Location: 15000 Block of Walker Road, Eastside Village, Milton
Date of Occurrence: Friday, October 23rd, 2009 at 1pm
Suspect(s): Mr. James Richardson, 29, of 15000 Block of Walker Road, Eastside Village, Milton
On Friday, October 23rd, 2009, Delaware State Police obtained information that Mr. James Richardson, 29, was residing in the 15000 Block of Walker Road, Eastside Village, Milton. A computer check confirmed Mr. Richardson had active capiases for failing to appear at court and missed payments on fines.
Upon arriving at the residence, the Troopers contacted the homeowner who gave consent to search the interior. The Troopers were unable to locate Mr. Richardson; however a check of his bedroom revealed potted marijuana plants, growing equipment and a firearm.
The Troopers confiscated the three potted marijuana plants, related drug paraphernalia and the firearm. Mr. Richardson is a person prohibited.
The Trooper completed warrants for the additional charges stemming from the investigation that occurred on Friday, October 23rd, 2009.
Anyone with information concerning the whereabouts of Mr. Richardson is urged to contact the Delaware State Police at (302) 644-5020 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333.
would make one scary azz Halloween costume, wouldn't it?
Is that the Predator?
I was thinking the same thing, DJ-LOL
shoot first, ask questions later...
what is the deal with those dreads?I dont understand how people can stand to let their hair get like that.Ever get up close and take a whiff?Gross.
12:47 most of the time when you smell 'dreds' they smell like marijuana. 9 out of 10 people who look like that are Bob Marley wantabees whose sole ambition is to go through life "high". what a loser criminal.
Iwouldnt mind having the dreads. Im a 45 year old white guy, almost could do it now.
1:11 pm, you sound like a dumb@$$. Exactly what do you REALLY know about dred locks? Likely it's very little so you choose to spout whatever you think without regard for the facts. Do us all a favor and put on your muzzle.
suprised no one has said "its just pot". Well here you go a pot head that is prohibited to to have a firearm. Good Job Po Po another turd off the street. Only bad thing about this post. They put "Mr." in front of his name. He doesn't deserve that in front of his name.
He goes real hard in the streets yo, bet.
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