Hardly! However, one woman told me last night her Husband wrote in Joe Albero for Mayor. Someone else wrote in Daffy Duck too.
Here's the deal though. In my opinion, last night's election said one thing, the citizens of Delmar are in fact looking for change. Tom McGuire did get 70 votes to Doug Niblet's 104 votes. Both men spent quite a bit of time knocking on doors and selling their ideas on Delmar's future.
While I firmly believe Tom McGuire is not what Delmar needs, a more stable candidate could have taken this race. I did call it, this was a record turn out for voters and I have to agree with both candidates, a 10% voter turn out absolutely sucks.
So what's the real problem with the Eastern Shore and the severely low voter turn out. Is it the fact that most everyone is sick and tired of the crooked politics?
Since we have the ability to write in here under anonymous, tell us why you didn't get out and vote. It doesn't have to be just Delmar residents doing so. We'd like to know what turns so many, (90%) off from your God Given Right to vote. Do 90% of the people out there hate our Military? Do they not recognize millions of brave men and women have fought and risked their lives to gift each and every one of you with the gift of voting.
Nevertheless, Congratulations to Doug Niblet.
Many of us realize the futility of "voting". Voting doesn't help us. The fix is in - and it is secretive.
Those who hide in the shadows control those whom we elect. It doesn't matter who we elect.
anonymous 10:08, WOW, a finer statement couldn't be made!
I'm impressed!
I don't think it has anything to do with their "right to vote". I believe it is just downright laziness. I get so frustrated when people write into blogs criticizing but then they don't attend meetings, they don't pick up the phone when there is a problem and they certainly don't vote when it's election time.
It's really sad that so many are this way.
Writing into the blogs complaining about something will probably get noticed but I don't think it's the way to get your problem solved.
These are probably the same people who will tell you they are your friend and then talk about you behind your back. That's how it makes me feel anyway.
C'mon Delmarva, stand up and FIGHT for what is right! Put people in office you WANT in office, at whatever political level.
Get off your A$$!!!
Oh, and congratulations to Mayor Niblett.
Why would anyone want to run for an office anywhere? They pick you apart. Try to dig up any/all dirt on someone. If they can't find anything, they start on your family members. It's not worth it.
The right to vote is not "god" given. It is government given. Ever hear of the "Bill of Rights"...or maybe the "Constitution". Putz
As a former elected official, it certainly IS worth it. If you're clean, you have nothing to worry about.
I enjoyed my time on a Town Council for the most part. I felt I was helping to make positive changes and helping to fix some of the problems, and make guideline changes that existed before I was elected.
I do not regret those years for one second but I also went in with an open mind and made sure I stayed as a vote for the people I represented, instead of a "group" sought the favor of. I believe this is the biggest problem with government. People keep electing ones who are only in it to favor their "pet" people or groups. They forget, or didn't care in the first place, who they are supposed to represent.
Get rid of the special interest people and we might be able to get back to dealing with the REAL issues.
same reason i don't go to the city council meetings in salisbury
Oh sorry, i do vote, but i don't go to council meetings anymore. it is such a bunch of bull with the same results over and over---why waste my time? And then to get humiliated by an out of control president. At least cannon will hear the residents out.
So I see we also have people who DO vote in Delmar but have no clue as to what they're doing!
You have to live INSIDE the town limits to run for Mayor, or to accept the Mayorial seat.
While I think you would be EXCELLENT at the job Joe (because you'd show the rest of them how it's supposed to be done), this guy should have known better than to right your name down. He WASTED his vote!
I don't vote, because My vote doesn't count and It means nothing when all we have are 2 people you have to pick the lesser of evil between...
Its a joke that only 174 people voted in that whole town. Now, if there are any problems in the next few years, everyone else who did not vote should keep their mouth shut in every possible way for the mayor's entire term.... they had their chance to vote and passed it up.
Rob S
Good pic!
I wonder what the percentage of voters was of the "registered" voters.
DELMAR, In a word; APATHY. Then again, it's a rental town. Ask Doug, he made some money as a slum lord.
Rob S,
Whether I voted or not vote for a candidate is not the issue. I am a U. S. born citizen of this United States of American and pay my far share of taxes, I will always have the RIGHT to voice my opinion on anything good or bad that affects my livilhood because the 1st amendment gives me the right to do so. Therefore, if I chose NOT to vote for these backstabbing, untrustworthy, corrupt, downright lieing politicans who make promises that they surely will not keep; I will continue to voice my opinion on this blog. This blog has worked for the people of these "sleepy" towns on this peninsula. These crooked politicans aren't listening. Look at whats going on in the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County. Elected officials are screwing us big time.
And, a vote or votes will not change a darn thing. Politician keep making promises that they know darn well they will not own up to. They tell you what you want to hear. Get the job. Then, screw you later.
I can not believe there were 70 Butt Holes that voted for that nut. What is wrong with you?!
Anon 3:48 you stated, "I don't vote, because My vote doesn't count and It means nothing when all we have are 2 people you have to pick the lesser of evil between..."
Then you RUN! Or talk someone you trust into running. Don't sit on your buttocks and scream about problems unless you are willing to invest some time to create solutions!
Anon 5:03: You are part of the problem. If you deem all the candidates that EVER run for office to be corrupt then you are an idiot. There are some good people that are trying to make a difference, but people like you are too lazy to get off your butt to find out about them. Instead you construct a strawman of "everyone sucks" to excuse yourself for your apathy. You are pathetic.
The Maryland side of Delmar had 1859 people during the 2000 census. I'm sure that has changed, but that is the best official number I have. Out of that many people how many are adults, non-felons and registered to vote? Given the elementary school has 900 kids with about 40% from the Maryland side (360), I would guess about 1500 adults are in town.
I have no idea how that many people can decide not to vote. Decisions by the commissioners and Mayor can effect taxes, parks, sidewalks, roads, the quality of water, trash collection, police protection, process of wastewater, what businesses can survive and thrive in town, growth, the casino, property value and many other things.
How could an adult want to remain powerless?
Perhaps the "my vote doesn't count" thing can fly nationally (even after 2000?). But when a winner Mayoral election only garners 104 votes then surely anyone of average intelligence can see locally that idea is balderdash chief!
I'm a registered voter, and I always cast a vote, but someone once told me that the reason they didn't vote was because it was between the lesser of two evils, and, when that happens, at the end of the day you're still left with...well...evil.
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