"Joe plz take the time to read and reply if you like ( or post)
Joe , hi this is Nicole toms wife . I'm sorry if you took offense to my comment on Brooke mumford ,I don't apologize for it just that you were offended by it . The sad fact is she is going to die period . When is not for me to say that is gods hand or destiny .As i was at work the other day Brooke came up
.The general consensis is the ppl are tired of hearing about it . So am i , as prices go up and we work longer and harder hour just to make ends meet .Constantly be updated on her condition is well asking to much . And the delaying of the inevitable is just cruel .This was just not me but most ppl in the room felt the same way .Joe what offended me was that i did not hide behind a anonymous Id . i was open about it but it is your news blog ,But are you not in a sense as bad as the daily rag . you censored my comment cuz you did not like it . I did not cuss or swear ,Just stated my opinion period ,. I hope there is no rif between you and tom ,He said hey it is his blog to do with as he wants . But hey that is why he is going to run for mayor or counsel , he see's thing from all angles period.You said it your self to tom Brooke is a business period .There were ppl in that room who are working 90 hour a week just not to lose what lil they have. So spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a person who will die at some point just seem out of line. Any way if you choose to post this that is fine by me , I'm not like jt and the others I don't hide I stand by my thoughts and defend them .MY final thought is I hope this raises your awareness not to become like the rag and censor on feelings ,Remember there 2 side to everything some times more ."
.The general consensis is the ppl are tired of hearing about it . So am i , as prices go up and we work longer and harder hour just to make ends meet .Constantly be updated on her condition is well asking to much . And the delaying of the inevitable is just cruel .This was just not me but most ppl in the room felt the same way .Joe what offended me was that i did not hide behind a anonymous Id . i was open about it but it is your news blog ,But are you not in a sense as bad as the daily rag . you censored my comment cuz you did not like it . I did not cuss or swear ,Just stated my opinion period ,. I hope there is no rif between you and tom ,He said hey it is his blog to do with as he wants . But hey that is why he is going to run for mayor or counsel , he see's thing from all angles period.You said it your self to tom Brooke is a business period .There were ppl in that room who are working 90 hour a week just not to lose what lil they have. So spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a person who will die at some point just seem out of line. Any way if you choose to post this that is fine by me , I'm not like jt and the others I don't hide I stand by my thoughts and defend them .MY final thought is I hope this raises your awareness not to become like the rag and censor on feelings ,Remember there 2 side to everything some times more ."
My response e-mail:
After your message the other day I have absolutely no interest in any contact with you any longer. That being said, do not attempt to contact me any more via phone, e-mail or any other source as I will consider this harassment and file charges with the Police. I don't know who you think you are implying threats towards me but you've messed with the wrong person. Joe
Now what bothers me the most about these two is the fact that the Husband, (Tom McGuire, running for Mayor) called me on the phone and made some very suggestive statements telling me I better watch my back. Like an Idiot he left the entire thing on my answering service, hence my request of this couple never contacting me again. It should also be noted that I NEVER made any such statement towards Brooke being a "business." I have absolutely no clue where someone could come up with such an idea but I am posting her message exactly as it was stated.
ANY human being who wants to wish someone dead, especially a young child, (IMHO) has some screws loose, hence my rejecting her comment at the time. Now, if the Citizens of Delmar choose to vote either of these two people into Office, they're just as nuts and deserve what they get.
Expect Nikki to immediately back out of this race for Council as I'm sure she wouldn't want to have hundreds of doors slammed right in her face as she introduces herself. Besides, can you say CONFLICT OF INTEREST when your Husband is running for Mayor and your Wife is running for Council. Go back to being a Bounty Hunter Tom, it's more your style. I don't think the taxpayers of Delmar would like their Mayor popping out of bushes whenever they didn't pay their taxes on time. Besides the fact that you nor your Wife can't spell to save your lives.
In fact, WBOC presented THIS STORY where Nikki has in fact backed out of the Council Race. I guess she knew what was coming from Salisbury News.
New Posts will fall below this one.
Im from Delmar and am ashamed that you walk the streets of our town. That little girl is fighting for her life, a life alot of us take for granted. You want to to get nasty come find me, you and your sick b!tch wife.
WOW ! I can't believe that a human being could actually feel that way about an innocent child. Betcha if it was their loved one they would be singing a different tune....
God Bless Brooke and her family.
These are two of the biggest morons I've ever seen in my life. Their attitude sucks, the way they write reminds me of someone with an IQ of a retard and they're so cowardly they can only make threats via a voicemail. Seems to me Nicole & tom after this maybe you should be the ones who should prepare for the wrath of the public.
I think her her message to you speaks for itself.
What a piece of crap that woman is!
Boy, I'm glad she's not in charge of the health care debate! Or anything else for that matter. She needs to lose her job, whatever it is, and run into people that have no compassion for her misfortune. She MUST stay out of politics!
Just what kind of nut job is this woman?
What a couple of A$$HOLES ! If I ever come within arms reach I'll knock the shit out of them WATCH YOUR BACK !
Crack pot... and you wonder how people think.. well a small percentage like this one --is truly insane
What a cold hearted comment. Would she feel the same if it were her child or a member of her family??? Everyone has the right to there oppinion but why wouldn't anyone with any compassion keep that one to themselves.
I wouldn't want anyone like that representing my town! Careful Delmar...
Wow, I have heard that there are people, and I use the term people, like this however I have never had the displeasure of meeting. I hope this person stays under the rock she crawled out from. If there was not already a big "LOSER" stamped across her forehead, there is now. Whoever Tom is he should forget about running for Mayor and go back to hunting Muskrat. I don't know what this mutant women looks like however I have a pretty good picture in my mind after suffering through worthless rant and disgraceful use of the English language.
I continue to pray for Brooke and The Mumfords.
Where is that puke yellow house at in Delmar?
This woman is going to die also - we all are, though, as she says, we don't know when. Probably ought to make it illegal to buy food because food is destroying nature.
What bailbondsman does this couple work for?
I can't believe that woman would actually write to justify her comments about Brooke.
She is just a nasty person - and I hope she realizes that karma is a b**tch. I hope she gets hers one day.
Joe not liking tom or his wife is one thing ,but posting a pic of his minor son could target the child. Show some sense JOE.
I think a post like this would hurt the Mulfords terribly. Why put them through more pain? I understand that you want the public to know about the ones running for a leadership position and what their thoughts are. Many people have nothing but well wishes for Brooke, but there are other local children suffering with cancer, including Kara Adams that we just lost. I think most of the local fundraisers were focused on one or two kids. Don't forget about the others!! Their parents are struggling too.
Can somebody call Cambridge and have the bus come pick both of them up? To Brooke and family, God will watch over you. There are a lot of people praying for you and your family every day. Don't listen to that trashy piece of crap! They are not doctors. How dare they judge you!! Don't worry, their judgement day will be coming and let's just say it's going to be a hot one. This couple mind as well pack their bags and get ready to move. They have pissed off a lot of people.
Is it mumford or mulford??
If I lived in Delmar she/he would definitely NOT get my vote! For someone to feel this way about an innocent child is beyond me. Evidently, they have never had a family member to go through something like this. It's devastating! It's one thing to lose your parents, another to lose your spouse, but to lose a child. I just can't imagine. My heart goes out to the Mulfords. The Mcguires better hope it doesn't happen to them, because then they would have to get their lazy a$$ out there and paint the streets, since their child would not be able to do it for them!
The insensitivity of this woman is appalling. I bet if it were her child she would feel differently about it. I think the Brook updates are inspirational and instills hope.
On another note. This woman is running for a council seat with that poor grammar? Yikes!
When I heard they were both running I just shook my head. Neither of he 2 should be elected.
Children are surviving neuroblastoma more now than ever, so with excellent support and care Brooke will hopefully live longer than that piece of work will. I don't know Brooke, Amy, or Rob personally but I think it takes a lot of courage to make themselves so vulnerable to the general public by sharing their story. There are children all across the world suffering with different forms of cancer and many are left to feel isolated because of it. Amy and Rob are sharing Brooke's story which gives hope to many other families fighting the same or very similar battle.
Nikki you are a disgrace to humans every where. I, like most, wish Brooke the best recovery she can have and the strength to fight with all she can give.
Oh and one more thing Nikki I will not post annonymously either, that way you can look me up if you feel the need. You are a complete disgrace to woman and man kind and to be honest hopefully death takes you well before it takes any of these sweet innocent children struck with horrible illnesses.
What goes round, comes round and these two have't even begun to feel what's coming, both from the public and from God. Wounder if his Grampa was in Hitler"s SS. Dam why isn't there and island we could deport these wack jobs to in order to keep them away from the rest of us.
"...spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a person who will die at some point just seem out of line."
If you are sick of hearing it then get some ear plugs and keep ur fingers off your keyboard. Also go F*** yourself.
Did I read that right... Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a person who will die at some point just seems out of line??? What planet is this person from? Do you think perhaps she would change her tune if it were herself, or her child, or another one of her loved ones that were in Brooke's shoes... or even her parent's shoes, having to watch their child suffer the way she has. Personally, I enjoy the updates about Brooke, and I wish them the absolute best!!! It is heartwarming to hear the good reports about her because it reminds you about the little things in life being the most important sometimes. Does Delmar really need people representing the town that walk around with this sort of attitude towards someone's child?? Shouldn't the people representing the town care about people, in general? What if they get elected and this sort of illness strikes the child of another official in Delmar, would they even care then?? Would they be supportive to the people they hold office with in that sort of situation??
Some real educated writing.
I live in Delmar and will be glad to get the word out on her. I hope the Mulford family didnt see any of this. How horrible to think what they have been through and to think there are such MORONS that feel this way. You two losers need to just move now!
To Brooke and family....keep sending the updates. For those who are tired of reading them, DONT!
This woman better hope alot of our community never sees her, what a completely disrespectful thing to say! i found out i had cancer 2 years ago and if someone had said that about me to the point where my parents could have heard it or seen it on a blog, they would have been devistated, dealing with a child with cancer is enough stress, and you need all the support you can get, not disrespect & hatred. i pray this woman has a horrible, difficult life, ignorant B!tch - maybe one day you will know how it feels, & NO ONE WILL CARE!
"...Spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on a person who will die at some point just seems out of line..."
Sounds like she want to be on Obama's medical panel when Obamacare gets enacted.
i would normaly not talk bad about people but i wiil make an acception this time. i hope their hearts fall out of their bodies,and get run over by a dump truck and then eaten by raccons.
these people are just plan stupid.
the mulfords and the doctors are doing everything medically possible to make sure brooke can live a full life.
nicole, i hope when you need medical help to save your life that nobody is around to help you.
let me guess, you support obama's health care plan as to if the government does not thing you are worthy of saving medically than you should be left to die.
nicole, you and people that agree with you are just idiots. what is your new saying going to be "save a tree and kill a child"
i hope you are not long for this earth as people like you just pollute it with your small minds and big mouths.
I lived down the street from them in Delmar on Chestnut St. They are nuts, They have young children themselves how could they wish that on anyone. HE IS CRAZY AND SO IS SHE. If the town decides to elect him mayor I'm moving.
Where is the ppl or what is a ppl?
From a purely medical treatment point of view she is not incorrect. The relative, real world chances of young Brooke surviving at this stage are very poor. Having said this it's pretty poor form to be belly aching about updates and private solicitations that she is under no compulsion to respond to.
If private individuals want to spend their dollars on a long shot it's up to them. why this offends her sensibilities so greatly is a bit of a mystery.
I knew these people were not all there but the comment about Brooke just makes me sick to my stomach. My brother just moved in behind these 2. On moving day we wern't there 20 minutes and she called 911 (yes 911!!)on me. The side street is very narrow so to keep the road clear everyone parks on the curb which I did as well but the section I was on was grass along the side of their fence. This section of grass because they pulled the side walk up and is now in their back yard. The cop that came told me he wanted me to park there to keep the road open. About a week later I go by to visit my brother and they have installed landscape timbers vertically IN the middle of the sidewalk painted yellow. They had to bust holes in order to install. And these are the people that want to run the town. Amazing!!
again to wrench.. learn to read bud, the kid has passed.. you all seem to think this poor child is still fighting. God has taken her already! let her rest
11:12 They havent bumped into CRAZY yet.
I missed the original story on this. Can someone fill me in? Was this comment made in a meeting, in the news, on air? A little background, please. Not that it makes the comment any less despicable.
And this guy can enter a house with-out a warrant, scary.
Joe just in found there flyer, says mayormcguire@aol.com or call 443-359-5049
Quantico Loves Brooke!!
Please seek mental health counseling before it is too late. You are a very sick woman! Also, Westside Primary is an excellent choice to learn proper spelling and grammar...especially since you are running for office???? Nevermind, we do not want you near any children! In that case, may you rot in HELL!!
you are a cruel individual, nicole. what a sicko. it is not your place or anybody else's place to say that this child is going to die. it is God's place. only he knows. and for you to get online & post on a public forum your specific thoughts on this topic which are so negative just shows the type of TRASH you are. perhaps joe didnt want to post your name out there because he doesnt want anyone thinking that such a sick & twisted individual could live in the community amongst us. i am disgusted with your thoughts. this child is fighting for her life. stories like hers give others hope. and it's people like you that want everyone else to be miserable because your life is. so eff off, you selfish c*nt.
Some advise to the Bail company that sub-contracts to this guy, your going to regret ever doing any business with him. If his mind works like this maybe you should find some other contractor to hunt down the jumpers. I wouldnt want their names associated with my business EVER. Think about it.
I hope this woman doesnt work around kids.
Anon 11:20
Brooke has not passed and is actually doing very well with her treatment. I believe she is 92% free of NB cancers.
Kara Adams (my niece) is who passed away and is very sorely missed.
Brooke, keep up the great work. We're all still praying for you.
Please do not give these so called human beings anymore of your time or ours! We all know crazy people live here! I would choose not to have to listen or read anything they have to say.
Let God be the judge.
That really P's me off!!
I really can't believe someone could be so cruel.
anon 11:20
kara adams has passed (god bless her and her family).
she was anouther little girl that was suffering from what brooke would call "the cancer monster"
kara lost her fight with cancer.
anon 11:20 i can read quite well,thank you very much.....
thank you to anon 11:30.....
Joe I saw this couple on the news the other night I my wife and I were like jeez when did people from the Ozarks move to our area. My god I love being a country bumpkin but damn these two take hill-billie to another whole level. James B
As a friend of Rob's, I can only hope that he does not read this. Poor taste to even have this printed in my opinion.
For any child (or adult for that matter) to have such a sickness wreak havoc on your body is a terrible thing. Brooke's recovery and state of mind is a miracle and she should be an inspiration to us all.
I wonder how much this woman spends on her own family medically, since they are all bound to die anyway?
It is beyond me that a MOTHER could be this incompassionate and heartless towards another human being....
Rob, Amy and Brooke, if you read this woman's excuse for media attention, I am so sorry for the pain it without a doubt caused you. Keep Brooke smiling and singing! Know that your updates on fighting this disease has become a ritual with so many people and Brooke's strength is a constant reminder of how precious life is!
This is just shameful. This poor woman is clueless. Let me see if I can help her and her other ignorant co-workers understand. (Not throwing darts, just using a defining term. Obviously they are ignorant to the facts, otherwise, they are just plain stupid.)
Brooke was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma Stage IV in early January. Friends of the Mulford's were affected greatly by such a wonderful girl and family being stricken with such a burden.
We quickly organized and were successful in raising awareness and yes, money. Mind you, EVERY penny raised has been deposited at The Bank of Delmarva and has been overseen buy a Board of Directors. As medical bills came in, they were approved by the board as valid, and checks were written to provide the utmost care possible. We have taken funds given by Pohanka and donated them to other children in the area. Brooke's impact on our community, as well as other children and families at CHOPS has been huge. You apparently are clueless when it comes to how much money has been raised and how it has been spent.
Beyond that, we created a separate fund for children's Cancer research in Brooke's name. This fund is held at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. We are well on our way to meet our goal by the end of this year, thanks to donations from the area.
I wish we could raise "hundreds of thousands of dollars". Perhaps that number comes from things you've heard about Rob Mulford. The fact that he has contributed that much to local charities, local taxes, and employment of local citizens. Rob could have easily folded his restaurant and moved to Philadelphia to spend more time with his daughter. He could have left all of his employees to fend for themselves in unemployment lines. He did not. He just worked harder.
In reference to your remarks: You say everyone is sick of hearing about it. SO ARE WE! We would love to report to Joe that we have found a cure for all children and he will never need to post an update. It would be great for him not to post stories on other children in the area too. The fact is, we can't simply stop, or give up on Brooke or any other child, local or not. She has come a very long way. If you have met this 4 year old, you would know that she would never give up on you either.
You need prayers. I challenge all of Team Brooke to pray that this woman find some compassion, understand the facts before she spews hate, get off her a$$ and help make this world more positive rather than negative.
....and Delmar, I have faith that you won't elect anyone with such distorted views.
Eric Morris
HOPE Entertainment, Inc.
Goodness, I hope this couple does not have any children of their own! Perhaps if they do, CPS needs to keep an eye on them!
She makes me sick!
God, I hope Rob and Amy don't read this. How incredibly hurtful and cruel. What kind of cold hearted person would say (or think) such a thing?
Yes, each of us will die..when, no one knows. We started that process the moment we were born. Some die by nature causes...others sadly leave us too soon.
I am one of those children where lots of money was spent on my medical bills. My parents were told when I was born I wouldn't live but a few days. Thanks to lots of people praying, doctors who treated me and yes, lots of money I am here today. I have lived to be an adult who is thankful for each and every day I have.
Please, next time you get sick o matter what it is...don't go to the doctor or take something for it. Afterall, you'll die some day just like the rest of us will.
As for Brooke, I've had the pleasure of meeting this little girl. On the days of her treatments I have waited for the updates to know of her progress. If there is anything I can do to make this little girl smile or help make this family's problems a little easier I will do it. I hope Brooke will live to be an adult just as I had the chance to do.
I have met people like you who didn't understand why my parents did what they did. For these people (including you and your husband) I feel sorry for. It's sad that you have these types of feelings inside of you. I feel nothing but pitty for you and your kind.
As for being tired of reading about it...don't you know how to skip post you don't want to read? I do it all the time.
Brooke, WILL prove you wrong! She believes and so do I.
I hope and pray I am never in the room full of people she said felt the same way as she felt. Yes we all are going to die at some point, but God also put these men and women on Earth who are figuring ways to beat these cancers! For those who are about to lose their homes, look around and you will see others who are loosing so much more that you will feel blessed its just your home. Most parents, in the Mumford's position would gladly give up everything they own, to keep their child from facing the challenges Brooke is facing! The Mumford family is blessed by living in a community full of giving and caring individuals that realize it's only money and collectively the community can make a difference. Not to stir up politics here, but the one comment a certain politician said really makes sense here today. "It takes a Village to raise a child!" Our community is our Village! I hope and pray this person, nor any other family has to endure the challenges the Mumfords have faced. I also pray that God finds a way to show that room full of people the error of their ways.
11:55 Thank you Eric. You said what was needed in a compassionate way.
Brooke, I pray for you every single day.
Excellent Response Eric!
Just read the story about them on WBOC. "McGuire added, 'She decided a little earlier than I did because she was seeing the frustration with watching the kids in the morning in the school, watching my son have to go to school and seeing the traffic issues'." Why care about traffic issues and kids.... They are going to die someday, we are ALL going to die! What a jerk to say such things about a family who has been dealt a heavy hand in life and are dealing with it in the best possible way, and they are more than appreciative of the members of the community (mostly complete strangers) who have rallied around them with support for their daughter.
I'd like to state 3 things.
First, I don't agree with the view of this little girl is gonna die anyway. That may not be the case. God has a plan for this precious little girl. Please keep us updated!
Second, if you're running for elected office, please learn how to spell the office you are running for. You are in fact running for a seat on the COMMISSION, not the Council and you didn't even spell council correctly! This tells me ALL I need to know as far as your run for office.
Third, Joe, there is no conflict of interest (according to the rules) when one spouse runs for Mayor and another for a Commission or Council seat. In fact, I believe this was actually done in the past in Delmar so unless someone changed the rules, it can still be done.
It wouldn't matter anyway since the spouse would only be one vote.
In Delmar, you either vote with the majority or vote against with the majority. At least that's how it seems to be. There have been a couple of outspoken ones but not many.
Everyone has their opinions. If that's theirs I may not agree with them, but they do have the right.
However, there is a time and place to talk about it and that was sure not the right forum. In fact anyone running for office would never say something like that in public. For a number of reasons.
Respect for one another should be given at all times.
What is going on in our world?
These idiots are done in Delmar. Thanks for exposing them Joe. I am voting for the current Mayor anyway, but would hate to see any votes wasted on these 2.
There are just not enough words to describe how I feel about this post.As mother of a 5 yr old girl myself,I know that there is nothing I would not do in an attempt to save my daughters life.I look forward to reports on Brookes progress because I am rooting for her,as any of us who love children would be.
Mrs Would-be Mayor,I implore you to have a nice tall glass of STFU.
Really? Use your name ANON 12:31 PM
What a coward. Jealous that people actually have jobs that they enjoy? I guess all the people that work for American Cancer Society and get paid are jerks too? Get a clue!
Kristen W.
Joe, Thank you for sharing this with us, and hopefully for keeping these people out of any type of elected office. Clearly they're of a different species than us humans.
If the voters in Delmar somehow elect either of these uneducated and backward thinking creatures, then they deserve what they're going to get. For someone to publicly declare that this is how they feel is the epitome of stupid.
The Mulfords have been "taken in" by the majority of the residents, who hope and pray for the total recovery of their dear Daughter, and for them to have the strength to tend to her while she recovers. I'm glad that you keep us up to date, and after reading each entry into sbynews I take a moment to say a prayer...it's the LEAST I can do, and if I saw there was another need, I'd jump to help.
That's the way caring humans treat each other. Which is why that woman doesn't get it.
12:31 Anonymous - no doubt.
It is so easy to sit behind an anonymous title and spew even more hatred. You are as bad as the culprit herself, would not even doubt it if you were both the same.
What have you done for Brooke Mulford?
As if Eric getting a DUI makes him less of a person or has anything to do with the subject at hand.
When I read about a guy out painting curbs in Delmar, I was slamming the town for not doing it and praised the guy for taking the initiative on himself.
THIS is the same guy who painted all the curbs the WRONG color yellow? AND is running for Mayor?
Now the town will HAVE to pay to have all these curbs repainted correctly!
You are lost. Again someone hiding behind anon with no idea what they are talking about. My DUI was an error in judgement and not after a fundraiser. I will have my day in court and make the necessary reparations for my faults. I screwed up and take full responsibility for my actions. It however has nothing to do with my ability to organize and help people in need.
The only reason HOPE Entertainment exists is to help people. Not to make money off of people being sick. We don't make a profit. We never have. You are way out of line saying so. Just ask anyone we have helped thus far. Just for your information, most non-profits have salaried professionals. Otherwise, they would not be able to operate optimally. We have never paid ourselves anything. Not to say I couldn't use the money. I am broke and barely making bills. I lost 8 weeks of income this year due to a broken leg as well. I ask you this, "How many hours have you volunteered this year to help others?" I don't keep track but I can bet you I'm well over 500. We have retained a small percentage of ticket sales to help us to continue operating as a legitimate Maryland based business. If not for our efforts, our benefactors would have no help at all in most cases. Get your facts straight.
You should tell us all who you are and where you work. Seems only fair. I'm sure you have never done anything in bad judgment.
Wow Joe! You really exposed that woman for what she is...with her own words. I hope you got it right. With all the comments, along with some threats posted, I can smell a lawsuit coming. However, from the appearance of her letter to you, she seemed to take issue with you for NOT posting her comments. She loses! Because SHE is a LOSER!
Heavenly Father, watch with us over your child Brook, and grant that she may be restored to that perfect health which it is yours alone to give; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Does this stupid, stupid woman, running for Mayor even know how to write or spell? The grammar in her letter just shows her education level.
as to the color this needs to be directed to jerome as he gave out the piant. Thanks
Those who know you Emo know how much you have done and continue to do. Keep up the great work and prayers to precious Brooke!
Emo's friend in Salisbury
The wrong color yellow come on that is not his fault
I don't know Brooke or her family, but my heart goes out to them. Brooke is such a brave little girl, much braver than I could ever be. I read her updates, and she seems to enjoy the celebrity and support from the community that your posts afford her. What kind of degenerate monsters would begrude her that?
Are these "people" jealous of the print that this brave child receives? How dare this woman play God and proclaim a childs fate? How dare she criticize a blogger for providing Brooke the opportunity to communicate with so many of us who wish her & her family well. These updates are an shining example of a blog being put to good use.
These two cruel, jealous, painful embarrassments to humanity are in no way representative of the community!
While these two have the right to free speech, their neighbors have the righ to shun them and make their lives so miserable that they would be inclined to move to a location where their disgusting views are more in line with local tradition...maybe Auschwits! Sieg heil, bitches!
I am comforted by the belief that the good citizens of Delmar would never elect these two disgusting individuals to any office.
Ezekiel 11:19
"I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them;
I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh."
This woman apparently has a heart of stone and lacks a maternal instinct or she would know that a mother has a divine right to do EVERYTHING in her power to protect and save her child.
What a negative miserable sad heartless person this woman must be. God help you.
The writer's complaint was basically about all of the attention given to the Brooke Mulford story. She is obviously referring to this very blog! She speaks directly to Joe about the attention he is giving to the story!
Amazing. She is complaining because she loves the blog so much (with the exception of that story) that she becomes outraged by the story. The story is taking up too much of her FAVORITE BLOG.
The irony is amazing.
There goes that election!
1:52 RightCoast....amen and amen
You ppl in delmar are sad really color of paints come on . Get you lazy butts up and VOTE
Run these two scum bags out of town on a rail. Who's with me ? TORCH'S AND PITCHFORKS!
Joe, does it really matter whether or not you posted this? Yes, it may enlighten others as to how this couple really is. On the other hand, it would be very painful for the Mulford's to see this. They are going through enough. Please think of them first and ignore the ignorant people. You don't HAVE to post things like this.
Please view my blog to see my response to this ignorance.
thanks for letting us know they were on wboc, i was able to watch the rivetting interview those two hillbillies gave. There is a word for people that just do whatever they want without going through the proper channels or getting all the facts. the town of delmar should consider sending a bill to them to have the sidewalks repainted as another commmentor suggested. I wouldnt be surprised if there is soon a domestic to respond in their household, he will be pissed when he sees what his stupid wife has been up to. mayor, commissioner, what a joke, its sad really that people like this can waste the publics time on their own whim. those two probably thought the publicity from attacking an innocent family that they have never met would help their campaign. what morons.
Bet they voted for Obama!
I also posted my personal thoughts on my blog regarding the Mulford's, if anyone cares to read it. I sure hope they have not allowed this commentary to hurt them in any way.
i watched the wboc story last night and she dropped out before the story aired and the more publicity we give this the more attention will be drawn. I think the town of delmar has has its share of negativity through out the years. To fried green i read your one and only post you claimed to be a friend of a friend of a friend of ms. shaffer but dont name names. maybe its you who are hiding behind your idenity.
Joe Its time to drop this and move on.
I'm sure people will hate on me for this comment but oh well. Let me say that I wish the very best for Brooke and hope that she makes a full recovery. That being said..Brooke has parents who likely have great health insurance, as they own their own business. However, Brooke was the subject of at least 10 charity events that I have heard about, and likely would not have been so fortunate if her father didn't own one of Salisbury's only bars. I just do not think it is fair for other children with illnesses to fall by the wayside for the sick rich girl.
Well....here's a little tidbit of information for you all out there. I have lived in Delmar for 20 some years....these people live "on my block" lol...that bright yellow house haunts me daily. It's East Chestnut St. BTW. They do have 2 children...and I do believe that CPS probably already has been contacted in the past, as well as the Delmar police department. They're not from here...they are from Elkton, Md...so in my opinion they shouldn't be able to run period. That and the fact that we have been personally threatened by these people...and they're idiotic comments should keep ANYONE from voting for them. I could fill your ears with some of the crap I've heard these people say and seen them do. Let me tell you! I'll leave it at that for now!
Allison you ignorant slut you have no idea what you are talking about.Just because you own a business doesn't mean your rich nor do you have any Idea of what they have paid out of pocket. Not only has their child been helped but many other children have benefited from these events and the Mulfords have gladly helped. You are truly unbelievable.
Tar and feathers may be the answer!
Stay out of Delmar Joe! We don't want your kind here. You are nothing but trouble!
Allison - 3:46pm.
I work for the State. I have some of the best insurance money can buy, but I can guarantee you that it would not pay even a fourth of the costs that are derived from this kind of illness. Not to mention, loss of work and wages, hotel and gas expenses, etc. etc. Do not let owning a business fool you. I know many business owners with mediocre insurance.
The fact is that Amy and Rob were well known long before he owned Market Street and I guarantee you that the same people that have been there for them now would have been there pre-Market Street as well.
It kills me that other children are going through this. And to the parents of those children, I say get it out there that you need help. Salisbury and surrounding are full of great people that would move the world for someone that needs it.
I would also like to point out that while anonymous cowards like to point fingers at Eric Morris...he has created his organizations for those who do not have as many friends and connections as the Mulfords.
Anyone who has a child should know that if it was their child they would beg for money, make a deal with the devil, or do whatever they had to just to hold their child in their arms one more time. I am so proud of the city of Salisbury for pulling behind Brooke and supporting her. If it takes all of us donating just a dollar we will do it....without any contributions from you. Just be glad that your child is not the one on that hospital bed.
There always has to be a bad apple in the bunch. This sweet innocent child is fighting a battle to save her life. Many people have fought cancer and are survivors. I will not wish anything bad on anyone but u better hope u don't every become affected by cancer or a terrible disease. You don't decide it decides for you. She didn't choose this for her life. And as far as mayor or council I hope to h e double hockey sticks it don't happen. You don't deserve it one bit. God Bless Brooke and Family. Also all the wonderful docs and people helping her to get better
I didn't read through all the comments I skimmed them, and like most others all I can say is "WOW!"
No one in their right mind would say something like that much less put it in writing.
This person has to have a serious mental problem or they were drunk. (or both)
3:54 p.m. I drove on this street and saw not only the yellow house but what about that peach diaster wow ply wood for a window and half painted house.
Allison, I think you are confusing class envy with, ummm something else. Being a small business owner doesn't make them "rich" it makes them able to EMPLOY people and offer benefits such as healthcare. I have no knowledge if the Mulford's healthcare package they offer thier restaurant employees, and use themselves, is more superior than any other person who buys insurance through their employer but if they were living in Cananda they'd be likely to STILL be waiting for Brooke's first treatment.
Maybe you need to stop worrying about how someone has created a thriving business that employees people in this community and study up a bit.
Life isn't fair or Brooke never would of gotten cancer.
Do you know for a fact that came from her? It isnt hard to make up a fictisous name under a blog account and post anything in the world. Do you really think a statement would come from someone trying to get into office? I understand this is a wacky world but come on. That was just crazy. I could come up with a name of Obama and say I hate all white people.
Allison, if we don't hate you, we certainly see you as a bitter, jealous woman with a distorted view of the world around you. There are places for distubed bit*hes like you. Please help the community and check yourself into a mental hospital! Your lack of good sense and foggy perception of the world around you may render you a danger to unsuspecting people who are unaware of your demented condition!
Speaking of disturbed bit*hes, I read Nikki's disgusting letter again. She can't spell, punctuate or even form a complete sentence. Her clumsy attempts to convey her jealous, cold hearted, mean thoughts are almost incoherent. I don't know whether to laugh or shudder at the thought of such a cruel, mindless excuse of a person believing she or her husband has a chance of being elected to any office this side of Nazi Germany. If she believes this community embraces her insidious views, or that we don't hold her and her husband in abject disdain, she is even more stupid than her writing indicates! I wonder if "all the people she works around who agree with her" are functionally illiterate, mean spirited buffoons, as well?
Allison, sick rich girl?? You should crawl in a hole with the Shaffer chick. Owning your own business means you have great health insurance?? Just what planet ARE you from? The numerous people who have organized fundraisers do so because they care not because of who it benefits. Maybe you should get off you lazy *ss and start raising money for all of the sick poor kids. You clearly do not know how much this loving family has given to the community in the past. I guess you are just one of those always negative "glass half empty" losers. Since karma is a **tch may you never find yourself or a family member in need.....by the way, even if you do I'm sure Rob Mulford would be moer than willing to help out! People like you are miserable disgraces to the human race.
Strong supporter of the Mulford family
Jesus is the best medicine there is.
Please tell me this woman does not homeschool. That would be a crime.
Either this is one sick woman or her computer has a serious virus! My money bets on the sick woman theory! I am a supporter of Brooke and her family and TOGETHER, all who supported her also suported many other children as well. I have much sympathy for Brooke and her family but you...I just feel sorry for you. You need to have your own fundraiser so you can buy a heart because it's evident that you don't have one.
Cindy W.
Would you like to attend kick boxing class?
this should be a CRIME. this crazy bitch is insane! brooke mulford DOES have a chance of living. how cruel and hurtful can someone be to say that about a young child? they should make her say it to the parents, or the grandparents of this poor child. my stomach goes sour just thinking about someone saying that about one of God's children.
My name is Robert Pinto.
I am sick that I have to share a world with people like you who think that life has a pricetag that can't exceed a certain budget.
I am thankful for firemen who don't ask themselves if a life in danger is worth saving; they just do their damnedest.
I am thankful for doctors who have evaluated her medically and found her worth the bother.
I am thankful for parents who have gone to the ends of the earth who think their child's life is worth living, however expensive it can become.
Even your miserable life is worth more than you've made it.
Joe please keep us informed about these ppl for i am a registered voter that lives in Delmar and i do not intend to vote for anybody with this attitude......this is horrible.....i dont want ppl like that controlling the town of Delmar these ppl have No business in public office....i dont know how some ppl can be sooo cold hearted....
See if you can get Nicole to attend class with Allison!
If they accept your generous offer of kick boxing lessons, please don't kick them in the a$$ since that is very clearly where their brains are located. What would you estimate the combined IQ of these morons to be? Maybe 15 on an exceptionally lucid day?
Why do I feel the same now as when I see the wacky church group that protests at soldiers funerals? I want to throw up. (on them!)
I hate to ask it but, What's the Point of this particular posting? I admit that it does draw some emotional outcry but I really am lost on the objective.
Just WHO is sick and WHY? How has it strayed off topic and why?
not much news on here today
Maybe they would like to learn anatomically what an A$$ Neck looks like.
Eric Morris
HOPE Entertainment, Inc.
11:55 AM
I stopped reading comments after I seen this one. Excellent job. Sadly, we have some real morons in this area. I don't know these two people, thankfully, but ...nevermind. I won't insult.
I think they just screwed any chance of being elected. But then, I never thought G.W. would win twice.
God bless the little girl, her parents and the ones who helped them.
What a cold hearted evil witch!!! This little girl as gone through more than most people will go through in a life time, and she does this like a trooper!!!!She has defied the odds and has a damn good chance of a productive life. How could you possibly say that!! I hope god forbid that something would happen to you, or a person in your family, and people had the same opinion as you do, that you are going to die, so why attempt to save your life. That is not even humane!!!!There are so many people praying and who give this family hope, and well wishes that keep spirits up, and then you, who attempt to bring this family grief, shame on you. Just remember you reap what you sow, I care about this girl, ive never met and we are not going to let a simple minded person as yourself bring us down. You are a class 1 moron!!!
May God continue to wrap his arms around little Brookie and bless her and her family. I have been where Brooke is going thru chemo and radiation. She has been thru much more in her short little life than most of us will ever have to go thru. I cannot fathom someone making that statement about me at my sickest. I just hope that Brooke's family either doesn't read this, or can overlook the statement and see all the love pouring out for them from the rest of us. No one knows what a cancer patient goes thru except for the patient and their family, it is pure torture for all of us. My prayers will continue for Brooke and her family and I look forward to the updates on Joe's blog. Keep up your brave spirit Brooke!
Part of acceptable reading comprehension is having the ability identify the objectives of a written piece & the ability to apply what you learn when making decisions.
With that in mind, one GREAT objective of this post would be to alert the citizens of Delmar as to just what kind of people are asking for their vote! If this post is useful in dissapointing the local political ambitions of this reprehensible couple, it has been a great community service. How's that for an objective?
Over 100 comments have also demonstrated that the overwhelming majority do not share the hideous opinions of this illiterate, petty, jealous, mean spirited person, Nicole. Our comments scream to this woman, fu** you and your husband. The rest of us support the use of medical resources for this child and all others who need help! To relay that sentiment is also a noble objective!
Work on your reading comprehension & understanding. That a high school graduate wouldn't be able to pick several worthwile objectives out of this post reflects very poorly on our schools. I most sincerely hope that your reading comprehension & lack of ability to identify objectives in a fairly short, very clear post wasn't acceptable to any institution of higher learning.
While I do not agree with everyone's comments or statements on various topics on this blog, it is what makes Americans special that keeps me reading. Regardless of our opinions, we all have said a prayer or have kind and compassionate thoughts regarding this young child and her family. Afterall, what does life really matter when you lose your sense of compassionate or love for mankind.
SOOO...I happen to live in the peach house that someone special person mentioned earlier today. I have lived in this town my whole life...the house paint ended up being the wrong color AND we had to plywood that window for now because it had to be removed to put in our new tub/shower that we installed. THANKS! We are trying! AND by the way...I don't see what in the world that has to do with my neighbors or the comments people are making about them.
Well the funny thing is that at this time there are 121 comments. The best part is that is about 70 more than voted in delmars last election.So who fooled who??and is the tail wagging the dog?
I pray for healing for Brooke Mulford. You two are sick, demented, disgusting human beings! How on earth can you be so cruel about a young child! I hope something like this never happens to you. Oh, how I wish I could run across this lady somewhere, as I would LOVE to give her my 2 cents.
That is a horrible thing to say! Do you have children? Probably not because if you did than you would totally understand someone working 90 plus hours to pay for the medical bills to make your only child healthy so that you could see her grow up & enjoy everything we all take for granted most of the time. I really can't believe you actually said that. You are a sick twisted person. God forbid you have a child and something as horrible happens to her as it has Brooke. Brooke is an innocent strong little girl has more courage than you will ever have..she is a fighter. Karma is a b**** and it will bite you in the a$$! I pray that you never have children and if you have children I pray you dont have any more! If you do lord please keep them healthy because there mother will be quick to give up on them and pull the plug with a blink of an eye with not a care.
Joe please keep updating us on Brooke as we are all hoping & praying she gets better and gets to enjoy a long happy life!
Wow! I can't believe someone could make such a terrible statement as wishing someone dead, Especially a little child. Sickening if you ask me and very low. It would be a disgrace to humans to consider this couple human beings. I consider the couple and any other who says those things the worst disease than any disease that ever took someones life or worst than death.
Brooke Mulford has always been in my thoughts and prayers for a long time and I am glad to hear that it's getting better.
Let me tell you something else, If my kid was in Brooke's shoes and fighting a disease. I'd be doing whatever I can to save my childs life, raising money, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. IF the couples two children were to god-forbid just happen to be in Brooke's shoes and the parents needed something, I'd still help out (Prayers, money, whatever) because I am a good person and happen to believe in doing a good deed regardless of whoever the person is...
May God have mercy on their souls.
12:38 WHY?
It's a real shame that the Delmar community doesn't have a decent person who would step up and run against Carrie Williams. She is a joke! She doesn't even bother to show up for regular and other important meetings. I was at a meeting and she didn't even appear to be wearing a bra and then I looked and she was wearing house slippers! THAT is what we want representing the taxpayers?
What a dumb bitch this lady is-how would she feel if this was her child? I love how she wrote people have to work 90 hour weeks just to get by funny thing I just happen to work with her and know for a fact what a lazy piece of garbage she is and doesn't do anything while she is at work unless sitting on her lazy fat ass eating junk food counts.If someone actually voted for this couple they need their heads examined!
It is my understanding that Brooke is cancer free at this time. Of course, I did not hear that from a doctor but sources seemed pretty reliable. Thanks to the support of our community, amazing family, and friends, she was able to be as tough as her support system during this hard time. News flash to the couple in Delmar: The ONLY thing we KNOW for sure in this life is that we all WILL die, in time. It is obvious that you do not have your own children or the ability to love or care for anyone other than yourself. You have to be morons to say something like that while running for public office. I am sure that there are enough normal, decent, sane people living in Delmar to never allow either of you to have a say in anything the town ever does. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
How do you even get into a position to run for anything when you can't even spell a single word correctly? You are trash.
God bless Brooke and her family for their stregnth AND this lovely community for their undying support in hard times.
Should "Tom" be foolish enough to remain in the race for mayor, this post has eliminated any chance of him being elected.
The public has a need and a right to know the character and intelligence of those who seek their vote. SBY News did a GREAT job in performing this much needed community service! This couple doesn't represent anyone, with the possible exception of Nikki's, probably illiterate, definitely mean spirited co-workers. (This assumes that she told the truth about them agreeing with her).
With Nikki's sub-elementary writing ability & foggy thoughts, I have to wonder where she works. Can someone tell us where Nikki works? It must be some very simple job that requires no education or even basic intelligence.
I have two small children, and would give my life savings, beg on the streets if need be, just to have one more week with them. Who can put a value on Brooke's life, just because she may not have as long to live as the next child? Allison, I also own a business, and know that we struggle financially to provide our employees health insurance. We personally pay a through the roof premium to cover our family, and would hope that if one of our children fell ill, our community would reach out to us, no matter how long our children may have to live. What is going through people's minds?
There should be certain minimum qualifications a person must meet before being able to run for an office. For example, before running for city council you should at least be able to SPELL council!! Please tell me no one would actually vote for this cold hearted person.
I am a native from Delmar and knows this little town sticks together no matter what and there is no way in HELL these nut jobs will be elected...my 8 year old daughter spent her birthday money at her choice buying Brooke a guardian angel 14k gold necklace to send to her and she has never laid eyes on Brooke she just wanted to make Brooke feel better. OMG I just cant even imagine how small this ladies brain and heart is. Please send me a copy of the letter as I am a realtor focusing on Delmar so my mailing list will all get a copy.
Pam Price
I just jeard last night that Tom is in "race" for mayor and busted out laughing. He is the biggest numbnut job in Delmar, a know-it-all and wanna-be. He is a liar, a thief and simply a cowardly person. A sore spot for people in Delmar. He has 0 idea about politics and CERTAINLY not about running a town and it's challenges, including finances. Tom, how about paying the people back that you cheated out of money FIRST and FOREMOST. His wife.....a ditz and "nimwit" with the double digit IQ included.
I personally know Tom McGuire and his wife (or so called wife) Nicole. Let me just start out by telling you how appalled I am that they would say such a thing towards Brooke. I personally have had a family member have cancer and due to fundraisers and such she had a miracle and God blessed her and saved her from dying at 2yrs of age. My best wishes are extended out to Brooke and her family. Let me also just say how I know Nicole would feel very differently if it were her own child or it were her stepson.I would also like to say that the McGuire's are the most hypocritical people I've ever encountered. This man has a lot of enemies, and one of these days, he'll cross the wrong one and well he just won't be any more of a problem to any one. He loves to make false accusations to try to get people put in jail, it's hilarious to a point where I feel bad for his ex wife for having to sleep with and clean and cook for such an a$$hole as him. This man certainly met his match with that b!tch Nicole. This man is nothing but white trash including his wife. For crying out loud this man is 39 yrs old, his wife is 25yrs old and they live with his father!!! Moochers!!! Delmar run this man out of your town if you know what's good for you. This man doesn't have your best interest at heart, he's got his own interests at heart. This man is a lying, caniving (excuse the spelling), S.O.B! He makes enemies faster than the pot he pisses in! He plays games and lies to earn peoples trust and then con's them into defending him, than when it's all said and done, this man will F*** the people over and then wonders why the h e double hockey sticks people want to whoop his a$$. For crying out loud, my wife found an interesting flyer from the McGuire's inviting us over for sex parties (back when this man lived in Edgewood, MD). Part of being a mayor and in a council position is financing, this man doesn't know his a$$ from a whole in the ground. I would NEVER trust him with my money again. Not to mention his choice vocabulary towards the neighbors and his choice actions by verbal threats. As I have said before run these people out of your town. If you have any questions on this man and his wife, feel free to email me at, isayeffyou@ymail.com oh yes and if the McGuire's would like to throw any email's at me they'll find the law is on my side and I'll have them arrested, I do not want any of the McGuire's to contact me, and if they do I'll press charges on your a$$'s, ALL OF YOU!!!!
I've read an e mail from Tom to my cousin. I think him and his wife need to go back to thrird grade and learn how to write before he runs for mayor
maybe they should black out tom's face. thats the one no one likes
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