While President Obama shoves his BS down every child in Americas throat today, tomorrow he'll be passing off more of his BS to sell Congress, (again, as a role model) and wet pants liberals, (like Cents and Chuck) will be standing by his side selling America on yet another bill of worthless goods because they're the closest thing to the right hand of God and they know better. I can see Obama tapping on some kids shoulder and saying, can I bum a Kool off of you kid. Kid responds, but I'm not 18 Sir.
I mean, just look at the photo above. You're a believer now, aren't you? The only thing that's missing is a joint, a beer and a hooker. But that wouldn't be healthy, sorry about that. Besides, pot is good for that old arthritis, whoops!
Seriouly though, don't you smoke too?
cops every where pnc bank south sby Robbery???
anonymous 1:43, seriously, I'm not your President spewing Health Care down your throat, for starters.
Secondly, I smoke, (yet do not inhale) cigars. Again, I am NOT you're President nor do I work for the Health Department or the Surgeon General.
Notice--he's smoking inside. Smoking is not permitted inside any government building. hmmmmmmmmmm
He has the best Health Care money can buy, he will get the care he needs.
Maybe the socialist ought to make smoking illegal - bet you'd have something to say about that too. You will grasp at anything to make our President look bad. How about a look in the mirror. I'm sure you've got him beat in abhorant behavior.
1:58 pm
You are right , he will get the care needs , wonder what that will be?
if anyone actually HEARD the speech today you would see that conservatives REALLY don't know what their talking about
One: he is an admitted smoker, and has said publicly several times that it is a habit that he is having trouble breaking. (Most doctors smoke, most health insurance salesmen smoke and yet, they still talk to us about the importance of health care too.)
Second: did you even watch the speech Joe? Even the commentators on Fox News said it was a good conservative speech.
If your response is, "No, I refused to watch his propaganda and I had too many things to do anyway." then you have to excuse yourself from the conversation. If you base your entire knowledge of this to what the harpies on the bleeting-crazy far right have to say, you would think the sky was falling.
Last I checked, we are over 200 days into the Obama administration, and the sky is still where it should be.
(BTW- Newt Gingrich and Laura Bush both had words of praise for the speech. Does that make them socialists too, or merely RINOs?)
President Obama is trying to persuade his constituents to have good health habits, to avoid his possible addiction to nicotine.
Ask that man that lost his job and had walked his family out of their home if the sky is still where it is supposed to be. Smugg little prick.
The problem many of us had with the President's speech to school children had nothing to do with the subject of the speech. We do not believe the President should speak to our children in a school setting.
You see, the bottom line is this: many of us do not trust our government. Some of us are Democrats, some are Republicans and some of us do not participate in the voting scheme at all. We simply have seen enough lying to know that we are not comfortable with the Kingpin (President) speaking to our children. We do not trust his motives.
My opinion
People lose their jobs everyday. I did too. Pick yourself up and keep trying. It is hard, but you survive.
Or blame a black guy. Either way you want to go, you close-minded waste.
BTW- the word is spelled smug. One "g." I learned that from my liberal education.
Save your confederate money , the
south shall rise again! Amen!
You have got to hang loose. All blacks are not thugs. Your site could be enhanced with input from a citizen fom the black community.
There are a lot of black people commenting on this blog! Should we begin to label our comments as "black comment", etc?
What is wrong with people? There is no racism on this site.
If the Democrats thought we would never ever criticize this President because he is black, then they are crazy. There are as many black people angry with this Party as there are angry white people. The Republicans have even fewer black members, but there are plenty of white people who are fed up with the Republican party as well.
This is about corrupt politics. Not black or white.
Hey, the guy is under a lot of stress being president. Smoking probably helps with that a little.
I have worked in a medical office and have seen plenty of doctors and nurses smoke. They should know better too, but they still do it.
Give the guy a break. It is the only way he can stay in shape for smoking crack for goodness sake!
The REVISED speech was fine. Thank goodness he wasn't allowed to give his original speech. They had no choice but to revise everything once they were found out.
The outrage was on the content of the FIRST speech and FIRST lesson plans. Former First Lady Laura Bush approved of the REVISED speeech.
Of course the third world type indoctrination to help the pres was deleted, but the presidential and vice presidential portraits were still included in follow up materials.
Open your eyes and recall the unstained classrooms walls in Iraq where Saddam's portraits once hung.
what first speech where is it???? there was no first speech. please.
"We do not believe the President should speak to our children in a school setting." Excuse me?
You rant that kids MUST say the Pledge of Allegiance, "and to the Republic for which it stands," but you are upset that the President, elected democratically, to run that nation should not speak to the kids about our country?
You people are NUTS! You twist and turn patriotism to suit your partisan agendas, making every molehill into a mountain. You whine about the lack of personal responsibility, but God forbid the President should talk about personal responsibility and it's relationship to the health of the nation.
At least Newt Gingrich and Laura Bush can put their party aside for their country, at least for something as innocent as this.
I must say I did not vote for this man, BUT is that an actual photo of him smoking INSIDE some building? It is so disgusting I could cry for America. What is happening i am in fear is the tip of the ice berg. He has 2 small children and is smoking while preaching to his choir. How sad.
You foolish idiot sheep liberals. Can you not see where this country is headed under the Obama administration. Of course there was nothing wrong with the content of the speech because of the publicity. They changed the speech. Once they get your confidence and get you used to Obama talking to your school aged children you will not even worry about the content of the speech. Then comes the brain washing totally unnoticed by the parents and the rest of the country. This communist Obama administration is doing exactly what Hiler did in Germany. They are using his play book. Wahe up you fools. This is your children they are after and your country.
I am so tired and insulted by small thinking people who compare our President to Hitler. These people, including the previous poster and the others that have preceeded this one, need to take a moment to get a grip. Hitler and the Nazi regime killed 11 million people in the Holocaust alone. This added to the casualties in WW II are, of course, a dark day in the history of the world. People who flippantly compare our President, who has done nothing wrong, except perhaps being a black President, to the Nazis are disrespecting the millions who died at Nazi hands and for this they should not only apologize, but also hang their heads. Additionally,this blog publishing such ridiculous blather should share the blame and print a full retraction and an apology of their own.
Maybe it is not too late yet. But the genicide is future when it comes to Obama. He just isn't ready yet. He has to get socialized health care. Confiscate our guns,totally crash our economy. Then he will kill millions of us that do not think the same way he does. Communism at its best.
So now he is a socialist AND a communist? Really, think harder and do bettter.
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