OK, I believe some people have made a good point. Let's add to this discussion those places in which you feel the City/County can cut or close. I mean, if you're going to bring it up, let's finish it.
You can't close the WWTP but you could close the Zoo, just as an example. Come on, start spitting them out and let's see who agrees and who disagrees. Explain why certain facilities should be closed and or why they should stay open. This should get quite interesting as well.
Someone mentioned the Visitors Center. Put them all out there and see what the citizens want.
I'm not sure what was mentioned on the Visitor's Center, but I certainly agree that could def be cut!! I mean c'mon people how many people actually plan their vacations so they can visit the attractions here in Wicomico County? I mean get real. I think all the Visitor's Center should be is a few pamphlets sitting out with some porta potties for travelers. I honestly think that should be the extent of it. Not sure how much money goes into the Center every year, but I believe that is one cut we can live without.
I would suggest you stop in the visitors center and speak with Sandy Fulton the director. They are the folks that bring us the poodle club, a zillion sport tournaments and other special events to Wicomico County that fill restraunts & hotel rooms. Look for something to cut that does not generate $$$
Cut out the County Executive job,
which we operated for years without and combine the city and county police forces and every other department that overlaps.
Thats exactly what Louiviile Kentucky did and it has worked well.
You must have your head in the sand! I have had people from Maine to North Carolina tell me they stopped by in Salisbury at the Visitor Center and how helpful they were and knew just where to send them. Without the visitor center the local restaurants and places of interest would not be visited. They are a great asset to our community. They help promote and generate millions of dollars here where people might just go on and visit.... who knows where or plain WOULD JUST DRIVE ON THRU.
The tourism office (the county is in a shambles anyway, who would want to visit here), rec & parks offices (let volunteers do the office work), lay off some judges (they aren't doing a good job anyway), get rid of the liquor control board (privatize it), pay the city and county counsils minimum wage (that's about all they are worth), no city or county vehicles should be driven home, no city or county vehicles should be used for personal business, cut the police chief's salary (he doesn't do anything worth what he's getting paid for), sell "tower 16" (what a waste of money), any major purchases made by the city or county should be approved by voters, should I keep on going?
Are county workers still taking home vehicles? I say stop that. That would save a bundle. Im not talking about the police cars. Just the other vehicles people are taking home.
Wicomico Tourism Office markets the county for the express purpose of putting heads in beds and collecting the room tax associated... They are fully funded by the room taxes in the county. I bet local restaurants appreciate all of the soccer, lacrosse, wrestling etc. that the Tourism Office is involved with.
Mandatory drug testing to be eligible for any public assistance or aid programs.
Also random drug testing for all employees annually.
Here is my list due to low amount
of building going on:
1. planning and zoning should be cut , we know they are not nearly as busy as they were 2 years ago.
2. the health dept. should be cut
they don't have anywhere near the business with water tests etc.
3.recreation dept. could cut way back. Gary needs to tighten his purse strings.
4. dept. of corrections could be cut way back , don't need to pay the criminals a dime.
cut whitehaven ferry. since that is funded by sommerset and wicomico. would it not make since to save money in two counties.also cut the hours on upper ferry and sell stickers to cross like the landfill does to dump.if they are not from around here charge a dollar.
Rick Pollitt, Matt Creamer, Ted Shea, Sharon Morris, Jim Fineran and other administrative support staff...how many people does it take to run this county into the ground?
When you compare the infrastructure conditions in this county and the lack of benefits (curbside recycling, county police agency, etc.) with most other Maryland counties - Wicomico is a JOKE.
It is only those who are in political power and/or high government positions who think this county has anything going for it. Wicomico County is an inefficient MESS.
Everyone is picking on Tourism and Rec and Parks - how about Code Enforcement? Why can't the FDs or State Fire Marshal's office handle that? Overstaffed Finance office and HR too.
And Rick is donating his pay cut to Meals on Wheels....way to help the county treasury Rick. Do you even get how ridiculous that makes you look?
We can't maintain the schools we have and we're building new ones? And the school board is getting 50% of the budget?
It all stinks to high heaven - WHERE HAS ALL OF OUR MONEY GONE?????
Get rid of the three road crew guys leaning on their shovels watching the fourth guy fix the hole in the road.
Visitor Center=Cut the hours of operation to weekends only in fall/winter.Fulltime for summertime hrs.when school closes.Ferries== Close down when school starts and reopen when school closes. ZOO==Close down in the wintertime.==County/city work force go to 35 hr. workweek. B>O>E=Make them responisble for their actions and stop being afraid your actions.
Stop having the Salisbury Festival. It costs the city and I'm sure the county more money than it's worth. There are too many problems (fights, drugs and drunks) and it just isn't worth it. Think of the money that would be saved not having to pay for the advertising, the set up, the tear down, the clean up and the security needed.
Cut JT's grocery bill in half and use the money to feed the zoo animals.
Were way past that human now, why regress.
Cut all the fat at the BOE - there's alot of it there. Also the zoo should go. Parks & Rec should use volunteers. No more Salisbury Festival. There's so much that could be cut and especially at the top of the ladders.
3:40 and 3:44 saved the most money... use JT to feed the zoo animals for the next year.
pollitt is probably getting a nice tax deduction by donating to meals on wheels. the wheels need to be put under fineran, morris, creamer and shea to start! wafjoke this crew is. how about all them bonuses that were hid from taxpayers but finally showed up in the daily slime. pollitt never gave a fair reason why they were given.how do you wico ppl like the excutive form of govt you voted for now. SHOW ME ONE WAY THE COUNTY HAS BENEFITED FROM ITS IMPLECATION BUT COST LOTS OF TAX DOLLARS .
From: Greg Hoppes
Sent: Wed 9/2/2009 2:45 PM
Subject: Tower-16
Many of you have noticed that Tower-16 makes a sound like rocks in the pump. Singer has come to the conclusion that this is due to the water starting to become overheated. With only 300 gals it doesn’t take long for the water to become hot. So, when doing your weekly checks do the pump first and then take it out of pump gear for the rest of the checks or hook up to a water source to have a constant flow of fresh water. On the fireground if you are not actually flowing water take it out of pump gear.
Thanks for your continued support in this matter.
Cut the county library small sites that aren't doing much except employing someone to run it.
Why can't the inmates do the road work? Picking up trash, filling pot holes, picking up dead animals etc. Force retirement for those who are eligible. Cut staff at Civic Center. Only have part-time employees. Change the hours that they are open.
4:13 touches on my pet peeve---it seems that there are always more "workers" just standing around watching one person actually working on road crews. Sweet job, huh? I can stand around and watch people work all day; I'm totally comfortable with that. Guess I just qualified myself for a job!
where are the people you see standing around watching people work? You say 3 people watching a fourth fill a pothole? OK, that narrows it down, since county dumptrucks used to patch holes only carry 3 people, it can't be them, I believe the city is also set up for 3 people, so you must be talking about the state, they are the ones with the big extra cab trucks. Lets be specific from now on because you are dealing with many different jurisdictions around here. We wouldn't want to misinform anyone, (or maybe just making stuff up?)
I think you get rid of the Salisbury Police Department and let Mike Lewis take over in Salisbury. I'm sure that he will need more manpower; however, these police officers will have to reinterview for the job. Let Mike Lewis decide how many police officers he needs. That way we don't have to pay the overtime. Plus we will be able to eliminate a few positions of the police department.
Call acorn! those nuts will tell us how we can get more of everything for nothing. :o)
Love the idea , making prisoners get to work.
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