In today's Daily Times they finally admit, (after Barrie Tilghman is out of Office) that there's a Gang problem in Salisbury. One of the funny parts about this on line article is, it consists of 5 pages. You have to click on 5 different pages just to read the entire article, boosting their Google hits in what we call "page views."
Nevertheless, I refuse to go past page one, it's a blogging thing. I saw enough catch phrases like; "Salisbury, like many suburban communities and small cities, experienced a rise in gang presence and gang activity, and while the effects of gangs in the city has not reached the levels of Baltimore City or Prince George’s County, law enforcement, prosecutors and others have been fighting to stifle their numbers."
Salisbury, like many other communities, PLEASE! If the Chief of Police didn't DENY there were any Gangs in Salisbury from the beginning, we probably wouldn't have the problems we're now experiencing in Salisbury. Heck, IF the Daily Times had reported this issue, (like Salisbury News did 3 years ago) we may not even have the problem we have today.
However, the Mayor had such a strong hold on the Daily Times and the Chief of Police, the community could have been in a better position today. The States Attorneys Office has been trying for years to get the City to change their legislation to remove Graffiti within 24 hours, yet for some reason the Chief of Police and Mayor refuse to follow the code the County is enforcing.
Police Chief Webster needs to go, we all know that. This is just another perfect example of 3 years wasted time and I personally blame the Daily Times, the former Mayor, the Police Chief and now the current Mayor who has refused to present proposed legislation from the County to help curb further graffiti.
Just a reminder: Back when the entire Downtown area was bombarded with graffiti on 10 or so buildings, (including my own) Salisbury News offered to pay for ALL of the graffiti removal on ALL buildings, not just my own. The Mayor refused to allow Joe Albero to pay for anything and after my proposal the City footed the bill to have it all removed, QUIETLY.
GO HERE to see today's Daily Times article.
Mmmm , saw the news today with pictures of the gangs. Didn't notice any whites in the gangs.
What say you Al Sharpton and Jessie Jacka$$.
"Crime is not a problem in Salisbury".....City Councilwoman Shanie Shields
Earth to Ireton:
Jim-beau, you have been in the Mayor's office long enough to have fired Webster by now, so why not????
Joe, I have heard two different versions in reference to the efforts - or LACK of efforts - of local law enforcement to deal with the gang problems.
I have heard despite chief Webster's initial denial of gang activity in Salisbury, his men are actively involve, along with the State's Attorney's office and State Police in "dealing with" the matter. I have also heard, contrary to his earlier williness to deal with the matter, Sheriff Lewis is NOT participating in the cooperative effort needed in the area.
What have you heard about the efforts made by ALL police resources? I hear Lewis is no longer "interested" in dealing with the gang matter.
That newspaper is a joke Never go there
To say the Daily Times is a day late and a dollar short is an understatement. And to make it a 5-page online article is crap. This problem has grown and grown over the years and now what? We have a loser chief of police and a larger bunch of losers now in charge of making decisions. It's ten times harder to re-gain control of a gang infested area after it has gotten a strong hold. And who tell me verified this number count? ..only 10-15 members of this... 65-75 members of that. Note to all who read it, double or triple those numbers. Last time I checked cops don't get very accurate head counts. No mention was made of the large number of girls in these gangs and just how many elementary and middle schoolers are in the gangs. They may have tried to inform residents of the issue, however it was still minimized.
Not to worry --
"Help is on the way"!
uh dare aint no cryme in salbarrie! BURP!!
Did you notice the caption on the front page of the print edition? "prosiecutes" and "gang-relat4ed", lol. I guess things are so bad they can't afford spellcheck!!!
And they did not talk to anyone at the Wico. Co. Dtention Center. They (ARCE, TURNER< HARDIN) have done a great job identifying Gang Members. Well, that is until Doug Devenyns "reassigned" Arce and Hardin and replaced them with clearly incompetent people. The staff at WCDC deals with these thugs every day. And they do a better job than noted fearmonger Dan "I just need another million dollar grant in order to figure this out" Daugherty.
4:17 that is nothing more than unfounded criticism towards a person who works 60-70 hour weeks trying to help douche bags such as yourself. Do us all a favor, go back to school and try again, sucker. You haven't made much of your life up to this point.
What a high standard there is for local services here. If I cared about this place I'd be pretty upset that the local news prefers to keep me in the dark rather than ruffle the feathers of the local ya-who's in charge. Do any of the local idiots understand that timely news reporting helps solve crimes. Once again proving just how backwards this place really is.
The local apologists are gonna have to dig deep in the excuses box to cover this up.
It goes without saying in any area with common sense so I better spell it out here for the nimrods. Any city, town, county, jurisdiction... (on and on) cannot ignore gang presence and expect it to just go away! If any of the above mentioned intend to keep gangs out of the area they must acknowledge it as soon as it is seen and put a stop to it. Once a gang has taken hold it is very difficult to get them out. There are at least 3 large multistate/nation gangs attempting to gain control of the eastern shore at this time including DE, MD, and VA. The reason because people run and hide rather than confronting and stopping the ignorance. If you portray yourself as a weak victim you will become a society of weak victims.
So now that the gangs have been ignored for such an extended period of time it will take twice as much man power, money, and policing to get it under control IF there is a strong arm approach to it now there might be a chance to take Salisbury and the surrounding areas back, if not the gangs are here to stay and the upstanding citizens will never regain control.
Quite funny how all of the pics are circa 2007....hmmmm amazing how pics can surface two years later? C'mon there has been gang activity in this area since the late 80's. Does anyone remember the posse's. This is second generation now. The middle schools have been infested for years. The high schools have been infested for years. The local prisons have been infested for years. They're organized now and it's the young little foot soldiers that don't care about themselves, let alone anyone else that are causing the problem now. Gangs are masters at pushing their agenda's through disillusioned teens who lack self esteem and compassion for anyone outside of themselves. Get the young boys to do the dirt because they will get off on juvenile charges. Couple that with a weakened police force, a police chief who doesn't even live in the county let alone the city, and a blind eye by the political realm for over a decade because it didn't effect they're immediate surroundings( you know confined to the "hood"), and I guess the bass ackwards belief that they would only kill themselves, has resulted in the hotbed many refer to as the "middle east" of the US
We have had gangs in Salisbury since the late 80's. Remember the Victor Torres case? He was a 15 year old Puerto Rican boy that repeatedly stabbed a guy to death because he was gay. Well...he was in a gang. The "PRP"= Puerto Rican Posse. It was a local gang comprised of Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Whites.
Check it.
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