I was told that you might be able to help us find our lost doggie.
Golden Retriever (light golden color)
Name: Bear
75lbs (huge bones that he hasn't grown into yet)
10 months
brown leather collar
My kids and I are absolutely devastated. We haven't lived in this house for a year yet and our dog has escaped a few times and messed up my neighbors hunting. Needless to say they weren't happy! I don't think that they would harm my dog but I'm sure they would pick him up and drive him somewhere else. We are located in Delmar, DE. If you can help us please do! These pics were taken a few months ago...September I believe. The worst part is that we had someone coming out to put in an electric fence and they had to cancel due to the storms that we just had recently! My contact info is below!
Rachel Dolan
443 944 6591
We are located on Horsey Church Rd in Delmar, De.
What's with Delmar? Everyone is losing their pets.
The pets are the smart ones, thay are getting out of that town.
Retrievers are runners.My chessie
is onlty 5 months and wants to run already.Defnatly a handfull of a breed.
Is there a chance there would be a metal chain still attatched to the collar? When my boyfriend got home last night he saw a dog that looked exactly like yours run by our house. We live in Salisbury on Civic Ave. We have a dog that also looks like this and he thought it was ours. He chased the dog to Old Ocean City Rd and lost him. He came home to get the car and saw that our dog was still in the backyard. When we got in the car to look for the other dog he was gone. If this is your dog we saw him run east on Old Ocean City. He still had a chain attatched to his collar. I hope you find him soon!
aww hope you find yur dog soon!
No everyone in Delmar is not losing their pets. But it is nice to have a blogger like Joe that gets the word out for those of us who do.
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