The text description is very Horrific!
As horrific as this is, it needs to circulate!
The animals pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!
Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her.. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.
As horrific as this is, it needs to circulate!
The animals pictured below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his penis, then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!
Channon Christian was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her.. Then they cut off her breasts and put chemicals in her mouth... and then murdered her.


Knoxville (WVLT) - The District Attorney General of Knox County announced the list of charges facing now five suspects in the double murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.
The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the State will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury.
Lemaricus Davidson, 25, faces a total of 46 charges.
Letalvis Cobbins, 24, faces a total of 46 charges.
George Thomas, 24, faces a total of 46 charges.
Vanessa Coleman, 18, faces 40 Tennessee state charges.
Eric Boyd, 24, also arrested in connection with the fatal car jacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact.
Where's Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson? Are they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?
Of course not - the victims were white.
Why hasn't this received National coverage by the news media like the Duke 'rape' case?
Oh, that's right - the victims were white.
Why hasn't the NAACP, ACLU, New York Times etc., called for an investigation?
Must be cause the victims were white.
Why hasn't the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?
Oh, that's right - the victims were white.
So, if a white radio shock jock uses the phrase 'Nappy headed', it gets 2 weeks of constant news coverage.
If two white people are tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black people, it barely gets a blip in the news.
Pass this around, and maybe, just maybe, it will land in the hands of someone in the media or politics, that has the guts to stand up for the white people!
They wonder why I'm a racist!
It's comming soon to a theater near
you. Good-by Al and Jessie.
welcome to the animal planet
Charlie Manson predicted a race war a long time ago. There is a lot of hate from both sides. The way things are now it's hard to think of people being passive, God love the 60's, violence is everywhere now.
There's another case in upstate N.Y. where 19 yo was bludgened by BLACK teens this past summer. Just got out of hospital... nothing in the media.
The perps(not alleged perps, but perps) were juveniles & therefore probably not subject to anything "adult". Well, what they did was adult enough & they knew what they were doing. Case closed!
if it was my child they did this to! we wouldn't be reading about their trial! We would be reading about mine!
I want to throw up. Eye for an Eye.
Have the police pointed out any evidence that this was a race-based crime or just or group of sick individuals committing a horrific crime? Unless there is evidence of them targeting specifically a "white couple", then why would you expect this to be covered as a hate crime? With that said, let 5 big bubba's get a hold of all of them every day for the next 20 years then fry 'em up in the chair.
Here's a followup from the TV station. The animals need to be treated just like they treated the victims. This makes me livid to think that these animals expect to be treated like responsible citizens.
Give them a taste of their own medicine in the city center and televise it on cable. Horrifying? Yes, but a message would be sent that civilized people will not tolerate such actions without consequences.
Great work digging this story from all the political B.S. it was buried under. This case should have been a death penalty case right out of the box. One guess on why this case was never pushed by main stream media.
It is almost like they are wishing the fire storm that awaits this country if this type of injustice continues.
In the story they have quotes from the head of the N.A.A.C.P. in Knoxville. The irony is she states this was a crime of oppurtunity, dont be angered at all Blacks for the acts of a few. HMmmmmmmmm do not hold the Black Community responsible for what others did??
White America has been being held accountable for acts that took place 4 or 5 generations ago. Funny when on the spot how quickly it is forgotten the crutch they have stood on.
Salisbury has a horrific gang problem. I have been reluctant to say it, but they are here and getting stronger daily. The Klan wore hoods, these men wear "Red" "Black" "Blue".
They instill fear in the community, they prey on the weak. They attack in packs. They are organized crime period.
So my question is why are they allowed to terrorize Americans rob and steal from Americans and Ohbama has not said one word about gangs in America. The F.B.I. has gotten as far away from it as they can.
If packs of whites were running the streets with pink ribbons in thier in a Black community there would be outrage.
8:19 you are not a racist you are a realist. This is what we have allowed to happen.
The Goverment has done nothing to fix a system they broke fifty years ago.
Affirmative Action my ass.
I hope they have the death penalty in that state! Better yet , some states still have the hanging tree!
Anyone here hear about this on the news.
If five whites did this to a black couple the streets would be filled with marchers. It would be on every T.V. station in the land.
Al "I am going strt to hell Sharpton"
Tawanna Brawley ring a bell ??.
Jessie "I am going to get a girl pregnant in the White House" Jackson.
Thanks for messing up my Sunday Joe. This story has really pissed me off.
Guess I will go watch all the millionaire Black guys running up and and down the fields. Then watch the sorda Black presisdent later on CSpan.
Have a Great Day America you deserve it.
Second link to more info. This should be national news ten times over.
Hell, Fox news had a crawl on the bottom of the TV last week about some dumba$$ that was a "victim" of Hurricane Rick in Baja, Mexico. Why was he a victim? He was fishing on a rock jetty in a hurricane! And that's news? No!
A brutal murder such as this, or the recent carjacking/murder right on the Shore doesn't rank national news because the news/government regime are afraid of the repercussions of something like this going nationwide. Worse yet, would be the collection of like news items inundating us if allowed by the self censored media.
Check out You Tube, The stories are all over there, that's how we learned about it. Very sad.
It's payback time !!!
While this is a sad story. Please get off the save the white people stint. The amount of whites killed by blacks doesn't even compare to the amount of blacks killed at the hands of a white man. This story is about a lack of humanity. Relish in your racism and keep praying for the all white world you'll never get.
They need to burn these P.O.S.. WHy should the govt give them 3 hots and a cot- they deserve to fry! An absolute discrace to society
yes,americans are being raped everyday by a black man and his gang. but we must wait till new elections.
This sounds like a made-up story. I pray to God it is.
un FREAKIN believable. forget asking for Death Penalty, a good lynching is what is needed. Put them out on Bail let the family take care of these assholes
Never was but man I'm getting there.
This was not on national news.
But no one stands up for whitey anymore.
Remember the cute little black boy who you highly praised.
No more n word but the hell with whitey.
So the hell with the white girl, she must have led them on.
Death penalty and quick, that is where other countries are ahead of us, can you imagine if this was your daughter or son?
Joe, your just another white man trying to keep the brothers down! The did it because their ancestors were slaves! Dont you get it? Also, there is no such thing as a hate crime against a cracker!
This story has been sensationalized.
While terrible, the mutilation was post mortem to hide evidence.
and anon 8:19, the reason why you are a racist is because you are ignorant.
Sensationalized or not, these maggots deserve to die the worst imaginable deaths.
i bet this was not considered a hate crime.but if a group of white people dd that to black people it would have been just that.
I found this information last month on You Tube. I was so angered by the lack of media this drew. It is simple when A/A kill Whites is not not news worthy. When two white males dragged a black man to death it was on every station in America.
To 3:36 post mortum or not the act in and of itself is beyond normal comprehension. i dont think you would have posted that if it were your mother. The victims have parents that loved them. The fact is they had numerous other possible victims in the area. That were A/A. Why not their own. The anger involved anf the total lack of humanity of this act screams racism and hate. If you listen to one of the suspects court testimony you will hear that the female was targeted by a convicted felon in the group.
The Tawana Brawley case which was proven to be all lies made national news. Why not this. It is the liberal ass media. It is the fact there are pro balck organizations that get the news out. There is no pro white anything in America anymore.
It is cases like this being treated the way they are that has angered and awakened the white public of the injustice of a hyper sensitive black community.
No death penalty because it is inhumane. This country is failing fast. The Black and Whites all need to realize this fact. the decent people in this society should pull together to combat the violence. Gangs should not be tolerated. Group violence should have stiffer guidelines for this type of crime period.
This was the most henious crime in America at the time and it was covered up by the media for some reason.
You and I both know why.
Thanks, I'm glad you cleared this up. That makes it okay. Shame on whoever sensationalized this act that was 'only' kidnapping, carjacking, rape, and murder. Shame on us for feeling a sense of disgust.
To 3:36
The reason I'm a racist is because I'm not a liar. There are only two types of people , racist and liars.
Ignorance is the lack of knowledge,
I have a masters degree , so what!
You are a friggin idiot. I guess in your little liberal world because it was post mortem that makes it ok. You people that make excuses for scum like this makes me sick. You are a total waste of human flesh and blood
maybe these full grown entitlement scums and use there babys mommas free cell phone to call al or jesse or maybe keith olberman or oprah!
I hardly believe you have a masters degree, unless it's in noose tying and cross burning.
And this is the second time you have posted that. Where's the degree? Where's the proof? How do I know you are even an American citizen?
Anonymous said...
While this is a sad story. Please get off the save the white people stint. The amount of whites killed by blacks doesn't even compare to the amount of blacks killed at the hands of a white man. This story is about a lack of humanity. Relish in your racism and keep praying for the all white world you'll never get.
11:29 AM
WTF! People like you are the reason America is in the shape it is in. Move!
These animals are on every block in every major city in this country. Americans, especially white americans, are indeed in trouble. Blacks just say, "carma is a bitch", implying whites have brought this on themselves. Your exactly right, the media is biased. It seems it is ok to do whatever you like to whites in this country.
I have on thing to say....eye for an eye applies here!
Thanks 6:50. The point was not that the crime wasn't terrible, but the report that is posted here is sensationalized to bring out a reaction. The reaction is to spark racist thoughts. And based on the posts, it did its job. To make blanket statements about an entire race of people based on this case is simply racist. There are plenty of white scumbags who commit heinous crimes as well.
Also in my "little liberal world" this is not ok and I hope those SOB's rot in hell. I have no sympathy for them, but not because they are black, because they commited murder/rape/etc...
We need Stormin' Norman's kind of thinking on this one.
I really don't care if they are white, black, purple, or human being should be treated the way those two were.
Now I know these 5 outstanding citizens did this because someone they never knew was a slave before they were born. I'm still waiting for the positive change that loser President promised us. Him and his hater wife are making things worst because they play the race card so much. Maybe Oprah will have them on her show to explain their side. If rich white men would stop holding these people down they would stop. I'm sure they have a good lie of how it's a white persons fault. This is really what black people want.
hey I know the perfect solution to this, cut off both arms and force them to walk through the desert with no water. And oh, 7:58, it seems to me that you have a Masters Degree in being a P.O.S., and a liberal don't give a shit democrat and stands up for nothing! You are a reason why there is scum off the earth walking! You are the kind of person that's like the gum stuck to the bottom of my boot. So UP YOURS! Knowledge does not matter, as long as there is common sense in which you obviously lack much of. Thank you for ruining the country.
This double standard BS really pisses me off too! I am white and have plenty of black friends, but what pisses me off is that black folks can go around yelling 'honky' 'cracker' 'albinos' etc to white folks and nothing is done about it nor do we ever care to make a big deal out of it. But god forbid that somebody that is not black drop the N-Bomb! It's ok for them to call each other 'nigga this' and 'nigga that' but no white guy could get away with saying such!
I honestly feel that black people are more racist towards whites than whites are towards blacks. They always want to blame the white man for "holding them down!" Big news for you, slavery ended a long time ago and what you say that my ancestors did to your ancestros is on them, not you or I so give it up! I'm not stopping you from doing right, getting an education and getting a good job. I don't care if you move in as my neighbor, but let me simply drive through a black neighborhood and the looks I get could nearly kill me!
Remember the 'White men can't jump' movie? What do you think would happen if they had a 'Black men can't swim' movie based on Micheal Phelps and his black friend that he teams up with on a swim team? I can gaurantee that it would be a HUGE controversy, but you "White men can't jump" was accepted with no drama...
Want respect, give respect! I will respect anybody who respects me! If you milk the system and do nothing to better yourself (both black and whites) I WILL look down on you and I WILL considered you as the scum you are-just like I did on the 2 independence card transactions in front of me at Wal-mart last night:
One happend to be a Black female, overweight and dressed in her Sunday's best with more jewerly and rings than Mr. T. She had a baby and two young children with her. Her shopping cart consisted of nothing but junk food and fatty meats. I noticed bacon, zebra cakes, oreos, pork chops, bacon wrapped filet mignon, pork rinds, texas toast, velveta mac-n-cheese, hungry man meals, hot dogs and 4 12 packs of soda. NOT ONE SINGLE VEGETABLE! $182 total that she tried to put on her independence card but didn't have enough on the card so she was complaining about having to pay the balance in cash. I'd be willing to bet that she had over $700-800 (all hundreds) in her purse. REALLY! I saw her loading groceries in her 2009 Mercury Sable Premier (I know the car because my grandmother just bought one-VERY nice $29,000-35,000) in the handicap parking spot with vanity plates that said "GODSONG!" I/WE PAY FOR THIS BS TO HAPPEN! Unfortunately for black people, there are more of them taking advantage of the situation which makes the rest look bad...
If you have a job and are trying to make things happen for you, even if it's at McD's, you will get the respect and courtesy you deserve from me.
This is disgusting. How could people be so cruel. Who are they to play g-d and inflict such cruelty to others.
The kid arrested on Booth Street has sixteen brothers and sisters. Whats up !!!!!!!!
Who be payin. We be payin.
One nation under Ohbama and Farrahkan.
If the federal Govt. rented Carnival Cruise Lines for six months. Allowing all "AFRICANS" to go home free with ten grand in thier pockets.
The National Deficet would be cut by 70% in three years.
The Russian mafia last year made over 20 million just in medicade fraud. They saw how liberal a system we have here. How easy it is to defraud the goverment. Why because we have allowewd certain minorites to rip up off for years.
I have seen them by 5lb. boxes of shrimp on stamps. Filets, Drive off in a Kitted out Suburban.
It is time for the WHITE man to speak up.
I will never give up this land my forefathers fought for.
You saw how cowboys and Indians eneded up.
Are you kidding me. This story has nothing to do with race. I wish one day people would overcome that crap. At the end of the day we all bleed the same blood. The NAACP was formed because AFRICAN AMERICANS couldn't receive justice where justice was do. It is a lot of murders that happen that go unnoticed. There are alot of african americans that die by the hands of White man or woman. And the media doesn't talk about it. Yes I feel sorry for this family and I hope justice is served for the sake of them. But it is time for the country to united and stop always thinking about color.
As bad as it sounds,I do think this crime was racially motivated against a white couple.Sorry.
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