City Council President Louise Smith wrote in today's Daily Times that she has notified Mayor Ireton that she will no longer spearhead the cleanup efforts in the Church Street/Doverdale neighborhoods, that she is abandoning the program.
Citing a nearly total cessation of cooperation among previous supporters, she wrote: "This last year... has been difficult. Absent were the majority of community residents. Phone calls to community leaders went unanswered. Messages were left, yet never returned. People who could be counted on no longer participated. An unexplainable silence emerged. My efforts to create a bridge for people to come together, work together and serve together continued through June 2009. No progress was made."
Smith's naivete has come full circle. "I've always loved Salisbury. I've loved its neighborhoods and character and people. In my younger years, I loved the fact that everyone knew each other, looked out for one another and supported each other in good and not-so-good times. " Times have changed, Ms. Smith, and there is a majority, rather than a minority, of people in Salisbury now (than who were present in your salad days) who don't know their neighbors, who don't have a stake in or care about their neighborhoods, and who are cursed with a lack of responsibility and accountability. Sadly enough, their curse affects us all.
The people who participated in Smith's now-abandoned cleanup efforts quite possibly see those efforts for what they were: of noble intent, but exercises in futility. It's more than disappointing to see one's efforts be nearly fruitless, as these were: to clean an area up only to see it return to its previous condition literally within days, to see that there are some people who go beyond not caring to actually opposing those who do, whether by action or inaction. It's a social problem, Ms. Smith, and you're not going to cure it, unless you can reach the hearts and minds of everyone involved. How do you do that? You're the educator, you're the community leader - you tell us.
Some would see this as the beginning of the swan song of Louise Smith. Having gained her council seat by less than wholly respectable means, Smith has proven herself to be in water that's way over her head. Despite early promises to "do the right thing", she aligned herself with the Tilghman machine even before she took her council seat, voting for more foolish spending, supporting a bloated budget and leading the city down the path created by the former mayor. It's rumored that she acknowledges her shortcomings as a council member and won't be seeking reelection in 2011.

Regarding the continuation of Church Street and Doverdale area cleanups, one prominent member of the group has yet to weigh in, but would logically be the next choice: Shanie Shields, who kept her seat by one vote in the April 2009 election, is the District One councilwoman, the district that borders the areas that have had the lion's share of attention in these cleanups. It would seem only reasonable that Ms. Shields prove her worth and take this wide open opportunity to step up to the plate to continue the efforts and do something for her consituents and the city, having the ear of West Side and Church Street area community and church leaders and being a resident of a district that directly benefits in many ways. It could be a sustainable success that could reach other areas of the city. It's an opportunity for all to benefit, and for Ms. Shields to put her money where her mouth is, rather than just, as has been the case in the past, taking the crumbs and the credit. What say you, Shanie?
1:09 P.M. - Thanks to the commenter for the district boundary information.
Church street and Doverdale are in District 2.... not district one.
One of Louis's fellow council members, one who cut her teeth (and made a career) on neighborhood issues, can tell her why her cleanup efforts were doomed to fail. The reason is that most of the residents of the Church st. area don't have a stake in their neighborhood...many of the properties have been divided up into apartments and rooming houses. If there were more single-family housing, and more homeowners, there would be more people who care about what happens in their neighborhood.
Your a day late and a dollar short lady. Maybe you should of thought about this before you helped allow the slum-lords to take over Salisbury. You reap what you sow, now do us a big favor and just go away, your a joke.
Well I have one word for Louweasel and this stupidity that comes to mind and it speaks volumes.
Honestly, though, if Louise Smith rang my phone and asked me to join her anywhere for anything, well, I have a six foot long list of excuses that I would start reading; or I would just hang up and save my breath.
What say you, Shanie? Going to pick up this effort? Oh, I forgot, you ain't got internet.
Doug Wilkerson - the slumlords took over Salisbury and turned it into rentals in the 1980's. Look at the property transfers for them....We are now feeling the effects of what occurred 20 years ago. At that time there were no tough rules on conversions and most importantly there were no people enforcing anything, alot of heads were turned when these houses were turned into multi-units. That is why the neighborhoods are all suffering now. It is going to be a tough problem to fix. And society has to be blamed for a large portion of this. For some society has accepted this low standard of living. For example, why do people think it is ok to throw their trash down on the ground when they are done with it? Or let their young children hang out on the streets unsupervised? I see this happen every day.
The first commenter is right. Church and Dover aren't Shanie's, though she talks like they are.
Wonder what Louweasel is up to with this. All I know is, if Louise Smith told anyone she's not running again, then she's running. How can anyone believe anything she says?
The repeated talk of God and faith was sickening. Sounded like Barrie Tilghman wrote this.
The whole project is a loser. It proves that Tilghman is/was out to screw anyone and everyone, if it meant her success and being able to point the finger at someone else for her own failures. Barrie "I Take Full Responsibility" Tilghman never actually did take responsibility. We're still waiting to see the sword she was supposed to fall on.
Shields needs to be challenged on this one. Either take the plate and swing away, or tell the public why she can't or won't.
Just resign now and dont wait for the end of your term. Your an educated foolish old woman.
can't help people who aren't willing to help themselves. that neighborhood is exactly what they want it to be. and they can have it.
This is a perfect example of why the decades long social engineering by the liberals has been such a complete failure in this country.
Give people something for free and they don't/won't appreciate it.
Build brand new Government housing and it will look run down in a year.
The policies of the progressives don't work now,and have never worked in the past either here or in any other country.
Wait til Obama rams through free health care.
The recipients won't be any healthier, they will just abuse the hell out of the system and send the bills to you and me!
Shanie's skill set consists of these things:
1. Picking up pay check.
2. Whining about discrimination.
She is a disgrace and those who voted for her are idiots.
She should get a job at ACORN -- could show them how it's done without getting exposed in the media (but then we only has the Daily Times).
Louweasles heart was not into helping the church street neighborhood. She would pick up a piece or two of trash and let everyone else continue. To be a leader you must get involved and work with people. If she was so conderned about the conditions on church street why did she NOT know of the 50 cats that were penned up on the 700 block...the smell was so bad it reaked atleast l00 ft out. She is afraid to get her hands dirty. I guess there was not a 3 to 2 vote there so she couldnt do anything. If she were sincere she would have people follow her lead...Its easier to give up. Right..best news I have heard lately..only thing better if it were monday morning!
The curse is working.
That's why its so important to support organizations like Habitat for Huamnity as they have been attempting to put family housing back in the Church Street Area, but slum lords and rental property is not for sale so they can only build so many homes in the area. Look at the houses and families that Habitat put in this area and you will see well maintained property and pride in ownership.
I drove thru the intersection of naylor and church streets not but half an hour ago. As with most every other time I pass thru,
the corner had the usual "WeAin'tDoinNothing"
SBY-Ambassadors crowd present.
They couldn't help but " hey baby" my 14 yr old daughter.
Once I looked over at them, they all stood in the street holding themselves like they really had to go... they then added lots of pleasentries to me.
Is that old corner ThugMart responsible for what takes place out front?
The rest of my family refuses to drive the stretch of naylor st. from rt.50 to 13; and has for yrs.
Is there or was there a SPD substation right there?
Has SPD decided the terribly dangerous SU students making noise is the larger problem with this town?
I wonder how SU is going to respond when another student is killed; and really wonder how their enrollment will be impacted?
One would think that with a school this large and so well invested in the city that we would have a nicer cleaner and safer city.
- please spare me the
spelling / grammer checks
just frustrated here
This is bad news for Gordo and the fire department. He had his boys cleaning up in hopes of getting a new Station 2. Pokitical butt kissin at its best. Sorry Gordo you've already broke the City with all your toys.
Too bad she doesn't throw in the towel on being on the city council.
Just another "project" Barrie gave her pet president to make her look important. Just like she used to for Mikey Dunn and Gary Comegys. For Smith to take credit is laughable.
If she were to RESIGN who takes the CROWN?
Cindy dont you come around here no more, (Hot Razors in my Heart).
On Sunday September 13, 2009 at approximately 7:35 PM the Maryland State Police dispatched one of their units to a fight, possibly gang related, in the city of Salisbury. Dispatched advised 2 County Sheriff's units were responding also because the Salisbury Police Department didn't have any units available. Dispatch again advised the Trooper E-55 that the MSP would be handling the call because SPD had no units available. I believe the call was in the area of Hemlock Street.
Why doesn't the City of Salisbury just consolidate the police department with the Sheriff's Office and get it over with. What is Salisbury the 8th worst city for crime for it's size?
Hey Chiefy, what have you got to say about that?
Hey Mayor Ireton I thought you said Help is on the Way? I guess you meant the Maryland State Police would be sending help sometimes if we needed it.
Listen, the residents of Salisbury get taxed to pay for the State Police, the County Sheriff, and the Salisbury Police. I agree that their efforts should be combined since no discounts in public safety taxes seem to be on the horizon.
Put speed cameras on Rt 50 and reassign all those competing for speed infraction revenue to crime prevention.
Anonymous said...
This is bad news for Gordo and the fire department. He had his boys cleaning up in hopes of getting a new Station 2. Pokitical butt kissin at its best. Sorry Gordo you've already broke the City with all your toys.
5:52 PM
Speaking of the Salisbury Fire Department the Acting Deputy Fire Chief got fed up and threw in the towel himself. He was tired of being married to the job and gave it up. Now the Acting Fire Chief appointed a known trouble maker as the second ranking member of the Salisbury Fire Department. It only gets worse and if Mayor Ireton allows Richard A. Hoppes to be appointed the permanent fire chief their will be some serious problems in that department. Much worse than they have it now. Hey Salisbury how is that help coming for you?
How old is Smith? She does not look like she was born yesterday and she should know, like the rest of us, that those people will always live and act like wild animals.
853pm I heard that hoppes appointed dru bragg as the acting deputy fire chief. WTF!
Louise I got a few words for ya. "Winners never quit." We always knew you were a loser.
Dru Bragg as deputy fire chief? Next thing you know Melissa Brown will be acting something. Other than what she already is.
What do your expect, Louise closed down the City Council meeting rather then let a crime victim speak. Pretty high-handed I'd say. She claimed the woman talked over her. Well the woman was a victim, a badly beaten victim - now what was Louise's excuse, oh yeh, high and mighty! For shame! shame! shame!
Guess she never heard of the saying: When things get tough, the tough get going!??
If the city really wants to clean up that corner (Church & Naylor) they will yank the liquor license of that store there until they clean the place up and eliminate the loitering out in front.
I agree with the earlier comments-all the cleanup in these areas are futile because they will be filthy again the next day.In Doverdale a trash can is your neighbors yard or the gutter.The Housing Authority owns alot of properties there and it shows,and it aint pretty.
This neighborhood will not be cleaned up by good intentioned citizens. The gang problem is being denied by the SPD. They need to put a sub-station in the middle of the neighborhood and have patrolman & women on the beat. It's the only way the worst crime filled neighborhoods in Balto. were made fit for businesses to be maintained there. The council needs to find the funding... somewhere.
Shanie has never finished anything she has ever started in her whole life. I doubt she would have skills to organize and follow through on this.
Yes, but if by some miracle they were able to clean up the neighborhood...they would lose hundreds of thousands of dollars in state and federal money.
Take a look at the CSAFE grant amounts and tell me the city can't do SOMETHING productive with that money.
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