Too many legislators choose to shield themselves from their constituency these days, which is more wrong than I can point out in this short article. In contrast; Conway and Mathias did show up. They should be commended for that.
Now, I wonder if we can can Kratovil on the calender?
Anyway, as you may know these two delegates are democrats and AFP has been accused by some confused people to be some republican front group. If this were true, these two gentleman would not have been invited nor would they have attended tonight's meeting. AFP is a FISCAL conservative group, and these principled policies just happened to conflict with the current state of over spending, no accountability, and bad business policies in Maryland and in this country.
Steve Lind, Worcester County's AFP Chair opened the meeting and AFP's state director; David Swartz said a few words before The delegates were introduced in front of the interested crowd.
Mathias kicked things off reminding folks of how proud we should be of Worcester county, it's beach resort, it's local hospital, and the services the state has provided. He defended Governor O'Malley, by saying O'Malley had already reduced the states budget by 4.6 billion and "in the last fiscal budget, the governor cut billions." Mathias said that there are "a thousand sets of fingerprints of that got us where we are today." He admitted that he did "vote for the tax bill."
Conway gave an overview of his history on the eastern shore, having grown up here and being a
After their brief statements; there were many questions
Rest assured however, we did video tape it so the record will be available once uploaded to YouTube. We'll be sure to pass it along here.
Funny thing is, Mr. Conway was my elementary school vice principle, way back when. I didn't think so at that time, but he really is a nice man.
I never really knew Mathias, even though I had a condo during his tenure as mayor in Ocean City. I had the unusual opportunity to sit down with him tonight, after the meeting over a beer, and I really did enjoy the conversation.
I can't say I don't like these gentlemen, because I do. We just have a fundamental difference of opinion of the role of government in our lives. Unfortunately they have been a part of growing it, whereby people like myself think it needs to be rolled back. Jim didn't think we were too far apart on the issues but it now comes time for due diligence and to check voting records for those that seek to retain their seats or run for higher office.
What will happen in 2012 remains to be seen. I have some insight on these man's plans that I'll detail at a later date along with their voting records and you can decide.
Nice post Rightcoast.
Jim Mathias and Norm Conway are both a bit left of me as it relates to policy but they are both gentlemen and they both have real integrity in my opinion.They are in Annapolis for the right reasons...not for personal gain.
Also always bear in mind that Norm holds the second highest position in the House of Delegates...he is the Eastern Shore's only real hope for equity when the state's fiscal pie is sliced.I have disagreed with him on some votes and have told him so...but if he runs again,he's got my vote and so does Jim
I think the smart choice is to vote for the individual not the party. You have good and bad in both.
Jim and Norm are both good people with hearts that are in the right place. Having Norm in his position is a real coup for the Shore...let's keep them both in Annapolis.
106 I respect your opinion and while I approve of these afp guys getting these elected reps out, I must disgree, at the hand of the Democrats we have watched jobs evaporate from the Eastern Shore, then we have Kratovil jetting into Salisbury to try to attach his name to jobs that have been created by Chesapeake shipbuilding in spite of these democratic policies that these fools have enacted.
It's funny that Jim had a "beer"...considered his past...
I would agree that both Jim and Norm are nice men, but merely being nice isn't enough qualifications to be a representative of the people...many nice men have voted wrong. I'm sure that President Obama is probably a "nice" Man...but I would never vote for him. The same can be said for Jim and NOrm. I urge everyone to look past their "nice" exterior and check their voting records before casting another vote for these men...
Norm has been there almost 20 years, and what do we have to show for it? Everyone crows about him being appropriations chairmen, but he really has no power over the budget, as it is voted on by every delegate...he merely chairs the committee...so stop holding that up as a beacon of achievement.
Reminds me of the song, "Don't Get Fooled Again." Folks, look at the shape the state is in. When will we ever learn. Guess it won't be in 2010.
You are politically naive if you think that the Chairman of the Appropriations Committee is a figurehead position with no influence or power. To vote out Norm and replace him with a rookie would set the Eastern Shore back 20 years as far as us getting our fair share of state funding.
Excellent article!
Vote em' both out the next election. Career political hacks, both of them.
Between them, how many government pensions do they receive?
We need new, fresh, independent elected officials.
Wake up, voters.
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