As if Tom McGuire didn't learn the first go around running for Mayor of Delmar, he's about to make a big stink once again at tonight's Council Meeting at 7:00 PM.
It's been reported that Tom is all upset because tomorrow night the Delmar Football Team will be in the final playoffs after beating the crap out of Laurel recently, 31-13 in the semi finals.
While Delmar High School is the 2nd smallest High School in the entire state, they tend to have the best damn Football Team and Fans the state has ever seen. "It's All About Pride" said one Delmar resident.
After Delmar wins or loses, resident of Delmar want their Football Players to know they're extremely proud of them and after the game each and every year they drive through the streets of Delmar in a sort of parade and Tom McGuire will have none of it, according to sources.
Mr. McGuire plans on confronting the Town Council tomorrow night to complain about the noise, yet he lives on the Maryland side and the parade never once hits the Maryland side, just the Delaware side.
Nevertheless, he'll be up against quite a large crowd of supporters as residents and Firefighters have been contacting me to let me know, they'll be there tomorrow night. One said, Mr. McGuire came to my home TWICE and it's 20 minutes of my time I'll never get back in my life.
I'm not exactly sure when Mr. McGuire is going to get it but the "Redneck of Delmar" who's Wife wishes Brooke Mulford dead seem to be the type of people who, (simply put) will never fit in.
I think I'll have an air horn installed on my big truck and join the parade, how about you?
Oh yeah, GO DELMAR!!!!
Just a small correction. The Championship game is scheduled for this Saturday. The bus will be getting back late (game is in Dover), but with or without the Fire Department, I will be there to greet the "boys" with my horns blowing. Fine me, I could care less. This tradition goes back years and years and it's not going to change now, not if I can help it anyway. He's killed all political hope he's ever had here. He needs to learn that Delmar is not just any small town. We take pride in our community, our fire department and our children! If something were to happen to "one of us", bet your fanny your neighbors will be there to rally for you. If he doesn't like the feel this small town brings, I have one suggestion. I'm sure his neighbors will rally and help him pack!
Maybe after we escort the State Champs home, we should escort McGuire and his Grim Reaper of a wife out of town. This town's pride and support of their school (win or lose) is what living in a small town is all about. Mr. McGuire should go live in Salisbury.
To Anon 9:05...I sure hope you are talking about Salisbury, England!! Because Salisbury, Maryland already has enough crap living here. The McGuires need to just shut the H**L up and be a little more respectful to their community.
They seem to me to be crisis oriented people, if there isnt a crises they will create one. Look inside yourself buddy, thats where you will find the answers to you.
Well I guess he'll have a fit this Sat. with the Delmar Christmas Parade too!
Yes, the parade is Sat. at 2:00. The date has been set for a long time and cannot be rescheduled around the Championship game, however, there is plenty of time to attend both. Delmar's parade only usually lasts a little over an hour.
The Chamber is trying to make sure the football team is in the parade and have offered to put them close to the front so they'll be done early. This way, the whole town can give them the sendoff they so very well deserve!
please don't disparage the term "REDNECK" by associating it with Tom McGuire..rednecks typically are loyal, sensible, people with small town values..McGuire is more like a P***K.
I live just down the street from this IDIOT and was bothered twice by him when he was campaigning. I for another will be going to the game and may even make a special trip by his house with my horn blowing when OUR BOYS win the state championship. The fire department volunteers are willing to escort these kids and let the town know they are proud. I hope if his house is burning, they dont bother me with the fire sirens by responding.
GOOD LUCK DELMAR!!! Bring the championship back home!
we on the maryland side will be there also we are also proud of our boys so suck wind tom M.
Tell him to call the police. Ooops, the Delmar police led the celebration last Sat, sorry butthole. I was there for the game and the celebration parade. It is a sight to behold with all the fire equipment and the team bus traveling through town horns blowing, sirens wailing, and everyone high-fiving the players out the windows. It puts a lump in your throat just to see it. Delmar has a pride in its kids and school that other areas like Wicomico should take a lesson from. I'm proud that my child goes to Delmar and will always support the school and community. Go Wildcats!!! Bring home the football State Championship this Saturday so we can celebrate again this Saturday night.
Delmar News is way less interesting than Salisbury News.
Joe, I hope you can be there to take some pictures, or better yet, some video of this one-of-a-kind celebration on Saturday night. Go Wilcats! We are proud of you!
from the mobile updates I've seen, town hall is packed. Delmar wants to run this fool out of town. He's going to learn, you don't mess with the Wildcats!!!
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