Chief Hoppes and Deputy Chief Gordy have found a new way to cost the taxpayers money....
They have officially changed the way SFD is allowed to respond to calls. No matter what the call no matter what the station Tower 16 hits the streets if there is any assistance needed while the company whose district the actual emergency is in can only send the engine to the scene and anyone who doesn't get out on that piece has to sit there and watch "The Bad Boys of Metro" roll by their station. No matter where or what the call is.
What a morale booster for the Volunteers, huh? This Tower only gets 4 or 5 miles per gallon if that and they have to drive all the way across town to get to a call.
While the actual apparatus that is closer and gets better gas mileage cant got to the call, what a waste!!! This is also there way to try to increase the call volume for 16 and there "paid" members.
This City was founded by Volunteers and yet the Volunteers keep getting the short end of the stick. I think the Volunteers need to get together and get rid of their representation and put someone in that Chiefs chair who will stand up for them and help to start saving the taxpayers of Salisbury some money. Because the more the Volunteers have to do with the Fire Department the less the paid do which if any taxpayer wants to know why I say this remember - Volunteer means FREE.
Before the Tower Truck was purchased it was promised by the SFD Management that this piece would only be running on special request or special operation type calls because it was so expensive to maintain. We see where that went, straight to the trash. But as long as Bill Gordy has anything to do with this his little pride and joy Jeremy will be driving this machine to every car wreck, medical assist and whatever else he wants to drive it to. And no one in the Fire Department can say anything about it. Someone should look into the numerous and repetitive repairs that have already been made on this machine because it is too big for most to handle.
Are you listening Mayor Ireton? I believe Gary Comegys is well aware of this new change in protocol as well. If he isn't, well, then he should make this new change come to an immediate stop. The SFD has been spoiled enough and clearly they have forgotten where they came from. There seems to always be a motive behind what they do and it's never a good result on the taxpayers.
Let this Post stand as an official request to ALL Council Members that we the public/taxpayers want to know what the cost of repairs and the list of repairs to this vehicle have been since it arrived. The comments should stand as a public request to stop this action and park that vehicle just as it was intended to be used for. In other words, leave it parked until there's a NEED for it.
words well put!!!
the sooner they wear it out the sooner they can get new
At best they may be working on training, at worst justifying why they bought it in the first place!
I believe the volunteers at Station 2 tried to break away from the city a few years ago for various reasons and NO ONE would support them! Without the support of citizens and other volunteer fire companies you can't get any where.
Yes, I want to see the repairs that WE have paid for
I thought the tower was for tall buildings?
Until you can post each Stations equipment that is due per type of call I call BS on the first part of the article. Where's the proof?
Maybe they can put the new fireboat on a trailer and tow it with the ladder truck. The fireboat guys can increase their call volume then also. :^)
Ummmm...not sure where the "paid" guys comment came from.??? The paid guys hate that tower ladder. Also, any calls in the city such as structure fires and rescues, the "paid" guys automatically go on. So if your saying that the "paid" guys are for them running that overpriced, oversized parade piece that we all know is to big for the city streets...you are really wrong. The "paid" guys cant stand that thing running on calls and all over gods creation, because it gives the whole fire service a black eye, with the stuff they do in it. "Paid" guys dont like the damn thing period......
if anyone needs proof of what the response matrix maybe someone should ask SFD management or a local fireman to explain it because I believe this article 100%
I have seen the beast at all calls. It is never the first piece there. Wonder Why lol
This is the biggest waste of tax dollars. Use it when needed. Thats like rolling the swat team to a shop lifting call.
WTF Mayor wake up. Stop looking at yourself in mirror for two minutes and fix the crap you said you would fix when i voted for you.
Lot of ego involved with the management
"I think the Volunteers need to get together and get rid of their representation and put someone in that Chiefs chair who will stand up for them and help to start saving the taxpayers of Salisbury some money."
I agree with you 100% but the vollies need to grow a set and put their money where their mouth is. This obviously isn't going to happen because you you step up to the plate. This is obvious by the way you didn't sign your name.
I understand that the majority of the members of the Salisbury Fire Department can't stand Hoppes or the Gordy's but apparently no one has the balls to make a stand against them. Doesn't the locals have enough spine to take a stand and give Hoppes a vote of no confidence? He doesn't deserve the position he is in so now is the time to let it be known. Do something now or keep running your mouth on this blog with anonymous posts which get you no where.
Can someone tell us what is going on with hiring a new chief? This has been going on for over 7 months. Please don't tell us we are stuck with Hoppes by default!
You ban thank Steve Bresler and Barrie Tilghman for the Fire Department. They both hated the volunteers and used the career personnel to destroy the volunteers. Than there came David See, who also hated the volunteers. From See came this Bill Gordy. The rumor had it that the man lacked 6 months for life membership from Delmar Fire Department and was turn down. This is a true shame. Station 2 recognized this, But no one was interested. So now live with it and quit bitching.
5:04.. what do "they" do in it?
You say that Volunteer means FREE. I would disagree with this statement. While yes they are significantly cheaper than hiring full-time staff, they too come with a price. Physicals, Gear, Retirement Fund, Insurance, Workman's Comp., etc. The absence of the salary and benefits cost is a savings to the community; but the trade-off is the fact that Volunteers do not have a gauranteed response. A risk that is off-set by the career staff providing an immediate initial response for structure fires. As you have said numerous times before Nothing is Free and Everything Comes With a Price. Just wanted to clear up that statement.
Rob Frampton
Tower 16 was a long overdue tool in the arsenal of fire equipment in Salisbury F.D. Everyone has opinions so here is mine; I like the tower and its capabilities. Our tower is no bigger than any other tower in fact they are basically the same size so I don’t know what all the “to big” talk is. Gordy is a totally different chapter in a whole different book. Gordy is a liar, thief, conniver, spiteful, back stabbing weasel who does NOTHING for volunteers. All Gordy wanted was to be fire chief and he’s done it no matter who he hurt in the process. Gordy leaves foot prints on the back of his fellow firefighters everyday behind the scenes like he didn’t do a thing. Some fellow firefighter he is. And furthermore how did he end up deputy chief in less than a year in the department? Humm interesting I say Watson. Oh See was his lifetime friend that’s right I forgot.
Well said Rob and this is not a career vs. volunteer issue. Its a Hoppes Gordy issue.
Just to provide the facts in regards to the new response matrix. The Tower is the second piece to respond from Sta. 16 on STRUCTURE FIRES only. The career staff responds first with an engine. The volunteers staff the Tower, not the 'paid' members. Yes it does respond citywide on ALL structure fires.
Now, to clear up a mistake or two in your post. The other two stations respond with an Engine first if it is in their 'first due' response area. If they are 'second or third due' they bring on of the new Trucks. If the incident is deemed to be a 'working event' (an actual fire) then the Incident Commander requests a Second Alarm which permits the other two stations to bring the remaining equipment in their station.
A second mistake in your post states that the Tower responds on accidents, medical assists, etc. This IS NOT true. The volunteers are to take the second engine out of Station 16 for these incidents.
Last, the administration's new response matrix decreased the initial amount of personnel that respond to an event. Isn't this one of your pet peeves? Too much equipment and personnel on fire scenes. Their decrease in the initial response directly saves fuel, reduces risk, and reduces wear and tear on equipment.
I am by no means a 'kiss ass' or 'suck up' however I do believe in telling the truth and alot of what is written in this post about the new response matrix is not correct. Thank you for your time and fire away.
Rob Frampton
Bill Gordy was indeed an active member of station 74 Delmar for just over nineteen years and change. Bill was exactly like his son is today twenty five years ago in Delmar from the drinking to his shenanigans. Bill did several members wrong who never forgot it as they say pay backs are a b*tch. Bill moved the Salisbury sometime back putting him out of the Delmar fire district consequently he was forced to resign from the department. Bill applied for lifetime membership yet fell short of the twenty year requirement thus denied lifetime membership.
Fire Police 74 Good for you and the majority of the members of the DFD for booting Bill Gordy. They are a great bunch of guys in that department, but there are a few bad apples that give the department a bad name. The same can be said about many other departments including the Salisbury Fire Department. There are numerous bad apples in that department, but many are great people. There is a common demoninator for both Delmar and Salisbury and it happens to be David See and Bill Gordy. Now we have another back stabbing cut throat following suit in the name of Richard Hoppes. Never has been a firefighter but he stepped on many people to get where he is today. To the people of Salisbury and the members of the Salisbury Fire Department you need to speak up now and make your voices heard. You need to Boot Hoppes now!
I saw the tower at an accident scene today involving the gas tanker so the tower does go out it has been seen many other places around town for instance ritas and tonight was seen at red door sub shop so much for structure fires only!I said it one and I'll say it again Fulton Bagwell must be turning over in his grave along with all the other real fire fighters who are no longer here..the mayor and city council should be ashamed of themselves..I certainly am ashamed of them..ps there are people who are keeping tabs on where the tower is spotted and when, So mr frampton who ever you are I dont think red door sub shop burned down tonight so why was that truck there?
I'll step up to the plate and turn this crap around. I feel I have the experience. Problem would be, I am transplant and dont have the "good ole boy" in. Course being from Alabama, these guys have NO CLUE about good ole boys. I didnt let this happen as the Asst. Chief of the department I left and WOULD NOT stand for this now.
Funny I stood by for other calls while crews handled the tanker incident and the tower never left the building. Who's lying?
Can someone please tell us what is going on with the selection of the new fire chief. This has been going on for a long time and we need to know. We need better. Much better.
Anon 11:07
I usually don't entertain the comments of annonymous posters. However, you are incorrect in your atatement that tower 16 was at the accident scene in Princess Anne. While several Salisbury apparatus and personnel were called by Princess Anne's Incident Commander to the scene I can tell you 100% that Tower 16 WAS NOT there. IT was in the fire house ALL DAY. I was at the fire house most of the day (745a-2:30p)for a Paramedic Recert class so this is 100% true. Not to say you didn't see the new engine or a Tower from another department, but again Tower 16 WAS NOT there.
I'm not even going to entertain the comment about the guys going for dinner in the rig, as that horse has been beaten into glue on this site enough.
Thanks for your interest and keeping an eye on our people. I, as a departmental member, welcome public accountability on all levels. The eye's of our leadership cannot see everything that our members do 24/7, we rely on public feedback to ensure prompt, efficient, and courteous service to the community. I urge you that if you have a complaint to follow the departments Complaint Policy. Stop by any station to get that process started.
Rob Frampton
Hey Rob you have to remember alot of people out there dont know the difference in the engine or the tower. All they see is black an red an assume its the tower.
Several years ago some members of this division literally save my sons life after he was involved in a very serious auto accident,and I could not thank them enough .While it is easy to criticize their actions and maybe I too don't totally agree with some of their tactics, you will really appreciate them if your ever involved in a situation and require their services.They may end up responsible for saving your life or that of a family member or friend.
Rob is correct...the Tower never went to the gas tanker incident nor did any piece of apparatus that even remotely looks like the tower, so somebody is just trying to stir crap and is outright lying!
As for it being out last night, wait till Gladwell finds out that Gordy took it out to get their dinner, (which by the way, I heard Jimmy offer Gordy directly to eat dinner with the paid crew and I guess he chose not to), and the vols in it damaged it AGAIN!! And then the "lt" failed to tell Jimmy about it, which is a direct violation of procedure!! I doubt he even filed the required damage reports or repair orders, which is also a violation of procedure. Nice way to "lead" there Jeremy!! Way to go. But then again, you just do whatever you want anyway.
Rat will proabably blow a gasket! Then again, maybe not b/c he knows that no matter how he tries to do the right thing, he'll get knocked down for doing right and writing Jeremy up and end up taking a beating for doing it.
Unfortunately this post is not 100% true. I am not a firefighter, but I do know pretty much EVERYTHING about how the station districts and mutual aid are set up. No fire stations in Wicomico County can respond outside of their district/territory unless they are needed for mutual aid in which case they will respond as the second or third due as designated in the mutual aid agreements. Only special circumstances permit fire departments to respond outside of their territory (ie: the Dough Roller fire in OC). All of the mutual aid agreements are written in contracts-they do not respond unless requested by the 911 center or the first due station at the scene. There is not one fire department in the County that is willing to give up any territory what-so-ever so to say that SFD is responding to calls that are not truly thiers in most likely fabricated. And if it is in fact true, Station 16 has more to worry about than pissing off the public-they will have to deal with the pissed of members of the Station that they are technically stealing territory from.
Whatever apparatus they respond with is obviously up to the individual station so if they want to use the Tower then they can; however, I agree that it is not economical or practical.
It sounds like the Gordys pretty much run the operation.
like the 840 post says the tower didnt go to the tanker accident in princess anne and jeremy does what he wants and if someone in this department corrects him he runs to daddy... but ROB FRAMPTON YOU ARE WRONG... I know for a fact that the tower has been on accident scenes(jeremy took it to one himself)we hear it on our pagers!!!! As well as many other calls like perhaps the C.O. investigation on tuesday night around 7 pm... that call in particular already had a paid crew with a staffed engine on its wayand the tower rolled literally right be hind it. why did the tower have to go? why not another one of the many pieces 16 has??? Also mr Frampton why are you lying for MGMNT. I was in the meeting when MGMNT clearly sttd that tower was not to roll out of the station except for target buildings like SU,PRMC, and any buildings 3 stories and above or per special request by the incident commander ... so what is next? what is the next lie? please tell us we all have our shovels and boots ready to take whatever flows out next.....
Tower 16 is absolutely not due on every call of every kind in the City. It responds on reports of structure fires as the first or second due ladder in the City. Tower 16 may respond on automatic alarms or smoke in the building type calls when Volunteers are in station, but not every call. There may be a time where you see it at an auto accident or medical emergency. This occurs when the unit is on the street and an emergency is reported close by. Instead of ignoring a call or going back to the station to get an engine it responds. This is just common sense. The members respond quickly to offer assistance to the emergency in whatever they are riding in.
I imagine this thread comes as a result of a proposed new response matrix of the fire department. Chief Hoppes looked at ways to reduce the amount of equipment that responds to certain types of calls. This was done for several reasons. Reduction of fuel consumption, risk of possible accidents and overkill of resources to name a few. If additional equipment was needed for an actual fire a working fire dispatch was included in the plan. This type of response is common place procedure in cities across the country.
This is not a career vs. Volunteer issue. The career members do not staff the Tower. They staff Engine 16 and Rescue 16 and go where the dispatchers and Standard Operating Procedures tell them to. It is obvious that the new response matrix doesn't sit well with someone here, but its not final yet. The officers of each station are working on a plan that will be fair and equitable to all three stations.
217 Is a joke....
Sounds like your typical cry baby Tick who wants to take everything and the coatracks to every call. You just want to ride on BIG RED and look look cool. Shame you dont know what to do once you get there like most ticks.
The volunteers need to worry about if they are going instead of whats going to the call. Crews from all three stations have been failing to get out on calls for some time now. If you have a scanner you can hear it yourself. Station 2 gets realerted the most and dont get out at all alot too many times. Dont bitch at the paid crew because you cant get out. Look at yourselves and ask why. Theres a thread for ya Joe. Why cant the volunteers get out for calls ?
Thanks for clearing up the misconception in the post by Anonymous earlier. All I have to add (or ask) is that rather than seeing us out and about, or listening to us on a scanner and then coming on here and blasting and criticizing us (anonymously); please come over and have a professional conversation with our personnel. We are more than happy to discuss any and all of our activities at any time.
As for what was told to Council in a Work session or meeting with regards to what it will/will not respond on, I cannot comment as I was not present at said meetings. I used to watch the meetings every other week on PAC 14 until I moved out of the area that recieves the channel. Thanks to all for your continued interest in our department.
Rob Frampton
Please do not allow this thread to get into a Career vs. Volunteer issue. It started out about the Tower supposedly responding to the tanker call in Princess Anne. Lets stick to the post.
Rob Frampton
Good point 11:12am. My answer to that is simple. When heads swell do to their appointment as officer they have a tendency to become arrogant. They forget to praise in public an punish in private. Instead do just the opposite. When people see that they lose respect for the officer and lose interest for the service. As for station 2 scratching alot well thats true. I guess its up to the Chief of that department to fix the issues at hand.
PAID VS VOLUNTEER ... ISNT THIS SFD .. granted it was started with volunteers but the call volume became too great to handle it all with volunteers... The problems are with members of management not doing what is asked of them nor following thru with what they had already promised to do... easy resolution Delmar already showed us how easy it was all we have to do is repeat it.. it can't be that hard they are over 100 volunteers and over 60 paid members if the majority is really that upset then we can pull together... SOP says it take a minimal staff of 3 to send out fire equipement and put out a average fire in the everyday outside world .. well we have over 160 firemen and 1 big fire and a few little fires "IN OUR HOUSE" lets work together and put them all out. we save lives, personal property, and try to look out for the envirnment all in the same day because we want to and all those who just want to RIDE BIG RED let us know I am sure if you promise to leave and stop all the trouble we can schedule monthly maybe even weekly ridings so we dont have to put up with you crap
Who ever wrote the 9:17 post station 16 is taking other companies calls the are automatically due to go out for any fire in Salisbury. that is what Hoppes and Gordy came up with each station responds with one piece and station 16 is either first due or second due on every call which is BS. Station 1 and 2 both have these new Ladder Trucks and arent allowed to let them roll with their own engine with out the station being alerted a second time. So some fires thatcould easily be taken care of by 1 company now gets 3 companies 3 pieces and some upset vollies for watching another stations piece come into their district. When in most cases the call could be handles by 2 pieces from the same station which overall have the shortest distance to the call which means less gas used, which inturn saves our taxpayers money. This response matrix is available for viewing upon request just go to Station 16 and ask for a copy
Anonymous said...
Several years ago some members of this division literally save my sons life after he was involved in a very serious auto accident,and I could not thank them enough .While it is easy to criticize their actions and maybe I too don't totally agree with some of their tactics, you will really appreciate them if your ever involved in a situation and require their services.They may end up responsible for saving your life or that of a family member or friend.
7:49 AM
I bet they were Paramedics and not firemen like Bill Gordy and Richard Hoppes.
You gotta get out first and you aint been doin that on a regular basis. They gotta call three companies just to get enough to fight the fire. Just because you have a ladder doesnt mean you know what to do with it. Its Gordy's world and your just passin through.
Commenter 2:52 wrote an interesting piece.
She/He is saying the matrix clearly deomonstrates a questionable decision has been made, if not in fact, a poor decision.
If the matrix instructs 2 pieces be distributed from 2 separate Fire Houses (regardless of Vol or Paid) then the matrix gives a poor instruction.
That is my opinion. Is there a Fireman who can explain the hidden efficiency involved with the matrix' instructions?
That assumes of course that 2:52 has described the matrix correctly.
post 4:12 just so you know we do get out. they have it set up to get 3 stations out at one time with central with out even knowing what is on scene to boost 16's call volume volunteers dont scratch on a call many times. When they do scratch then another company should be alerted or when the additional help is needed but that very and I mean very rarely happens with the exception of station 2. things there are going to change soon anyway . And yes we all know it is Bill and "Bill jr's" world and in their eyes they never do any wrong..
And for the person who did the 7:49 post if Gordy and Hoppes keep up what they are doing they are going to run all the vollunteers out of town and Pray there isnt an emergency at night because there wont be any help around because noone will go to calls. All they do is look down on the volunteers and talk bad about them it is pathetic and try their hardest to push us out of everything and have tried to take away as many of our fundraisers as possible.
not just 2 pieces from 2 firehouses ... a piece from all 3 depending on the district
if fire is in district 1
station piece
1 engine and ems
2 truck
16 tower & if needed tanker
if fire is in district 2
sta piece
1 truck
2 engine and ems
16 tower & if needed tanker
if fire is in district 16 south sta piece
1 truck
2 n/a
16 engine tower ems & tanker
if fire is in district 16 north
sta piece
1 n/a
2 truck
16 engine tower ems & tanker
do we see something alittle one sided
sounds like a lot of kiss a$$ going on here by paid memebers Yea right this is not a vol. or paid issue.then whats up with talking about reponse times realerting etc. hmmmmm I know of many times in the past the decue AND STA1 has kicked your butts to your own calls!
Well we all should have listen to sta 2 a few years ago maybe we would not be in this mess now!!
But as always we were promised the world by gordo and has been SeeMAN
LOOK WHAT WE HAVE GOT NOW!!!! We are the laughing stock of the fire service. And by the way 217 take your face out of Gordo's butt and stop being a yes man yes yes what ever you want as long as i keep my hat !!!!! stand up for the vollies for once!!!!!!!
Anonymous said...
As for it being out last night, wait till Gladwell finds out that Gordy took it out to get their dinner, (which by the way, I heard Jimmy offer Gordy directly to eat dinner with the paid crew and I guess he chose not to), and the vols in it damaged it AGAIN!! And then the "lt" failed to tell Jimmy about it, which is a direct violation of procedure!! I doubt he even filed the required damage reports or repair orders, which is also a violation of procedure. Nice way to "lead" there Jeremy!! Way to go. But then again, you just do whatever you want anyway.
8:40 AM
Joe this is statement is true. Please make it a point to have a separate post or update. The brand new $1.1 Million Tower 16 was taken by 3 Vollies to a local sub shop to get their dinner last night. It happened last night, Wednesday October 28, 2009. The ring leader was Jeremy Gordy, son of you know who and Mark Cotter, the driver, a no firefighting Gordo Supporter. The hit something and caused damage again to the new ladder truck and didn't immediately report it. The common denominator is Jeremy Gordy and his dad. These guys have an open check book and have free reign in the Salisbury Fire Department. Thank you again Mayor Liarton for sending us poor tax payers the "Help" you promised.
Can anyone else elaborate on this.
Without good leadership, these types of battles will cause the demise of the Volunteers. Without a permanent Chief that will MANAGE everyone fairly and in the best interest of the city, SFD is doomed. Ocean City went through this 2-3 years ago, and now has become one unified department that most will agree is far better off, and for all intense purposes, happy. Mayor Ireton, you should speak with Mayor Meehan, heck. that's a waste of words, the only thing more worthless than the current SFD leaders, is our Mayor. Many of us really want and will work for improvements, but get squashed every time suggest anything Hoppes disagrees with. Joe, I know you pick on us regularly, however there is nothing we can do.
So I heard there was some volunteers asked to come up with a plan to staff station 16 from 5 to 7 when the layoffs start.
There is one way to solve all of your problems without doing it publicly and that would be by setting up a meeting at headquarters were the floor is open to anyone.Cause this is just making every firefighter in this department look like a group of bitches,crybabies,morons,retards,rejects,losers,chrome polishers,sh/t stir,dumbass's,nipple pinchers and etc.
8:38 Won't work because these so called "men" "ie firemen" are the biggest pussies alive when they can't hide behind a computer screen, or anothers back. The "American fire service of today," where little boys can spend others money on worthless toys, and the paid guys sleep 1/2 thier work hours and get paid for it.
Like a previous comment, hate to envolve Ocean City, but maybe they can help by thier lessons. They held a large round table ( ie: anon 8:38) and worked it out. Do the same, just leave Ireton at home.
Anonymous said...
Without good leadership, these types of battles will cause the demise of the Volunteers. Without a permanent Chief that will MANAGE everyone fairly and in the best interest of the city, SFD is doomed. Ocean City went through this 2-3 years ago, and now has become one unified department that most will agree is far better off, and for all intense purposes, happy. Mayor Ireton, you should speak with Mayor Meehan, heck. that's a waste of words, the only thing more worthless than the current SFD leaders, is our Mayor. Many of us really want and will work for improvements, but get squashed every time suggest anything Hoppes disagrees with. Joe, I know you pick on us regularly, however there is nothing we can do.
6:53 PM
I bet Ocean City didn't put together a Selection Committee to hire a new fire chief. A commitee 7 people who know anything about what the city of Salisbury or the Salisbury Fire Department needs. WTF are you thinking Jim Ireton!!
The Salisbury Fire Department keeps getting worse everyday. First their is Richard Hoppes, then Bill Gordy and now Dru Bragg. What the F#%K are you thinking Jim Ireton. I want my vote back!!
Pssst, Jim, those clowns were supporting your opponent Gary Comegys!!
Does anyone know who the Fire Chief finalists are or when the selection will be made?
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