While many Sheriff's Deputies will take an average pay cut of around $80.00 per paycheck, GUESS WHO'S GETTING RAISES! If you guessed prisoners, you'd be 100% correct.
That's right. While Mayor Ireton and Chiefy Webster were in Annapolis fighting for prisoners rights yesterday, it was announced that ALL prisoners in the state of Maryland would get a 10% PAY INCREASE.
People are losing their jobs left and right, taking pay cuts, barely making ends meet, this dipsh!t Governor and all the wet pants liberals have secured a 10% pay increase for the people who caused the most trouble and were probably the biggest expense to the taxpayers all around.
So why haven't you seen this information in the MSM. Because Blogs are taking over and the MSM wants to feed you the soft, pampered and fluffy news, just the way the liberals like it. Then when they do feed you so called investigative news, (like the Debbie Campbell/video tape story) they simply twist the info and lie in order to make it look like they're actually working.
In the mean time, contact your Mayors, County Executives, Delegates, Senators and Congressmen and let them know just how much you appreciate their service to the Law Abiding Taxpayers who pay the taxes for these pay increases.
So stop the presses Daily Times. Make some phone calls and you'll find I'm exactly right and see if you have the time to present this story, since people do pay money for your daily newspaper. Consider this one a freebie from Salisbury News. Then again, it is 7:00, (or close to it) and we may have to wait another two or three days before you publish something. That's OK, we're used to it.
So how many County Employees, Police Officers, Firefighters are OK with this???????
What in the hell?! This is too much and we need as citizens start thinking long and hard on how long we will continue to except this crap.
if you ask me they shouldnt be paid at all.its already bad enough that they get to go to school to get high school diplomas and college degrees in prison when hard working families cant afford it for their children and to think the state actually pays criminals to go.and what may i ask are they going to do with this free education?most jobs requiring a college degree also require a clean background.
This is just about insane as it gets.
So what were the chief and mayor doing in Annapolis relavent to this issue?
If, as you posted they in some way were supporting any funds dedicated to prisoners be increased than the whole damn bunch needs to be dumped.
3 hots and a cot is all they need for pay. Cut the cable and internet.
That is small related to what we hear is going on down in Somerset at ECI
The inmates make something ridiculious, like 1.25 an hour in prison credits... Where is the rest of the story.
[And I am someone who believes the prisoners should be growing / making their own food, and working off their debt to society].
Prisoners get paid? What in the hell are you talking about?
Well, once again, the tail wags the dog. B-more and Accrapolis once again determine what everyone in the state must contend with. I'm soooo glad I'm not in the Kommie Republik of Maryland. I do feel sorry for those I love left behind. Don't get me wrong, I'm in VA, home to many of our nation's founding fathers and we have to contend with similar issues w/ the DC suburbs in the Commonwealth trying to continually wag the dog here as well, but there are lots of Patriots left here.
BTW, speaking of Patriots, everyone try to watch the movie, "The Patriot", w/ Mel Gibson tomorrow, 9/11.
"aim small, miss small"
Not that it makes much difference but prisoners don't make that much money on a daily basis. They may make $2/day not per hour. The food prices on commissary are rediculous if they want more food then what is served to them. Not only that, the money they may make goes towards washing their clothes or buying other clothes then what is issued from the state. Prisoners are humans too; they also need personal items and working making a measily $2/day may help with deoderant, socks, underwear etc. Some inmates don't have family who is able to send them money for these items.
I agree with 7:11 the prisoners might benefit society by growing produce or working on a state owned farm etc. 0.
Wrong Michelle, they made $1.00 per hour and now they'll make $1.10 per hour. This is based on those prisoners that clean trash and are able to work outside the prison.
Yeah, I agree this doesn't seem right, but isn't $1.10/hour cheaper than paying a county or state employee to do the same job? Doesn't seem like a valid complaint.
Hey lets teach them all how to build cars. Can you imagine how much a car would cost paying $1.10 an hour vs what the union workers make.
anonymous 7:54, If it's GM or Chrysler they'll double the old price now that the Government is involved. LOL
All of them should have to work - in shackles if need be - but they all should be taken out of the cell every single day and given a trash bag and taken along side the trashy roads to pick up trash, cut grass, whatever needs to be done that the city, county, state can't seem to allot money for. And yes, there should be a farm somewhere where they have to milk the cows if they want milk, plant and pick the fruits and vegetables if they want to eat - you get the idea here? Also why not take them out to the Humane society and let them bathe and walk the animals, clean out the stalls or take them to a horse farm and have them clean stalls there or to a pig, chicken or whatever kind of farm and help out there. There's plenty they could do and if they complain maybe they would think about not wanting to go back to the place called jail again.
I remember when i was a small guy seeing striped workerd along side roads and other areas on a regular basis. I mean it was VERY common and often.
Now, here, I see it MAYBE once every year or two...
WTF is going on here! We teachers are lucky to get a 3% increase! OH MY WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Michelle, I bet you would think different if you were a victim of a crime? Get a Life! They are in Jail for doing something wrong against the law!!!!! WOW SERIOUSLY!!!!!
Fire Webster and turn all police departments over to Mike Lewis in Wicomico County. Then send warning letters to all criminals that they will soon be caught.
when my chudren eat a meal they might want more to eat than I have too..but i didnt get a 10% raise I got my pay check cut. If my children had a meal cooked and served to them they would be happy. Most of them are in JAIL because they are not human if they were they would not be there..As far as providing money to teach etc these people WHY dont we use this money to teach or train young people so they won't wind up in jail? Or does that make too much sence?
Maybe we should all commit some crime so we can get a pay raise as well. I took a $15,000/year paycut to keep my job. I would start robbing some place in Salisbury, but the police there can't catch you so you can do some time. You can't win for losing can you.
Clocks Ticking...
Hear here.
Wow, i want to go off on you on your grammar, but I can't. (I'm a terminal perfectionist!) But, 8:25, you are exactly right. God bless you. These people do all they can to be less than human every day, and cost society millions. Why? Because they can, and they think that they can beat the system by doing it in numbers that overwhelm the system. That's what they depend on. Until we, as a society, actually punish these people we cannot survive on our own. We must fight to win, not compromise. I am losing my house every month a little at a time, and to see those criminals who have earned and own nothing get a raise just beats me down further. This crap is getting harder and harder to take, and there should probably be a day real soon where we don't take it anymore.
Is tomorrow good for you?
$1.10 how can I hire them?
A girl in Ocean City burned a US flag on July 5 (which is illegal) and she got PBJ. The judge said something like, good thing you did this in America, because in another coutnry, they'd probably shoot you.
Doesn't that say it all? If we were tougher on criminals, doesn't it stand to reason that there would be less of them?
webster is a wanker. needs to go!
I am about to lose my home. I lost 4% of my pay. Got to cancel my cable and telephone to keep up. And, prisoners are getting a 10% pay rise. Who in the hell is going to hire an ed-u ma-cake-it felon. THIS PLACE REALLY SUCKS.
F#@k these inmates and the same to Wicomic and Salisbury, Maryland.
Send their azzezz over sea and make them fight the war. Damn, if the illegeals aren't screwing us. Now the inmates will. This is B.S.
We are paying a State Employee BIG BUCKS to sit in a truck with an outhouse on it for them to pee and then the trash truck to collect the bags. MMMMMMMMM The Deputies are losing part of their pay to catch the bastards to put them in prison to make the money the deputies are losing. Webster & Ireton I think you need to give up your saleries to give to the crimnals. Ireton you are teaching the future ECI residents and Webster you are showing them how a crook can make it in the world.
One more thing. Since Ireton did win and has dissappointed the Salisbury Citizens, do you think he was already in Webster & Tilghman's back pocket?
For those of you dumba$$es who want to commit a crime to go to jail and get a pay raise, DO NOT COMMIT YOUR CRIME IN THE CITY. MAKE SURE YOU DO IT IN THE COUNTY. Point being, you actually have to get caught to get your raise.
Go sit in district or circuit court some time and watch the sentences that are handed out. The people that actually make it into the prison system in Maryland aren't petty criminals. Unless you're convicted of murder/rape/armed robbery in Maryland you don't get sent to prison, you get a couple weekends in jail, PBJ, community service or your sentence suspended. So do I feel sorry for the people in prison HELL no. Maryland doesn't punish anyone until they end up committing seriously heinous acts. Maybe if we were tougher on ALL criminals they wouldn't actually make it to prison.
Joe - you should check this out. A mardela kid has been charged and arrested for a recent arson in Mardela (early this week) and apparently another that took place in march. it's all ready been posted on md court cases and i'm sure it will be in an upcoming press release. the people in this small community should be made aware. you can search "joshua b. maddox" to see the charges (several arson and malicious destruction of property) and the fact that he was committed to wdc. i haven't seen anything about it on the news - though they covered the actual fire on wboc.
The amount that the state will pay in inmate pay increases amounts to the same amount that state workers will lose due to pay cuts and furloughs.
to top that... businesses in some lines of work sometimes find themselves bidding against prison labor for jobs or contracts. of course, the prisoners are less "expensive," and the private sector losses out. imagine being an honest, hard working, tax paying citizen and getting your hours cut after losing work to some criminal in jail who - to add insult to injury - just got a raise!
So what that they get paid $1.25 an hour? What exactly does one need money for in prison?The State is paying the light bill and everything else for them.
I work for the county and I have been told the following...
Basically my salary is being cut 1.9% (this means that I work five days for free basically).
A good friend of mine emailed Pollitt and asked instead of the pay cut could we please just get furlough days instead. To Pollitts credit he responded. More paycuts for all county employees and layoffs are coming is pretty much what the email response said.
I am not sure where this money for this teach a criminal job program is coming from (state or federal, but it's all taxpayer money) But basically I am taking a paycut so that career criminals/junkies/whores/thieves/illegals/rapists/sex offenders/just plain evil people can get job training???
This is only saving the county like $700,000 roughly. We need to find an additional $6.3 million more in budget cuts in this county alone.
I am in the middle of this whole debate, because I am living this on a daily basis.
I work at the county jail. And of course I can't be specific since the warden has a lawsuit pending against the host of this blog for a thing like a comment. Not to mention the other lawsuit the warden is involved in (did I mention that oops).
This post and the comments that followed really reinforced the fact that there still are American Patriots out there who care about this Country.
Or I guess we can all just quit our jobs and become drug dealers/prostitutes/bank robbers/criminal/gang bangers/etc...since that seems to be a better career choice than trying to be a contributing member of society.
I have never voted for a republican in my life, not one.
The things that are taking place in MD and across the Country are pretty much insuring that I will never vote for a democrat again either, not one.
Long days and pleasant nights to ya all...hope to see you DC :)
They get served three meals a day, they don't need commissary money. The facility provides the inmates who have no money in their accounts with the toiletries they need, and even envelopes and stamps so they can send letters. They dont need money. They're already getting 5 days off their sentence for every month they work, that's enough pay. Walk into WCDC and you'll see them sitting around watching cable, eating chips, and playing cards and checkers and dominoes with all their friends. What is deterring them from committing crimes?
Webster and Ireton , what a gruesom twosome!
Send them all to Military Boot Camp and ship them to Afghanistan!
Sure hope none of you are in the wrong place at the wrong time and end up in jail trying to work your way out at $1 an hour. Especially for what they do.
fraction of a penny on the dollar and the whole world goes ape sh!t...
to: blutojthetotmom
good question , they need money for drugs and smokes.
Ofc Chad Spicer lost his life to a criminal so basically the f------ a------ is now getting a pay raise for being a cop killer I hope he rots in HELL!!
God bless Chads daughter
Police Ofc
So you KNOW they really dont need that money.And that they also have some dumb woman or women on the outside that visits and mails them money orders so they gamble and all that special stuff.Anyone who feels sorry for them because "they only make a pittance" needs to wake up and smell the coffee.WE are feeding them and housing them in jail,and probably will continue to when they are released back into the community.
Then, you go to jail. People have live their entirely life and died living by the rules w/o commiting A crime. Why can't they. Because they do not want to. That's why I say, to Hell with inmates and repeat offenders. Lock the criminals u and throw away the keys.
Michelle you must be a bleeding heart liberal. I work in a state prison. Not only did I not get my yearly raise (pennies) but now our liheral governor cuts my pay. So I pay more for my healthcare and my paycheck is less. But then they give a raise to inmates. That is just great. Our liberal government at work.
you forgot state corrections officers. we are taking a 2% pay cut
Why go to jail? I've done nothing wrong.
What I'm getting at is that jail is NOT 100% serial murderer's/rapists. If they are in jail then they probably deserved their sentence, however, you are going to tell me they don't deserve a second chance? You only get ONE life.
It obviously depends on the person/crime committed, but there are people that deserve second chances. In most parts this dollar an hour is their way to help start their second chance.
Also, if you work for the county and are upset about getting your pay check chopped, you know that you are allowed to leave? Unless they have soul-binding contracts you can leave whenever the F you want. Crying about pennies won't get you anywhere.
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