Salisbury News Insiders have come to learn the Salisbury Police Department will produce a Press Release some time tomorrow, (surely making tomorrows Daily Times) referencing an arrest in this case.
We want to thank our readers for getting involved and calling the SPD & Crime Solvers with tips and helping the SPD close this case. While everyone knows Chief Webster refuses to send any information to Salisbury News, we took the liberty of borrowing the images from their Website and posting them on Salisbury News, being confident the case would get cracked almost instantly and it worked, once again.
Salisbury News Readers have played a huge role in solving multiple crimes throughout Maryland and Delaware and we simply want to thank all of you for getting involved. Getting these thugs with weapons off the street is more important than anything else. Hopefully Chief Webster, (in the future) will choose to work with Salisbury News directly in order to get these people off the street faster, sending us these images rather than our having to search them out. Getting guns and hard criminals off the street would only make him look good, not bad. That's just my opinion, of course.
Just think if Webster could get over his EGO and get the STICK out of his a$$ long enough to realize that the people want to help, and that includes Joe Albero. My what a wonderful world.
Sooner or Later someone else will get KILLED. It has to STOP & it has to STOP Now. If you people are not MAN or WOMAN enough to STOP it, then get the HELL out of the way so someone else can. This isnt a Fkin game.
DW what are you thinking the last Shell Robbery was also a homicide.
You on you seventh or eigth huh buddy?
just goes to show when the citizens work w law enforcement instead of against then cases get solved. fact of the matter is witnesses and bystanders know more than they tell in fear of retaliation.
There was a murder at a local Shore Stop on 13 North many years ago. The poor woman had no chance in that store by herself and the monsters who commited the murder threatened the witnesses and were never brought to justice.
I bets the suspect is a come here. Its them damn come here's bringing all this crime to the shore. Yee haw!!
10 to 1 he's a local drug addict thats lived around here for years and is familiar with the local lack in crime solving. Regardless hopefully they'll convict him and not just slap him on the wrist.
I bet if some of these political leaders would pass a law that if you commit a crime that involves a murder being committed and you are found quilty you are put to death period! Life without parole for all other criminal acts.
The criminals have no fear of the law and the consequences of there actions...They no if they commit a crime they will just go to jail where they will be taken care of.
While all the law abidding citizens live in fear and work to take care of them.. I say if you kill someone and you are found quilty you should be put to DEATH!!!period.Bye Bye!The end!! Its over!! Your out of here! Done!!I bet some laws would be passed if some of these criminals murdered some of these political leaders family members..
Hey I see that SPD identified and located the suspect. He was arrested today. now, lets see. Will you post good job SPD???? Well, will you Joe. I doubt it, so I will say it for you.
Guy Bennett
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