Yesterday the Wicomico County Council conducted a work session on Rick Pollitt’s proposed budget cuts but without the presence of the big guy, who called in sick. Very little was accomplished. It appears that the budget cuts will not be adopted until sometime after Thanksgiving and probably well afterwards.
At the meeting it became even clearer that Pollitt and his brain trust (Ted Shea and others) do not intend to eliminate any employee positions in the County’s budget – the concept to avoid that is to further reduce the reserve funds, instead. Several members of the Council are concerned about continuing to deplete the County’s “savings accounts” to address an endemic economic situation instead of adopting a long term solution. In less than six months, the County will be engaged in doing the next annual budget, but with even less reserve funds if Pollitt’s plan prevails.
You have to wonder if he is capable of appropriate action to balance the County’s current budget, much less future ones, unless the Council does it for him. But, given the current members, that may not happen now or then.
It’s no wonder that people are saying, with feeling, “DON’T TOUCH THE TAX CAP”.
I have an idea...you could save a considerable amount by putting off the Bennett Middle School project OR at least utilizing the current site in lieu of purchasing a new site! I know that when tough times hit my household, we buckle down and spend wisely - in fact we do that when times aren't tough! If you don't have it, don't spend it! Our budget shortfalls could be cut in half by simply using the the existing site! I firmly believe that the only reason why so much effort is being directed towards this middle school relocation is because of the cohorts that the Council have with parents within that school district (ie: the residents of the neighborhoods along Pemberton Dr and Nanticoke Rd). But guess what, IF (emphasis stressed) the upcoming school redistricting is done PROPERLY (emphasis stressed), then all of those precious children in those areas should all be attending Salisbury Middle School with all the quality folks of the West Rd and Lake St Neighborhoods...what do you guys think about the relocation now? I'll tell you this as well, the logistics are going to be a nightmare if they decide to keep the Nanticoke Rd and Pemberton Dr neighborhoods within the Bennett District at its new location. I hope your kids don't mind catching the bus and 6:30 in the morning...
I'll post here what I posted on the Rag earlier:
"...it [Bennett Middle] must be demolished to make way for the expanded campus of a new James M. Bennett High School currently under construction. The high school is expected to open by fall 2011." Do people seriously buy this?! BMS and JMB have been sharing a campus for over 40 years now and all of the sudden there isn't enough room for both schools there?! It's just another ploy to SPEND MONEY; the money that WE DO NOT HAVE! The County wants adjust revenues (ie: repeal the revenue cap) but yet they don't show us any change in their poor spending habits? It's certainly interesting how Sample-Hughes (who has little, if any constituents in the BMS district) and Bartkovich (Who has only a few constituents in the BMS district) voted in favor of this-Doesn't seem like they are appropriately representing the majority of the citizens within their districts. The BOE has already broke the County with their approved budget as submitted, now they want to finish the job and bankrupt it? Obsurd...
With respect to the "next year's budget" you mention, everyone realizes that "next year" is also a major election year and many, many people will question whether or not decisions being made are politically motivated or not - including those of the County Executive.
The good news for the voters is that all the 2010-11 fiscal year budget deliberations MUST be completed by June 30th in order to go into effect the next day. This will certainly allow time for the voters to scrutinize the actions of our "leaders" to determine whether or not they should be retained (re-elected) or laid off.
I would think there will be a lot of potential candidates out there who will use this very subject - position cuts vs. reserve cuts - as their "emotional argument" to get them elected. These candidates would be more inclined to worry about the votes of the ENTIRE county instead of just the 600+ county employees (a lot of which do not live in Wicomico County).
I would also think there will be more candidates than normal due to the troubles of our economic times and the effect on the county's services. I would hate to be an incumbent in 2010. What would be your slogan? "vote for me again so I can continue to avoid the hard choices?" It will be interesting.
I guess if we delay tough decisions long enough,keep our fingers crossed and wish upon a star,it'll all just go away.
Seriously,I am now convinced that these folks simply have no idea of how to manage through this crisis.
As I understand it, the construction of new JMBHS required that JMB middle school be relocated. State law now requires more acreage for a new HS, so land that Middle now is on must be vacated.
anon 10:24
Good post however you missed one point, it is not only the BOE that does not care if the county goes bankrupt it is Pollitt's agenda to push the county in that direction.He assumes since he won the election in 06 and he supported getting rid of the cap that he should pursue that goal.His promises to the Phil Tilghman's and the people at the Greater Salis.comm.were that he would rid Wico.County of the dreaded cap.It will be interesting to see in 2009 how the county council will react to the choice of placing the cap on the referendum or having to go banckrupt.It is very clear to this writer that Pollitt's inaction to curb spending is driving the county in this direction.
11:09..I agree with you completely as to the Pollitt agenda.What he and his current supporters do not understand is that the county does not have the time....even if one assumes the voters would overturn the cap,which I doubt,look at the incredible damage that will be done in the interim.
There MUST be a plan to negotiate through the next 24 months.And that plan absolutely requires a serious attempt to reconfigure our government because the funds simply are not going to be available to sustain it in it's present form.
It is becoming obvious that Pollitt is more concerned with his political survival than restructuring, cost containment, spending reductions and creating a more efficient County government.
He has convinced himself that if he will continue to cater to the BOE, The Greater Salisbury "Comedians" and county employees (oppose revenue cap) and transfer all the negative attention to the County Council, his re-election is assured. What shrewdness!
We will learn if his strategy will provide him success, as he continues to disregard citizens' concerns, and do the job we thought we had elected him to do.
Thanks for another example of a ranting post that is simply not based in fact. Pemberton & Nanticoke Rd subdivisions are in SMS district. There are probably some kids on 'special permission' at BMS, but our friends' neighbors' kids in Nithsdale, West Nithsdale, Centennial, etc. attend SMS.
While you make some good points, what you 'firmly believe' is rooted in fantasy.
Speaking of county jobs that are not needed, was Pollitt's press secretary, Fineran, there?
The dems chickens have come home to roost.
The County website indicates, by a link, that the County is now an adjunct of the Greater Salisbury Comedy group:
"Greater Salisbury Committee
- Citizens Working Together"
~The significant problems we have cannot be solved at the same level of thinking with which we created them.~
Albert Einstein
Wicomico County pays for the health insurance of a retiree AND his dependents. Why should we pay for health insurance on those who have never worked a day for the County. The annual cost of this should be eliminated which will save millions over time and free up money for more important needs.
5:46 PM.....Its about time someone here actually gave a "real" suggestion instead of just ranting on how terrible a job the current administration is doing. It's so frustrating to see people complain and criticize those in office when in most cases the comments are inaccurate like the one posted at 10:24. It would be nice if from here on out Joe had a rule that you can only complain (which everyone that post here is good at doing) if you have a "real" suggestion as to how to fix what you are complaining about. Now there's an idea....
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