Hello everybody, it’s me Brookie! It has been a very long time since I have spoken to you all. I feel like it has been a lifetime ago, I guess you could say it sure has felt like a lifetime of treatments. I do not even know where to begin, so much has happened and taken place. For now I just wish to say Thank you to everyone who has kept me in there prayers! As you can tell, they have been working. Along this journey there have been many ups and downs, but what has not changed is the faith and hope that my family, friends, community and everyone out there has had since the beginning. I just wanted to take a minute and Thank each and every person who has been a part of my road to recovery. As I begin this next round of treatments, I just wanted to reflect on how far I have come and been blessed by all the support. Daddy posted some new pictures and told me that the whole community was eating subs on Friday to help me and all the other Cool Kids out there! Thank you to everyone involved with that and all the sub makers who took time out of their busy lives to volunteer. Maybe Daddy could convince some of you to come work at Market Street? Well it is very late once again, so I should get going; but from the bottom of my heart many thanks to everyone, without you all this would have been soooo much harder! Brooke
PS. Thank you Mommy for always being there for me and spending this whole year by my side and protecting me and comforting me. I know I do not have very much patience, but you have all the patience in the world! I Love You Mommy!
We love you brooke!
The costume was perfect for you, you ARE our Super Girl!
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