Taxpayer march could be biggest rally ever in capital
WASHINGTON – The capital was rocked today by a taxpayer march and rally that could be the biggest protest ever – potentially dwarfing the Million Man March and the Promise Keepers Rally.
Though crowd estimates vary from as low as 60,000 to 70,000 according to ABC News to a high of 2 million by London Daily Mail, photographs and videos of the march and rally demonstrate its enormity.
The taxpayers stormed Washington, D.C., today, taking their fight against excessive spending, bailouts, growth of big government and soaring deficits to the front door of the U.S. Capitol.
GO HERE to read more.
Not reported by Obama's main stream media ! Even you loyal democrats have to admit the bias.
Joe Wilson was right when he said to Obama "you lie".
If , as according to this article , the White House said they were unaware of this march, they are either the dumbest people in the world or just a bunch of liars. I suspect it is the latter.
Isn't interesting to watch the Main Stream Media dump all over the turnout estimates?
Anybody wonder why?
They are all deplorable and should be boycotted.
Only Fox did an honest assessment.
Even foreign reporters estimated the crowd in excess of one million.
If only people could dig the sleepy out of their eyes and ask themselves, "What else has the MSM covered up after all these years?"
Of course some will hide behind their rabid support of their party and politics, no matter what.
It is those that shall be defeated.
I hope they march on CBS ABC NBC CNN next !
The national media is about ratings and money, and sexy legs.
They came from every state in the union, and most paid their own way there.
That says something!
Congress must go...
this is orchestrated by fox news and all of the right wing guests that appear on that network,plain and simple.
I was at the march, about 50yds from the stage. It was amazing. There were so many people that heads faded into the horizon in every direction. It was an awesome show of power.
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!!!!!
Plain and simple, you're a tool.
november of 2010 will go down as the biggest shift of political power in the nations history and i will be at the polls to vote for TRUE CHANGE first thing in the morning!!!
they should have raided the "White House" & pushed his A$$ right outta there!
I was there standing next to the last fence keeping us from the stage. I looked back towards the Washington Monument approximatley a mile away, people filled the entire area.
Having attended NASCAR at Dover, and using it as a measuring tool in my mind, I know that there were at least five to six times as many people covering the ground in DC compared to the stands in Dover.
The speakers (including several black Americans) were articulate and eloquent in their remarks. Some pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to restore and maintain our freedom. I have never been in the presence of so many patriots....it was awesome!!!!!
20 percent of this country is blatantly left wing and 20 percent is blatantly right wing and 60 percent of us have sense. when will everyone realize that both parties dont give a @#$%^& about us
AFP needs YOU!
12:19 your absolutely correct. This is mot a democrat/republican thing. This is an AMERICAN thing. These parties serve only to divide the people further and further, Until we recognize that and get back to the basics of our Constitution we will continue our downward spiral to a place where politicians have everything and we the people have nothing.
Regardless of what those idiot mainstream media says and those idiot liberal democrats refuse to believe. THIS IS THE MAINSTREAM OF AMERICA. They are laughing it off
and say this is not what most of the American people want. This is just a few extreme groups. Well guess what you fools We are the real deal main stream Americans that are going to vote your asses out of office. So try that on for size your liberal democratic fools.
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