Many people have been writing in asking when the show is going to air and on what channels.
The only thing I'll ask all of you critics is just to remember I do not do this for a living. What we have developed and delivered is something none of you have seen before. Not locally, anyway.
OK, the show will air on Saturday morning at 10:30 AM on the following channels.
COMCAST Channel 9
Mediacom Channel 99
Digital TV Channel 31.1
UPDATE: We have been advised to let those with Comcast that can not receive channel 9 should go to the Comcast office and ask them for the converter box. This box is free. They haven't advertised it when the switch was made from analog to digital for obvious reasons.
You need a side kick, a Ed McMann so to say. Im not doing anything, ha,ha.
looking forward to it joe
Joe I know it would open a whole can of worms but a "caption this photo" would be priceless! It looks like you just said, "Ok who farted? Do not do that again!!! Where's the febreeze?"
I work graveyard Friday nights but I am really looking forward to seeing what you have to say so I will be tuning in.
10:06 you are being nice it looks like
" that slipped" I better not hear that Saturday!!!!
I get all the local digital channels through my dvd player but I don't get anything on 31.1. Does it only broadcast on certain days or hours? Anyone know? I would really like to watch it...
Joe, it looks like your in Websters office. You 2 are good friends after all. A love hate relationship.
Joe you have a face for radio.
A friend of mine had to clean out his bosses rental home and came across boxes of junk they were going to throw away, in one box there was a Passport to your nation parks booklet which has almost been filled with the stamps you get from all of the parks. Pretty cool little collection of stamps and travels. To me it seems very personal and something you might pass on to your kids latter in life. The name inside is Kerry McMahon,(man or woman?) if anyone knows this person I would like to get this personal life momento back to them. If so tell Joe and I will see that it gets to hime or to them, I can mail it.
Joe, don't worry about the "critics." You're at your worst when you get defensive. Just do your show and if the "critics" don't like it, just say "you-know-what'em if they can't take a joke," LOL! Good luck! :-)
Anon 12:03-
I personally think Mr. Albero is a nice looking man.
Me too I wouldn't throw him out of bed for eating crackers.
Maybe bring in a little jelly for the crackers?
Any answers to Anon 10:51's question? I would like to know too.
What is channel 31.1 ? We dont get that around here...a little help on this one???
what channel is it on for us satellite viewers?
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