Americans For Prosperity's last planned meeting of the year is TONIGHT! Thursday (11/19). We plan to arm you with the Christmas break strategy!
Please try to come out, we have a lot planned and a lot of helpful information that just isn't available ANYWHERE out there. 2010 is coming but not as fast as the legislation Washington wants to throw at us, racking up Trillions of dollars of debt.
Americans For Prosperity's November meeting is This Thursday 7pm at Adam's Rib's in Fruitland.
We have some GREAT speakers on energy, Cap and Trade and Wicomico Counties' deep fiscal woes and what you can do about it before they try to raise your taxes. You will be amazed by what you learn. We have dug up the archives for you. Get involved and help stop big government from reaching into your pocket.
If you haven't been to a meeting yet, check out this one....Now is the time!
Hope to see you there!
The Rebublicans aren't worried about the future of the our children they are worried about how much it costs them in the now. If they were so concerned about the future of this country & children they would worry more about the environment.Can't spend any money without a planet.
I'd like to know who their greater speakers are on Wicomico County's deep fiscal woes.
752 , you are so right!
I heard those afp people are single with no children and I'm sure all they care about is money. I'm sure they are getting a big fat check from the insurance industry and they are probably paid thousands and thousands by the evil wealthy Republicans to create dissent among unsuspecting democrats who only want what is good for all of the people.
And we Democrats only love children. We will spend any amount of money to save a childs life, just so long as it's not a fetus. If that fetus is still in the womb at ANY age, we democrats will sell that medical waste for a buck to fund welfare in a school board minute!
I also heard that all Republicans want to destroy the county school system by asking that the board of education trim some fat, like a multi-million dollar travel budget thereby saving jobs all across the county.
Those Republicans HATE ALL children and the school system as well.
We democrats only want what is best for you and your children. They really do belong to all of us, wouldn't you agree?
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