Firestorm is just the beginning of the trouble the City is about to encounter.
Bill Gordy & Co. have filed for a Grant for some $900,000.00 and received it recently to purchase a BS Fire Boat, (completely unnecessary) for the City of Salisbury.
While the Fire Department desperately needs Ambulances and other desperate equipment, Gordy continues to drive the City's debt into the ground while Gary Comegys leads the way.
I can recall Gary saying, well, let's just vote for this thing. No one is saying we're going to order it and if times are too difficult we'll let it go. Don't quote me on those words but that's how I recall it.
While Comegys and others will claim it's a Grant and not out of pocket money from the taxpayers, he's absolutely 100% wrong. Not only will this cost ALL Americans another $900,000.00 for something Salisbury doesn't need, who's going to pay for the maintenance on this vessel Gary? Not only that but who's going to man it? What's the training going to cost taxpayers? How many JOY RIDES will the SFD take on this puppy? What's the fuel going to cost yearly? ALL topics Gary and Gordy refused to bring to any ones attention.
Use the Firestorm link above to go visit the manufacturers Site. They have videos of all their TOYS. Again, you just remember what I told you here on Salisbury News and 5 years from now when they come back and tell everyone it's worn out and the shelf life on these Boats are only "X" amount of years, (you know the story) you'll be wondering just why ANY of you were so stupid to re-elect this guy.
Gordy needs to go, period. When will Ireton grow a pair and start cleaning house before the City goes completely broke? How's that $84,000,000.00 WWTP working out for you Jim. You've been pretty quiet on that topic and probably will stay that way until next summer when the water temperatures drop to the level they need to normally be at to work properly.
The Fire Department desperately needs more Staff, not more TOYS!
Applying for a grant is something the City would have done officially. How did the application for the $900,000 go unnoticed?
Joe I think we were all folled by Ireton. A ton of talk and no action. It is sad i had a great deal of hope for this guy. We went from one Dragon Queen to another.
The Mayor's sexual orientation is not at issue. His job requirements are at issue.
He has no control of "the players" on the scene. He is not connected enough to deal with these adversaries. He has no clout.
They will simply work around him for now. They will get what they want. You know it and I know it.
Ireton is in training you guys ,
give him a break , he is trying to get a grip on how to use the teleprompter. What ding bat!
The money from this boat could go to the stormwater management project instead of imposing yet another fee on the PEOPLE WHO CAN'T AFFORD TO LIVE IN THIS TOWN ANYMORE AND CAN'T SELL THEIR HOUSE BECAUSE IT IS IN THIS F*REAKIN TOWN. THAT GOES FOR THE COUNTY TOO. yEAH, I AM MAD.
If they already have a boat that they are paying for to maintain and the cost to maintain this current boat is high, what is wrong with getting a new boat that won't cost the city tax payers anything more than what they are paying now? Someone was going to get that money anyway, why not Salisbury?
ive been saying for months that the fire dept does not need that toy. they couldn't keep a 21 ft boat floating how in the world will they take car of this one? i was talking with a fireman the other day and he absolutely agreed that they do NOT need a fireboat. it looks like the fire chiefs are running the city. what happened to the administration. cant they control these guys? thanks sjd
Joe, what college courses did you take to make you an expert on Fire Department operations?
anonymous 11:04 is none other than JT.
You've Been Blogged JT.
What is the city's official justification for this? How many boaters were stranded/needed rescue on the Wicomico this year?
Wow , I can see it now , Salisbury Fire Dept. wins White Marlin open.
They will have custom rod holders , down-riggers and plenty of beer.
I was at an event at SFD right after Hoppes was named acting chief. It was at budget time and Debbie Campbell asked him as new acting chief what the FD priority funding items were. He was shockingly rude and let her know in no uncertain terms that all requests were neccessary. Council ultimately cut ambulances and other things. Based on what I observed, I hope that neither Hoppes or anyone else who can't help with budget cuts and priorities in such dire times will be selected as the next fire chief.
The toys continue to pile up and nobody is stopping the child from demanding more. How in the world is the City going to maintain this vesse? I am very disappointed with the new Mayor for allowing this to happen. A City in Financial straights and we take on this toy. I just dont understand it. Dont ask for a donation from me Mr Gordy.
Simply ridiculous. Big boys with big toys - shame, shame, shame!
Gordy's son will be cruising the Wicomico like he runs the roads with the ladder tower. He buys all these toys for him to play with in attempt to keep him out of trouble. Guess what ? He still gets in trouble constantly and your footing the bill for his toys.
Wow! $900.000.00 obama could take his wife on a date to tinsle town for that.
All kidding aside with that much money the city could build a really state of the art shooting range. Then lease range time to the WCSO and WCDC plus anyone else who had and official need.
WTF? I mean WTF? I want to know the justification for this boat. You know what never mind. You are going to do what the freak you want to anyway.
As a County resident I am outraged because County money is going to SFD as well as City money. This type of irresponsibility proves extremely poor leadership. They still have not put the Ladder Truck in service after several months. They are constantly repairing it because of accidents during very poor supervision of the training on this equipment. They have no training people or reasomable training times. There are only 4 training at a time and 2 of them are the same. One drives and uses the ladder while the others watch what kind of training is this? Training supposed to be hands on not the same 1 person always the one doing the operating of the equipment. No new equipment considered or bought without all the present equipment in operation and trained on through structured training. I would like to know the weight of the Ladder truck to verify that it does not require a class A. With these facts in mind how would anybody with good common sense believe a Fire Boat is needed and can be reasonably maintained.
WE ALREADY HAVE A FIRE BOAT! Go down to the Marina, it is in the first slip, ready to turn the key and go! It's fast, able, and puts put all the waterfront fires we have every year! Well, there really haven't been any fires, but if there ever were, WE ALREADY HAVE A FIRE BOAT sucking up maintenance money daily.
speaking of joy riding and wasting gas did anyone else see the ladder truck driving all over Salisbury yesterday for no reason. I saw it three times.
Anonymous said...
What is the city's official justification for this? How many boaters were stranded/needed rescue on the Wicomico this year?
11:13 AM
What part of the Wicomico River is actually in the city limits? A very SMALL portion is in the city of Salisbury. Why does Salisbury think they need to get a million dollar fire boat to for the County? How many fire calls have been on the Wicomico River in the last 20 years? I will tell you. NONE, ZILCH, NADA! To buy a million dollar fire boat "just in case" doesn't cut it with me.
The boat they have now is adequate and will suffice.
The city may have a grant to purchase this folly but what about the annual upkeep. I am sure that is going to be a considerable expense and you know damn well they will be running up and down the river with it burning gas. There should be a good practical list of potential uses for this thing posted in the Times or somewhere. I cannot believer the justification. jackkcharl@aol.com
Wrong wrong wrong they need the boat and one of those helocoptors that spray chemical and water to fight the raging forrest firs too. Then thyun a need a new texas holdem table. Sum new fishin rods. They need them motorcickles for parades.
A new wig for tony.
some big oak clusters for gordy and a big hat like the gaurds at the palace wear.
A big bath house for all the boys to steam together in.
people these men need this stuff.
may they can use that new ladder truck to hunt deer out of. lets get some use out of it.
WTF people
Salisbury has a lot of ppl who are irresponsible. WEBSTER and the Mayor being the top 2
The strip of accessable river with that boat from Brew River on up the river is less than a few hundred yards in City Limits. Not miles! Gordy has made each and every taxpayer the laughing stock of Maryland. He will go to seminars and laugh at each and every one of you and get pats on the back for being the #1 salesman in the entire Country becayuse taxpayers are so stupid. Yes, that's right, I'm calling each and every one of you stupid. As a matter of fact, until YOU stop these people from bending you over constantly, I'm going to call you stupid. in fact, I'm going to start laughing at you along with Gordy because you keep electing Idiots like Gary Comegys, Louise Smith and Shanie Shields, who support such stupidity, clearly because they were severely beaten when they were children.
How many calls will the boat be able to respond to in a year? 3 "water rescues"?
Could use a 14ft. boat for that.
joe you are stupid, it is a grant that will not cost the city a dime, get the facts joe blow and get a off his back, he is not a paid person he gives his time, you over the line, these things saves peoples lives, you cannot put a price on life.
Speaking of joyriding and wasting gas, why was Hoppes in his city vehicle at a PIttsville residence this week? There weren't any fires for which he was responding.
Hoppes and Gordy need to go, NOW!!!
Firemen are suppose to put out fires if you are paid or if you volunteer. Most are want to be heros . However, we do them on occasions for bingo , texas holdem,
gun raffles , carnivals , fishing
tornaments , auctions , bake sales,
christmas parades , car washes ,and
many other social activities. I think the most important role is the ambulance service. The rest is pure BS. The fire boat is a complete joke. Lets see how fast and how often this one sinks.
Response time from the station to the boat and then to the fire. That's a joke in itself.
12:25 - This boat is going to cost a fortune in maintenance, upkeep, insurance, training, additional staffing, etc. Right now 2 SFP employees are back in WI checking out the paint job and retrofits to two of the city's existing fire trucks. Aren't you glad that when the truck comes to your fire that it will now be "Chicago red and black." The waste is breath taking.
who was the granting agency? I wonder if they know how many navigable miles (or should I say feet) of river are in the City limits...
For about the 10th time on different issues, I have sent you facts that would help people understand the truth about different things, including this. It seens that unless its neg. or a stirring comment you don't post it.
and you know they will have to pain the boat when it gets in. Grant money is usually only half the money the other half has to be matched. Maintenance on a boat like this is going to be high and will probably have to go to a marina to get done
what about annual coast guard inspections. If the city doesnt have that much property down the river then the people that live down there should have to pay part of this. How many fires and boat accidents have we had in the last 10 years that would tell us we need one We are asking people to take a cut in pay and time off and we want to buy a frigging BOAT
Anonymous said...
12:25 - This boat is going to cost a fortune in maintenance, upkeep, insurance, training, additional staffing, etc. Right now 2 SFP employees are back in WI checking out the paint job and retrofits to two of the city's existing fire trucks. Aren't you glad that when the truck comes to your fire that it will now be "Chicago red and black." The waste is breath taking.
1:10 PM
But Jim Ireton thinks sending the 2 trucks out to Wis. is a good idea for the "safety" of the Fireman! Who cares if it is needed and how much it costs.
12:25 who do you think pays for these grants? Santa Claus? Maybe the Easter Bunny? Get a grip - it is each and every one of us who reside in the city. You just need to remember grants are NOT free!!
Get rid of COMEGYS and SMITH for supporting this b.s.!
Let's not forget that it will have to be a very large fireboat to haul around Hoppes, as we all know he and other family members like to fish from time to time.
A concern taxpayer in City Limits.
Our lives and our property are more important than money. Why is that so hard to understand? Why is Gordy getting all the heat about this? Obviously, other people had to hear proposals and sign off on this as well. I applaud them for thinking about the citizens and not the purse strings. Better that the money is spent on this emergency equipment, rather than overtime for lame events like Bike Week and the Unicity Festival.
You are totally correct !! it is BullShit. Very little has changed on the waterfront since Salisbury had their first Fireboat. I remember very well, the 3 times it SANK the water cooling lines would rust and leak ..hence sinking the boat. That little piece of crap cost more to keep afloat than it did to buy. Please tell me what is going to catch fire that cannot be accessed easier and quicker by a fire truck ???
I think Gordy is over compensating for a lack of hose.
And the two back in WI are enjoying the best dinners and drinks, and lap dances, all on your city taxpayer dime. Jokes on you.
These city gangsters will continue to run rampant as long as you allow them to.
There is waste fraud and abuse at all levels of government. But this can only go on if the person at the top lets it. If your leaders can't do the job correctly, then vote them out. The only problem we have locally is that we don't have many fine upstanding citizens who want to do the jobs. Nor do we have qualified people for the leadership positions.
Isn't the ladder truck long enough to reach any fires or rescues on the river.
The entire County is screwed up. Both the City and County Governments are like high school children with no leadership to speak of, what a freakin joke.
The fire department doesn't need more people... Its a force of almost 200 people... You want more people on a firetruck per shift? Then move the admin "officers" back to a shift. Thats 6 people there
Wait just a cotton pickin minute. Gary tolt me them farmans has lots ah calls on the river. They needs it to protects us from danger. What if Mr Gordys barj kalt far with all that all on it. His home mite katch far and hed haf to get a real job. He coultin be at the far house runnin the far dapartment. What if the tearorist kame up that river to attacks us ? Hour farmins and policemans kood use it to proteck us. You people need to wake up ann sea da light. Let Cheef Gordy has his toys, cusz its free from da govamunt. Ahight !
Anonymous said...
The fire department doesn't need more people... Its a force of almost 200 people... You want more people on a firetruck per shift? Then move the admin "officers" back to a shift. Thats 6 people there
3:47 PM
This is obviously a stupid comment from a volunteer who doesn't know what he is talking about. There isn't 200 people who are members of the fire department and if there was where are they when the pagers go off? No where because the on duty paid crew has to take calls for them. The volunteers at the new station can't even get the tower out or another engine when they are dispatched for a fire call. By the way know it all since you seem to know how many people the Salisbury Fire Department has then sign your name so the readers will be able to validate your comments.
I didn't thinks so. Get a grip you shit stirrer.
so what emergency are you talking about that we have that we need a fireboat for and how many of these emergencies have we had that a fireboat had to be used
Forget the fire department, we need the money to go to the police department to fight crime. As it is the slumlords have turned Salisbury into blight, we could only hope for a fire or two to burn a few places down.
I feel like we are in Gotham. The City's Mob have complete and total control. There is no hope in sight.
This town needs an enema
Anonymous said...
Forget the fire department, we need the money to go to the police department to fight crime. As it is the slumlords have turned Salisbury into blight, we could only hope for a fire or two to burn a few places down.
5:27 PM
As a firefighter I hate to admit this, but this person is absolutely correct. There are few to no fires in the city of Salisbury. Can you say there is little to no crime in Salisbury? NOT!! What the fire department has is already more than adequate.
Gordo, I mean Anon 3:47 PM since the SFD has a force of almost 200 then where are they when the volunteers are being re-alerted on a daily bases when the horns blow? Where are they when the paid staff at Station 16 has to take the calls in Station 2's and Station 1's territory after they are re-alerted time and time again. Where are they when there is that house fire that rarely occurs? I will tell you where they are, they are not coming back because of the Gordo and Hoppes clan. They don't want any part of the SFD until those 2 criminals are gone!!
Jim Ireton you have been a big disappointment to the men and women of the Salisbury Fire Department. They went out of their way to endorse you and help you get elected. They were told by you that help was on the way so they put their jobs on the line even though they feared retaliation. They raised money and contributed to your campaign to help you get elected. You promised them change and then you slapped them in the face. If you think putting a member of the Local on the search committee for fire chief is what they wanted then you are sadly mistaken. The men and women of the Salisbury Fire Department know that the 2 volunteer and career members on the search committee are just tokens. You are a major disappointment to the good members of the Salisbury Fire Department and the tax paying citizens. They still have a little faith in you so please do the right thing and get rid of Hoppes and the rest will take care of itself.
Put outriggers on it and the Department can save some of that fishing trip money.
This boat will not fit under the bridges on the south prong, and with a four hour notification for a bridge tender on the north prong it could only be used downriver.
6pm, I agree totally. Broad daylight and there are hookers, drug deals, robberies, killings and all they are worried about is a big boat!!
When is the last time a fire boat was ever USED or NEEDED on a situation?????????? Use the one ya got and then talk to us! This is just something else for Gordy Jr to crash.
Gordy and Hoppes, now that is an unlikely pair. Gordy hates paid fireman and paramedics and Hoppes hates volunteer fireman and paramedics.
i thought the county and city was broke...how funny when its something they want they can all of a sudden get a grant.....let me remind you those grants come from the tax payers too......vote em all out! How many of you will remember this type of crap come election day? i know i will!
Does anyone know if Hoppes applied for the fire chiefs job? I understand he is not even qualified for the position.
I don't care if they get a boat or not. But then, I moved out of the city years ago and just left the county. Have fun paying for their stupid toys, suckers!
That's all I have to say.
A boat is a hole in the water that you throw your money down. The same goes for this boat. When Ireton submits his budget next year, the majority better be going to the police department and fighting crime. We are 12 police officers short right now. We want to take on the costs of maintaining a $900,000 fire boat?? Of course maybe they could start a "Bad Boyz of Metro" charter fishing service and use the boat to make money taking folks on fishing trips.
when u apply for a grant is for something specfic so if this grant is for a boat thats all they can buy with shut up
I hear the boat has already been ordered and docked somewhere in Cambridge. Can someone confirm or deny this claim?
Hey Joe, this is a great article and deserves more attention. Anyway to move it to the top for more exposure. There is a lot of talk among the firefighters about this fireboat and the truth needs to get out. It is time for Mayor Ireton to pull the plug on this one. It is not free and there is no such thing as free, grant money or not.
Does everyone one in the city and county know that the 3 new ladder trucks and 2 new fire engines were ordered and purchased without going out on bid first? Has this been made public yet? Does the tax paying citizens of Salisbury and Wicomico County realize they spent hundreds of thousands of dollars more for 5 new fire trucks because they were bought without any competition from other dealers?
And to think the current acting fire chief wants to be appointed as the permanent fire chief. If this happens Mayor Ireton will be putting a nail in the coffin of his political career. Mayor Ireton you need to do the right thing and demote Richard A. Hoppes as soon as possible before it is to late.
Thanks Jeremy, you illiterate FARMIN!!
Well since I am on the outside looking in on this issue I think that it should be approched objectively. From the pratical side you guys do have a very large fuel dump on the river, and barge traffic carrying fertilizers, grain, and fuels all highly explosive. Also you have a shipbuilding business located there, and some very expensive real estate, that only a boat could really access in time of a fire.
On the other side there is the question of need, can the current boat handle the above situations? What percentage of persons served by the cost involved? Can the city of Salisbury afford the upkeep on the vessel, after the purchase, will it need the same maintance budget as a fire truck?
So it is not really about mayor Ireton, or boys and toys but about true and justifiable need to the citizens of the city.
I agree with 10:11 am the Mayor needs to demote Hoppes and put someone in that position with more fiscal responsibility. After that the Gordy problem with take care of itself.
Hoppes showed his intelligence and irresponsibility by promoting Dru Bragg to Acting Deputy Chief. Bragg is not qualified or responsible enough to be a firefighter. What a joke Hoppes continues to make the Salisbury Fire Department. This guy doesn't pay his bills or his child support. Says a lot about leadership within the city doesn't it.
"Can the city of Salisbury afford the upkeep on the vessel, after the purchase, will it need the same maintance budget as a fire truck?"
YOU win the cigar!
Did the Mayor and Council give these clowns the authority to apply for this grant? Was there a public hearing on it? Were they even concerned about public input? What about input from the firefighters who do the job daily? What do they have to say about a million dollar unnecessary fire boat?
It amazes me that the State of Maryland would even have funding allocated for this sort of thing given the fiscal condition of the state of things. There is so many issues that need to fall as a priority over this needless toy.
From what I see with this grant, it is a matching fund grant which means the city is going to have to fork over 50% for the boat.
See Link~
You call Joe stupid. This whole thing with the boat is STUPID. Some folks are losing or have lost their jobs. Some folks are facing pay reductions and furloughs. Some folks can barely pay their mortgage, rent, or other necessities. Some folks can barely put food on their tablets for their families. And u dumb azz went and brought a boat. This city, county and the eastern shore SUCKS. I need to hit the lottery so I can get the fluck out of here. Keep on keeping on with the truth, Joe.
The five new trucks that the SFD has received were obtained without bids. Gordy arranged the purchase by piggybacking with Blacksburg Va.for ten years. The trucks received do not even come close to anything Blacksburg has. Go figure. They are currently planning to purchase a new tanker truck to replace Engine 1-1 which is a 1997 Pierce pumper tanker in mint condition. Talk about irresponsible spending.
Gordo and Sea have one of their VCOS buddies from New Jersey on the selection panel for the Chief. Just one more example of Gordo trying to stack the deck and get his way. Why hasnt anyone asked the reasons the other acting Deputy left the position. I'd like to know.
What I remember form working at the FD from years ago we are required to have one folks. The big fuel towers that store all that fuel on Tower Road well we have to have one and when the old, old fire boat died we were suppose to replace it with one rated at 2000gpm.
Because we did not have the money it was overlooked by Chief Pinky, tah he he....
So, some one may need to look into wether we are required and have not had a real fire boat for YEARS before they get their skirt blown up.
Anonymous said...
Gordo and Sea have one of their VCOS buddies from New Jersey on the selection panel for the Chief. Just one more example of Gordo trying to stack the deck and get his way. Why hasnt anyone asked the reasons the other acting Deputy left the position. I'd like to know.
7:28 PM
Any idea who it is? Let's call him out! Can someone list the names of every one on the selection panel?
You call Joe stupid. This whole thing with the boat is STUPID. Some folks are losing or have lost their jobs. Some folks are facing pay reductions and furloughs. Some folks can barely pay their mortgage, rent, or other necessities. Some folks can barely put food on their tablets for their families. And u dumb azz went and brought a boat. This city, county and the eastern shore SUCKS. I need to hit the lottery so I can get the fluck out of here. Keep on keeping on with the truth, Joe.
5:19 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The five new trucks that the SFD has received were obtained without bids. Gordy arranged the purchase by piggybacking with Blacksburg Va.for ten years. The trucks received do not even come close to anything Blacksburg has. Go figure. They are currently planning to purchase a new tanker truck to replace Engine 1-1 which is a 1997 Pierce pumper tanker in mint condition. Talk about irresponsible spending.
7:24 PM
This is important stuff. Does the mayor and council even know this has happened? If so how can they justify it to their bosses, the voting tax payers. Mayor Ireton we want some answers. You need to clear this up!!
annon 5:13.
You are correct if that was the grant they won.. Its not a state of MD grant they one it was a federal grant..
I am a volunteer and I can tell you that many other volunteers can't stand bill gordy. When our pagers went off for a fire call this morning I was heading to the station and then I heard bill gordy going to the call and I just turned around and went back home. Sorry, but you will see more volunteers do this because bill gordy is not respected by anyone.
Well think about this now Bubba Comagees, David See and now Dru Bragg. All dead beats that are bankrupt and now they are/were in charge of spending your hard earned tax dollars. These guys need to be run out of town. Comagees and Bragg are also deadbeat dads that didn't pay their child support. Mr. Ireton that is not the kind of help we want!
They used 2 boats to fish the westside fireman out of the water a month or 2 ago.
Anonymous said...
They used 2 boats to fish the westside fireman out of the water a month or 2 ago.
10:38 PM
And the boat wasn't needed, it was just a drunk from Brew River that wanted to go for a swim in Turd River. No emergency, no rescue and million dollar boat needed.
The westside fireman was that drunken Mike Gordon they fished out of the river. He was trying to avoid arrest after getting drunk at Brew River. It was all over the news.
Anonymous said...
The westside fireman was that drunken Mike Gordon they fished out of the river. He was trying to avoid arrest after getting drunk at Brew River. It was all over the news.
6:09 AM
You are correct in the fact that the drunk was trying to avoid arrest. My question is this. Why do fireman and fire boats get involved in police work to help arrest someone. If this is the only thing the fire boat is needed for then maybe the Salisbury Police Department should be making application for the grant, not the fire department. Who ever used this incident as justification for a fire boat is just as much an idiot as Hoppes and Gordy.
The comical thing about the fire boat was the day that the car went down the boat ramp into the river. The fire boat was there...why I don't know. They all just stood there in the boat pointing while the divers on shore and the towing company did all of the work. I agree with a previous post, use Tower 16 to stretch across the water and put out fires, it's not been needed for anything else! If they want a boat so bad, get out there and raise the money for one. Don't take OUR money for it. Oh yeah...they wouldn't be able to raise money for such a ridiculous thing...who would donate?!
We should lay off the paid men and let the volunteers run the fire department. They will realize what they "really" need money for and can fundraise for it. The vollies can handle it.
I like boats!
Survey Question
Should Richard A. Hoppes be appointed Fire Chief for the Salisbury Fire Department?
The Vollies can handle it? ROTFLMAO!!!! They cant even handle doing absolutely nothing now. Someoned please tell me the point of Vollies in Salisbury? Seriously.
12:19 that would be a big NO!!
To answer your survey question No
Joe, I think that would be an excellent survey question. What do you think?
Does anyone care enough to go to the next city council meeting and tell the mayor and council that the city doesn't need a new fire boat and the reasons why? This affects both city and county residents. Don't forget the county council forks over hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to the 3 stations of the Salisbury Fire Department and their fiscally irresponsible leadership wastes that money on a daily basis.
How much money annually is this fireboat going to cost the taxpayers in upkeep and maintenance? How much is the fuel costs? How much in overtime training is this going to cost the tax payers? Is the fire department really needed? NO
100 comments on this topic so far and all against the aquisition of a new fire boat for the city of salisbury. Jim, council members, are you listening? Where is that HELP?
How many people are trained on the fire boat they have now? Id bet my only nut its like the rest of the special eds ops and there arent many.
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