Police report calls it 'very, very brief' stun to get her into patrol car
OZARK, Ark. - Ozark Police Chief Jim Noggle says one of his officers used a Taser on a 10-year-old girl who was combative when the officer tried to get the girl into a patrol car to be taken to a youth shelter.
Noggle said Tuesday that officer Dustin Bradshaw went to the girl's home after her mother called police woman called police.
According to a report filed by Bradshaw on Thursday, the officer found the girl on the floor of the house screaming and crying. She refused to follow her mother's instructions and the mother told Bradshaw to use his Taser.
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Personally a belt behind the woodshed would have been my choice.
I understand this completely.
Unbelievable. How many of us would voluntarily taser ourselves?
This is torture
I dont care what you are if you tasered my ten year old daughter your day will turn to sh!t real fast. You will be dancing with the third guy and he dont two step.
LOL great. since the parents couldnt do their jobs, taser these kids! I would have loved to see this on youtube lol
Hey Doug can you believe the mother told him to taster her? The girl obviously needs help in a bad way and to get her out of that house may be a start.
Hey Doug,
If that was your kid and they were acting that way, I'd honor your wish if I was the cop that came. I'd tell you to do your job as a PARENT and disciplen your child and I'd leave! As for the girl, she kicked the officer in the groin, she got what was comin! It teaches (without delay) that there are consequences of action and if you inflict pain on others, be prepared. You are typical of the ones who don't know how to be a parent, call law enforcement and expect them to fix in ten minutes what you f'd up over ten years and then want to complain because you didn't like the way they did it.
To the parents out there: Do your job as a parent and don't expect society to raise your little brat. It takes a village to raise an idiot, it takes a parent to raise a child!
Our society is totally collapsed. We not only lack common sense and decency, but we are now tasering children.
Our militarized police are out of control skin head freaks.
Yes, I would love to leave this country. Here is the problem: Our government combined with UK and Israel have already enslaved every other county on the figgin' planet. Where shall I go?
Please advise. Suggestions?
4:24 And if it got the point where you had to call the cops into your house to control your ten-year old daughter because you didn't have the smarts or balls to do it yourself, I seriously doubt any cop would be worried about the figure standing in front of him.
I bet the parents of the 9 year old in MO wished cops were there to tazer the 15 year old who killed their child. Age doesn't matter. When you do adult crimes you get adult penalties. Thats why they are like they are, the parents didn't instill good core values in their children and want to blame everyone else when it hits the fan. The problem IS that the parents allowed their children's behavior to get to this point! Do they expect the cop to stand by and let the child assault them? I personally think that a quick jolt is a lot less traumatic to the maniac than for the cop to use physical force, wrestling them on the floor. Apparently the kid got the message instantly! That is what has ruined this country, the tree hugger mentality. parents want to be their child's cool friend rather than a parent and a positive role model.
So, 8:14, you are blaming the ruining of this country on "the tree hugger mentality"? You obviously don't know what the hell you're talking about.
Any cop worth his salt would have been able to subdue a 10 yr old without the use of a taser. That being said, hopefully they fire the cop, get the child the help they obviously need and can someone say "mandatory parenting classes"?
You obviously have your head in the sand! I see cases like this several times a day. Parents don't want to be parents and everyone wants to hug a thug. People say "oh it's not his fault, IT'S SOCIETY'S"! Let's blame everyone else for one person's actions! Juveniles today are committing far more violent crimes than they ever have, why, because parents today let their kids run amuck for others to deal with and the justice system doesn't hold them accountable. That's why we have so many repeat offenders both juv and adult. I got news for ya, if someone threatens my life or my family's, I don't care how old they are, they are gonna get what's comin to them!
8:14 I agree with your assessment. You wrote about the lack of core values in many raised today. The absence of core values like self-reliance, honesty, integrity, honor have gone a long way in creating the turmoil and mess we see in our country today.
if the child was that out of control shouldn't the EMT's been called, the child clearly has psychological issues. For that matter so does the mother for telling the officer to taze her. The child probably needs to be evaluated and not put in a "youth center" not to mention the therapy she's going to need now. Wonderful! Not only was that mother not doing her job as a mother but the officer was not doing his job either. He is sworn to protect and serve. I'm sorry she kicked him there but I seem to remember an incident where my two year old was laying on the floor kicking and screaming and got her dad their too, but I never would have allowed him to taze her. For that matter she is ten now and if someone came in and announced she was going to jail she would do the same thing. Anything to avoid letting someone get their hands on her. How traumatizing.
Well the problem is that this is part of the time out generation. The time out generation doesn't work. This is another prime example of it. The kids have no fear of anything. They run all over their parents because that's what they have been taught by society, in school and in church. No one is supposed to strike a child. That's child abuse. BS. If I had done this when I was a kid, there wouldn't have been a need for the cops. My behind would be been tore off and I would have been in my room. Kids have fear of nothing these days. I'm not talking whipping their little butts with a bull whip or anything, but at least a little fear. You see this everywhere you go. Any store that you to here these little brats are lying on the floor in the toy aisle or screaming at the top of their lungs in the cart until they finally get what they want. As a parent you are afraid to discipline your own kids because someone might call the cops on you. If I had displayed either behavior, let me tell you it would not have been good for me. It's a learned behavior. Remember the time out generation doesn't work!! This is just another prime example.
Very good. The punk kids today need this more often. Parents just don't raise their kids anymore to show respect to anyone.
anon 7:40 and 12:12
Some idiot just compared a two year old kicking someone in the groin with a 10 year old doing the same thing. The officer should have tasered the little animal before she bit him and gave him AIDS or whatever.
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