry solution. WE at OUR expense purchase 1 set of new clothes for each guest staying in that room as well as the cleaning. Sometimes , we have to shut down adjoining rooms as these little guys travel between the electrical outlets etc and behind walls at a rather alarming rate of speed. Again, as nasty as they are, they are brought in by someone who may or may not know they have them. When we go away, we know what to look for before we set our luggage down in the unit. The first thing you should do is open the bed. check under the seams of the stitching on the mattresses. They are very hard to detect because of their size but also you should be looking for tiny blood spots. That's a huge giveaway that there is a BB problem. LEAVE the room immediately and notify the front desk. Do not let them move you to an adjoining room, tell them you want one on the other side of the hotel. Don't treat the staff harshly. They have nothing to do with it.
Lots of hotels in Ocean City had to be treated, for bed bugs, this summer. It is very common in all hotels, including luxury hotels, it is rampid in New York City.
Shame the USA doesn't use the same care to get rid of the illegal immigrants.
I work in a hotel industry and know exactly what the problem is. Most franchised hotels like this Comfort Inn are required to have pest control contracts who come in every month and treat rooms with various chemicals. Bed bugs problem is not due to negligence of hotel management. As noted by another person here, most of the time, it is not something they will know until the incident already took place. I know the people who run it and I know how busy they are. They can not afford to ignore a problem like this and I am sure they would have done whatever is necessary to take care of the problem. I live in Salisbury and I know that this hotel has the best location in town. I love the place and they are the only hotel in Salisbury who DO NOT CHARGE for the pets. Only pet friendly hotel in town. Most of the time, bed bugs are brought in by guests and then they blame hotel for it.
They are extremely hard to get rid of,and require several chemical treatments AND all washables need to be washed in hot water with soap.
You think bedbugs are bad, scabies are terrible and you don't know you have gotten them for almost two weeks. My family vacationed to Virginia Beach and stayed in an upscale hotel on the beach. My youngest daughter complained that her comforter didn't feel clean so I asked for another one. About ten days later, we all broke out with horrible rashes and you could feel them crawling in your pores at night. I had to treat everything in the house and apply a chemical on us at night to be washed off immediately in the morning. You can imagine the chaos of three little girls knowing that they had bugs crawling around in their skin that they couldn't see. I now take my own covers if I travel.
I am now thoroughly gossed out.
12:12 your right!
It comes from the TRASH they let in this country! Amazing! H1N1, bed bugs, whats next the BLACK PLAGUE?
i work in the pest control industry and bed bugs are becoming a major problem. as others on here have said it is not a cleanliness problem it is from international travel. if it is treated right you can get rid of them BUT you do have to wash all sheets pillows etc. you also have to treat all rooms adjacent to the infested room. bed bugs can go up to a yr without feeded. the only good thing about them is they DO NOT transfer any diseases to humans.so it doesn't matter what kind of people own the place if someone has them on their luggage then they just infested atleast one room. but moving people from room to room will just make the problem spread.
This epidemic was bad in the United States in the early 1900's. Then along came DDT and wiped them out during the FDR administration. In 1947, Bed Bugs were gone in the U.S. Well, now they are back and you can thank illegal immigrants and rapid increase in international travel. Another by-product of are lax immigrant laws. This is just the beginning of many more problems to come. MUCH disease is on our horizon unless we stop the immigrant influx NOW!!!!!! Sleep tight America and keep voting for liberals and their lack of care for you and me!!!!
Now there's a new one...bed bugs are liberals fault!
The only bed bugs that is the liberal fault is the crabs that liberal girl gave me.
Yea, because liberals are the one's who vote to let are borders Wide OPEN. Liberals SUCK!
Truth is the person called the front desk, they gave person another room with no one to help move at 1:00 a.m. and luggage had to be moved by self. they have reimbursed the person, of course, for their stay and the person will indeed leave everything outside when person gets home. end of story. Just beware when you travel any place and check the bed carefully when you pull back the covers after you turn lights out and recheck again. NYC is, I think, the worst for everything.
Well they should have gone to the thrift travel inn, where they may have had more than bed bugs biting... more like don't let the hookers bite.
It's not random: the Obama administration had them brought in so that their friends could get rich by treating them. If you check back, you'll find that Nancy Pelosi travelled abroad and brought them back with her herself.
Once down south in a motel, I was bitten badly be a ladybug. DO NOT laugh. The motel room I was in was on the 3rd floor and it was infested with ladybugs in the window sill and we didn't notice it until morning.
8:54~Ladybugs are good luck! They were named beetle of the lady and was dedicated to virgin Mary. They are supposed to be your link to spirituality and a sign of good things.
Good Night...Sleep thght...and don't let the bedbugs bite..
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