WASHINGTON (AP) — President Barack Obama is tapping a member of his auto industry task force to advise him on manufacturing.
Obama chose a Labor Day union picnic as the backdrop to announce his selection of Ron Bloom as senior counselor for manufacturing policy. Bloom planned to travel to Cincinnati with Obama for an afternoon announcement at the AFL-CIO event.
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Who is he to set policy on manufacturing. Policy should be set by the owners of the companies - not the President. Any more questions about whether or not this is becoming a socialist nation?
We're observing LABOR Day...in honor of America's LABOR.
How Socialist.
Damn Obama
I just can't believe this guy. Who the %%%% does he think he is to set "manufacturing" policy in this or any other country?
You are becoming a DICTATOR!!!
Now you want to DICTATE how manufacturers operate?
From the article:
"Bloom will work with the National Economic Council to lead policy development and planning for Obama's work to revitalize U.S. manufacturing, the White House said."
Yes, Damn Obama! As a right wing nutjob, I'm going to blame him for all our economic troubles, especially for the zero growth of the last decade when he had the nerve to NOT be President.
Since the unbridled greed of Wall Street has been so good to America, I'm going to find one of those lowly American workers we are honoring with that sick Socialist holiday today, known as "Labor Day," and I'm going to SPIT on him!
Joe, I'm not even an Obama fan (if I had to pick a Dem, it would have been Dennis Kucinich, because he's got the BA11$ to stand up to the system).
But since you've gone "national," you print any national nutjob photo or frame any article about Obama going to the bathroom as a Socialist plot.
I miss the days when you "got real." Now you just seem to put inflammatory crap to get hits.
What a waste of the good work you've done.
Obama is really warped!
Wonder what kind of abuse he was brought up under for him to be so full of his warped view of things.
I've worked with people like him before, so full of themselves. Thinking that their smarter than others. In reality, there dumber than stumps. Too dumb to realize how dumb they are.
Obama is becoming the downfall of the whole Democrat party
So many parallels with the rise of Hitler.
Indoctrinate the youth.
Take over banks, manufacturing, etc.
Control the news.
Create a need for Government by restricting resources. (Limiting Energy production)
Wake up America, the enemy is within!
money wealth i have none can i get some of yours please...i want some of that money come on hand it over....i want my share...roflmao
Oh yeah- the "private sector" aka business owners have done a real great job on manufacturing policies. Because these owners wanted to make more money (aka large CEO salaries) they sent jobs overseas to take advantage of cheap labor in third world countries. Maybe this is the reason Obama thinks we need change in our manufacturing policy. Sounds like manufacturers could use a little governmental advice to get things going again in our own country.
I read the article linked on this post. He sure did sound like a socialist, extolling such principles as "equal pay for equal work, minimum wage" and the like. You same guys up here complaining are benefitting from these "socialist" policies right now. "Right wing nut job" explains it perfectly.
Equal pay for equal work, minimum wage.....
You are worth what someone will pay you...not a dime more.
When the government dictates how much someone should be paid, it is an intrusion into the free enterprise system that built this country.
You libs just don't get it. If you don't like how much you're getting paid, go get a job somewhere else!
Oh, I see, you want to be the greeter at Walmart and make $100,000/year right? Well, the free market system doesn't work that way.
The minimum wage laws don't help anybody but the unions. Most contracts specify that the pay should be some multiple of the minimum wage. Those that qualify for minimum wage must work full time. So when they raise the minimum wage, the union slugs benefit, and the rest of the world gets fewer hours to prevent full time status.
If you really wanted to get American back on track, you would get Government completely out of the game and let the free enterprise system work, band the unions and watch those jobs come back here.
What do you think happens when you raise the minimum wage?
Hurry with your answer!
If you think companies just pay it out of their bank accounts, think again.
What happens, is that they either lay people off, reduce other benefits, or try to pass the cost on to their customers.
So, the greeter at Walmart get a raise because of the minimum wage laws, and finds out that gas, milk, cable tv, and everything else costs more because of the raise in the minumum wage.
Wake up people!
Zero growth for the last decade?
I can't help but remember the constant liberl media drumbeat about how bad things were under Bush followed by the repreated reports "Economists were suprised again about how well the economy is doing..."
The economy didn't tank until the Dumbocrats took over congress in 2006. The smart money people saw what the Democrats were all about and then shut off investment. The rest is history.
Remember when oil was approaching $150/barrel and Pelosi shut down congress and went on vacation refusing to allow drilling for oil in this country?
3P.M. brings up an interesting point for any lib that bashes industry to consider. How much have labor unions contributed to growth in America? If I recall correctly, they opposed automation, used feather bedding to raise manufacturing costs and even, in some cases, worked with organized crime. (teamsters ring a bell)
How many poor labor leaders do you know? Where does the millions of dollars they contribute to the dummycrats come from? Right, off the backs of the poor slobs they claim to help. When was the last time a union started up a new company? When did a union invent a new product? NEVER !
3 p.m., let's do away with the child labor laws too. Damn that government. I really enjoyed watching kids lose their fingers in factories.
Don't forget no regulation for Wall Street! That's worked great for us, too.
Oh, yeah, and my wife really liked being discriminated against and getting paid 2/3 of what the guy before her made doing the exact same job (except she works harder and gets more done), so let's get rid of all those stupid liberal laws.
Hey, you! Get to the back of the bus! We repealed that stinking liberal law too!
5:47 Your a typical hysterical left wing loon .It was the Republicans who freed the slaves it was the republicans who had to fight against southern Democrats so blacks could go to white schools ride up front on buses and to have one water fountain .You should be ashamed .
7:16- All those Southern Democrats of which you speak have long since migrated to the Republican party.
9:42 another baseless drive by comment .You can't hide from history.
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