Provision was dubbed 'death panels' by some conservatives
WASHINGTON - It's alive.
The Medicare end-of-life planning provision that 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin said was tantamount to 'death panels' for seniors is staying in the latest Democratic health care bill unveiled Thursday.
The provision allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling to help beneficiaries deal with the complex and painful decisions families face when a loved one is approaching death.
GO HERE to read more.
I don't see this as a "death panel".
If my loved one, God forbid should end up at the end of their life, I would welcome counseling to help me deal with the complex and painful decisions I may have to make.
Since when is this bad?
Joe, sometimes you take off in the "right" direction and forget to slow down and look around I think.
This one is waaaaay over there.
Registered Independent voter
Okay, so it's "out". WHERE??? I've seem several articles trying to tell readers what is in the bill, but, GEE, no text. No name or number. Nothing on the Thomas site. nothing pointing to "Go Here".
Has anyone found this 1,990 page blunder yet??
Just say YES to end of life counceling - no one will be trying to kill you off.
This is really a great idea that got distorted into something it never was.
This is actually a very good thing contrary to the smearing from the right. This counseling has helped two of my family members a great deal.
End of life counseling is not the death panel part, it's the part where they convince you to die and do their budget a favor. The "death panels" were in reference to the boards of people deciding when a person was still eligible or viable for treatment, like they do in the UK right now. They budget so much per year of their economy and then decide who's too old, too costly, and who needs the expensive meds, the elderly and small children don't fare well against these "death panels."
Don't let the government do for health care what they've done for banking !
The sitting elephants and asses are exempt from this health bill. They have to be remined that election years are approaching fast.They better do the right thing with this BS.
7:21 you mean like bring you back to life
Again, everyone wants to comment on what's in the bill and how many pages it is... But nobody can tell me where to go to READ THE TEXT, which means... guess what.... they have not read it yet, either!
You want to read the health care bill. OK, I'll deliver it right here and now.
Thanks, Joe. This is the real deal, Oct 29, 2009 version. Funny how the NY Tines has it and our gov't sites don't. Transparency, I guess. I'll read this and be commenting in a couple of days; AFTER I read it.
Agree with 4:45, this is way off track! Our family has greatly benefited from this counseling.
And the death panels are already here, two of my friends/family have been denied care because they were over 60, that's it - over 60!
Over 90, I would understand! So, their solution, pay it out of pocket and go back to work. And this is nothing new, 30 years ago my now deceased parents told me their biggest aging fear was the potential for insurance companies to deny them care based on their age!
Bring back the death panels.
7:18 Thanks for explaining what "death panels" are REALLY all about. Obama, the Democrats and the Czar's are going to be in charge of EVERYTHING we do, including when we die!! I pray every night that we band together and stop these idiots before it's too late.
Just like the movie logan's run. Only this time its senior killing after 65? Will the government send them a notice in the mail to report to a government run end of life center to be put down?
When and if they ram this health bill through they will control 48% of the country. That's quite an accomplishment in 9 months.
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