A conservative blogger concluded: "Today Mrs. Obama says (Sasha) was four months old but fortunately did not have meningitis. Yet just eight days ago her husband said she was three months old and was diagnosed with meningitis." One blog used the opportunity to reprint the Obama-as-Joker photo, HotAir.com called it "serious incompetence" on the Obamas' part, it appeared on Breitbart.tv, and the crowd over at FreeRepublic.com dubbed the president a "chronic liar."
There's just one problem with this nice little gotcha story. There's no evidence that either Obama lied.
Let's start at the beginning. On September 10, Barack Obama gave a speech saying: "our youngest daughter, Sasha, was diagnosed with meningitis when she was just three months old" (he used the near-identical line in July and March as well).
GO HERE to read more.
There is CBS running interference for Obama again.
It is Bush's fault she got meningitis, but really didnt.
why dont we cry over what she may have or not. their r kids and babies out there that have real health issues and she is saying oh she may have had it but she didnt...lets cry for the kids who r really ill and this president and his spoiled wife want to mess insurance up even more...come on people where are ur Balls???
It happens all the time that a person is diagnosed as having a certain disease, but then later with further tests, it's figured out that they don't actually have that disease but something else. Therefore, both Obamas could both be speaking the truth. Father says she was diagnosed as having meningitis, mom says thankfully at four months they realized she didn't have it. My child was misdiagnosed 3 times as not having a disease that it was later figured out she did have.
Thank you, 8:33. Exactly.
It's a good thing Obamacare had not been enacted. There would have been no second test.
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