All cancers merit awareness
"I am also sick of the pink. My relatives and friends have died of lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, skin cancer and bladder cancer. Are we so obsessed with women's breasts that we are losing sight of the bigger picture? We need to be fighting all cancers."
While I agree that we must fight all cancers, GET A LIFE! You ANONYMOUSLY wrote this to the Newspaper, for what? You don't like pink! You can't see the good this has done for women. You turn this into an obsession over breasts!
As many know, I just recently lost my Mother to cancer. It started out as breast cancer. Then it went to her hip. Then it went to her liver. Then her bones and ultimately to her brain. Maybe I should complain just like you and yell out to the world, WHAT ABOUT MEEEEE! I don't think so.
It was a horrific experience and I believe any form of cancer is just horrible. In fact, I have an Aunt who has been fighting cancer in her brain for a year and a half now and she too is dying. My Father In Law is fighting cancer. Another close friend is in the Hospital as I draft this who just had a chunk of her lung removed because of cancer.
If I have to wear a pink shirt, tie or whatever to help any one of their causes, so be it. However, writing such a message to the Grapevine, IMHO, is just stupid. I say, bring on the pink or whatever other color you want and I'll wear it if it can help their cause. If someone wears brown, are they obsessed with colons? Like I said, GET A LIFE and move on.
That was also my sentiment when I responded. If it takes extra attention on breast cancer (which men can also be diagnosed with), then so be it. Any advancement in cancer research will benefit all cancer research and any cure found for breast cancer will carry over to other types of cancers.
My father also died from cancer (bladder/kidney that metastasized to his lungs and brain). But I wear pink to support any/all cancer research.
Only an idiot would have a problem with the pink and not see the bigger picture.
When I see the pink ribbon, I see it as an awareness for all cancer. You must be proactive about your own health. I am thankful that there are women who have survived cancer, have donated their time to local events, and that someday they may be there if I need them. Cancer is cancer. If we find the cure for one, it will work for all.
A$$ needs to stop complaining and start a movement for the cancer of his choice.
It seems like every week Women Supporting Women is walking around asking for a hand out.
10:53 what you see as a "hand-out", people fighting this disease (and family/friends of those inflicted) see it as a "hand-up". Without such organizations, as much progress that we've seen would not have been made.
I proudly wear pink especially in October. I also wear purple for other types of cancer. As for the "hand-outs", I proudly donate either money or my time to help raise funds for the cause. We've come a long way since they first discovered cancer. I like to think that there will be a cure sometime during my lifetime. I've had family members die from different cancers so it's something important to me.
Jerk, I want you to know if you ever come down with cancer I'm one of those who will still donate and pray that you will be okay. I will also proudly wear whatever color you want me to in order to get the message out there to others.
As I type this my Daddy is in his bed due to cancer. He has fought it hard but now it's time to rest. We know there isn't much time left. Yes, I will always wear a ribbon in his memory. The only way I'll stop is when they find the cure.
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