For several years Mr. Pollitt has constantly complained about the Wicomico County's tax revenue cap that a majority of the voters adopted and continue to support. He always proclaims that he is not actively working to repeal the limit on County tax and spend, and states that the residents must do that for themselves. But let's not be deceived any longer.
We now know what has long been suspected: Mr. Pollitt is actively and deliberately attempting to organize a drive to get a referendum on the tax cap in next year's County election. But he has been doing so behind the scenes because he knows that, if exposed, his political career is probably over.
It's surprising, then, that members of his administration are publicly attempting to organize residents to do Pollitt's bidding. This past week, two top County personnel who report directly to him spoke to a local group (NAACP) about starting a grass roots movement to kill the tax cap next year. The Finance Director, Patricia Petersen, told the audience that now is the time to act in order to get the matter on the election ballot.
She was accompanied by the "public information officer," James Fineran, who also agitated against the tax cap and gloated that a key member of VOICE (the grass roots movement that helped to bring about the tax cap) ran unsuccessfully for the County Council but Mr. Pollitt, who opposed the cap, was elected the County Executive.
County taxpayers fund the salary of those two officials, and it is flat wrong for them to be engaging in partisan political pandering in their public positions. Their actions also show beyond doubt that there is too much administrative staff in the Government Office Building. Immediate downsizing is in order.
We, the people, deserve a formal apology by Mr. Pollitt for the episode described above. In the future, he can do his own community organizing to advance his goal of repealing the tax cap.
Editors Note: This is a "Letter To The Editor".
Joe do you know if they are getting comp. time if so if they are the taxpayers are really getting shafted
And I totally agree with the content of that letter.What congress has just done to our health system I am voting against every frigging politican in the up coming elections including the local chumps too. Its time for us to stand up and vote these peloskis out. What you say NOW PEOPLE.
Congratulations Rick....I support your efforts to repeal the dreaded tax cap. We have suffered enough with losing services. I along with many are on your side!!1
Politt is a "political animal" and would not be where he is today if not.
He realizes it takes no courage to speak against the revenue cap, for in his political circles it is fashionalbe to do so.
However, where the rubber meets the road, Mr Pollitt and his political cronies will have a very tough time convincing the County Council to put this issue on a ballot, or any group of citizens to do so, as it is quite an edeavor, believe me from first experience, I know.
If Mr. "Pollitt higher and deeper" is ever successful in getting it on the ballot, I am convinced the voters would not vote themselves a tax increase.
However, in the meantime he knows he had the political high ground.
Don Coffin
Losing County Council Candidate in 2002
anonymous 10:15, what a boat load of CRAP!
Look, I didn't write this piece and I usually stay neutral but come on now, suffered enough with losing services.
I mean, Good Lord, what service have you lost and more importantly, where have you suffered?
I'm going to stop here before I start cursing because you are one of the biggest suck ups I have ever seen.
Now THAT is the definition of "astro-turf" - when politicians start this type of initiative and claim it started at a grass roots level. This is typical of the Dem party. They took a true grass roots effort like the tea parties and called them "astro-turf" because politicians saw the shift in political will and tried to attach themselves to it - but now the leaders of their local political party are actually soliciting a political strategy and trying to disguise it as grass roots. The hypocrisy is amazing.
Please do an interview with Pollitt on your TV show -- and ask tough questions (the MSM never does that).
Pollitt and his mentors like Phil Tilghman and Pretl are killing this County.
I'd be happy to consider that.
Fineran should be fired tomorrow!
Please don't just consider doing an interview with Ricky. Do it ASAP. And insist that Fineran not be present.
Anonymous said...
Congratulations Rick....I support your efforts to repeal the dreaded tax cap. We have suffered enough with losing services. I along with many are on your side!!1
10:15 AM
Must be a freeloading democrat who slops at the public troughs!
Anonymous said...
Fineran should be fired tomorrow!
10:24 AM
Fineran should have never been hired. That was a position that was left vacant when the so called PIO was fired because of criminal charges. The county council at that time felt it wasn't necessary at that time to keep the position, but Pollitt felt it necessary give a buddy a job. The man wasn't qualified for that position and the position should have been left vacant. Pollitt also created a Deputy County Administrator position and gave it to a glorified secretary so he would get on the good side of the NAACP. Ah, get the message... this was his ticket to get support for the revenue cap removed!! Now who is suffering? The good employees of the County that have to take a pay cut with furlough days. Dirty politics and corruption at it's best. Maybe you idiots will think twice before you vote for a democrat again.
Mr. Coffin:
Please run for County Exec next year -- you would win because Pollitt is "dead meat" now that he is trying once again to kill the tax revenue cap..
Rick, good luck trying to repeal the tax cap, the taxpayers do not want to pay more in taxes so you can have more of our money to hire your friends for jobs that this County doesn't need or want.
This Country is bleeding in debt and you want to raise taxes, are you smoking crack? You are an idiot and need to go.
What is surprising about that "episode" is that the persons that the NAACP claims to represent would be hurt the most if the tax cap is changed, especially those who rent.
Pollitt and his affkuent Democrat pals like Phil Tilghman and Pretl can afford the higher County taxes that would occur.
The "Greater Salisbury Committee" is also working behind the scenes to change the tax cap. That group is Pollitt's secret weapon in this war against the taxpayers.
Hey Rick:
I want my vote back, and many others do too.
10:15 Just so you know I'll nullify your vote with mine.
This smoke and mirrors move by VOICE and those who support it. People in the realestate business wanted this Cap. They got fat now the market is so far gone it is not funny. The greed of developers and banks has killed the U.S.
Say what you want Pollitt inherited this mess. So you are all saying this shortfall started the day he walked in "Bullshit". I am no fan of Big Ricky. This is not his doing. Lets take a long hard look at the C/C. They are to blame for most of this, if not all.
Hollaway and Cannon have an agenda. That is to be County Exec. if you cant see that you really are blind.
It is not a true tax cap to start with. It caps revenue.
The people of this county have been fooled so long by crooked politicians with hidden agendas. Just have the coconuts to say what is on your mind. The back door stuff is killing trust in the community.
Coffin was a major player and the public showed him he was not wanted as a council member. Enough said. Coffin and his croanies jacked realestate values so high in this area and now look try to sell you house for what you paid for it five years ago.
Time for a new council.
Its Sunday for gosh sakes, enjoy the day, the games and the race.
This account of what happened is not totally correct. Tax payers that attended the meeting asked these county employees for their personal opinions, and they were in turn given the opinions of both county employees.
I wish we would start getting these stories correct, particularly when you are writing to people who a prone to being critical of everything.
I totally support the efforts of Rick. By the way folks, do you know the difference between a revenue cap and a tax cap? I bet you don't.
My real estate taxes have gone up 50% during the "tax cap" era. I wonder how much more they would have gone up otherwise. The county didn't save for a "rainy day" when real estate and revenues were soaring. Now is not the time to raise taxes, with the economy in the worst slump since the Great Depression.
Rick clearly needs coaching in clandestine community organizing. Is Barack available?
11:10...I want my vote back too...I voted in favor of the cap before. I am tired of our county being broke. We all should pay our fair share...
Joe...ref. your comment to 10:15...didn't take much to get you going did it????
10:50...Don Coffin for County Exec...please spare us all the embarassment...you think we are in bad shape now...
Let's put it back on the ballot and see what people really think. If the cap has that strong of support in this economy, I can live with it.
In these times, I bet things would be different. Our county needs money for roads, the sheriff's dept., schools, etc.
What is the harm to put it on again...you all scared?
I really wish Don Coffin would run for County Exectutive. I would support him wholeheartedly.
Who will run against Rick Pollitt?
It is NOT a tax cap it is a revenue cap. The debate should be between a tax cap and a revenue cap. I have always supported a tax cap but not the revenue cap.
11:05 -
Do you really think that all of those wealthy business owners, who pay an outweighted percentage of Wicomico County taxes, really want to see the tax cap lifted? It is going to take more money out of their pockets than anybody else. I highly doubt that GSC is going to be an advocate for increased taxes.
We have the highest piggy back tax in the state, enough is enough
11:33, I agree. People like Coffin inflated the real estate values and now look where we are. They weren't bitchin about taxes when the developers and realtors were raking in the money 5 years ago. Now that the market has dried up its time to start pointing fingers because the developers arent lining their pockets any more. Typical of America -Greed
hey 11:46
Do you know the difference between
a 7.62-54 and a 7.62-39 ? , I'll bet you don't>
The local MSM doesn't have the talent or insight to be able to exmaine every department within Wicomico County. I know it would be a huge task, and could be done over time, but can you give us your honest opinions of the performance of each department and the department heads in Wicomico County?
I new that when the cap passed we would turn into Eastern Shore VA, or Somerset Co with there level of service. We are getting closer to that each year.
We have a revenue cap, not a tax cap and if Mr. Coffin and the rest of VOICE were not also playing smoke and mirror games, they would explain such to everyone complaining about the possibility of the "tax cap's" removal.
I live in the county, let's look at this, I pay to have my trash hauled away, I pay for my own water and septic, I send my kids to a private school, not because I am rich but becasue I sacrifice everyday so my child doesn't have to deal with the county sewer called a school district! my local fire department is all volunteer, If I need a cop good luck! might as well just arm myself and defend my family. the cops are just to busy! I pay a franchise fee to comcast that goes to the county so I am screwed on what cable I can get. I wonder what other county fees I am paying without even knowing! Would be nice if someone would look into that too. so what exactly am I getting for the $2000.00 I send to the county every year, please do tell?
Rick Pollit either go back to fruityland or hell, I personally don't care which! you will never get a vote from any of my family members!
Mr Pollitt,
Before I'll vote to allow you any more of my money you need to transparently account for what you've done with what I already gave you.
Dandy Don & his ilk don't want you to know the difference between a revenue cap and a tax cap.
Know the difference between a "revenue cap" and "tax cap?"
Here's the difference:
The revenue cap limits growth in revenue from the real property tax to 2% over the previous year. (Or
the CPI, whichever is lower) Oh, but wait! Individual property taxes still increase if your assessment is more.
A Tax Cap is dangerous. If modified from a revenue cap to a tax cap...then what you are doing is giving the elected officials a green light to raise your taxes every year. Tax Baby Tax.
If it's a letter to the editor, where's the signature line? Otherwise, it's just an anonymous comment, and deserving of the same amount of credibility as this one.
I work for a neighboring County and know that the Counties surrounding Wicomico are very concerned about Wicomico COunty becoming the base of gangs that will broaden there criminal activities into Worcester, Somerset, Dorchester, and even Sussex County. We are witnessing the self-destruction of Wicomico County and it is going to spill into the surrounding counties.
You said "If Mr. "Pollitt higher and deeper" "
Very classy. Another argument against VOICE. You are an embarrassment.
11:57 the county is not broke they spend like mad
Was the person who wrote this letter at the meeting?
Tick Tick Tick says the clock.
You should never put all your eggs in one basket Rick.
In addition to the comments by 11:46, a tax cap does not meet the Maryland Constitutional test, as it will not allow the elected council member the flexibility to set tax rates.
The property tax revenue cap meets Maryland Constitutional requirements and gives the flexibilty to the Executive and Council to set rates within the revenue guidelines.
Keep in mind, they do not have to increase the tax, and also have the flexibilty to increase less than the CPI or two percent.
Property taxes are a regressive form of taxation and become more so as ones income becomes fixed in the later years. The cap does provide some relief for the home owner in retirement years by not allowing the tax to become a major portion of their retirement income.
Thank you for your input 11:46.
Good politicing choice for interpersonal skills.
Hard to know where to start:
1.Pat Petersen's advice should be ignored...she is a first class incompetent.Why do you think Mackel makes the budget presentations?
2. Coffin for Exec???????? Did you hear the man at the public hearing?...he offered NOTHING of value...NOTHING...just meandering platitudes.And his cap formula was and still is a joke....2%?..check the core rate of inflation.Then check it again in about 12 months after the Dems in Congress reduce the value of the dollar to that of a confederate note.2% is not and never was fiscally responsible or maintainable.
3.No one from the administration has ever adequately explained the tremendous spike in county spending from fiscal 06 to 07...nor the fact that that spike became a new permanent level.Until they do , taxpayers will remain very skeptical of the County's budget.Explain that spike first,,,then talk to us about meaningful cuts ..zero based.Then , MAYBE,we'll consider a cap modification.
4. The "inherited" argument gets old fast....everything that occured prior to Pollitt's election was under Democratic county leadership....so be careful of the "blame game" you like to play.
Bottom line...where the hell is LEADERSHIP?????
10:08-Praise the lord.
Rick = tinky poo poo.
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