OK, I just got in my copy of our very first Show and for what it's worth, it's good!
Of course I want to say it's great but I'll leave that up to all of you to judge. Nevertheless, the Show is filled with information many of you were not aware of and quite frankly you'll be shocked hearing much of this news for the very first time.
The format I received it in is difficult to convert but we're working on it and hopefully we can provide an on line version of it some time soon, for those of you who cannot get any of the channels it will be broadcast on.
We'll see you here tomorrow just after the show and get a feel for what you liked or disliked. One thing is for sure, everyone is talking about it and can't wait to see it. I'm confident that the information I provide on this show will not disappoint you.
10:30 AM on Comcast Channel9, Mediacom Channel 99 and Digital TV Channel 31.1.
Look at that snazzzzyyyy cut Eric put on Joe.
Good luck Mr. A., I changed my schedule just for this. map
Will we be able to get a DVD of this program? I can't get Chanel 9 HELP
We're working on bringing it to you right here on line.
Will it ever have live call in and not prerecorded?
anonymous 9:09, never say never but it's not in our plans. You want to talk, you can always call me any time. Just not while I'm recording.
Thanks for trying to get it to the ones who don't have the reception. Can't wait to see!!
Very Impressive !
I know you will present facts and truth. Sure to anger and confuse the liberal loonies. Please remember, - Honesty is the best policy,the liberals don't believe Americans deserve the best.
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