DelMarVa's Premier Source for News, Opinion, Analysis, and Human Interest Contact Publisher Joe Albero at alberobutzo@wmconnect.com or 410-430-5349
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
What A Boat Load Of Sh!t
I encourage each and every one of you to carefully watch these videos. I'll be the very first to say, I DO NOT TRUST OR BELIEVE OUR GOVERNMENT. Bldg. 7 WTC went straight down 7 hours after the Twin Towers went down. If YOU believe this was terrorism, you're a nut.
Yeah, the building, (newer than the others surrounding the Trade Center Buildings) collapsed without any lean. Yet, some how, some way, none of the older and or surrounding buildings went down. Come on now. America needs to get their head out of their A$$.
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So what exactly are you saying about President Bush?
if you watch loose change it makes 9/11 very questionable the video is 1:20 long but full of information and evidence that points toward a conspiracy.people who owned the towers and certain companies made billions of dollars off of 9/11.all three buildings seemed to have been destroyed in a controlled manner.both towers has several secondary explosions right before and during the collapses explosions were visible during the collapses as it was going down.also cia officials were meeting with bin laden the very same moring of the attacks in europe.
I'm absolutely saying BUSH should be tried for this BS!
Once you watch it, it is sort of obvious that it was a controlled demolition. Wow.
Why didn't we hear about this?
Just because it was blown up doesn't mean Bush was involved.
Maybe the terrorists planted the bombs also.
and the main towers the main structure IN THE BASEMENT were cut at a slant little hard to do with jet fuel
As many people who hate Bush, yet no one would come out against him if they knew the "truth"
and for all those people that spend all that time putting dynamite at exact places so the buildings will come straight down shoot dont need them just fill the top of building full of jet fuel and light it LOL
anonymous 3:59, ANOTHER wet pants liberal with an excuse for everything. 9-11 was a scam. The structural intergrity of ONE of the Twin Towers was jeopardized years earlier by alleged terrorists and the building was 60% unoccupied. They figured out how to build one of these structures but they never figured out how to take it down.
I know, Daddy didn't finish his job in Iraq, let's blame it on Iraq, create a guy named Obama, (in which no one has ever found) and go to war with a Country that screwed my Father.
When they tell me it's happening, I'll sit in the classroom reading a book that's upside down and have a guy come up to my ear and say, "America is under attack" and I'll just ignoire him.
To those who believe 9-11 wasn't a set up, well, you're the reason America is where we are today. I didn't have sex with that woman. I'm not a crook. Shall I go on?
Oh, and if you still don't get it, watch the video again. Every single building came perfectly straight down. Not one of them fell into another building.
On one of the clips, you can see the charges zip up the building vertically about a quarter of the way in from each end.
"I'll be the very first to say, I DO NOT TRUST OR BELIEVE OUR GOVERNMENT"
Gee ya think? I can't believe that comment with your daily bashing posts.
Here is an idea Joe... just leave the country. You obviously have the $$$, so why not leave?
Got the balls to even answer?
Grab a foil hat Joe. WTC7 collapsed as a result of the footings failing. Under WTC1, 2, 4 6& 7 was an 11 story NJ Path and NYC Subway hub terminal. It simply gave way. End of story.
Oh, I have the balls. In fact, my name is on this comment, unlike you, pussy.
Now let's see what kind of MAN you are.
Now go back to your little Blog, hide behind that fictitious name, put on those fluffy pink slippers and make me a samich, biotch. ;-)
anonymous 4:13, ROTFLMAO!!!!!! I can see now how that building, (along with ALL of the others) fell perfectly straight down now. Man, what was I thinking. Thank you so much for making me believe more of the BS because I really am stupid. And the weapons of mass destruction were found, WHERE? Bin Ladin was found, WHERE? Please, do help me re kindle the entire BS plan so I can get it right this time.
Anybody who thinks 9/11 was anything other than a terrorist attack is a tin foil hat wearing kook. GET MEDICATED
you are about a dumb azz if you think the subway did all that
oh I think it was a terrorist attack with the help of the US government
anonymous 4:27, don't get me wrong. There's no question there was a terrorist attack. However, our government knew the individuals were takingt flying lessons and quite frankly I firmly believe they, (our government) let it happen. Hell, years earlier it was released that all Bin Ladin had to do was fly planes into the Twin Towers and even the Sears Tower, create a war and financially destroy the finances of America. HELLO! They won, we lost. End of story.
However, if YOU believe those two planes took down all those buildings, (including the Twin Towers) like some try selling the idea that the fuelm cause it to collapse, get a grip. Remember Folks, heat RISES, not falls. It especially doesn't fall 100 stories or more down.
Oh, that's right, I have no clue what I'm talking about. I keep forgetting that. Oh, don't forget, we lost $1/2 a trillion dollars when Obama came into office and no one knows where it went. Clinton never had sex with that woman. Nixon was not a crook, Bush went to Iraq himself and found the weapons of mass destruction. Yeah, I trust and believe this government about as far as I can throw their fat rich a$$es.
Here's a good one Folks. While ALL of the money keeps disappearing, Jim Ireton and Lore' Chambers just decided to cut Public Works by $1,500,000.00 and instead they're going to start a program to teach the thieves and criminals in Salisbury how to get a job instead. It just keeps getting better at every level, doesn't it.
I was wondering when you would get around to the budget cuts.
The fact is the official story has never been proven. There is no evidence of the truth of the officail story.
The official story basically says our government totally screwed up and allowed an otherwise unsophistocated attack upon us to morph into a massive non-crime, but an act of war. The official story is that there is no need to investigate the crime. No need to check for bomb residue. No need to investigate the people who bought put options on the airlines and insurance companies involved just days prior to the event. No need to investigate the connections of Bin Laden with the CIA, or of the family with the Bush family in the Carlysle Group.
Just a respectful, different take:
I don't really think lying about sex or Watergate can be equated with conspiring to attack the homeland.
It's true that Bush took us into a war that was never about WMD's; it was about securing the oil fields! To me, that was definitely a justifiable matter of national security, though it took mis-information to make it acceptable for public consumption. Make no mistake, the Democrats knew as well as the Republicans that this was about oil and they approved.
But oil prices rose, you may reasonably say. It wasn't about bringing prices down. It was about enhancing our nation's security by securing the oil fields.
The Twin Towers collapse does and always has appeared to be a controlled collapse. But thousands of eye witnesses saw the jet liners fly through each of the Twin Towers. Everyone saw the millions of Middle Eastern Muslims wildly cheering their unholy approval in the streets.
Is it possible that after the devilish attack, the decision was made, without malice, that the crippled towers were going to be an unacceptably significant risk to the other buildings you mention? The decision to limit the destruction to only the mortally wounded buildings by bringing them down with controlled explosives would probably have been kept secret because it meant a death warrant for people in those two buildings who were most likely doomed anyway.
Parknride, I'll tell you this for the very last time. Change your full name or I will never post one of your comments. You know what I'm talking about. Change it or your comments, (like they have in the past) will never be seen. Why you waste your time on drafting such comments knowing they'll be rejected is kind of mental if you ask me. It's a shame because I would have allowed many of them.
watch tv people .It was explained time after time due to how the buildings were designed without inside walls so they could change up office plans for the tenants, when the fire weakened the steel one section pancake the next and next ,so on and so on.but i am sure some expert will say that is wrong maybe cuz they would love to see our government .You people are the same people that would pass a health care plan that no one has read cuz you rather run ur mouth with dumb ideas than gather all the facts first.
Joe I am wondering if this was planned to destroy the buildings in n y , then what was the purpose of the other two planes and innocent lives lost in that pennsylvania field and at the pentagon? I also wanted to know how that Kool aid tasted.
this pancake deal must have been proven by a government official
the buildings were designed to with stand airplanes and the jet fuel didnt get hot enough to melt the steel so what tv do you watch government central tv
tower 7 didnt have any planes hit it so I guess it fell because a pancake from the other towers hit it by mistake
It seems that the terrorist muslims were in direct communication with pentagon from the time they took off until their planes slammed into all three buildings. Hence the reason no fighter aircraft were scrambled.
Their co-ordinated flying attack on the twin towers and the pentagon was carried out with the precise directions received from the pentagon officials. Of course those officials made sure they were in an area of the pentagon that would not be impacted.
In the mean time the pentagon did not plan on passengers receiving cell phone calls on the third plane which messed up the attack on the Capitol.
Many meetings have been held by these Bush cohorts since, in order to plan for disrupting cell phone communications with passengers in the future.
If you believe any of these conspiracy theories, including this one, I have a bridge I want to sell you. It will be at a discounted price.
Let’s have a lesson in Physics and Structural Engineering, both of which I have a degree in. The fire didn’t melt the steel. It melted the bar joist and softened the steel. Bar joist holds concrete floors intact. When bar joist melted (very thin steel), the concrete gave way above the fire and acted like a ram rod for the rest of the building collapse.
Most of the building in World Trade Center Plaza had conjoining garages and underground structures much like anon 4:13 said.
In order to prep the building for a controlled demo, you must expose all columns and cut them to fall perfectly all while keeping the charges intact. In order to have a controlled demo it would take over a year and hundreds of people to prepare those buildings for demo. So Clinton started this?
Now if we watch the videos again; the fire would have destroyed the charges or set them off all at one time not wait 15 for them to go off. The top, (which was on fire) fell before the bottom did, there is no way those charges/charge lines would have survived that impact/fire.
It takes days or weeks to position explosives for a controlled demolition like the ones we saw on 911. There were people in the government with foreknolwedge and planning. Bush was obviously not surprised by the event. He claimed to have watched the plane hit the first tower later on 911. The only footage of the first tower being hit by a plane surfaced the following morning. Julliani said we are heading down towards the water where we set up a temporary command center last night on 911.
You will not learn the truth on the television. You must seek out the truth.
have you accually seen the hole the plane made in the Pentagon WOW
smaller than any plane and no remains no fuel fire no plane parts whos been drinking the kool aid now
Better? OC knows me by the other handle. Sorry...
not to sure about the pancake effect
the pancake effect says that the concrete and steel disintegrated as each floor fell into the next one that one is a little hard to believe especially for the steel at the mid floors that had no heat on them at all these buildings were made to withstand far more than an airplane hitting them and I dont think we were using Chinese steel back then
Please look at United 93's final path. It was heading North to hit WTC7. WTC7 was rigged to explode and with towers 1&2 out of the way United 93 had a clear path to hit WTC7. Well our military grew balls and shot the plane down over PA. Look at the United 93 cover story, you had a karate champ and a bible thump-er on board. Plus ask yourself this "If you're willing to give your life for a cause, why plant a plane in an open field where you'll kill only the plane's load." If they were truly gonna hit DC they were only 10 minutes out, plus hear this everyone it's in the 9/11 report; Flight 93's passengers NEVER made it into the cockpit. Again United 93's passengers NEVER made it into the cockpit. The US military shot that plane down and came up with a feel good story to make us all proud to be an American. So now the planners of the attack have no plane to hit WTC7, so they just blew it up to collect the insurance money.
The real people behind the 9/11 attack, the intelligence service of a certain country created in 1947 who attacked the USS Liberty. Go get yourself some knowledge.
why were the steel columns in the basement all cut at the same angle I have seen pictures of a them from a police officer that went there days after to see destruction for himself
Nancy I have been a loyal supporter of Joe and this site for a long time but this is what I would call a chicken little syndrome. Now I agree Bush did a lot wrong, but really, if you think he was part of a vast conspiracy I think you really should have taken that drive over that bridge with Teddy before he passed on.
6:10pm, you might have a degree in old school demo, watch loose change. They used a compound to melt the steal in many places, to a temp that ONLY that compound can do. Dont forget the trillions in gold that disappeared through the subway from bldg 7
i said it then and i'll say it now again i dont know who was behind this attack but i think it was brought down by explosives...they tried in 93 to bring it down and failed and it was rigged to come down incase the plane plan A didnt happen...there was a plan B and both was used.....to make sure those buildings came down. The jet fuel explaines the upper floores but what about the middle to ground floors? the fuel wouldnt have gotten that far to cause the heat to get that hot or building 7 no plane hit it so no jet fuel...im no expert but i have to say something doesnt sound right here...i to have my questions but to say that our govt had something to do with this????? i would like to think and pray not..we will never know the real truth...money and power are the evils and corruption to all things.....
Where did you kooks all get your structural engineering degree's ? The same place Rosie O'Donnell got her's I suspect . If Bill Clinton hadn't cut the C.I.A. funding perhaps this could have been prevented . But to try an argue a point with NO PROOF with all kinds of crazy conspiracy theories you might as well look for some UFO's while your at it !
Joe, I know the truth. It was set up with our gov. I know for a fact. Bush should be hung for what he did.
Google "false flag". By the way, please, will someone take a few gallons of Jet A (kerosene to the common folk) and pour it into a steel drum and light it? See what happens to the drum, better yet, did anyone grow up in a house with an oil fired floor furnace?
Could I have syrup with those pancakes?
WTC 7 fell as a result of fire and debris strikes. Trust the structural engineer. This post has become farther from the sane by each entry.
As for the WMDs in Iraq, what did Saddam use on the Kurds? Anthrax. Not exactly in every grocery store.
Prior to the invasion, Recon units and other assets were in place on a major highway to Syria. They observed multiple large-containers hauled on flatbeds across the border without interference from Syrian guards (i.e., pre-planned). These materials ended up there and the Beka'a Valley of Lebanon. From briefings I attended, the Iraqi gameplan was thought to be that they would pull back westward, regroup, and launched a massed offensive to retake the lost territory. If that were to fail, all VIPs would fall back into Syria to restage. The strategy of General Franks prevented this, as our blitzkrieg overran all defensive positions, and the Iraqi Army (little better than a militia) was completely demoralized after the "Shock & Awe" campaign. The Republican Guard disbanded before most units ever made first contact.
Sorry, Joe, that this is so long, but some of the comments I am reading are just odd, when this blog is the only real news that can be relied upon in Salisbury.
Will all of you "truthers" just go climb into you bunkers and stay there. This country will not be destroyed by you or the terrorists!
I just do not understand how Gravity is so hard for people to understand. It is a very basic force that makes objects fall straight down. The force required to counteract a 47 Story building making it not fall straight down would be unimaginable.
Furthermore the tower closest to it hit WT7 when it fell. They did not fall 100% straight down none of them did. They all fell slightly to one side or the other. If you look at the video you will see the center structure fell first on WTC7 meaning the center support failed first. That would have a tendency to pull the rest of the building toward the center making it fall even more straight down. I burned for 7 long hours. Buildings are rated for two at most.
How do you nuts think the explosives withstood the fire. Were all the families of the 9/11 passengers on the Airlines in on it?
Popular Science and many other independent groups proved the planes fuel caused the collapse as the man said. Kerosene fires cause strange things to happen to steel. Stoves are made of special steel to withstand a much cooler flame. Buildings are build from steel designed to be strong not brittle but more fire resistant.
The towers fell too fast for a pancake theory to be true. There were steel beams ejected 100's of feet laterally from the explosions. Very many people heard explosions that day. Seismographs registered the explosions (multiple). There were victims coming up out of the basement levels with burns on their bodies prior to the collapse. This was a top down explosion / demolition. One can also see the blast puffs of smoke coming out of windows below the collapse zone, and the blasts precede the collapse all the way down to the ground.
The Firemen were never told about the plans to explode the buildings. They were left hung out to dry.
So Bush and Chaney cover their tracks during 9-11 but fail to put a couple of WMD's to cover their tracks in Iraq?
Wow. Seriously? Do you all think Obama's Kenyan birth certificate was in the basement of WTC7, and that is why it had to be destroyed?
911 happened in 2001. Obama's birth certificate was not an issue then.
The internet really needs a sarcasm font so others can tell when someone is being sarcastic or not...duh!
9/11 was a terrorist attack by the U.S government. Think about it the only plan that had people on it was shot down in Penn. Where are the stories of the other people on board the other planes. How can a plane crash into the pentogon without touching the lawn? So thank Pres. Bush for the depression that we are in. Do to my position i can not give a name but i am sure that there was not a attack on the U.S by a different country but there was a attack on the U.S by the U.S.
Wow 50 comments. People really do care!
How about a public meeting where we present evidence contrary to the official story? Everyone can watch, read, or listen and make up their own minds.
The MSM gets so much attention, why not consider giving your neighbors a chance to present information? You may hear or see something new. It may influence your opinion of the MSM. You may become suspicious of other stories.
The official story is usually the one created by the perpetrators.
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