Salisbury, Maryland has become the Cold Case Capital Of The World. Chiefy was an Internal Affairs Officer back in Baltimore, hardly a real Cop. You know who they are, right? They're the guys that investigate other Cops. You know, the most hated Cops in the world. I'm not saying they're not necessary, because they are. However, how do you go from being an internal Affairs Investigator to the Chief of Police in a City riddled with crime and murder.
Ever since Webster got on board, crime has risen through the roof and we are now the SECOND Most Dangerous City In America. Is Mayor Ireton a complete Idiot? Can you see his tail between his legs, afraid of a BS lawsuit Webster has threatened against the City.
I'l tell you what Folks. If I was Mayor of this City, I would have fired his A$$ immediately and I would have invited him to sue the City. If there's ever been a time when the City threw good money after good money, it would be based on the safety of the Citizens. Instead, now we're stuck with yet another murder that us unsolved.
The Pemberton Apartments have been riddled with gunshots and crime, there was a prostitute murdered and the SPD was loaded with information as to who the State believed the killer was and nothing has come of it. There was the Shell Gas Station murder and let's not forget Anitra Pirkle. She was abducted in the City, stabbed in the City and dumped off in Delmar. Chiefy likes to pass that murder off on the County but in all reality it started in the City Limits.
Even the Daily Times stated that the neighbors yesterday complained about hearing gunshots daily in their community and the SPD used to patrol that area but now they don't. Get this, now Chiefy is asking the citizens to help out. OK Chiefy, give us guns and a badge and you can rest assure that citizens will take to the streets and protect our neighborhoods.
Police Officers complain they don't get paid enough money and that's why Salisbury is having a difficult time getting Officer. BS!!!!!! Once Officers are hired, they want out of Salisbury so fast they can't see straight. Once they come to work for this control freak and arrogant leader, they start applying elsewhere almost immediately.
There used to be a waiting list to come to work for the SPD, now what do you have. If ONE job became available 14 years ago, they'd get 250 Cops applying for ONE position. Now they have to hire a retired Cop to go out and recruit Officers! Whatever this Chief of Police is doing is failing. People are being killed in the mean time, yet when you look into the County and see what the Sheriff is doing, there's simply no complaints. In fact, the Sheriff's Department is where MOST of the SPD Officer go to apply because they have leadership that closes murder cases, rare as they may be.
Before anyone else gets killed, call the Mayor and tell him, "Enough Is Enough." Tell him you want this Chief of Police terminated immediately before anyone else gets killed. Tell him we need real leadership and not some wanna be cop who refuses to wear a uniform. You want someone who would be proud to wear a uniform and represent the City of Salisbury.
I'll close with this Folks. The Chief of Police has so much control over Mayor Jim Ireton, when they held a Press Conference a few months ago at the SPD, Webster forced the Mayor to hold it OUTSIDE of the building because Mayor Ireton insisted I be allowed into the Press Conference. The compromise was, if you want it held here at the SPD, you'll hold it outside, period. Chiefy made everyone stand outside in the heat, on a parking lot, simply because he wasn't going to let Albero into his building.
Well guess what Chiefy. I own more of that building than you'll ever own. You pay absolutely NO TAXES in the City. The Mayor and Chief are well aware, if they resist me from attending another Press Conference inside the SPD, the City will be sued. Chief Webster is playing chess with the City and the Mayor is falling for his BS. Chiefy can't afford to sue the City, period. Trust me, I know, right Chiefy. You need to go Webster!
Lt. Ben Scanlon of Barney Miller. He was really loved...NOT.
Where the hell did this Panzy come from to begin with - send him back!
Milton DE- The mayor for that town has started the termination process with their police chief. The reasons for his termination are so petty then Websters. 1 reason is, the chief carries an off duty gun that isn't department issue. WOOOOW. Most cops don't carry the department issue weapon because if you carry the Glock 21, it is too big and bulky. You have to get a smaller gun. Salisbury needs the Milton, DE mayor! Joe, make a few phone calls, get him over here!
Let's assume that the Chief is fired today. What do you suggest is done to reduce the crime, with the same budget and manpower that is currently available today?
the chief, being a department head, cannot be fired without authorization from the city council. with the present council, how will he get enough votes to do that? its a shame that the system is like that, but, it could and should be changed. thanks sjd
too bad they didn't hang chiefy in effigy instead of Kratovil. Hell they need to hang Ireton in effigy as well - what a puzzy
Did email all my concerns to Ireton, haven't gotten a response and don't know if I will but owning a gun and taking your chances in court seems to be the only way to go in Salisbury.
Joe I agree and fear the worst for my family as my wife is a manager of a retail establishment and is at work between 4-430am everyday so yes I fear sometime that some ass will take it upon themselves to rob her and well I cringe at the thought. But what is needed is good leadership. Something has to be done or people are going to start to take matters in there own hands. Please Salisbury Please wake up..
Thanks Joe!
9:44 atleast that would be a "sarting point" getting rid of a control freak / tyrant would of itself do alot to bring in and in some cases back some seasoned officers
Let's get the National Guard to take over. If they can patrol the streets in another country, the certainly can deal with these worthless punk a$$ losers here in Salisbury. There has to be a way.
Get a curfew in place in Salisbury. I know then people are going to say we are taking away their freedom. I am willing to give up a little bit of freedom for a while to be safe.
You can't keep blaming 1 person for all the crime in the City.
Joe_ I as much as anybody else would like to see Webster gone, but what good would it do to fire Webster, only to have the council majority reinstate him? That's exactly what would happen. Jim is a realist and knows he has to wait for Bubba and/or Louweasal to be gone off the council before he can fire Webster. You can thank the idiots that re-elected Shanie for this.
Here is a copy of an e-mail I sent to Mayor Ireton. I expect no reply nor do I envision any change. It is sad that we have become so frustrated with our elected reps that will not do anything positive that makes sense.
ContactsTo: jireton@ci.salisburymd.us
Mayor Ireton,
Another day, another senseless murder.
You were elected on a promise to address the issues of crime and wasteful spending. After 7 months, we have seen nothing from you that would indicate that those promises mean anything to you.
Now I see that we are getting ready to waste another $900,000.00 of our grandchildren's money to buy a fire boat that has no justifiable need. If an investment is to be made from the stimulus money, it should be directed toward law enforcement. Get rid of the chief, hire a competent replacement and put more of the upper management officers back on the street fight the gangs that are very prevelent in this city.
The people that elected you deserve better, not more of the same. Please open your ears and listen. Take the necessary actions to stop the wasteful fire department spending and make a difference in this community.
Thank you,
You know, maybe someone someday can help bring stricter punishment to the ones committing the crimes. But ultimately, we can look back and I can guarantee these people were not reared properly and taught the difference between right and wrong. And since they weren't taught, their kids are going to be even worse. The Chief is not rearing these children who turn out to be menances to society. You cannot put all the blame regarding the crime on him. Should he work hard to do something about it? Yes!!! But it's not his fault these people grow up and commit crimes, and that Salisbury is getting increasingly worse. Even the economy is making people do desparate things for money to eat, pay rent, etc. Just my two cents.
Leadership, good leadership can do plenty. WHy do you think so many officers have left. It isn't all about the pay. Maybe a new chief would get along with the other agencies too. that would benefit the city and reduce crime. Maybe another chief would get higher ranking officers out from behind desks and onto the streets where they are needed. Heck, maybe he would be out there himself at all hours doing what is needed instead of living in another county.
I would like an answer to the previous questions also. What do you want to see done differently by our present PC and his squad? Has anyone addressed the ongoing issues in our school? There are too many students who disrupt, are moved along and never dealt with. Perhaps the Chief is only dealing with what this community is handing him.
Anonymous said...
Let's assume that the Chief is fired today. What do you suggest is done to reduce the crime, with the same budget and manpower that is currently available today?
9:44 AM
Here is a Novel idea! Get the officers they have now to do their damn jobs.
Get the officers and administrative staff on the second and third floor hit the streets.
Get them officers better pay and start to weed out the dead wood so they can recruit better police officers.
And the best option yet is to consolidate the Salisbury Police Department with the Wicomico County Sheriff's Office.
WORK it. Thats not being done now.
Where does the statistic that Salisbury is the 2nd most dangerous city in America come from? I've searched the internet for facts like that and haven't found anything.
Agree with 9:44, get the City Council to get real and fund more officers.
Who is/are the person(s) who evaluate his job performance? And by what standards? Seems to be cronyism more than anything else, at a tremendous cost to the citizens of Salisbury.
When the police officers become targets for the criminal element, will that motive the Chief?
Back in the old "Coulbourne" days, when I went through the hiring process, we had 120 people apply for 4 slots. I was one of 4 hired. Did my two years, and out the door. I left because of the shift schedule, not because of work environment. Chief Dykes took care of business. His attitude was "go get it done, I don't care how you do it" I still know a few officers there that I worked with. Many are just buying time till retirement. None can believe had bad it has become.
Here are some interesting numbers broken down from the 2008 FBI Uniformed Crime Report available on the FBI's website:
Everyone seems to think that living in a big city like Baltimore is more dangerous, but here are the numbers that show overall you are safer in the big city!!!!!!
These numbers are broken down by your chance per populace of being a victim of a crime as listed in this report: Please note that I have taken the liberty of rounding these numbers to make them a little easier to read and they are not 100% correct as I am not a statistician, but they are very, very close to accurate..
Everyone seems to think that living in a big city like Baltimore is more dangerous but here are the numbers!!!!
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 63 was the victim of a violent crime.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 43 was the victim of a violent crime.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 2711 was the victim of murder.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 7113 was the victim of murder.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 4631 was the victim of a forcible rape.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 1580 was the victim of a forcible rape.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 157 was the victim of a robbery.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 183 was the victim of a robbery.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 111 was the victim of an aggravated assault.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 58 was the victim of an aggravated assault.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 20 was the victim of a property crime.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 12 was the victim of a property crime.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 63 was the victim of a violent crime.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 43 was the victim of a violent crime.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 81 was the victim of a burglary.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 53 was the victim of a burglary.
In Baltimore 1 person out of every 36 was the victim of a larceny-theft.
In Salisbury 1 person out of every 17 was the victim of a larceny-theft.
In Baltimore 1 person out of 8.845 was the victim of any types of the crimes contained in this 2008 published report.
In Salisbury 1 person out of 5.5 was the victim of any types of the crimes contained in this 2008 published report.
As for me, I am just glad I don’t live in within the City Limit’s, but having to spend 8-10 hours a day working in Salisbury is scary enough for me!!!!
The members of the City Council and the Mayor should be ashamed of themselves. Ultimately they are the ones responsible for allowing these types of statistics to occur.
It has come time to hold the managers of the Police Department and the elected officials of this city accountable for the crime wave here. If the city council and the mayor cannot hold their employee’s accountable maybe the citizens of Salisbury should hold their employee’s, the elected officials of Salisbury accountable come election time.
I'm at the point now where I'm scared to walk my dog after dark. There's always people leaning inside of cars pulled over to the side of the road and prostitutes walking along. Now a murder in broad daylight. This is just getting outrageous!
I got a call from the senators office the other day, (202-224-4525) They told me I didn't need to flood the email in box of the same email. 1 will be fine. I have been sending the same email 3 times a day for the past 4 or 5 months about whats going on in Salisbury. The crime, the police chief, the mayor, gangs and other crap. Well, they dont want to hear it either. Joe, we are stuck with Webster and the all smiles mayor. Teflon chief will still collect the 2 paychecks per month until HE wants to leave.
Problem is you have a Mayor with no backbone, a Chief who has removed himself from your problems, a divided council with no regards to their citizens, and citizens who have no collective voice.
Salisbury, you are helpless, hopeless, and ruined.
The facts are the facts. The City police are locking people up. Look at the post on Joe's aite about SPD arrest. They are overwhelmed and understaffed. It is time for a county police force plain ans simple.
A street crimes /anti-gang unit comprised of all county agencies. A no holds barred unit that that takes it to the thugs azzzz. Lets face it folk there are cops that have ridden a desk thier whole career. Then there are those that thrive on stress and believe in what they are doing. Take 3, 3 2,1,1.
Spd 3 WCSO 3, MSP 2, 1 FPD,1 DPD. The first thing said will be we can not afford the man power. I say bull shit, you can not afford not to. Put some of your strong SGT.s at least two. The rest are your pit bulls.
Allow the Sgt.s you pick to choose the squad. They are not white washed by the Admin. They know who will make a unit like this suceed. I dont mean thug cops I mean strong, proactive cops. That are willing to work by the sweat of thy brow.
Target areas all over the county.
Utilize rental vehicles so they can be changed out evry couple of weeks. Trade vehicles with allied Task Force. Keep things moving all the time.
Plain and simple no ass kissers needed just cops that want to fight the war on crime, period.
This makes to much sense to happen here. One would have to wonder why a leader would not want this. Take some of the dead wood and move them to patrol to replace units placed on the unit.
We all know people above the rank of Sgt. that work 20% of the thier day. Sorry it is what it is. Place Lt.s on all shifts. I guarantee they can still get the Admin. paper done they have been doing daily. No we will just furlough people instead.
Two of your major departments dont just have dead wood they have a freakin forrest.
Fight Crime or look pretty. Pollitt and Ireton better start doing what they were elected to do.
There is a war out there the problem is only one side has an Army. The thugs.
What we need is a right to carry law passed. Then lets see how many criminals want to rob someone. Once some robbers are eliminated by trying to rob someone they'll go somewhere else.
Backfin, who are you?
:02 Since you have all the answers, are you going to apply to be police chief? How many of the people reading this would be willing to step up and go to the police academy and help make some changes?
SPD are underpaid. You lose them because there are other less dangerous jobs or jobs with other police agencies where they will make more money. If Webster were to be fired, I doubt you could even find a replacement. Who would want that job?
Anon 6:02 - you forgot: Webster doesn't play well with others and none of the other agency's chiefs have any respect for him. Webster is the laughing stock of the eastern shore. His other problem, while you pose a good concept, is he would rather put good officers in admin positions. SPD: from first to worst and everybody knows it!
joe the department isn't keeping experienced officers for more that one reason. It's multifacited, it's work conditions and pay not just one or the other, it's both. It's hard to stay someplace that when the internal workings are hard to swallow the only thing they have to fall back on is lack luster pay, less than everyone else. So yep, I see why it's easy decision to bail.
The City Government got what they wanted when they hired Webster. They hired a retired Baltimore County Detective, so City Government, How that working out for you? ha ha Losers
did you know webster is really a butthole? he just wears the skin of a bald headed white man. thats why the 3rd floor is in so much poo. cant wear the police uniform because he would stink it up. those pants are not cheap. amagine him wearing those wool pants in the blazing heat of summer. you would be able to smell the true butthole that he is. the mgr, the cpt and a few lt's there are the butthole sniffers. they wear flesh color makeup because their noses are really brown. a few officers are butthole sniffers in training. some will lie to advance. a few will grab the free coffee for the butthole sniffers. 1 likes to write under age citiations. 1 will make false reports to satisfy a few. the whole pd is like a big toilet. 80% of the other officers are ok. some are more proactive in street crime. some want to knock those stats out of the park. all in all joe, they are a good group. it is a shame that they cant get hired else where. spd has basically red flagged them. they are prob the most unhappy employees in the U.S. there is my rant.
Shut the doors on the place and turn it over to MIKE LEWIS...He will get it done
Internal Affairs is more worried about security video scandals and punishing officers on the force. Hire a chief with either a SWAT background, or Proactive enforcement credentials...Make code compliance handle loud parties
We don't need no stinkin badges.
why is there no post of salisbury police doing a great job and catching the suspect involved in the shooting.
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