DEWEY BEACH, Del.- The charges of trespassing, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest were dismissed on Nov. 5 by a Delaware court for former WBOC Weekend Sports Anchor Yianni Kourakis, the state Attorney General's Office has confirmed.
Dewey Beach police arrested Kourakis on Sept. 6, after officers say he refused to vacate a motel room when ordered to do so.
Were they dropped becuase he agreed to leave town, or was their not enough evidence to prove the case. I think it was the later. You are trespassing if you are told to leave by the owner. No question about that.
Just another little man on a power trip. The world is full of them. He will be doing telephone sales in a month
He was fired by WBOC before being proven guilty. I sure would hate to be in their shoes!
he was fired over THAT!?! Kelly Rouse is back on the air after what she did at WMDT. Where is the justice in that?
2:39 what did Kelly Rouse do at WMDT?
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