This was the scene on Friday night off Camden & South in Salisbury where students were sitting out front of their apartments openly drinking and encouraging drivers to honk their horns and they'll all drink.
The Police were called but there was no response, not for an hour anyway. Looks like it's going to be yet another fun year. No confirmation of the Mayor being there having a good time creating a partnership and network with the Students.
He might have been check the identity of the guy face down in the pillow.
I'd take the students here over the normal thugs/clans that are here! Students are a welcomed arrival, in my opinion.
This is a perfect illustration of the irresponsible public behavior that harms neighborhoods. If I assume correctly and these are students at the University, they are guests in our community. They have chosen to live in a family neighborhood. They are one block from the neighborhood playground. Not acceptable.
I hope that the University and the landlord will take swift action. They are the ones who benefit the most from using neighborhood housing like dormatory rooms. This really needs to be brought under control.
There is no reason why students and neighbors can't coexist. Most of the students are very nice and don't treat Salisbury like a scene from Animal House, yet the ones who do gain a reputation for the greater student body and for the University as abusers in our community who don't give a d**n about the families who call Salisbury home. A little pride please (personal & professional), and some sanctions for people who behave like this.
Janet, are you reading?
those horrible college kids. how dare they? drinking for car honks. i personally live a block from this area and have not had any problems from college kids in my previous five years at my residence. i have had my car broken into twice....hmm, maybe it was these drunkn fools. for heavens sake, please dont beep your horns people!!
What law are they breaking? Aren't they on private property? Are you saying I cannot sit in my front yard and drink alcohol? Please college students will you all leave so we can watch more businesses have lay offs and close. Please take your money back out of our community. Please we want to see all of our citizens living under the bridge.
Let's see, if they are 21 and legal they can drink. If they pay the over priced rent landlords stick it to the students for the convenience of living close to campus they have a right to use the property for their fun and games, What's the problem? No different that you having a BBQ in your yard and waving at the neighbor's as they ride by. Oh, I was a college student 20 years ago and am currently in law enforcement, so I've been on both sides. I don't think they are breaking any laws as long as they are on residential property. As long as they cleaned up after themselves and didn't do it until 2AM, what's the big deal?
So the police where called away from other possible robberies, home invasions, drug dealing, and any other crap I'm leaving out to deal with students drinking on their front lawn.
That sounds smart.
If I drove by, I would have done a steady honk until they chugged it all!
Seriously, Joe. Take South Blvd to Smith Street and start driving North. You'll see thugs and drug dealers standing on the street. Ghetto has been extending itself from the now multi-tennant houses on Newton towards the college.
If there weren't college kids living in this neighborhood, the ghetto would grow much faster. What would you rather live by? Some young kids with mostly good intentions who sometimes mess up, or ghetto thugs who want to break into your car or house the second your turn your back? When I lived in this part of the city, I can guarantee you that it wasn't a college student who chucked their crack pipe into my yard when the police drove by.
Until the slum lords get regulated out of this neighborhood, or people want to pay $180k for a house that sold for $50k less than 10 years ago, the college kids are the best chance that the people who own the really nice houses down Camden Ave and near SU have to avoid getting swallowed up by the ghetto. If the students leave, even more vagrant-like people will replace them.
Like it or not, it's the reality of the situation. People can either choose to work with the mostly good students, or they can watch their neighborhood slowly rot on their porch.
If you're of legal age and not disturbing the peace or breaking any laws,have a good time kids. At least you're not robbing donut shops, banks or shooting the police. Sounds like a fun game.
How many of the people who think this is okay would want it next door to their homes and children? I like living among students, but this is stupid "in your face" behavior that is not neighborly. Remember the old motto..."why go to Harvard to think when you can go to SU to drink?"
I guess Joe was never a college student at one time, nor did he ever have a lil fun drinking. Really...hell, at least they are at home, not driving, not bothering anyone, just having somewhat of a good time. Oh yeah, call the cops, I agree with the above, they have more important things to do than to baby sit college students who are at their own home. I guess it would be better Joe if they were in a bar and then drove home wouldn't you say? I'm sure you've never done that either. "eyes rolling" Ugh for real, complain about something that is actually worth while.
Come on Joe, I read and have much interest in quite a lot of articles but really, you can do better than this and I've seen it. My apologies for personally attacking you, I am only trying to make a point.
I'm one of the one's who felt it was OK and I would care less if they did it next door to me. It's during the day and they are hurting no one. It's Labor Day weekend, no classes, so you can't say they are irresposible. I'm 45 years old, and I probably would go over and have a beer with them. That's what my neighbors did at St. Mary's when I was in school. I don't try to pretend I wasn't a kid and never did anything for fun. Quit being so stuck up!
Sarah , would you kindly go piss up a rope or make a left and jump in the river.
college students or DRUG DEALERS...hey, have it ur way! ....but not both
anonymous 1:23, Hi JR, I thought you were working today?????
The only drinking game we played 20+ years ago in college was quarters. You all remember, bounce the quarter off the table into a shot class. I wish this drinking game were around then. Those were crazy times.
damn and i just moved outta those apartments
Anonymous 1:35
Oh they still play quarters to drink but they don't use a table anymore.They actually took the damn doors off the hindges and had them set up on chairs and busted quarter size holes in all the doors.lol
If I were a student in that yard, I'd drink cola and hope the cops try me!
Anon 11:12 & 11:33 I agree whole heartedly
Now, SPD, go get the drug dealers and crack whores walking up and down Rt 50 and Isabella!
I am a Junior at SSU and do not understand the criticism of some of the neighboring residents. Some of us celebrate the beginning and closing of the year, the day before a holiday when we return to our homes. We are not destructive but sometimes a little loud. Some of the old, old neighbors have forgotten what they did in their youth and have yet to understand that times have changed. We don't turn over outhouses, etc. Salisbury is a college town. A warm greeting and a smile might help all of us to live in harmony and respect each other.
theyre not shooting and robbing. Theyre not the problem
Anonymous 1:13pm
Guess I struck a nerve eh? Sorry to disappoint you but I piss in a toilet. BTW, at least I'm not a coward and put my name up "Anonymous".
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