Well, boys and girls, today we are letting the fox guard the henhouse.
Tomorrow, the wolves will be herding the sheep!
Obama Appoints two devout Muslims to homeland security posts. Doesn't this make you feel safer already?

Obama and Janet Napolitano Appoint Arif Alikhan, a devout Muslim as Assistant Secretary for Policy Development Source for announcement: Homeland Security Press Room. http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2009/06/obama-appointment-arif-ali-khan-asst-secretary-dhs.html

The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC) is proud to announce that the DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano swore-in Kareem Shora, a devout Muslim, who was born in Damascus, Syria as ADC National Executive Director as a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC). http://www.adc.org/
NOTE: Has anyone ever heard a new government official being identified as a devout Catholic, Jew or Protestant...?
Just wondering.
Doesn't this make you feel safer already??
Devout Muslims being appointed to critical Homeland Security positions?
That should make our homeland much safer, huh!!
Was it not men of the "Devout Muslim Faith" that flew planes into U.S. buildings not too long ago. What the heck is this president thinking?
This announcement was made on Aug 20. Why are we just now hearing about it???
Lock and load it's only gonna get worse with this a$$hole as president. How do you like the change now people? This country is going to hell real fast and Obamma is doing all he can to see it get there faster. When he said change he meant change but never said it was for the better , hope all of you dumba##es that voted for him are ready for what you've created.
I guess people may see the light too late. You ask the question " what was the president thinking".
My guess is that this is part of his plan , which is destroying the country. The democrates don't have a clue what is going on. I guess we don't either , the way the MSM reports things.
Right, because all Muslims are terrorists. Give me a break.
Maybe these guys can help us figure out how all those evil muslims think!
Was it not radical Christians that blew up the Oklahoma City buildings? So who do we appoint to the post? How about an atheist????
Sickening post. The announcement came from a Muslim group, not the White House, hence the ID.
Muslims getting appointed to posts is new. Back when it was the "first" Catholic, the "first" Latino, the "first" woman, you bet it was announced. Including when it was the second and third.
Joe, you are sliding into the gutter with this hate and fear all Muslims thing. You print a lot hate email. I unfortunately get some of this same crap, so I recognize it.
I wish the fair and open-minded you would come back. This reflects badly on you.
Jefferson. No it was not radical Christians that blew up Oklahoma City buildings. There is nothing in the new testament that tells us to kill people of other religions. If people claim to be christians and kill they do it with their own sick mind not from teaching from the bible. THAT is the diffence.
You get what you voted for for 4 years.3 more and you can get rid of him nif we have a country left.
anonymous 8:49, obviously, (as you admit) information like this is out there to DEBATE.
There are many Posts I put up I disagree with. However, it's information spreading around the world and YOU have the opportunity to agree or disagree, unlike the MSM. Once it aires and or is printed, most do NOT go to their on line version and comment. At least you have that freedom to do so.
Like it or not, at least we put it out there.
Hmmm, Let me see the people responsible for flying those planes into the World Trade Center Buildings, the Pentagon, and the one that crashed in PA lived here for several years learning to fly these planes and went unnoticed until the event happened. So would it be impossible for these men to have trained for these positions just so they could be inside the goverenment in powerful positions. I DON'T THINK SO!!!!!! Something to think about
I just heard Paul Revere. Shout Louder Paul some have been drinking it and are still asleep.
anonymous 9:06, you're wrong. Those individuals were noticed. Some people have selective memory. Our government knew about each and every one of these individuals taking flight courses in Florida. They knew about it all along. Mind you, I'm not saying they knew about them learning to fly to take over a plane/planes to fly into the Trade Centers and so forth but they did have their eye on them from the beginning.
Not all Muslins are terrorists. Most of the Germans were Catholic so in the WW's did we keep Catholics out of our government?
Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 14,289 deadly terror attacks since 9/11.
So you're saying that, on average, there are about 5 terror attacks a day?
I think you people forget that you live in the United States of America where we don't discriminate on the basis of religion! NOT!
Worse them keeping them out of government, obviously you never read about detainment camps for Germans and Japanese during WWII.
Even small local town governments refused to hire Germans for the Road Department.
You are an idiot and out of touch with the real world
Yes, this really is scary. It reminds me of how in 1981 a person of Irish descent became President of the United States while the Irish were busy conducting terrorist bombings in Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This Irishman shared the same blood as these terrorists and he was directing U.S. foreign policy!
I could care less what religion anybody is.
But I do not like the idea of foreign born nationals in key security positions.
This is nothing but a piece designed to breed fear and hatred. And Joe, you might say that you just want to post information, but any objective viewer of your blog can see what types of "information" you tend to post. Whats sad is that you could atleast add some info. to put the piece in context before you spout off with more fearmongering.
I belive that jobs like this should be for qualified americans only. Like requirements for president. With all the heat coming down on Obama being a muslim, a racist, Kenya born or whatever, he should have had a better choice. This just ads more hate.
OMG I still cant believe people actually think Timothy McVeigh nad his loser buddy Nichols acted alone in Oklahoma City.According to people who knew them those two couldnt light a fart properly.They were the Lee Harvey Oswalds of the Oklahoma City attack,which was strikingly similar to the earlier WTC attacks over 15 yrs ago in NYC.
And yes I am leery of ALL Muslim peoples because they share a common goal.
A big deal was made of JFK being Catholic. There is always a big headline when someone of a minority group does something that is rare.
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