Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Power Point Presentation as promised:

Music from "Kojak". I thought it was appropriate for this Show, wouldn't you agree?
We know the sound quality isn't that great and we promise to have everything changed very soon, hopefully by the next Show. The important part, (IMHO) is the content. Enjoy.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Power Point Presentation as promised:

Music from "Kojak". I thought it was appropriate for this Show, wouldn't you agree?
We know the sound quality isn't that great and we promise to have everything changed very soon, hopefully by the next Show. The important part, (IMHO) is the content. Enjoy.
Great job! I'm sure Webster is ticked off bigtime.
Excellent presentation, Joe. And thanks to Mark McIver for the timely stats and a better understanding of how the numbers and law enforcement are related.
I'd like to see you revisit this topic (crime in Salisbury)again soon.
another great show today... congrats
Thank you for clarifying the information gentlemen and your service to coomunity.
Outstanding program today. Love the new intro. Maybe you can figure out a way to do Power Point Presentation that will clearly show the numbers again while broadcasting. I think that is an important part of it.
If we don't get the grant, then I say we try to expedite the process of Mike Lewis taking over. Enough is enough. I know it takes some time, but there has to be a way that we can emergently get him and his officers (including all the officers of SPD) to clean up this mess that the bald-headed jerk has created.
As for you Chief Webster, your a@@ is grass and this city is about to be your lawn mower. Put a hat on and hide because no one is going to back you now. You cost us this grant so we the citizens are going to cost you your job.
Might want to change opening sequence. YOUR = possessive. You're = YOU ARE. As in "You're watching...."
Why do we have to sit and wait for a grant to do what's needed to reduce crime and help our populaion especially te young people who are just growing up with no prospects except gang life.
Very good show. Mr. Magiver was excellent. I remember reading about the grant in the newspaper. I think it was Terry Cohen that brought the information to the Crime Task Force. If it can make a difference for Annapolis, why not us?
If the chief of police has hurt our chances with his crybaby lawsuit, I will be very angry. He apparently thinks he's more important than the citizens he serves.
Thank God for our 1st Amendment Right...Free Speech!
Mr. McIver, thank you for taking the time to explain to the rest of us what is really going on. Webster (I'll never fall him Chief again) had no right attacking you at the meeting the other day. He knows you know more about crime than he ever has which makes him look bad.
I'm too old for a cheerleading uniform but who needs one so here goes!
Rah Rah Ree
Kick em in the knee!
Rah Rah Rass
Kick em in...the other knee!
Is it true that Chief Webster yelled "Liar!" at Mark at some function? Get us the scoop, Joe!
You have a serious problem over there in Salisbury Maryland. what are your officials doing about it.
Joe remember number statics are somewhat boring to mostly renters who dont care. However great job exposing slum police chief statics.You hit the nail,or should i say the entire third floor of the police blding.Put most of them back on the streets including the slum chief.
Bulls Eye!!!!!!
Joe You ask how many policemen are on the street at night..Count how many police cars we have and subtract the ones that are not in the lot. Your will probally get at the height 7 and if someone is out sick, vacation, etc maybe 4. I was thinking the other night at the council meeting what Louise would do if we gave her a car/gun and ask her to cover an area? She would run and hide. Our men can take care of it with nothing.
Joe this is great. while news stations give you a quick glimpse of issues, your show allows the time for more information and details.
Joe, caught the end of your show and thought you did a great job. Keep up the great work of keeping the public informed.
awesome show.....i can see joe standing up after the show singing the toby keith song to the chief "how ya like me now"
Did you see the b.s. in the Daily Rag today? Gary and Louise are supporting "their man," Chief Webster. How I wish they could get kicked out. Those people are terrible.
Good show. I am a renter in Salisbury and worry about the crime. The area I am in is horrible people on the streets all night long, not surprising to hear gun shots either. Its very scary. Maybe there should be a curfew in certain areas. I feel sorry sometimes for the foolishness the police are called out on for example a dead animal on the road. Oh and I wish your guest hadn't mentioned we don't have a lot of arson here. Look out.
Boot Camp is what you need over there for your young offenders.
11:39 --
Answering your question ("what are your officials doing about" the "serious problem" in Salisbury: the Mayor, Jim Ireton, holds a lot of press conferences
Joe why isnt there more Aux police officers in salisbury police to help lower crime , i know for a fact ther is only about 3...??? and they have no patrols this i think is a big problem ,they need to let the community get involved in community policing ,i have not seen one advertisment on joining the salisbury Aux Police,,,Hmmmm why is this NOW is the time for change.....???????????? i HOPE you make this problem a BIG issue ,which it is.
12:29 we had a bootcamp here...until the former mayor Barrie Tilghman and the police chief Alan Webster had it shut down in their vendetta against former Sheriff Hunter Nelms.
What are Smith and Comegys doing supporting someone suing the city?
I thought they took an oath to support the city.
Traitors! THey should resign!
I certainly hope people understand this. I also hope everyone in Salisbury and the out-lying areas
see this show. The only thing that will help , spread the word. Webster , please step down. You are history. Ireton , please respond to the proof that crime is out of control here. Get rid of the chief.
Here's an "ATTABOY"
Craig Theobald
Responding to 12:35 pm: I just read the Daily Times article and the letter written by Smith and Comegys.
Ireton said he is following the rules. I believe that. Companies and governments all have rules on how you go through a grievance.
My impression of the letter is that Smith and Comegys don't feel the chief of police has to follow the same rules as everyone else.
If my impression is correct, you are right to be outraged. Nobody in the government should be entitled to special treatment.
His job is to SERVE & PROTECT the public. The question is? Has he done that?
That's too bad. Boot camps not only help rehabilitate a good percentage of young offenders, but they actually saves more of these kids lives. I guess locking 17 and 18 year olds in Adult prisons are what, more politically correct or more humane?
We know the real deal man. we live it everday but nobody cares because it is our kids nt their kids.
I don't care about ratings, 661 actual violent crime cases in Salisbury in 2008 is way too high and utterly unacceptable. Someone or someones must be held accountable and situation has to be turned around.
Anon 2:10 we are worst in 09.
Our crime is terrible. Our police chief tries to make a case out of a councilwoman maybe/maybe not getting a videotape that is no crime. He doesn't do what his boss tells him to do.
Then he wants a grievance process that nobody else gets.
And how does our council leadership respond? By taking the chief's side in a lawsuit against the city!
Only in Salisbury. Thank you Chief Webster, Louise Smith and Gary Comegys for once again making Salisbury a laughing stock.
I just want to say Thank You to Joe and Mark McGiver. Your information told it like it is.
Also, after reading that bonehead article in the Daily Times today, I'd like to say thank you to Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen who had the audacity to inform the mayor about crime and concerns with the police department. For their trouble, they get a police chief, a newspaper and two doofuses down their throats.
Hang in there, ladies. Joe and Mr. McGiver, you hang in there, too, so we little people can get the truth!
Numbers are just that, numbers. Joe, how about you use your forums, both online and on TV, to offer solutions instead? You've worn out the idea that the Chief has to go. No one person is responsible for these crimes.
No one person is responsible, but if the leader of the law enforcement isn't good at what he does--and he's failed for 10 years to prove he's good--then it is important to talk about getting rid of him. What solutions has the chief offered? He dismisses anyone else's ideas.
Can't have it both ways.
Anon 2:59 solutions have been offered and declined or failed to act on any provided by Webster. The safe streets grant that Terry Cohen worked hard to get the city involved in is a great tool to provide solutions to our problems. Annapolis was in as bad a shape as we are. One of the first things they did under the safe streets program was fire their incompetent police chief. Their crime numbers were cut in half.
While the city is under seige we have two council members defending an incompetent boob. I guess it's true, birds of a feather DO flock together.
I agree no one person is responsible for crime. Mark McIver in a recent meeting at the Chamber of Commerce offered the rise in crime can be attributed to the release of ECI prisoners in the city. Webster immediately called him a liar among other things.
He doesn't want solutions, he wants his retirement from the city.
Joe touched on a very important point that was quickly dismissed in part 2. If spd has 87 officers, that includes admin and supervisory personnel who aren't on the streets. out of the 87 officers there are only roughly 24 "patrol officers" (8 per shift by 4 squads) who are the ones handling the calls. numbers are a great thing, but you have to apply them in the proper context to see that not only is salisbury understaffed, they are grossly understaffed.
Part of the problem is that no one is asking the right people what the problem is. if you want a response, ask an administrator, if you want an answer, ask a PATROL OFFICER, they are the ones in the trenches!
anonymous 2:59, we have offered solutions, even on the show today. The street safe program grant is one of them. It worked for Annapolis. However, they fired the Police Chief and that's another major solution.
Look, Chief Webster just isn't working out. He has sued anyone who has challenged him, including his own employer, not once but twice.
Get that piece of sh!t out of that job and get someone in who will RESPECT their position, like Sheriff Lewis does.
There are numerous solutions, many of which we have provided over the years.
Believe me, we'll be doing anbother show this week with a good part of it based on MY opinion of the recent letter to the eiditor in today's Daily Times.
Now, anonymous 2:59, YOU tell me where I'm wrong.
You know what anonymous 2:59, I'm not done.
I also brought up the biggest problem the SPD has. Too many Chief's and not enough Indians.
I also mentioned the third floor and how many Officers with badges are up there and old Chiefy couknts them as Officers on the force. BULL SH!T!
My guess is that there are at least 20 Officers with badges that don't do D!CK.
Then there's 12 Officers on sick leave, or whatever you want to call it.
Then there's 8 in the academy, BIG DEAL! Why do I say big deal, because once they get to work, other veterans will then have to train them for tjhe next 6 months and that takes away their time and energy to protect the City.
There's all kinds of hidden things the general public doesn't see and understand. Old Chiefy has had more than enough time to face all these facts and confront them but instead he uses his power to stand in front of a crowd and calles a respected individual a "LIAR".
Chief Webster is a piece of sh!t when it comes to representing the City of Salisbury. He's toilet trash for attacking taxpayers and I stood up to that piece of sh!t as weill Mark McIver. Both of us will be filing formal complaints against this pussy and they too will go on his record. Oh boy, will he sue us too?
I have every right to my opinion, I'm not a Department Head. Today's Show proved who the LIAR is. We delivered the facts, we even offered solutions. Now dig your head out of the sand and tell us where we went wrong.
this was all very painful to watch.
I think we need to structure our prison system like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. He's the one where the inmates where pink. The teens even have a program. I'm not saying that what Sheriff Lewis is doing is wrong by any means. I think there has to be a way to start some type of program for these kids who run amuck. These kids who are in trouble now get house arrest while they use their cell phones, watch t.v., whatever they want. Then once they are off house arrest they are right back out there doing it again. Watched a family go through this. It's only a matter of time before that child has been killed because he is part of a gang.
I do hold Chief Webster accountable for his job. He should have been removed a long time ago. If we all did our job with such poor performance, we would have been canned a long time ago.
Is there a patrol officer out there who wants to comment on the subject? Remember you can do this anonymously. I would use general general overall things that have happened. Don't be too specific. Don't want you to lose your job because of your dickhead boss.
Well atleast Arson is low. Them firemen must be doing some good.
Not sure if it was mentioned in segments or comments but the ECI factor is a valid question that aught to be addressed. Or is this another dirty little secret we're hoping no one finds out about, just like our gang and crime problem?
Joe, I'm just getting home from a long day so I haven't seen the show yet.
Judging from these comments it was good. I like how 3:49 closed here. A police chief should be held accountable, just like everyone else.
Louise Smith must think accountability is just for people she doesn't like, based on comments about her letter. I'll have to go read it and the DT after I get some chow.
Joe, what letter to the editor are you talking about in your 3:33 post? Thanks
So the city applied for funding to help implement a Solution to problem and Webster's frivolous lawsuit against city may jeopordize it? This is a joke even if we're funded, how can we realistically expect to move forward with an obstructionist like Webster in place.
You cant.
A police Chief that files a suit against the tax payers for such trivial BS should be relieved of duty ASAP. I know the process must be complete at this point but fire him when it's over regardless of the outcome.
on another note.
Joe has made a huge step with the televised 'blog' (that's what it is) and no one has tried that platform yet/ever. It's a shame that less than a handful of local bloggers or so jealous that their ramblings look like 6th grade he said she said with the intelligence of less than a 3rd grade turd.
One is a sponge on society and the other just a plain 3-to-1 loser and soon to be felon on food stamps.
Good work Joe, keep them on their toes. It simply amazes me that if you are for it they are against it no matter the subject. That in itself shows their level of jealousy.
Dude, I am begging you get a second camera. But anyway, congratulations , it's a big accomplishment
Jefferson, trust me, we're working on it.
We will have, (do have) three cameras for the set. We have around 7 cameras, most of them arfe back-up cameras.
We have a boom mic for sound as well as lapel mic's.
When Comcast came to me about the idea, I asked them how soon did they want me to get started. They replied, immediately. Hence two shows without the quality we want.
In the mean time we have set up a studio and wired the entire place for cameras and sound. we wrapped up quite a biot of the technical stuff today and my people are telling me they'll be ready to shoot this coming Monday.
So we're there, it just takes some time to get it right. There's an entire production room with 5 or 6 monitors, picture in picture programs, all kinds of stuff.
When I said we were going to have an on line tv show by January, I wasn't playing games.
I agree and know exactly who you're talking about.
They are now advising McGuire and recieved -60 votes in a town of 6000 LOL
So back in 2006 they knew about the escalating crime numbers and nothing has been done to combat it for 3 YEARS!!!!! How is it that anyone here even likes this place? The local govt good ol boys ruin any charm that is already difficult to find. The shore has officially sunk to an all time low. Imagine how backwards this press looks to other bigger cities without these problems. This area is PATHETIC!!
More anti gang "programs" are not the answer,look at all the government money already being peed away into these "community programs".They reach some kids and that sgood but some are just unreachable and we need to focus on that
Thanks for answering my earlier question of how Salisbury's #2 ranking came about.
I think you are on to something with your show. I hope you continue with it and your site.
At least they are a positive resource.
Drugs, gangs, crime, no jobs, and a city of walking ostriches.
The most poignant statement from Mr. McIver is wether the will exists to resolve the high crime issue. The Annapolis program is a success because they have the will to turn things around. They have a team and a police chief mind you, who understands the program, it's objectives and fully embraces it.
Do you think you can have that in Salisbury?
Anon 9:02. I'd answer that question with a resounding NO. PPl here still think Joe is making all these stats up and that crime is worse in the big city. I moved from a big city and I can tell you I've never seen such a horribly backwards ran place. I've also never seen a general public so self centered and lazy either.
The following is taken from a wico county document. These are facts that the local county Govt is aware of.
Wicomico County has the 5th highest rate of truancy, 4th highest rate of school suspensions including the highest rate of middle school students in State with five or more suspensions per year, and the 5th highest student dropout rate in Maryland public schools (2008). Wicomico County also has the 3rd highest rate of juvenile justice intakes in Maryland next to Baltimore City #1 and Prince Georges Co #2. Violent youth crime in and out of school is escalating, as is gang-related crime. Wicomico County has the third highest gun-crime rate per capita for the state of Maryland, just behind Baltimore City and Prince George’s County. Forty-six percent of this gun crime is committed by youth ages 15-18.
The local youth here are incredibly troubled for some reason and the school system doesnt seem to know how to combat that. These stats are alarming considering the smaller amount of students that are in the schools here. Around here its not cool to be smart. Gangs are recruiting these troubled teens and have been for years. If you have a certain last name here you will be in with the good ol boys and education doesnt matter once you're "in". For the others that work hard to get somewhere then realize they are living paycheck to paycheck its a kick in the crouch when all the "higher ups" got there because of who they knew. Most of these "higher up" ppl have an IQ of a third grader. Why would you get an education when the jobs available here are saturated with everyones friends and family. Look at the SFD.
The stats don't matter. The raw data tells the story.
If the citizens of Salisbury think there are too many violent crimes go to Council meetings, tell the Five Fools that they have 6 months to cut the crime rate in half or we'll organize an impeachment movement. And keep going back until they know we're serious.
And disband the Crime Task Force. It's just like Council: all talk; no action.
I find the stat's interesting, but they don't tell the complete story. How many crimes go unreported? On average how many calls for service are there per shift/per officer. In the old days on night patrol officers we rated by the number of miles driven on his shift. Why is that important, why do they call it night PATROL? What is the average number of arrest made per day and how long does it take to process the prisioner and get the officer back on the street? When was the last the chief did a ride along with one of his officers? Oh wait I mean a night time ride along, not a ride thru Church Street at lunch time so he can say he was out among the unwashed. With all that said wake up Salisbury I agree there are leadership issues with SPD, but it is going to require the residence of the city to take back your streets. If you see something say something. If SPD does not respond call the WCSD or MSP. If the dispatcher tells you that is the cities jurisdiction ask to speak to the duty officer and explain your circumstances. We have good police officers they just need some leadership. One last thing when was the last time you walked up to a police officer and said thanks for your service, and be safe?
9:51 citygoer...
I agree with you 100%. I moved to just across the county line outside of Baltimore city recently and feel absolutely safer here than I did my last few years in Salisbury, and I lived in what was considered a good neighborhood. I'm out doing errands all the time after dark around here and have never once felt unsafe or even seen or heard about any serious crime.
Rob S
Just one more thing, how many cases are "Cleared Exceptional"? You think there are problems, if you only knew!
Looks like (YOUR) in the top spot again. You deserve it.
What is there to say? Well maybe there is one thing to say, hopefully this will get someone off their butt and working towards a solution instead of shooting down the particular department that has been trying to show there is a major problem for several years now.
Here is my take. To reduce crime not only do we need more officers out on the street to deteer crime, we need more qualified officers to SOLVE the crimes that have been committed.
You can hire hire all the officers you want but if they cant solve crimes in Salisbury it will just draw more criminals. And prosecute and send them to jail instead of probation.
I worked for a big retailer in Salisbury for 17 years and only ever saw the police show up once for a shoplifter. Have now worked for a differant one at the mall and they catch them all the time and have them arrested. It is also up to the business's to get more proactive in having the criminals arrested at a lower level of crime before they esculate.
Punishment is a big deterent to crime, and if the cops cant catch them then it will only get worse.
We have a huge problem with juvenile offenders. We aught to reopen the drill academy and keep it for local troubled youth. Baltimre can have their own and keep their own.
I symapthize with you sir, our family lost a loved one because of crime. No one can bring our loved one back, but I pray those in charge do more to prevent other tragedies and sufferings.
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