Dear Mr. X,
Thank you for contacting my office to share your thoughts on H.R. 1868, the Birthright Citizenship Act. As your Representative, I am guided by the perspectives of my constituents and I appreciate you taking the time to convey your opinion on this important issue.
The Birthright Citizenship Act was introduced on April 2, 2009 by Representative Nathan Deal. This legislation would establish requirements on claiming a birthright to United States citizenship. Currently, the United States government considers anyone born in the United States to have a birthright to citizenship, including illegal immigrants and those with temporary work visas. H.R. 1868 would limit this birthright to those who meet one of the following requirements: if one of the parents are U.S. citizens, a lawful permanent resident whose residence is in the United States, or an alien performing active service in the United States Armed Forces. This bill has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary. Although I do not sit on this Committee, please be assured that should this bill or any other related to immigration come before the full House of Representatives that I will keep your views in mind, carefully study the facts on all sides of the issue and vote in way that best serves my constituents in the First District.
As a career prosecutor before I came to Congress, I saw firsthand how the federal government's failure to enforce immigration laws has unfairly burdened local law enforcement. We must secure our borders, prevent taxpayer dollars from being spent on individuals who are here illegally, and crack down on employers who hire and exploit illegal workers. With an aim to accomplishing these goals I have fought for additional funds for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program (SCAAP), which helps states and localities with the costs of incarcerating illegal aliens, and I am pleased to be an original cosponsor of H.R. 3308, the Secure America through Verification and Enforcement (SAVE) Act of 2009. The SAVE Act would establish new procedures to increase border security, enhance employment verification, and increase interior enforcement. The bill would call for 6,000 new border patrol agents and provide the resources they need to be effective, including vehicles, all-purpose roads, facilities, weapons, and body armor. The E-verify program, which allows employers to check the status of new hires online by comparing information from an employee's I-9 form against Social Security Administration and Department of Homeland Security databases, would be expanded and made mandatory. E-Verify is free and the best means available for determining employment eligibility of new hires and the validity of their Social Security numbers. Finally, the SAVE Act would strengthen the enforcement of existing laws by employing additional Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents while also expediting the processing and removal of illegal aliens. I strongly support the goals outlined in the SAVE Act and I hope that this common sense legislation can be signed into law.
Please do not hesitate to contact me again in the future regarding issues that concern you. I believe that continuous communication with the residents of the First District is essential to helping me be an effective advocate for you in Congress. To stay informed, please visit my website at www.house.gov/kratovil.
Thank you again for contacting me and I look forward to hearing from you.
Frank M. Kratovil, Jr.
Member of Congress
It's about time!
Aint there yet.
But will he co-sponsor H.R. 1868 ??
I'm going to call his office and ask specifically if he will CO-SPONSOR H.R 1868.
Will request a letter from Kratovil stating yes or no his co-sponsorship, not two paragraphs on the SAVE Act ( which is great). Both are needed.
Study BOTH sides of issue and vote based on best interests of constituents?
How can reducing anchor babies NOT be in best interests of constituents?
Come on Frank, those illegals can't vote and are NOT your constituents.
The only way President Obama has any possibility of passing health care reform, is a commitment to remove illegal immigrants from gaining entrance to any public option? In the health care bill they must--PROVE--to the majority of the American People that--NO ILLEGAL FOREIGN NATIONAL--will be able to bleed the government extension in the package. An amendment to the 1000 page reform bill, must guarantee--IN THE WORDING-- that a very thorough background identity check is performed on any applicant who applies? E-Verify would be a progressive identifier, with an initial examination of Social Security number in conjunction with Homeland Security Databases.
To complete the operation of E-Verification this PC application, must branch out across the country as a permanent tool in business and industry for every worker newly hired or long time employee. Thousands or even millions of illegal workers could be hiding in plain site in the workplace, as they have never been checked as a citizen or legal residency compliance? It also seems that the auditing of 1-9 forms around the country, that the federal authorities forget to mention that irregularities by employers only allows them to dismiss the applicant? The fact is that ICE raids have trailed off, so that any illegal workers--ARE NOT DEPORTED--they can move onto yet another workplace. Anybody who is suspected of being in this sovereign nation illegally should be detained and held for ICE inspection, not released into the public mainstream?
We all know that Fraudulent ID is so prevalent, that all security systems have been compromised, with even al-Qaeda murderers who brought down three passenger jets. On 9/11 these terrorists had in their possession numerous authentic drivers’ licenses and other picture ID. E-Verify is not perfect and can be cheated, but as it's modified, collecting more tools to compliment the enforcement program it success rate will become exemplary. Those hired workers who then find themselves under suspicion, can have errors resolved through any Social Security agency. That special interest groups have remained silent about this matter, doesn't need any explanation? most Americans want enforcement at our borders, the workplace, so contact your reluctant politician at 202-224-3121 MORE HONEST INFORMATION AT NUMBERSUSA & JUDICIAL WATCH. REMEMBER NO MORE BLANKET AMNESTIES!
In the House bill sections 243, 1707 and 1714 must be strenghtened to require income and citizenship verification in order to exclude illegal aliens.
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