Scientists analyze readings sent back from impact for signs of water ice
A pair of NASA spacecraft smashed into the moon at twice the speed of a bullet, as part of a mission aimed at blasting up signs of water ice.
Pictures of the impact zone were beamed back live to Earth, but the video imagery did not show any signs of a flash.
"It's hard to tell what we saw there," said Michael Bicay, director of science at NASA's Ames Research Center in California.
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It just doesn't make sense...there are people starving, homeless and sick here on earth and they're spending billions of dollars because they are worried about some damned water on the moon. Who gives a crap!! Those geniuses need to figure out how to cure some of our problems down here. What is wrong with this country!!
I agree with Mad Granny @ 8:49 AM. We don't have enough problems here on earth and we need to go crashing millions of dollars into the moon!?!
Screw the sick and homeless, I want to know what the Moon is made of.
HEADLINE News, Sunomi off East Coast caused by Moon being hit by rocket twice the speed of a bullet, throwing its rotation off 1 million of a fraction. NASA says, Oh Crap! we did not think of that!
Bunch of rich idiots!
So let's say for a moment that there IS water on the moon?
SO WHAT?! What difference does it make?
We don't have the money for this agency or any other agency to keep doing the BS stuff like this!
I'm tire of it! I'm also tired of sending all the billions of dollars over to other countries. Keep our money HERE!
If we did that, we probably wouldn't have any budget woes!
If it were not for the moon missions of the 60's, you anti-space bed wetters would not have your cellphones, the internet, teflon, velcro, tang, Advanced color television, Clear FM singles. A massive ammount of modern life came from your wasted money.
Just think, we crashed today onto the moon and blew $79 million. Meanwhile back in the real world, another round of layoffs and furlough days. Lets ask all of the people who are out of work on a furthlough today how happy they are watching this money get wasted. All of this just cause 2 other countries did it first. OMG call out the National Guard and get them up to the moon. Someone might try to do something with it before we do. They are hiding stuff from us. We of course don't think there will be any problems caused crashing two rockets into the moon. I just think about all that money that they wasted and I am livid.
Lets see, get rid of all the technology and maybe crime would go down, kids would be home with their family or playing outside instead of video games.
You can go circles all day, the only reason NASA is around is it gets money the defense department cant. It was designed for research for defense and thats all.
There is nothing out there but space. We have run out of countries to take over and places to go. We are the planet Earth nothing left to do, establish. Sorry no little aliens out there only God watching in amusement of our attempts to prove other.
If there is water there, obama will appoint a "Moon Czar" to try to figure a way to control it.
Annon 10:49 - Ask the poor, homeless and sick if they care about cell phones, the internet, advanced color tv's and clear fm stations...you are missing the point because all of the above mentioned is for those more fortunate; and who in the hell likes Tang anyway?!
Maybe Just Maybe
The government knows something we dont. Maybe they know the world is about to end and they are trying to fiquer out how to live on the moon?
Anon 10:49
But what does this "mission" have to do with furthering technology?
It doesn't! WASTE OF MONEY!
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