What did Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?Here is something that should be of great interest for you to pass around.I didn't know of this until it was pointed out to me.Back during The Great Depression, President Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of A L L illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work...Harry Truman deported over two million Illegal's after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.And then again in 1954, President Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million Mexican Nationals! The program was called 'Operation Wetback'.. It was done so WWII and Korean Veterans would have a better chance at jobs.
It took 2 Years, but they deported them!Now...if they could deport the illegal's back then - they could sure do it today?lf you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes...12 million Illegal Aliens are depending on you
Not a bad idea with today's economy. No more goverment handouts for welfare then. Put them back to work. Oh wait, "The Messiah" is suppose to take care of all that.
I read about this before, good post Joe! Truman was a democrat and he did it! So Obama and the democrats don't have an excuse! Go to this site to see how much of a burden immigrants are on our economy:
Immigration Counters
$37 BILLION sent accross our southern border in 3.5 years! Immagine what it is worldwide (especially with the recent influx of Russians and western Europeans)
We've paid $14 Billion in just over 3 years to educate them! We've paid $1.4 billion to give them food and shelter in our prisons! It is ridiculous that we pay for these services to these NON-TAX PAYING immigrants!
Giving the current unemployment rate of 9.7% and the U.S. Population of 307,400,763, we have an estimated 29,817,874 unemployed CITIZENS in our nation! We have 11,230,312 skilled jobs taken by immigrants-that could bring our unemployment rate down to 6% if we got rid of them! Not to mention the voluminous amount of illegals that work "under-the-table!" If you are going to let them stay, at least give them citizenship and tax the sh!t out of them!
There's a start to fixing this BS economy!
Finally coming around are you.
NOONE has any balls anymore.They want to better their own households only.
More $$$$$?
Read the an entry on today's blog' Health Bill Could Benefit 6.6 million illegals and cost $31 billion!
If they were deported, who would then support the dummycrats? Truman dates to the time when the Dems were patriots. That ended with Carter.
The job of our government is to protect us from foreign invaders. We have been invaded and are being destroyed financially by these invaders.
Obama and Bush said in the beginning of the collapse, "we must be careful not to fall into the temptation of protectionism".
WTF? Our government must resist the temptation to "take care of" its citizens in favor of a world economy / world government.
The key word is ILLEGAL. Why are these violators of our immigration laws allowed to stay here under any administration that cares about its own citizens. Oh, that's right, Obama doesn't want to be percieved as showing favoritism to America, even though he is supposed to be the servant of the American people, not the world. I don't know what excuse Bush had for allowing illegals to take American jobs while the nation set near record unemployment numbers for legal citizens! Bush & Clinton claimed to be for American workers but stabbed them in the back at every opportunity by conspiring with big business to send most good paying manufacturing jobs abroad and letting illegals stay and gorge on our remaining jobs and social services. WTF, Clone Harry Truman and bring him back!
Here we go again with the stupidity of those called conservatives. If this lovely country deported every single illegal alients the farming and construction industries would fall fast and hard! I guess the millions upon millions they put into our economy means nothing? Don't get it twisted, good ol'Americans aren't lining up to take jobs in fields or on construction sites they way they used to. Not to mention all of the service jobs illegals work in. Yes they may take some jobs from Americans because they are willing to work longer and harder for less, but again, most people especially younger one's would rather lose an arm than pick some damn tomatoes! You really think the US of A would get running as normal without these people? If so, your heads are so far off in outer space it's scary.
I concur 12:57....Not only do these illegal people work and go to work, they own homes and breed children which makes their children legal Americans. The Federal Government will not allow State worker's to report illegal's, unless presented with a fake document such as a passport, green card or visa. Oh yeah put it all on the shoulders of President Obama, no one was talking deportation when those illegal terroist set off 9/11. Why not make these illegals - legal so they can pay some of these tax dollars. Otherwise, they are living scott free. Oh and illegals can't get welfare but their american children can.
The reason they don't deport these illegals is because THEY PAY TAXES and never collect returns.
Their employer pays the taxes but the illegals never file for returns, so the government keeps all of that money. I'm talking billions of dollars each and every year.
1:46 they OWN homes? since when? better check that one out...I think they rent or else there would have to be income taxes filed...and when it's 12 people to a single family home I am more than sure they can afford it paying no taxes. i think there were plenty of us talking deportation when 9/11 happened. Bush wasn't listening then and Obama is trying to give them all free health care now-would YOU be in a hurry to leave?!!!
12:57 PM,
We have 11,230,312 skilled jobs taken by illegals - picking tomatoes is not a skilled job! If I were to get laid off right now, I would certainly do whatever it takes to put food on the table for my family-if that means working in a processing plant or cutting grass, I would do it! Sure, everybody isn't willing to do it, but I'm sure that atleast 11 million U.S. Citizens in this nation would be willing! They are taking all kinds of jobs from your average U.S. Citizen-I actually lost my job to a Russian in OC. The restaurant I worked for hired one Russian to replace me AND another person because the Russian was willing to work 70 hour work weeks and I could only work 40 (5 days 3pm-11pm because I was taking some summer college classes in the morning) and the other guy could only work 30 (5 days 9am-3pm because he had to take care of his children in the evening). The same hours, the same amount of time, the same skills and the same hourly pay, just one less employee to worry about is what it came down to. I would have continued to work year-round as I had done, but they later found out that the Russian wouldn't. He went up the NY to make better during OC's off season. It was actually more expensive to pay the Russian because he was making over time off his $10/ hour wage. He made $1,050/week while the other guy and I would have made $700/week collectively. Don't ask me where the restaurant managers' heads were! My point is, THEY DO TAKE OUR JOBS-both, legally and illegally!
And Joe,
While some may pay taxes, not all do. I've had jobs where I have seen a lot of under-the-table pay. Now if I see this much in my little corner of the U.S. called the Eastern Shore, then imagine what it is like nationally.
Also remember, the immigration numbers are estimates-there is no way to accurately keep track of who is here illegally. If there was, then there would be a lot more deportations. I imagine that the illegal immigration numbers are actually much higher than projected. In addition, a lot of money leaves this nation with foreigners on here on work VISAs. When I worked in OC, all the Russians and Western Europeans sent all their money home to their families. This might not happen as much now as it did then because of the failing dollar, but it is something to consider. I think it would be worth while to investigate some sort of tax or tariff on "exporting" money to foreign nations. I know it sounds a little silly, but require these foreign workers to either spend a portion of their earnings here in the States to help support our economy that they are burdening or have a percentage taken if they send it all home. People here on work VISAs do not pay nearly as much in taxes that US Citizens do, infact they are often eligible to get most or all of their paid taxes back. Yet they use our U.S. Tax payer services, sometimes more than we do. Pretty much, the only right or service that I QUALIFY for that they don't is the right to vote. I would gladly give that up for a tax break-it doesn't matter who I vote for anyway because we got this idiot in office now supporting them...
Maybe provide incentives to employers to higher U.S. Citizens over immigrants (both legal and illegal) or better yet, crack down on those employers who knowingly employ illegal immigrants!
anonymous 3:03, then you are just as big a criminal and anti american as the illegals.
It is your DUTY as an American to report such illegal activity.
Let me try this one out for you.
Don't blame the Police, Politicians or anyone else but yourself for the mess this Country is in. If YOU saw illegal activity and didn't report it, well, it's no wonder we're in the shape we're in.
That being said, if YOU go to a Restaurant and they use a calculator to figure out your bill, GUESS WHAT, they're STEALING! Ask for a cash register receipt or do NOT pay the bill.
Harsh! How about we all refuse to pay taxes? How about that idea?
It is more American than turning in the guy for using a calculator. I say, use a calculator, I get a discount. Use a cash register I pay full price. Have it your way at your restaurant. Either I liked it or I didn't. When I see a person avoiding taxation I say good for ya'
Good post, Joe! Think of all the jobs that would open up if suddenly, lets say by the first of the month all illegals were sent back. I'd get my job back.
I'd like to point out something that this blog is apparently not aware of. Not all illegal aliens are Mexican...
We don't care where they came from! We would like for them to go home.
No, all Mexicans are not illegal but 12 MILLION ARE. Send every one of those criminals home to Mexico! Shoot everyone crossing the border illegally as they are staging a criminal invasion of our nation!
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