Order could speed up treatments by waiving certain medical standards
WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama has signed a proclamation declaring swine flu a national emergency, the White House said Saturday.
"In keeping with the administration's proactive approach to H1N1 Flu, President Obama last night signed a proclamation declaring 2009-H1N1 Influenza a national emergency," it said in a statement. "The proclamation enhances the ability of our nation's medical treatment facilities to handle a surge in H1N1 patients by allowing, as needed, the waiver of certain standard federal requirements on a case-by-case basis."
Officials described the move as similar to a declaration ahead of a hurricane making landfall.
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I'm declaring a swine presidency emergency !
zombie theory
The sky is falling, the sky is falling!
What a frigging joke this administration is. The news last night announced 5000 deaths WORLDWIDE from H1N1. Hardly epidemic, definitely not pandemic. Could this be another of Raum Emanuel's "crisis" to exploit?
THere is nothing to trust from this government at all. The citizens of the US should follow the example of Honduras and remove this bunch of charlatans.
To the storm cellar.
I know Liberals will jump on my comment but I do not care. It will show their ignorance of History. Duckaround an other Teachers response will show the intelligence of our professional Teachers. This article shows the same pattern as Hitler in his seach for a way to create a Master Race. There are to many reports that are being covered up on the adverse effect of the H1N1 / Swine Flu vacine. The age groups being pushed to take the vacine and the unreported cases of the adverse effect are very similar to Hitlers plan to eliminate individuals who did not fit in his plans for a Master Race. Also look what direction this Country has been taken in the last 10 months. Ring any bells yet?
what an idiot i guess we will have a national emergence every year for the flu its not new news.the flu kills hundreds of people every year.i think its a conspiracy for nobama to get his government controlled health care.
I held the same beliefs as the above. This morning my 12 yr old was diagnosed with swine flu and now I have symptoms.
Now I have a different mindset.
It is easy to criticize this action now, but if this flu really turns bad then these same people will criticize Obama for not doing enough. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.
Let me get to the store and get my toilet paper now.
I went to Kentucky for a week of FSD orientation and met a food service director from Georgia who went to the hospital with swine flu and they told him they couldn't do anything for him they wanted him out of the building!
I guess if he was on welfare and medicaid they would have taken him!
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