I just want some public opinion on something that caught my eye. WCBOE sent home the free and reduced lunch criteria form of which I have attached hereto. I read through it and looked at the income levels for kids who qualify for the free lunch program and noticed one major issue, children of migrant workers eat free no matter what their earning are. Now here we have parents of these children that are not even U.S. citizens and we are not only giving them an education on our tax dollar but also feeding them. Is it just me? Do you know where your tax dollars are going? No wonder our country is broke.
possibly the key word is "certified". how hard is it to get certified?
Keep them dumb and hungry.
This is typical of what this country has come to. This country would save a lot of money by just shipping all the immigrants back to their own country. I'm personally tired of working my a off to support everybody else.
nothing surprises me with all the liberals running the WCBOE. That new President is the biggest liberal of all.
This just pisses me off. I want some liberal democrat to prove to me why this is the right thing to do. Please tell us why migrants and illegal aliens qualify for a free education(baby sitting service) and free meals. Please tell me why I have to work my ass off every day to support migrants. Please tell me why I have to take a cut in pay and furlough days just so these migrants can get a free meal. Please tell me why I have to do with out so these migrants can get a free lunch. Please tell me why I can't buy my children the Christmas gifts they deserve so that I can pay for a free lunch for these migrants. Please tell my why I have to cut back on my meals just so these migrants can eat free. Please tell me why my children has to do without just so these illegal immigrants can eat for free. Please tell me why I can't go to the Fernando Guerrero Fight just so the poor little migrant children can eat for free.
So tell me Rick Pollitt you fat, lazy turd why county employees have to take a pay cut because you are to stupid to balance a budget. You can see where a lot of the pork is that can be cut, but you are an ignorant democrat that steals from working citizens to give to the lazy illegal non-citizens. And yes you idiots on the county council this goes for you to.
It is time for an elected board of education.
Joe, please forgive me for venting but I am really pissed off after seeing this. Joe please print this so that our so called elected officials know how I and many others feel.
Joe Legal vs.. Jose Illegal
You have 2 families... “Joe Legal" and " Jose Illegal". Both families
have 2 parents, 2 children and live in California.
“Joe Legal" works in construction, has a Social Security Number, and makes
$25.00 per hour with payroll taxes deducted.
“Jose Illegal" also works in construction, has NO Social Security Number,
and gets paid $15.00 cash "under the table".
Joe Legal... $25.00 per hour x 40 hours = $1000.00 per week = $52,000 per
year. Now take 30% away for state and federal tax. Joe Legal now has
Jose Illegal... $15.00 per hour x 40 hours = $600.00 per week = $31,200.00
per year. Jose Illegal pays no taxes. Jose Illegal now has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays for Medical and Dental Insurance with limited coverage ...
$1000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe Legal now has $19,231.00.
Jose Illegal has full Medical and Dental coverage through the state and
local clinics at a cost of $0.00 per year. Jose Illegal still has
Joe Legal makes too much money to be eligible for Food Stamps or Welfare so
Joe Legal pays for food... $1,000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe
Legal now has $7,231.00.
Jose Illegal has no documented income and is eligible for Food Stamps and
Welfare. Jose Illegal still has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal pays rent of $1,000.00 per month = $12,000.00 per year. Joe
Legal is now in the hole -<$4,769.00>.
Jose Illegal receives a $500 per month Federal rent subsidy, which entirely
pays his rent of $500.00 per month = $6,000.00 per year. Jose Illegal still
has $31,200.00.
Joe Legal now works overtime on Saturdays and gets a part time job after
work to make ends meet.
Jose Illegal has nights and weekends off to enjoy with his family.
Joe Legal's and Jose Illegal's children both attend the same school.
Joe Legal pays for his children's lunches while Jose Illegal's children get
free government sponsored lunches.
Joe Legal's children go home after school. Jose Illegal's children have an
after school ESL program which, again, is provided free of charge.
Joe Legal and Jose Illegal both enjoy the same Police and Fire Services, but
Joe Legal paid for them and Jose Illegal did not pay.
ARE YOU ANGRY YET? You should be.
It goes well beyond this. Just go into Walmart and see how many illegals have food stamps on our tax dollar. I don't qualify and they eat ten times better then my American children.
2nd 9:05 ... and they wont stay here.
This is one of the reasons our country is broke... Everything is fine and dandy when the economy is strong. Everyone was making money. Congress (Rep&Dem) went crazy spending and implemented all these programs. Now we are stuck paying for these programs with NO MONEY COMING IN. These programs such as this and welfare need to be cut in order for this country to get back on track....
Does the Board of Ed check Social Security #'s tax returns against stated income as a cross check to see if these families truly qualify? Some of these little angels are getting free food on our dime, wearing $100 sneakers and talking on cell phones....
Really? To save a couple bucks, you're willing to let children go hungry?
Anon 9:41. The form that you fill out actually has a spot that says "X" here is you don't have a SSN. No joke.
Obama is planning to legalise them so they will be covered by his National Health care Plan.
Anon 9:46? A couple of bucks? Have you lost your liberal mind? School lunches cost $2.00 to $2.50 a piece for the hard working person that doesn't qualify. That is every lunch everyday.
I say get them out and ship them home. If they steal any work from me They will never find them.
Your complaining about feeding kids? How selfish.
What's the alternative? To let the little kids starve? Don't see how that could even be considered an option.
what's with all of you? this is the land of the free and the land of oppurtunity. if this country denied immigrants not a single one of us would be here today, this country is based on immigration. it's time you guys open your eyes and your minds and quit being a bunch of rednecks. they are trying to better their lives by coming here so let them. oh no, they get free lunches at school it's time to grab the torches and pitchforks and kill 'em all. shut up! it's a stinking free lunch, why don't you all grow up. i love how everyone thinks they know what is best for this area/country but nobody wants to run for any of the positions, they'd just rather get on good ol sbynews and complain about everything under an anonymous tag and with the confidence of being on your keyboard. give me a break.
We give them a free education, free lunch, free healthcare and what did they give us in return? H1N1. gee thanks guys
Long history of waste with school lunch program in this county!! I was a single father (won sole custody of two children) even after the court order she claimed them for benifits through Soc serv.s Every darn year I had to go to school write a note, signed and notorized and provide a copy of the court order just so they would accept payment for lunch I was always scared to death that if I did not I would have someone coming after me saying I frauded the sys and want reimbersment maybe I should have taken the free lunch?
As a single working mom I can't even qualify for free lunches and my income is still considered "poverty". So why don't they pack a lunch like I do for my son and call it a day? I mean if they are getting food stamps that I (again) don't qualify for, they should be able to pack a pretty filling lunch.
Anonymous said...
Really? To save a couple bucks, you're willing to let children go hungry?
9:46 AM
You better believe I would you liberal POS. I wasn't the irresponsible idiot that brought them into this world. Have you ever heard of "survival of the fittest?" Deport them all back to Mexico and we would all be better off. Better yet send you with them.
Anonymous said...
What's the alternative? To let the little kids starve? Don't see how that could even be considered an option.
10:35 AM
Then why don't you get a second job and work harder to pay what you would consider my share. MORON!!
Where does it say illegal immagrant?
Wait til they control the voting block.
School lunch $2-$2.50
School breakfast $.90-$1.25
How much would school lunch be for those who actually pay if they didn't give so many free lunches away? They make up for the loss from our taxes and overcharging the ones that actually pay.
I admit when I lost my job a couple of years ago my sons qualified for free lunch, which they used ON OCCASION. I packed their lunch when I could. The difference - I'm a citizen who HAD A JOB and PAID INTO THE SYSTEM.
yes america is the melting pot of the world, but the immigrants that came here in the early 1900's worked very hard to make a living where as now they come here with their hands out saying give me more. so all you bleeding heart lib pos you can get a life.
HB said...
what's with all of you? this is the land of the free and the land of oppurtunity. if this country denied immigrants not a single one of us would be here today, this country is based on immigration. it's time you guys open your eyes and your minds and quit being a bunch of rednecks. they are trying to better their lives by coming here so let them. oh no, they get free lunches at school it's time to grab the torches and pitchforks and kill 'em all. shut up! it's a stinking free lunch, why don't you all grow up. i love how everyone thinks they know what is best for this area/country but nobody wants to run for any of the positions, they'd just rather get on good ol sbynews and complain about everything under an anonymous tag and with the confidence of being on your keyboard. give me a break.
10:35 AM
You are right you left wing nut. Most of our forefathers were immigrants but neither one of them came here and got a free hand out. Carry your redneck wannabe ass back to school and take a lesson in history.
By the way your phrase "Land of the Free" doesn't mean a free handout.
12:35 There is a difference between coming into this country illegally and legally. Most of them are illegals. I have personally worked with Mexicans out in the field. One Mexicans name was George. Do you really think they name their kids George. They would also have their name changed every year. I did like working with them. They were very hard workers and are not lazy. They will do whatever you ask. I would personally rather have them and ship a few of our lazy Americans out. Yes, they moved here to better their lives, just like me. This is why I have worked since I was 16 and worked my way through college. But I do not like handouts. These kids wont go hungry. Look how fat most of these so call poor kids are. And I'm not a racist or redneck.
I love it how liberals think Conservatives don't care about the poor but Conservatives donate more money to charity's then do democrats. We just don't like being told by the government who we have to give money too. I would rather help people better themselves by donating towards hospitals or to help a child through college. Not by helping someone sit on their butt all day.
To you all who keep saying immigrant look at the letter again. It says migrant. Now as I recall migrant workers are not immigrants unless they apply for U.S. citizenship. I am surprised that they used the term migrant since now the MSM call them international travellers.
OK, I have a few minutes, so I'm going to chime in here.
Look, my Mother raised 5 children on her own without child support, (for the most part).
My two older brothers are over 6 foot tall and over 250 pounds as kids. That being said, we ALL liked to eat.
Nevertheless, while we could have very easily qualified for welfare and food stamps, our family was far too proud to ever consider it. So, as kids, (around 13 years old) we all went to work for the Bowie Race Track doing whatever it took to help provide for the family. My brothers would get up at 5:00 AM and head to the Track to walk horses before going to school. We cleaned Grandstands, you name it.
Clothes were handed down from one brother to the next, that was life. Let me assure each and every one of you wet pants liberal pieces of crap making coments on this Blog, WE WENT VERY HUNGRY! Mind you, it was only ONE meal a day we went without BUT SO WHAT!
I happen to think our Government is a bunch of pansy pinkos raised withy having someone else wipe their own A$$es and think the world deserves to be fed. Life isn't fair, get over it. We have rules and laws. If you want to make a difference in America, YOU HAVE TO EARN IT!
My name is on here because I'm extremely proud of who the Albero Family is, we ARE the American Dream because WE EARNED IT! I'll bet you a hundred to one that the American Dream in our future will have less odds than winning the Lottery, slim to none! You pussies don't know how to put in an honest days work and want benefits to boot.
To the a-holes making statements like, what, do you want these kids to starve? Find an apple tree on your way top school like the rest of us did and stock up for lunch. Ever eat a sour apple? Doesn't even bother me any more.
All of you up on your high horse that would deny a child a meal should be ashamed of yourselves. You, who sit in your ivory towers looking down on those that would dare to go out in the fields and pick the food you eat. You should pray to whoever it is you pray to that migrants continue to work the fields so you and yours can continue to eat. It's for damned sure your lazy assed kids aren't going out and work for a meal or a roof over their head.
This country throws away more food in a day than is fed to the homeless or migrants.
Even more reason to make them legal tax payers. That might lighten the load for all of us.
I'm sorry but I feel if we can feed the illegal's why can't we feed our own who's parents used to make a decent living but when prices went up on EVERYTHING lunches became a luzary. Take a look at how many of our own children are now taking lunch to school vs buying. Those homemade lunches sometimes consist of one item due to thats all the family can afford. What happened to taking care of our own?
As for WCBOE, after what they pulled with the budget and how they took care of the teachers, I don't trust any of them. At one time they were respected. County employees are looking at not knowing what the future is for them while anyone with the WCBOE is safe. It's not right!
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THIS IS SO BULLS___
nobody's right if everybody's wrong. and just bc i disagree with you whackos doesn't make me a liberal pos or even a liberal. i don't vote or have a political stance i just know what's right and what's just plain insane(JOE ALBRERO). so have a nice day! hope venting on here made your pathetic little life better! later gators.
HB, you're a pussy.
11:32 "All of you up on your high horse that would deny a child a meal should be ashamed of yourselves. You, who sit in your ivory towers looking down on those that would dare to go out in the fields and pick the food you eat."
No one's saying a child can't eat. Just saying I shouldn't paying for my children and theirs. If the parents can't afford to feed their own child then they shouldn't of had them. I started working in the fields and moved up from there. Been there and done that. I'm in no way sitting in an Ivory Tower either.
"It's for damned sure your lazy assed kids aren't going out and work for a meal or a roof over their head."
The lazy kids come from lazy parents who don't want to work. The kids who get free lunches in school are the ones who will be lazy. They will expect the same treatment all their life. "There is no such think as a free lunch"
11:51. You shouldn't be expressing your thoughts if you are unwilling to vote for them. But, thanks for not voting. Now go watch Oprah and eat your lunch provided by us tax payers.
Anonymous said...
This country throws away more food in a day than is fed to the homeless or migrants.
11:32 AM
Hey GoofBall!! Find that food that is being thrown away and feed it to your pathetic migrant free loaders.
The reason these migrant free loaders keep coming to our country is because they know we will welcome them with open arms and give them anything they want.
Why don't we let the taxpayer decide WHERE their tax dollars go to or let the Liberals pay for these programs, wonder how much they would give? Liberals love spending OTHER peoples money.
It says MIGRANT, not immigrant. The difference is huge.
Rick Pollitt check this one out to help budget woes. The great B.O.E. for you.
¿Qué? No hablo inglés.
keep voting for rinos and demoncrats
1:08 Right On!!!
ANY free ride to illegal immigrants or MIGRANT workers pisses me off!
Some of these MIGRANT workers make more than I do, yet their kids are getting FREE lunches? What else are they getting FREE? Health care is in there somewhere I'm sure.
I swear, the more you are DISHONEST in this country the BETTER you have it!
I am getting tired of being the honest one, having a job, paying my taxes, reporting all my income, etc, etc, etc!
Maybe we should all just refuse to pay taxes....period. THAT should wake them up in Washington!
However, you'll never get enough people on board to do such a thing because they're scaaaaaared!
9:27 you just outlined the "redistribution of wealth" that is going on in our country.
With all due respect,it is not all illegals.There are just as many lazy ass Americans who make themselves "poor on paper" so they can get food stamps and feee school lunches.Really-just go to a grocery store on the 1st of the month and observe.I cant afford a cell phone but I buy my own food-not some people.
In Somerset County,the schools had a "summer feeding" program for "poor" kids even though the school food program here is in the red ink.Families already receiving more than enough food stamps to feed their kids all yr round get to send their kids to school in the summertime to eat free,does that make sense?Do you think their benefits were cut for the summer?And since they get their groceries free,why cant they pack a nutritious lunch for their kids instead of "buying" it?
So as a result, the schools just raised the price this year for paying parents,which forced me to pack my childs lunch.I refuse to subsidize any more programs than I am forced to already.
And as for you bleeding hearts,most of the "poor" kids who get free lunches at school and food stamps at home are actually overweight,in some cases obese-statistically the US has the fattest poor people in the world.
Most of the migrant laborers are illegal immigrants.
I've been talking about this for a while now-- it's outrageous.
Joe- the WCBOE budget said something like 7.5 mil for FOOD.. why don't you dig a little on that and put it in somebody's face?
For all of you Wicomico County folk who are as PO'd about this as I am:
FYI idiots...this is not a WCBOE issue. They take their direction from the MD Dept. of Ed. who probably takes their lead from the Feds. Of course, just another way to bash the BOE.
F*** them illegal bas****s. Go hungry or get the F*** out of our country! And for the anon to say why let them go hungry? Well i bet your collecting foodstamps along with those illegals!
If you people are wanting to get riled up about something unjust, how about that WE are subject to drug testing at our jobs, and those who get free money aka welfare don't have any pee tests that they have to take. THAT MAKES ME MAD!
hey Dumb A$$es
The BOE gets money from the State of MD for this food!
Who gives these illegals their paychecks? Other illegals? no.
THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE IF THEY DIDN'T GET PAID. We should be outraged with the businesses and farmers that hire them, not the guy who's working.
Anonymous said...
It says MIGRANT, not immigrant. The difference is huge.
1:22 PM
So what is the huge difference moron?
The point of the matter is not defining immigrant vs. migrant, the point is neither deserve a free ride much less a free lunch, IDIOT!!
Anonymous said...
FYI idiots...this is not a WCBOE issue. They take their direction from the MD Dept. of Ed. who probably takes their lead from the Feds. Of course, just another way to bash the BOE.
5:23 PM
Look at this Turd calling everyone an idiot because he knows all the facts about the WCBOE and then he says "probably." Now who is the idiot?? ROTFLMAO
Hey HB....if you DECIDE not to VOTE...then your OPINION does not COUNT and nobody cares....so please do us all a favor and STFU!! Thanks....
While I understand the frustrations of alot of these people, I do not think that not feeding the children is the answer. They are innocent and cannot be responsible for where they are or how thier lives are. ALL children are innocent and let's not be so selfish! Blessings
What would Jesus do?
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