Your becoming a volunteer will not only fill your heart with joy, you'll be helping so many needy Families this year who have fallen upon hard times.
Please join the Salisbury News Team while we promote you or your business daily and showing others just who is willing to "GIVE BACK."
Schedules will be going up this week and we want to fill them as fast as possible. Remember Folks, if you want to volunteer and you're a bit older than some of us younger whipper snappers, sign up early to get an inside spot inside the Salisbury Mall or the Center of Salisbury.
I personally thank you for considering doing so and I look forward to seeing all of you out there.
You know who needs to get out there and ring a bell and listen to the people: Comegys, Smith and Shields. They need to listen closely to what people are saying and feeling. But will you find either one of them doing a good deed - Not Likely.
Why? Rick doesn't listen to the pulic when he rings the bell. He is out there for a show but the whole time he is listening to see how he can screw us over differently than he is now. You are supposed to Ring the Bell to help people not for people to pass by because of the ones who are ringing the Bell.
Could you please tell me how and where to sign up.Thanks.
I've already signed up to ring the bells in several locations.
where are the sign up sheets? when do they go up?
The Salvation Army has a great new phone number for signing up
749-RING (7464). If they are busy, you can leave a voice mail and they will call you back.
I understand Ace Hardware has been added as a site - and it is undercover.
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