We just heard there was another robbery just over the Delaware line in Delmar. That makes 3 local Banks in one day. Well, if the Salisbury Police can't control the crime in Salisbury, where do they go next, Delmar. Anitra Pirkle comes to mind, right!
Oh, that's right, that crime didn't happen in the City of Salisbury, or did it!
We're told it was the Wilmington Trust Bank in Delmar.
now they've done it - gone and pissed off Mike Lewis. They are toast now.
Don't worry, Ireton will probably have another press conference on "getting tough on crime", then a photo op, and then do nothing. Meanwhile, Webster will sit in his house away from it all, decide its too much work to find the crooks, and then do nothing. Shanie will cover it all by saying "there aint no crime in Salisbury, now where's my nums nums?".
Anon 2:57, read the article again. This was in Delmar, not Salisbury. Liarton & Webster are in Salisbury!
This is in a different town, different state!
Anon 3:14 Same people made it a different state because the local lame police were too busy chasing cold trails.
unfortunately the bank in Delmar was on the Delaware side of the line. Not Mike lewis' territory. All I know is that it is freaking people out pretty bad. Apparently the crime is never going to subside in our area. I moved here because 10 years ago it was a semi-decent place to raise a family. Not so much now.
LIARTON????? lol I LOVE IT!!!!!
I don't understand why all of you are placing blame on everyone except the bank robbers. Are the mayor and the police department supposed to know about these crimes before they happen?
Bank of Delmarva is on the Maryland side. Wilmington Trust is in Delaware. There were Delaware State Police, Maryland State Police, Delmar Town Police and people riding in big, bad black unmarked cars. Interesting day. My guess is they are not from around here--too organized for local thugs.
I am not sure what it is going to take to get rid of do nothing Webster. If Mr. Dykes was still living we wouldn't be having these issues. Let Mike Lewis take care of city and county!
I don't understand how you can get on here and blame everything (involving crime related issues) or the majority of them on the mayor. My god could you jsut grow up and maybe blame others, lets see where to begin... Let me help, how about one of the main contributors the Maryland Court System, where they make some police officers wonder why they do the job they love. Another one we can blame is the individuals who are incharge of the upbringing of the suspects who commit the crimes (in the beginning they want to blame the schools or the victims they don't ever want to take the blame themselves) Those individuals never want help until it is too late and the suspects are doing or have already done something to them. So maybe you people who want to blame others should first look at what type of house you live in, meaning glass...
My daughter just drove through and said it was the Bank of Delmarva. All taped off with caution and police all around
FYI Mike Lewis's territory is all of Wicomico County including believe it or not Salisbury. He is the highest ranking police officer
of all three agencies.
anon 3:14
I understand your feelings.We moved here 9 years ago and it has become so bad. It was not like this when we moved here. As sad as it is to leave all my new and dear friends here in salisbury, it is time to go back.Crime here is out of control and other than Mike Lewis, there seems that no one else out there that gives any care about this town and the people who live in it.What started out to be e great experience is now like a living hell.It is what is. Heading out soon to a safer place...:(
The robber in DE was white. The robbers in SBY were black. Not the same people.
3:48 but he is NOT the highest ranking law enforcement officer in Wicomico County - that would be Mr. Ruark.
3:57 (magnum),
You should know by now that people on this blog simply spout out whatever comes to mind without any evidence or deep thought. It's a waste of time trying to correct them.
ANON 3:57
No need to blame the mayor. Heck...you will never stop crime. But something has to give with so many banks being robbed. I say put an armed officer in the bank! If not in the bank...then have police stationed near these banks so it won't take so long to get to the crime scene.
Anonymous said...
3:48 but he is NOT the highest ranking law enforcement officer in Wicomico County - that would be Mr. Ruark.
3:57 PM
Davis Ruark does not enforce the law he prosecutes the law offenders... DUMB A$$!!
...and may I add a p!ss poor job at that!!
best time to rob one wind blowing raining dogs cant track them
Can't blame the Chief for these. I am not the biggest fan of Webster but he was out with the troops today. These robberies have nothing to do with that horrible murder. Why would you even bring something like that up? I suppose it was the Chief's fault she died. You can say one thing though... Ireton has no set and instead of paying $900,000 on a worthless toy for the SFD we should be spending that money on more police officers! You hear me MAYOR. Grow a set of balls and spend Salisbury tax dollars where the money is needed and not desired by boys wanting their toys!!!
Folks this is a clear sign of the times. It is going to get worst. Not anyone individual can be blamed for the increase in crime. The more people loose the more people will start taking. It called the have nots' taking from the people that have.
Just so everyone knows, it was the Wilmington Trust just across the line in Delaware and you can that to the bank.
Let the banks hire armed security guards. In Montgomery County, armed guards were placed INSIDE each bank.
it didnt look like the ones at shore bank were amateurs from the pics they looked like they knew exactly what they were doing
3:57 you are absolutely incorrect. The States Atty. is not a law enforcement officer. He is an attorney for the state and a part of the criminal justice system - but not a law enforcement officer. The Sheriff of every county in Maryland is the leading law enforcement officer. The Sheriff (or in his absence, his deputies) can go into any jurisdiction within his county and take over any crime scene from any law official including the chief of police of any city. He/She can also take over any crime scene from the State Police within his/her respective county. The States Atty cannot dictate to any Sheriff how laws can be enforced. The States Atty. CAN give a legal opinion and can refuse to prosecute cases but in no circumstance can a States Attorney be placed in a position of authority over a Sheriff. Since there are those who still assert that the States Atty is the leading law ennforcement officer in a county I have taken the time to copy and paste the definition of a law enforcement officer as defined by MARYLAND LAW.
(e) Law enforcement officer.-
(1) "Law enforcement officer" means an individual who:
(i) in an official capacity is authorized by law to make arrests; and
(ii) is a member of one of the following law enforcement agencies:
1. the Department of State Police;
2. the Police Department of Baltimore City;
3. the Baltimore City School Police Force;
4. the Baltimore City Watershed Police Force;
5. the police department, bureau, or force of a county;
6. the police department, bureau, or force of a municipal corporation;
7. the office of the sheriff of a county;
8. the police department, bureau, or force of a bicounty agency;
9. the Maryland Transportation Authority Police;
10. the police forces of the Department of Transportation;
11. the police forces of the Department of Natural Resources;
12. the Field Enforcement Bureau of the Comptroller's Office;
13. the Housing Authority of Baltimore City Police Force;
14. the Crofton Police Department;
15. the police force of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene;
16. the police force of the Department of General Services;
17. the police force of the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation;
18. the police forces of the University System of Maryland;
19. the police force of Morgan State University;
20. the office of State Fire Marshal;
21. the Ocean Pines Police Department; or
22. the police force of the Baltimore City Community College.
No where does it list the States Attorney.
I don't think it can be any more clear than that.
It's the judges and Ruarks'fault. If you know you'll end up walking after committing a crime in Salisbury, why not take your chances? Just ask the repeat offenders walking the street. They'll agree.
Things will be done correctly now. Mike Lewis will solve all 3. Webster should atleast thank Lewis for doing his job. I wonder what Lewis really thinks of webster?
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