East Side Deli has become a victim of an armed robbery for the second time in one week, CRIME IS DOWN!
Be on the lookout right now for a black male, black mask and a black hoodie heading towards Johnny's Sub Shop.
More to come.
One employee of East Side Deli was shot two times. K-9's are searching the area looking for the gunman.
It's a priority one call, life threatening. They traced the guy to Centineri Drive, he got in a car and took off from there.
I believe the store is owned by the knowles
East Side Deli is not what I regard as a "bad neighborhood". This news is troubling
PLEASE say a prayer for Greg. He was shot 2x in the stomach, and it isn't looking good.
I wonder if it was the same person who robbed the Family Dollar last night at Virgina Square.
Robberies will happen almost every night till christmas unfortunately. It happens every year this time and they never catch any of the suspects. It will at least slow down when the first robber gets splattered all over the floor by a shopkeeper that is armed.The police should plant officers in several of the usual victims stores and blast away. Now that sends a proactive message when you drop one of these A^^holes in the middle of a robbery. Crime is down in Salisbury.
My MeeMee works there, this is the second time she has had to go though this, in a week. unreal the desperation, of trying to take a life, for a little money. Greg, you're in my prayers.
Did they ever get the person(s) that robbed the Mexican place?
This is an absolute outrage. When are we going to get the help we need to run these jerks out of town? The 2nd shooting sounds gang related. What is it going to take to get this straight? Webster, you sit behind your desk and do NOTHING and file lawsuits. You are such a loser. You need to resign immediately. This is insane. How many more shootings is it going to take before we do something?
I'd bet that none of this will be on any local news sites/programs tonight. Welcome to the eastern shore where ignorance is bliss and we cover everything up. Someone just told me that Salisbury is safer than Baltimore, yeah right. At least there you stand a chance at catching the perp and you likely have a job that pays well. Drugs, gangs and low income poverty rules the shore. Until wages go up here and poverty and drugs are fought nothing will change.
6:14pm, you say this isn't in a bad neighborhood? It's within walking distance of one of the worst neighborhoods in Salisbury. Between business 13 and old ocean city road is a mess. Take the blinders off
I am beginning to hate Jim Ireton more and more everyday. A real mayor would have fired Alan Webster the very same week he was sworn in. A progressive police chief would put more officers on the street and crack down on crime.
Bob Caldwell I am so sorry I worked for Jim Ireton's campaign instead of yours. He sold us out just to get elected.
6:37, I totally agree with you. Put some plain clothes cops in some of the areas in the hopes that they will be in the right place at the right time and take these punks out one by one. Then they will think twice. Now there is nothing keeping them from doing whatever they want. Take a few out and they will get a little scared and maybe change their minds rather than go thru with it. By the way, that's all these people are, punks. No job, no ambition, no motivation to find a job. Living off family members and others.
Webster, Gary, Louise and Ireton, I hope you are on your knees you cowards in front of that hospital praying very hard this man pulls through!
Chiefy Webster: WHERE ARE YOU?
From the Daily Times online:
SALISBURY — An armed robbery at the East Side Deli in the city late this afternoon has left one shot, according to the Salisbury Police Department.
The restaurant is a popular lunchtime gathering place and is frequented by members of law enforcement, a SPD spokeswoman said.
Read continuing coverage in The Daily Times.
that's it?? nothing else?? wow.
There is not enough police for this area we need emergency funds or the national guard but the bone heads running the city and county police agencies won't do it !
The cops are scared thats why! I see them all the time talking to each other in parking lots. How about looking for the crime before it happens for a change. Enough is Enough!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chiefy Webster is down in Somerset County, where do you think he is? You don't honestly think he's going to be anywhere near what is going on in Salisbury do you?
Are we out of control yet and PLEASE do not give me that regrugerated pathetic idiotic excuse that it is Christmas. Shooting people has nothing to do with Christmas!
Wake up before we all become walking targets.
Unless Bob Caldwell was standing at this deli with a gun when the criminals entered the place, he would not have been able to stop this. Put your anger where it belongs--on the thugs who did this horrible act.
Anon 7:46
He's hiding under the bed waiting for his next script to come from his "powerful" friends. Meanwhile a man's life hang in the balance.
I think businesses inside the city limits should be able to apply for a CCW license for their place of busness. Normal back round check but not all the red tape, even training class in needed. We have to be able to protect ourselves and property. Th epolice force is over whelmed, mismanaged or whatever. The bottom line is that innocent people are being terrorized by these thugs. It is time to be armed
God be with you and your family Greg. This is just insane.
This is completely unbelievable. I have known the Knowles family since I was little and they are some of the nicest people. When are the mayor and city council gonna wake up and do something about this?? And when are the so called "real news" stations going to actually start reporting on this?? Love him or hate him, the fact is that SBYnews seems to be the only source to go to if you really want to know what's happening in this town. No offense Joe, but I find it a sad thing when you have to rely on an individual's blog over our city's "trusted" reporters.
until you start seeing the criminals getting shot back nothing is going to change. I cant believe that our city is letting this go on and on. Homeowners fire back if you get robbed. That will make them think twice. Iam so enraged this happened AGAIN.
8:03, if they carry money from the business to deposit in the bank, they absolutely can apply for CCW. If I were a business owner, I would most certainly have a weapon behind the counter.
The Knowles are great people and neighbors. Please keep us updated with accurate information.
greg and his family would give their shirt off there back if someone asked. they would give them food all they have to do is ask. this family is one of the best people you will ever come across in this world i should know i worked for them for many years. i cant believe some low life could do something like this for little money that is in those registers. you could never put an amount of money on anyones life like this i sure hope we can catch who ever has done this to them i pray god will look over greg and his family because they sure have prayed for alot of people them self this family deserves a blessing.
I hope they catch the thug that did this.
One of the possible solutions would be a "right to carry" resolution that is passed into law. Unfortunately, the State of Maryland is full of bleeding heart (no pun intended) liberals - both Republican and Democrat- that prevent such measures from ever becoming a reality. We are the losers here, individually and collectively and you know what - firing the dam police chief or getting rid of the manboy mayor ain't going to change anything until there is a "mass uprising" from the citizenry. Have you ever seen a "public march" (ala the civil rights era) or a "public demonstration"? Nope and you never will because this ocmmunity is not outraged enough to get that upset. It will take a more sensational incident to galvanize this community - something akin to the Centre shooting in 1996 at Christmas. Just remember this - we have major elections coming up in 11 months. Let's make some noise this time.
Please pray for the Knowles family. Even though it is located near Church St. they have been there for years and are a wonderful family.
Enough of the blame and hate spewing. Please PRAY FOR GREG. BTW channel 47 online has the story too.
OK, I mean WHAT is the deal? Does Webster have "something" on our "fair" Mayor? Either way the Chief guy needs to transfer to mall security because he is effing incompetent. And I'll tell you something else, the Sheriff's boys need to start kicking ass in the city limits, the county needs to declare an emergency and do SOMETHING! Hey Ireton, I know you read this site, I can only hope you that you go down in the next election, and not how you like to do it either.
Any updates on Greg's status?
Lock the doors Trish, be home tomorrow!
Time for a flushing, proactive or reactive, make the end result positive.
how can anyone sleep at night anymore? these comments need to be published on a billboard! We would pay.
Pray for Mr. Knowles! There is only one way to get this crime down and that is to increase the police force. MOST officers are not scared, rather they are spread too thin and have no time for proactive work. If you see two officers parked next to eachother they are most likely typing reports in their cars and just watching eachothers' backs. I am not saying that is always the case but that is often the case.
Can't take control until you weed out the cover up prone officials. There is a LOT of corrupt officials on the shore and even some that are buddy buddy with the bigger boys in Annapolis they join forces to suck money from the state. All of the towns on the eastern shore need to have independent audits by persons in no way connected to the shore, bet there would be more crap than Ole Dixon over there in Baltimore is in. Stop electing the good ole boys that can tell a good fish tale and start electing the people that may not be home grown but do care about the people.
If we dont get mad things will not change. The people of Salisbury have to take a stand and get people in office who will actually do something. How is it fair that we cant even go out at night? Change will only come if we demand it. Iam not preaching hate, but I dont think its fair people keep getting shot either. Salisbury wake up while we can. If its more police we need then whats the problem mayor????????????????
I certainly agree with several posters in this string! We need to get frigging mad about these sensless robberies and shootings! All it will take is for ONE of these punks to try to rob the wrong store and get layed out on the floor to send a clear and simple message! If I was a store operator you can bet I would be armed just as I am in my home "never out of reach"
Help is on the way!!!
What a nightmare.
10:12 I posted a comment that did not make it on here that I am armed and ready as this is the only way to fight back if they come to my place of business. I work for my money and pay my taxes
February 17th, 2009
Are We Ceding the Darkness to the Criminal Element?
Five times yesterday friends and family said to me, "Be careful if you are out after dark" or "Don't go out after dark unless you have to."
When we are asked to not go out and get our money, not to go get fast food, not to go get ice cream in our own car, with our own money and on our own time, do we give in and let the criminal elements in our community know that we have given up?
Had the past month seen big drug busts, awards won by our city, or the announcements of new task forces, our leaders would have been out in droves. Yet yesterday, Presidents Day, when we celebrate the great leaders of our nation, our city leaders were silent on issues that our community faces.
To the families of victims, to the businesses affected, to the citizens that travel to the same places where crime occurs there were no words to calm, no assurances that safety and order is being restored, no sense that we can get through tough times together.
I salute our officers investigating a month of violence in our community, doing all they can to bring perpetrators to justice. Our elected leaders? They garner a different emotion, because our elected leaders have been silent.
Leading and protecting every part of our community must to be done even when our collective conscience is rattled by violence in our midst. Leaders have to lead when what we as citizens hold as safe and constant, no longer is.
Jim Ireton
So...Hows that whole "Hopey-Changey" thing working out for you?
Feb. 9, 2009
PUBLIC SAFETY: Serious crime requires serious measures, and as mayor, I will be aggressive in getting more police on the street, moving a new vision forward for community policing including substations, creating a community law center to protect citizens and their rights and exploring a metropolitan community police force until we see meaningful reductions in crime.
MAIN CAMPAIGN ISSUE: Crime, and its related problems of neglected urban core neighborhoods, job loss and decaying infrastructure, will continue to be priority number one, and as mayor I will work tirelessly with a new vision until our citizens once again feel safe in their homes, on their streets and in their workplaces.
Help is On The Way!
Authority: Jim Ireton for Mayor, M.W. Elliott, Treasurer
Jim Ireton for Mayor: jimiretonformayor@gmail.com 410-916-0694
OK cheifey spin that web and show us what you know.
Having guns is not the answer, truth is most of you probably have never used one and you would be more dangerous than the criminals with that kind of power in your hands.
We need to attack this problem at its core and that is a mayor and city council that are wasteful, inefficient and anti-business.
Pay attention and understand that when you neglect to participate in an election or understand what is at stake, you are just as guilty as the criminals running this town.
Let the wealth creators do their jobs and you will be surprised with how fast this city turns around.
Help is on the way......by help, I mean an ambulance
After 4 or 5 people get killed at an intersection, then the authorities erect a stop light to rectify the danger. Now, we must wait until someone politically-heeled gets shot or killed or their family members suffer such. Then gun permits will be allowed to be issued to respectable citizens with training. Such a shame my life and the safety of my family does not really matter to the authorities.I foresee our family locked up at night as it will be too dangerous to go out after dark.I think it is interesting that some local lawyers, judges, district attorney and can only guess who else is protected from criminals.I am a retired professional who would like to share this comfort zone. What say you fellow citizens?
I live on Regency Drive on the end toward Snow Hill Road...Just what I know there have been armed roberies at Royal Farms, Shell, PNC Bank, Exxon, and Food Lion...all within a short period of time. AND that is all I know about. I have even had theft from my own home. I thought this was a quiet street also and it WAS, so what is going on? Even when you find the guilty they go to court and get out. When I was younger robbing a bank was really bad. Now it is a every day occurance. Someone is NOT doing their job. Plain and simple. Look at the evidence....
11:07 PM so true!!
11:03pm, did you rob the store? Truth is: I think most people on the eastern shore have shot a gun. So, your answer is for us to sit back and wait to get robbed and shot then? Sorry, not gonna do it. There is no help coming from anywhere else in this city. I'm an educated and knowledgeable gun owner and user. I know how and when to defend myself. All business owners in Salisbury and the surrounding areas for that matter, should arm and educate themselves with firearms. It's going to get worse before (IF) it gets better. There is nothing to deter them right now.
Watchdog, I must point out your error here...you said "Now, we must wait until someone politically-heeled gets shot..."
I think Ted Shea qualifies as politically well-heeled. And there was absolutely NO improvement in our situation after he got shot. In fact, it got worse.
The State's Attorney actually had to call in a large favor so that his gang coordinator (Dan Dougherty) could get a carry permit. What does it say about our state when the lead prosecutor of gang crimes has a hard time getting a permit?
Disgusting, positively disgusting!
Oh, I mean you members of the City Council, and I mean all of you, all five of you!!
And another shooting? Nothing new. Hey, anyone want to get shot or robbed? Just go to Salisbury.
Not a bad neighborhood?Eau contraire.....Doverdale is just a short few blocks way as is Church St and both neighborhoods are infested with....you guessed it...subsidized housing occupied by thugs living with either their Mamas or their babys Mamas.I know what I am talking about.
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