DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Monday, November 16, 2009
Louise Smith Takes Away 1st Amendment Right
The above video is from the Salisbury City Council Meeting Nov 9, 2009.
One week ago I stood in front of the Salisbury City Council and shared my opinion in reference to Police Chief Webster and Fire Chief Hoppes. Louise Smith decided this was personal so she gaveled me down and asked me to take my seat.
I did call Louise last week and she returned my call telling me that at her discretion she felt these were personal attacks. I tried to explain they were not personal attacks, they were my opinion. I went on to explain that Mr. Hoppes does not have a Masters Degree, therefore he is not qualified, (according to their own requirements) to become Fire Chief.
When I mentioned a lawsuit in the video and was cut off, my purpose for mentioning that was that I felt the "third" person who was qualified for the job and got bumped so that Mr. Hoppes could be bumped back into the final three could file a lawsuit against the City. It had nothing to do with me.
As for Chief Webster, I most certainly do feel, (especially through comments) that most citizens are fed up with the crime in Salisbury and every single person, (with exceptions to one) speaking that night expressed their concern towards crime and disgust towards Chief Webster's inability to protect the City.
So what do YOU think. Did Louise Smith violate my First Amendment Rights/Freedom of Speech?
The FBI Website is actually www.fbi.gov , not .com.
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That video shows a complete and total violation of 1st amendment rights. It looks like a 3rd world bananna republic government not allowing free speech. I'm going to respond "Anonomous" so they don't come get me.
I do not agree. You did not provide any facts on which to base your accusations. Perhaps you should have presented those first and then mae the statement. YOu may be completely correct in what you say, but it was not backed up by facts in the video I watched.
Absolute violation of First Amendment Right. Sue her for all it's worth Joe, you know they would surely sue you at every opportunity. Maybe you can get some of your money back they have wasted in frivilous lawsuits! It never ceases to amaze me the idiots that are in control around here, they don't even know the laws themselves yet they try to play the part and only end up making themselves look even more ignorant after stupid actions like this.
First of all jefferson, I wasn't given the chance to give the facts.
Hoppes does not have a Master's Degree and he also doesn't have a National EMT Certificate, two items necessary to qualify, that's a fact.
I have provided a link to the FBI Statistics, section 8. You're just a nay sayer jefferson, who like to get attention.
Wow, I can't believe that a tax paying citizen cannot voice his / her opinion at a council meeting. Unbelievable! Joe they are so afraid of you they will go to great measures to keep you silent.
Hey Jefferson, here's some facts for thought since you obviously do not know the rights we all share as Americans.
"I think" was the statement not I know for a fact... (in regard to Chief), the last I checked I think is a personal opinion which everyone is entitled to under the First Amendment Right!
Hoppes is not qualified was all that was allowed to be said, she did not ask what proof do you have that he is not qualified, therefore SHE screwed up by not allowing the facts to support the claim...
In my opinion, Most people won't stand up to fight these city officials, for what ever reasons... Joe you will, I am glad to say... I say sue them for trying to cover this up and importantly becasue they violated your Human rights, Given to us by our country men dieing for our rights in Iraq... Show them they can not do this, and set an example of the ones who try, that will show future officials you won't get away with it any longer...
I don't know if it is a violation or not. Maybe next time dont mention a name. If you dont mention a name it can't be personal right?
I believe that Smith did the wrong thing. I believe that you should persue a law suit , it is obvious that Smith didn't want to hear anything about the chief or the fire dept.. Freedom of speech is still a right in this country , at least for the time being. She has forgotten who she works for and the principles of the city council. Her ethics have been swayed by comegy and shields. That is by far the worse thing smith has done on the council and believe me , she has done some very bad things. She should have a head-dress of antlers for a hat and take a walk in the woods during deer season.
10:01 Anon
I think you need to watch the video again! Joe produced FACTS to back up the police chief doing a terrible job.
As far as Hoppes, Joe was not given a chance to produce the FACTS because he was SENSORED!
This woman is unreal! Who does she think she is?!
This kind of crap is what makes Salisbury the laughing stock of the Eastern Shore!
Thanks Louise!
You need to be FIRED!!!
I must say, the entire Council appears to be afraid of this woman because not a ONE spoke up to stop her.
it's blatantly obvious that Smith does not like Mr Albero. She is letting her personal feelings hinder her decisions and job performance.
This is not the 1st time she has done this, I remember 3 times just recently.
what I remember is.
1) Joe's flash on his camera
2) Ann Von------ (sorry) I can't spell her name LOL.
3) This blatant abuse of power.
"personal attacks"? c'mon Mrs Smith you know that's a crock of sh!t.
The citizens of Salisbury should flood that meeting and demand she step-down immediately. The city cannot conduct business if they will not listen to opposing views.
If they wont or refuse to listen the opposing views how can the citizens expect any change?
It's obvious that 'business as usual' is not getting the job done and the council needs direction from the input of it's citizens, I mean isn't that why the meetings are held, to listen to the public?
Salisbury: Remove this woman, give her a chance to walk, if not remove her physically. She is hampering your 1st, and obstructing justice
WOW, is all I can say to that, Its amazing how fast Joe was cut off from saying the truth, and thats the only reason he was cut off, because he was telling the truth, I would have a law suit against them in a hurry, we need to get people like that out of our local government, people like the lady who cut Joe off are the reason that we are the 2nd most dangerous city in the WHOLE US!!!
Smith has to be getting kick-backs somehow, she's too protective and that looks very suspicious.
Again, what your saying is probably true. all I am saying is I did not hear facts during that video clip. You should have stated this
"Hoppes does not have a Master's Degree and he also doesn't have a National EMT Certificate, two items necessary to qualify, that's a fact." prior to saying He is not qualified
Of course under the constitution we are entitled to our opinions, but this is a public forum. Fact over opinion is better. Just my two cents, probably not going to see my side of it
I think Louise was 100% correct & am glad she did it!
This was a council meeting, not the JA show where you can say anything you want without true facts.
anon 10:37 I think you were meaning anon 10:00 because 10:01 supported Joe. One more thing Salisbury is not just the laughing stock of the eastern shore, it is the laughing stock of most real cities and an embarrassment to Maryland as a whole. It is really sad when such a rinky dink town can be labeled as the second highest city in crime stats. Only thing I can say is thank goodness these morons aren't trying to run a "real" city! Unfortunately the negative attention this council, police chief, and mayor are getting shows the nation Salisbury is the place to come commit crimes because the officials can't be bothered with it, they prefer to stick their heads in the sand and their butts in the air.
I'd like to see the Chiefs mandated personal goals if they have been met.
I also see that some people are adamant on protecting the Chief in saying things like "Salisbury will have crime regardless of the leadership". BULL-CHIP
Yes crime will be there, but the right leader can and will drastically reduce that crime.
See Sheriff Joe Arpaio
Looks and sounds like to me giving her the control of a gavel has gone to her head...Who has made her God and who has given her the right to stop another human being from his right to speak...She needs to be put in her place and God help her if her or her family becomes a victim of the crime the rest of us face each and every day of the year...will she be so supportive if it happened to her??? God helps us here in Salisbury...
"I think" you're a putz Joe. Print that. You act like a two year old. Grow up. Further deviding the people will solve no problems.
Smith was wrong. Dead wrong.
10:37, it's not that anyone is afraid of Smith. Campbell and Cohen have both taken her on. Smith has a history of shutting down meetings whenever the public says something she doesn't want to hear. Look at the crime victim who didn't want to speak her address out loud.
Only Louise sees who has signed up. The others don't know if there are others to speak. I don't think anyone took Louise on (not that Comegys or Shields would, ever) because they knew she'd shut it down for everybody.
Smith was wrong and should resign. The people have every right to speak as long as they don't name call. Joe was not being personal. Smith calls everything she doesn't want to hear "personal."
I thought cendorship was illegal?
Censorship is the suppression of speech or deletion of communicative material which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or inconvenient to the government or media organizations as determined by a censor.
If you want respect Joe, you have to give it. You acted like a kid up there. Lose the attitude, lose the hissy fits, and people may be more open to listening to you. It may be your right to have the opinions that you do, but it is a privilege, not a right, to participate in the public comments at council meetings.
Jefferson, it's easy to be an armchair quarterback. If anyone has to think so hard about what order to state the facts in to avoid getting shut down, there's a deep problem.
The crime victim Ann Von ____ also didn't get to get much out before Smith shut her down because Smith thought she was there to complain about Chief Webster.
See a pattern? If Louise Smith thinks anyone is there to complain about Webster, she gavels them down. Smith writes a letter with Comegys supporting Webster while he is suing the city!
See a pattern?
That woman needs to go.
Mr. Joe, I hope you will sue this woman. She is a tyrant. You are blessed with the means and courage to fight city hall. We little people are not. We look up to you to stand up for us. If she can do this to you, imagine what she can do to the rest of us. I know I am afraid to come forward. All of you who stood up to speak were so brave. I wish I could be.
Thanks, Mr. Joe. This is my very first post. I read you all the time. I was scared to even post here. But I thought I should at least speak up here.
11:11am aw so cute, do you think upholding the obvious biased decision of Smith will get you some kick backs too? He isn't dividing the people he is holding officials accountable for their actions. Joe is doing what many in Salisbury have neglected to do for years, making a stand for the citizens. It is not about the council nor the mayor or even the chief, it is about the people that get it rammed to them every time you turn around so the departments that shield the illegal actions get hand outs while those in departments that attempt to do right get nothing but a bunch of smoke.
No matter how you spin in Salisbury needs someone to step up and call those people out for what they are doing to the city. Unfortunately not everyone has the time and money it takes to defeat the wasters while supporting the common man.
You obviously don't live here. If you did, you'd see how we're neck deep in the divisiveness begun in the Tilghman/Dunn era, and it's going to be years before we can wade out of it. Putting up with the likes of Louise isn't going to get us there any faster, but it'll make us feel so much dirtier.
Joe, sue her for taking away your 1st Amendment. The last time I looked, she's not the one who makes the US laws of the American People.
Couldn't believe what I saw & heard from Louise Smith. Joe wasn't even given a chance to state his facts ! This whole dam town has gone under.
Joe, you are to be commended for the TRUTHS you are putting out there for the public!! Our leaders don't want us to know!! We'd all better start standing up for our rights & giving Joe the support he needs to expose the truth & facts! More power to you Joe! E.W.
I would suggest that next time you are there for comments, refrain from mentioning any name(s) until the very end of your statement.
ASK a question such as "do the requirements for fire chief include that the applicant have a master's degree? Is the applicant required to be a certified EMT?"
You can refer to knowing about at least "one applicant" who does not appear to have fulfilled these requirements and then ask how can one who has not done so be bumped back into the list of finalists?
Without naming specific names until the end of your statement can allow you to get out all the pertinent information for the public to digest.
Joe~Survey says.....
You people dont get it do you? They wont play by the rules, and you think you can beat them playing by the rules. Never gonna happen. The power of persuasion must be iniated. Who cares enough to actualy risk something?
I hope each person who applied for the job SUES if HE gets the position!
The word SUE is all over this whole post.
Salisbury-Sue-Gate! What a great name to call this town and council.
"Jefferson, it's easy to be an armchair quarterback. If anyone has to think so hard about what order to state the facts in to avoid getting shut down, there's a deep problem."
All very true which is why Mr Albero should doubly think about what order to state the facts.
jefferson, wait till this weeks show. Oh, believe me, I brought it out alright!
jefferson, wait till this weeks show. Oh, believe me, I brought it out alright!
now your talking my friend
Daddio is right on, and Louise does have some responsibilities in conducting these meetings, suggest taking a look at Roberts Rules of Order. I'm no fan of Louise Smith, and will not vote for her again, but the lade does have a job to do, at least give her that respect. Joe, everyone loves you, but you can do better than this!
Anon 11:23 said: "it is a privilege, not a right, to participate in the public comments at council meetings."
Dear Anon 11:23, I KNOW you got that backwards.
First of all, nothing is going to change as long as majority of the council feel the way they do. They are not quitting and open any doors. They are there until the duration of their term. The Mayor is useless, way over his head in Salisbury politics. either way he turns, he s doomed. If he fires someone, another lawsuit appears. The lady should not have stopped you, you are a taxpayer and have strong feelings and should have heard you out, no matter what you had to say. No matter what you say, it isnt changing their mind.
I hope and pray you will sue her for that. She is a disgusting human being and I feel quite sure she will not sit in that chair or any of those council chairs next term. If you don't agree with her and her two stooges, she tries to feel important. Get your lawyer and get her Joe@!!!!And Lousie that is my opinion try to sit me down!
Joe, I like you, but in this case I feel you were out of line once you named the people. I know it may seem the same, but had you said "the buck stops at the top, and I and many feel there should be a change with the chief etc." it MAY have flown. Then right after she stopped you from referring to Webster you went right to Hoppes. I thought the issue was crime, you APPEARED to use the platform to bash two persons (both that deserve it btw) Your heart was in the right place, your means of conveyance needs more forethought.
I just viewed the video and I'm appauled that Louise Smith benevolently muzzled the entire public hearing process.
If this doesn't fit Websters Dictionary - 1st Amendment violation - I don't know what is. It is tyranny to the highest degree.
I'm going to forward the incident to the Federal State Department immediately. The need to be kept apprised of human rights violations like these so that in the event an uprising occurs - they'll know what triggered it.
anonymous 5:50, stating a fact that someone, (the Fire Chief) is not qualified for a job position, (the City determined the qualifications) is not personal and or an attack. It was a statement of fact. Mind you, many may not like to hear the truth and clearly Louise Smith is very afraid of it. I respect your opinion but I'll have to ask you to now take your seat. ;-)
Joe, you lost your cool. You could be a VERY good speaker, and convey the message by playing on thier turf, ie: once she banned the "chiefs" from discussion, you should have redirected your verbage to say "the leadership needs to be changed", when you huffed and puffed, you lost focus. Just my honest opinion. Keep trying, you have the gift, guts as well as heart, and it's obvious with your dedication, even your eyes and stance, you just need some polish.
anonymous 5:58, again, I disagree, respectfully.
I was stating facts, when it came to Hoppes.
The man is not qualified for the job and that's all there is to it. I have no dislike to Rick Hoppes but the rules are the rules. I firmly believe they'll pull the same crap with him as they did when they hired Webster. The other two candidates will not be interested in the job and ultimately Hoppes will get it.
We have seen Barrie Tilghman play this game numerous times except this time it won't go unnoticed and there's new press out there that will expose it. Scam/Game over.
Joe, YOU ROCK!! Way to go and thank you. Keep up the good work.
Re: 5:52 Posting
I've already drafted a letter to the Maryland Attorney General's office informing them of the City Council president's audacious attitude.
Wars were created over incidences like these. She is totally out of order.
Joe, you could not have composed yourself any better. The problem lies with Louise Smith.
In fact, I'm going to also forward my complaint to the US Attorney General's office and am even considering filing this with the United Nations.
5:57 Joe, I think the job posting states the specific qualifications can be substituted with an acceptable level of experience. Therefore, Hoppes time with the City, as well as the fire service could be valued as better than the degree. Personally, I say replace him, but for those that think he should not be on the list, I disagree.
Somebody needs to b!tch slap the old fart running the council. Wake up Salisbury get rid of this disgrace before she can do much more damage. Although I do not agree with Joe Albero on every thing, he has brought to light how backward this hick town really is. Joe is the only outlet in which we as a people can get news that has not been sugar coated.
wow that is ridiculous she's gotta go
Joe thanks for looking out for us here at the fire department. While we may not always agree on every little thing we support you all the way on this one. Hoppes does not meet the requirements set forth by the City of Salisbury for fire chief. Even though it’s horribly wrong Gordy will see to it his boy gets chief no matter what it takes. Gordy pulling a crooked move to get his way is the one thing you can depend on that’s a fact.
It may be "a privilege" to speak in public comment, but if they allow that privilege, they need to allow equal opportunity to all speakers.
Daddio made some great comments. Work up a formula for comments, then hit them at the end. Nothing wrong with names if it's about the jobs.
Haven't seen the fire chief ad, but they weasel around the reqs all the time with "or equivalent experience."
What a racket. And Salisbury's loss.
Citizens of Salisbury...thank you for finally beginning to react to the blatant disreguard for your civil liberties from Louise Smith, Gary Comegies, Shaney Shields, The police chief, and several other "players" Louise acted out of "fear" and a need to protect the "players" this is just the tip of the iceberg folks, keep it up...good for you.
Joe -
Can you give a direct link for the Salisbury statistics on fbi.gov. I've looked for "section 8", but can find it.
It was not personal. These men are public figures. It appears as if the President of the Council was anticipating your comments, and was prepared to gavel you down. Where is the public outcry? The people, not the elected officials, are the problem.
I agree with 9:23. I cannot find it either.
Joe Albero & Sarah Palin... They're afraid of them. Methinks, perhaps there is much truth in what they have to say.
President Smith should hang her head in shame for this and many of her actions of the past. Treating citizens in a disrespectful way goes way beyond "the call of duty." Salisbury wake up and really look deep and long into one's motive during election time.
If she is married, her old man must not be hitting it. How can a city official not want the truth about operations in the city.
Why didn't the Mayor step in!? He is just sitting there like a lap dog!
Joe, you need to edit 8:03 to delete the first sentence, as a female fan I find the phase unnecessary and offensive.
And 8:03, I sure hope you are not running around calling woman bitches and slapping them -and if not, and this was just a phrase, drop it! It's unnecessary!! Be civil and remember woman too like Joe!
anonymous 8:28, while I agree with you, we do not censor comments on this Blog. There are many I do not agree with and quite frankly there are many I do not even see. It is their 1st amendment right and unlike Louise I'm going to provide it here.
8:28 are you serious? You are coming to a blog post about unjustifiable censorship and denial of the right to free speech to ask that someone be censored for stating his/her opinion!?!?! Doesn't that seem a little counter productive? I am a female and I have to say I am considered a B..ch by many because I tolerate no BS, but the fact remains even though I am probably one of the most giving people around here everyone is entitled to their opinion of me just like Smith, Webster, Ireton, the homeless guy on the corner, and even Joe for Pete's sake. Grow up and get over it! If you are offended skip it!
Will you please post the link to the fbi.gov reference. I'd like to see the other cities that we are competing with for the award of most dangerous!
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