What are citizens to do when their elected officials play games and attempt to cover up serious matters. The Salisbury Fire Department has been notorious for playing politics and getting their way time and time again.
It goes back to Bill Gordy and the days when a new Deputy Fire Chief was being selected. Gordy was completely dropped from the list of applicants, yet the former Mayor Tilghman, (out of nowhere) put him back on the list and out of nowhere he was selected to become the new Deputy Fire Chief. Again, he was removed from the list and then put back in and ultimately got the job.
Today we're dealing with yet another very serious matter that includes the exact same game.
As many of you know the SFD has been searching for a new Fire Chief. 40 applicants have been considered for the job. A committee was established involving seven individuals to oversee the selection and ultimately choose a new Fire Chief.
Last Tuesday they broke the 40 applicants down to a final seven people in which they held telephone interviews with the committee. When all was said and done, THREE people were chosen out of the seven and ONE of the seven was NOT qualified.
Take a WILD guess as to who the ONE person was they felt was NOT qualified. Rick Hoppes was the one the committee chose was not qualified and was removed from the final decision, just as Bill Gordy was years ago.
Now wait a minute! Bill Gordy was behind creating the selection committee. We're told most applicants never did a face to face interview and out of nowhere when Lore' Chambers learned that Hoppes was removed from the final three, she threw such a fit, Hoppes was some how, some way, brought back into the final three and is now being considered to become Salisbury's next Fire Chief.
That's right, the City pulled the exact same stunt with Hoppes as they did with Bill Gordy and let me tell you Folks, the Salisbury Firefighters are absolutely pissed off, as they should be.
I implore Mayor Ireton and the Salisbury City Council to open an immediate investigation as to the possible illegal activity here and it is important for those QUALIFIED applicants to be aware that ONE of the final THREE qualified people has been bumped from the running simply because John Pick and Lore' Chambers are still perhaps working for Barrie Tilgman.
The majority of the committee did not want Rick Hoppes to be considered and once again, (because of the Good Ol' Boys) we'll probably see an unqualified person get the job.
When will the citizens of Salisbury ever take back their City? Will the current Mayor ever prove HE is qualified to manage Department Heads and this City? Running a business is NOT all about shaking hands and photo ops. Running a multi million dollar business is a serious matter and having a Staff who is honest and behind you 100% is vital. We can no longer stand for 1950's style politics and we can no longer afford to have people using the Good Ol' Boy System as our Country is failing in a big way because of such tactics.
The only way we can move forward is by taking baby steps and changing our LOCAL form of politics and lead it into an honest and fair direction. We watched all too many times former Zoo Director Jim Rapp hire drinking buddies to care for animals at the Zoo when hundreds of qualified college graduates in animal husbandry would have loved to move to Salisbury and work for the Zoo. In the end, thousands of animals died over the years and the Zoo simply fell apart.
Do you really want to see the same thing happen with the new $14,000,000.00 Fire Department? Help Is NOT On The Way Mr. Ireton. Will you too go down in history as a Part Time Mayor who ignored such serious matters and continue to allow Lore' Chambers and John Pick run the City of Salisbury for someone else?
Who besides Pick and Chambers is on this committee?
It's the samr old crap in salisbury , the good ole boys. It's not what you know , it's who you know. They don't want to hire smart people , that's why we have idiots in the government. For Gods sake look who we have for president , ain't it a shame.
Hoppes has worked for the FD for many years. Why is he not qualified to be chief?
Joe thanks for this important information. I can't believe how much corruption Jim Ireton is allowing in the city. He needs to go!
10:30 AM lets put it this way. Bill Gordy had the most influence on picking the members of the selection committee for fire chief.
You could have an employment suit over this from the qualified candidate who was bumped. We'll make sure to let him know. If Chambers and Pick were involved in this illegal activity, I'd say immediate termination is called for.
Well I can tell you this much. As a member of the SFD it is obvious the Hoppes knows he is a shoe in. He is quick to make that known by the way he talks. Someone please help us get rid of Hoppes before anyone else leaves.
The Good ole Boy System at it's best. Ireton doesn't have what it takes to be a good leader. He is letting John Pick and Lore Chambers run the city.
Brenda working for the fire department for many years doesn't equate to qualified!
11:52 AM how do you know the qualified candidates is a him?
City of Salisbury
Fire Department
Fire Chief
$70,111 - $98,173 DOQ Full Range of Benefits
The City of Salisbury is looking for an energetic and detail oriented leader to serve in the capacity of Fire Chief.
Duties: Directs and manages a combination fire and emergency/medical services department through utilization of a diverse workforce in a rapidly changing diverse community; directs and oversees all department operations including budgeting, planning, general command and control of personnel; develops and implements policies and procedures; establishes and ensures enforcement of standards for maintenance of property and equipment; works towards achieving established performance measures and works with other City and County agencies on service delivery.
Requirements: Bachelor’s degree plus ten years experience in firefighting and/or EMS with five years at a supervisory level in a fire department with combination service (preference given to degree related to fire service) or equivalent combination of education and experience; MD Fire Officer III certification or equivalent; National Registry Emergency Medical Technician; and MFRI Staff and Command School or Executive Fire Officer equivalent. Ability to supervise and coordinate the work of others; demonstrated experience in managing emergency services; working knowledge of modern computer applications; and ability to communicate effectively. A valid driver’s license is required.
Closing Date: September 14, 2009 at 4:30 PM
APPLY: Submit City application and resume to:
City of Salisbury HR
125 N. Division St.
Salisbury, MD 21801
410-548-1065 Fax: 410-548-3748
Web site: www.ci.salisbury.md.us
E-mail: jobs@ci.salisbury.md.us
It would be interesting to see a list of the applicants
Jim Ireton you lied to the Career Firefighters Association. I hope you know that their hard work and this blog helped get you elected.
Brenda there are several people that have worked for the fire department for many years and they are not qualified. There are also several people who work for the fire department who are far more qualified than Mr. Hoppes. There are also several individuals with far less time than Hoppes who are more qualified than he is. In case you weren't aware it takes more than years of service to make you a qualified applicant.
Rick Hoppes lost what little bit of respect he may have had left when he appointed Dru Bragg as the Deputy Chief. Dru Bragg is a known home wrecker and a man with child support issues. He is also supervising his live in girlfriend and giving her preferential overtime at tax payers expense. These actions are very unethical for someone who Jim Ireton is going to appoint as a department head for the City of Salisbury.
Nothing changes with the way business is conducted in SBY...there are a handful of people who have the power to do whatever it is they want to do. Even a new mayor hasn't changed anything. I'd hoped it would.
This city is going down the tubes and there seems as though there's no way to save it. I'd hoped that exposure/sunshine would change how things were done. Nope. I'd hoped that eventually REASON would prevail. Again, not gonna happen.
Those of us who feel fondness for what we remember as the nice City of Salisbury must just hang onto the memory and move to a safer and less frustrating place.
Our For Sale sign is going up soon. I only hope someone likes the house but doesn't read the news.
Fear the ultimate motivator. Its the only way to get anything done.
Anonymous said...
Fear the ultimate motivator. Its the only way to get anything done.
2:18 PM
And what's your point?
I dont think Hoppes has a Bachelors Degree! That would make him unqualified according to the job ad
"National Registry Emergency Medical Technician"
Is Hoppes a Nationally Registered EMT or Paramedic??
If not that disqualifies him there.
Rick Hoppes doesn't meet the requirements to be a junior officer such as a Lieutenenat.
I know for a fact Gordy was deeply involved with hand picking his buddy’s to service on the committee. Gee that way Gordy gets Hoppes for chief and he continues his crooked ways of doing business. One of these days people of this city will find out just how crooked that man is.
Anonymous said...
I dont think Hoppes has a Bachelors Degree! That would make him unqualified according to the job ad
4:08 PM
I heard there were numerous candidates with Bachelors Degrees, several with Masters and at least one with a Doctorate. What makes Hoppes more qualified then these if he doesn't even qualify?
Have notifed the finalists or do you know who they are?
If Jim Ireton is going to continue to allow John Pick and Barrie Tilghman to run the city then he may as well resign and let Comagys have the job. That is who Gordy and Hoppes was actively supporting anyway!
Come back in a month and the headlines will read "Hoppes Appointed New Fire Chief". Gordo has the deck stacked and he will get his way. He controls fire chiefs, councils, chamber of commerce, coast guard and the list goes on and on. You guys are screwed, so bend over and get ready for the ride.I feel bad for you because I know what a fat lazy ass he is. Gordo will run him like he did See and has done so far with him. Thank Lore when you see her and dont forget Gary, Shanie and Louise. Good ole boy system at it best.
This just in: Salisbury's sewage plant has now been taken over by the SPD. All workers have been removed and replaced by Chief Webster and a squadron of commandos. Standing on top of a plant incubator this afternoon, Webster was observed holding up a roll of toilet tissue shouting "We are no longer going to take your sh*t!!!". I am in charge now and only my supporters have flush authority. Several citizens were overheard muttering "this just stinks" reflecting their disgust on how the local government seems to be fermenting into mush.
UPDATE: It has been reported that a citizen was given some sample tissue containing evidence of plant usage. That sample has now disappeared. Chief Webster has sworn that he will personally pursue this "stolen" evidence even if it takes 20 years. The Chief seems confident who holds the dirt on all of this.
I know a minority that applied for the position and was more that qualified. He didn't get an interview either and I know this person has more qualifications than Mr. Hoppes does. Good Ole Boy System = Racism as well. It will never end and you think Ireton would be more sensitive than that.
C'mon, someone out there knows who the finalists are. Based on the original post, it is down to three. If you don't want to name names, then just give us some background on the finalists. We deserve to know who will be our new Fire Chief!!!
Rick Hoppes is not an EMS provider and never has been so his management skills and leadership will continue to bring the EMS Section down. He needs to go now!!
LMAO, Hoppes was one of the laziest employees the Salisbury Fire Department has ever had and still is. He wasted more energy looking for ways to get out of work. Now he is going to be the Fire Chief? WTF! Jim Ireton you need to fulfill your promises.
Chris Truitt and Dave Walston are on the comittee. There is also someone from VCOS and several others .
Selection Committee
1) Lore Chambers - Hired by Barrie Tilghman
2) Chris Truitt - Paid Firefighter, Token Appointee from the Career Firefighters Association for endorsing Ireton
3) David Walston - Station 1 Volunteer assistant chief who is appointed assistant chief by Gordy and Hoppes.
4) Steve Edwards - Maryland Fire
& Rescue Institute Director. Friend of Gordy
5) Tom Stevenson - Neighborhood Services and Code Compliance supervisor. Hired by Barrie Tilghman and buddy of Hoppes.
6) Some NJ fire chief. Member of VCOS, friend of David See and Bill Gordy.
7) Someone from Salisbury University? Does anyone know anything more about the last 2?
These people were hand picked by Bill Gordy and John Pick with the approval of our fine MARE Jim Ireton!!
Rick Hoppes could not put on "Running Gear" and go into a fire if his life depended on it. He is too damn FAT!! Let alone smart enough to lead the Salisbury Fire Department. Come on Ireton get real and do "Your Homework"!!!!
I think the Chief Job should go to the winner of the oyster fritter cook- off. That's what really matters in any far department.
Bankruptcy!! Great job on this choice Chief Hoppes for your Deputy Chief. This is the type of leadership the city needs. Someone that refuses to pay his bills and now has the responsibility of spending our tax dollars. Way to Go!
Jim is this the help you promised?
Go Back
Case Information
Case Number: 020300028252003Claim Type:CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:06/09/2003Case Status:BANKRUPTCY
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Complaint Status: BANKRUPTCY
Status Date: 10/30/2003Filing Date:06/09/2003Amount$15255.96Last Activity Date:10/30/2003
Related Person Information
Connection to Complaint: ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF
Address: 110 WEST ROAD, STE. 222
City: TOWSONState:MDZip Code:21204
If Person is Attorney: Attorney Code:000116Attorney's Firm:MARGOLIS, PRITZKER, ETAL
Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 29800 JACKSON RD
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21804
Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF
Address: PO BOX 6065
City: SIOUX FALLSState:SDZip Code:57117
Case History Information
(Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)
Type: TRIALComplaint No.:
Date: 06/24/2003Comment:TRIAL SET FOR: 08152003;TIME: 0900A;LOC:03;ROOM:01
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 06/24/2003Comment:NOTICE OF INITIAL TRIAL (ATP)-D1
Type: SERVICEComplaint No.:001
Date: 07/20/2003Comment:REGL;06092003;DEF;SV-SERVED ;
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: COMMENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 08/15/2003Comment:A/J HELD UP. REASON SENT TO ATP
Type: TRIAL DELETEComplaint No.:
Date: 10/16/2003Comment:TRIL;08152003;0900A;03;BY SYS;45 DAYS PAST TRIAL DATE
Type: BANKRUPTCY ENTEREDComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/27/2003Comment:BANKRUPTCY ENTERED
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/30/2003Comment:NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY FILED (ATP)-S2
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/30/2003Comment:ALSO SENT TO - DEF,
Another Dead Beat Dad!! Way to go on this choice Chief Hoppes for your Deputy Chief. What a leader! What a Great Role Model for our citizens! What a role model for the fire department cadets and the you men of the Salisbury Fire Department!
I want to know if this dead beat dad has paid his child support yet?
Jim Ireton please don't tell me this the help you promised?
Circuit Court of Maryland
Go Back
Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C89000336
Title: Faith Bragg Vs John Bragg
Case Type: Civil Non-SupportFiling Date:10/03/1988
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: DismissalDisposition Date:07/29/2005
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Bragg, Faith M
Address: Domestic Relations Section
City: FranklinState:PAZip Code:16323-0369
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Bragg, John D
Address: 305 Park Heights Avenue
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21804-5607
Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: Contempt HearingNotice Date:
Event Date: 07/29/2005Event Time:01:00 PM
Result: Held/ConcludedResult Date:07/29/2005
Related Persons Information
(Each Related person is displayed below)
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Wicomcio County CSS
Address: 309 Calvert Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Related Persons
Name: Geleta, Esq, Michael
Practice Name: Wicomico Co. Department Of Social Services
Address: 201 Baptist St.
Suite 27
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:06/10/2005Decision:
Document Name: See Docket Sheet for Previous Entries
Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Motion for Contempt
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:06/10/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Subpoena Issued
requested by CSS court date July 29, 2005 at 9:00a.m.
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 07/06/2005Close Date:07/06/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Return of Service - Served
Subpoena Requested by DSS served 06/29/05
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Hearing Entered
Doc No./Seq No.: 8/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Open Court Proceedings
Case called for Contempt Hearing. Defendant not present. Stae dismisses Contempt Petition; granted.
Judge W. Newton Jackson; presiding
Court Reporter; Debbie Dickerson
Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:08/06/2005Decision:
Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Case Closed
Doc No./Seq No.: 10/0
File Date: 11/01/2005Close Date:11/01/2005Decision:
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Document Name: Attorney Appearance Terminated
Michael Geleta
The complete case file can be obtained from the Circuit Courthouse.
Hey Gordy and Hoppes how is that brand new fire truck doing at Station 1 these days? I heard it has been broken down and not running for over a week now. Nothing like stealing from the tax payers and buying equipment that doesn't work and is not needed. Thanks for the Help Mayor Jim Ireton and Bubba!
Skeletons don't stay in closets very long if you're being considered for a big job here in the 'bury...and that's as it should be. Integrity is very important in a leader. Seems that some of the people being considered (sadly) for these big positions are lacking in it.
Good job readers. Let's keep doing our part to keep 'em in the glare of the spotlight, maybe long enough for truth to prevail.
Clearly we can't depend upon those on the selection committees to do their homework. Or maybe it's that they just don't care about integrity.
I want to know more about the minority that applied for the position and why his/her application was thrown out? Mr. Ireton you have some answering to do.
OK who picked the selection committee and why? What were their benchmarks for qualifications? Sounds like there was none?
It also looks like not many seemed to care based on the lack of comments. Either that or this article got lost because of the many after it.
This application aint about just Hoppes. This is about The Gordo. Hoppes is applying but its Gordo that will run the department. Hes worried that if a new chief arrives he wont be in power. The miighty will fall and his ass will hit the road if he cant run things. Hoppes has been beatin his chest and preechin as far cheif and letting Gordo run the show. Everybody sees it and has no respect anymore. Bring on an outsider.
Pin Ball I agree with you and you are correct in your statements. Hoppes and Bragg are so confident they will get the job they are now referring to themselves as Fire Chief and Deputy Fire Chief and not Acting Fire Chief. Hoppes has been heard calling the fire trucks "his fire trucks" and "his fire department." Get rid of them now!
Yes sir Joe I would like to know why acting deputy chief Dru Bragg allowed his girlfriend to work 45 hours of overtime supposedly doing PIO work. I happen to be worried about my job or furloughs yet its ok for her to have all that overtime. Maybe you can get this question answered or bring it to light.
Yes sir Joe I would also like to know why in these tough economic times Hoppes – Gordy pay $ 10,000 a year for a department web-site that one of us could do while working. We do happen to have some rather computer savvy people within the organization who would be happy to multitask while working. Oh and should I say it hasn’t worked right to this day yet its still being paid for out of your tax dollars. Maybe you can get this question answered or bring it to light.
Yes sir Joe would you investigate why engine 1 a brand new fire truck has been broken down for over a week now and why the mechanic from that dealership can’t fix it?
No offense, but this same old game has been played since Fred Williams was the Chief. Frances Darling moved right up the ladder, Tom Lewis moved right up the ladder, and David See moved right up the ladder. There were many men denied promotions because of Fred Williams political games and those denials stayed with them all the way to retirement.
Welcome to Salisbury - the political warfare.
Council should stop trying to run the City. They're not qualified. They should focus on re-building the community.
Council should fire "managers" they're not happy with. Hire new qualified people. Set perfomance standards. Measure the results. And get out of the way.
If the list of committee members is correct that is truly sad. In the past, committee members that sat on the promotional boards were more qualified. When you set up a committee to help choose a chief (fire or police) you should get the best that is available and impartial. I hope Jim is going to right the wrong that may be coming and do the right thing. There are too many persons on the comittee that knows Hoppy. Gordo the magician has pulled another trick out of his hat. Why not pull the plug on this fiasco and form another committee with folks that will do the process justice.
This story sounds like it has criminal implications. If some person is trying to "control" who becomes Fire Chief then the question is: why? Does this person gain financially from this? Did this person also influence the choice of David See? Has this person held undue influence for many years from behind the scenes?
This is serious
Jim Ireton needs to do the right thing and chose the right person for the job. Rick Hoppes clearly is not qualified for this position and needs to be dropped back to a position that he may be better suited for. Jim Ireton where is that help you promised?
If Hoppes is not even qualified to be an assistant fire chief in the Salisbury Fire Department then how can he be qualified to be the Fire Chief???
Assistant Fire Chief
High school diploma with previous experience at the level of Captain or equivalent in a similar sized or larger fire and rescue organization. Completion of courses at recognized fire, rescue, and emergency medical training schools that demonstrates sufficient understanding of commanding a complex organizational unit in a municipal fire department. Demonstrated experience in both incident command of multi-company operations and the administration of a major unit or division of a municipal fire/rescue service. Successful completion of the National Fire Academy’s Executive Fire Officer Program (EFOP) is highly desirable.
Note: Effective 1/01/09 a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts Degree is required for this position.
Why don't we just stop all the bull$hit and promote the man that's running, and has been for some time, the department.
Bill Gordy for Chief!
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