Sunday 8/30 Transplant Day +9: Brooke had a great day!!! Her ANC went from 20 to 192! She is still having Mucositis issues (vomiting & diarrhea) but starting to act more herself now. Grammy, Brooke and I had a wonderful day together and at night Brooke and I had great snuggle time. It is such a relief to see her attempt to smile and giggle and to just be Brooke. She never ceases to amaze me! I thank God every day for the miracle he blessed us with when he created Brooke. She is wise beyond her years, as most of the kids we have met here on the oncology unit are, such a gentle soul and her heart is filled with such joy and love.
Monday 8/31 Transplant Day +10: Brooke’s day started a little rough this morning. She got to bed late Sunday night (didn’t fall asleep until about 12:30 & never napped) and had to wake up this morning to get on the scale at 8am. Needless to say she was not a happy camper and let it be known to anyone who came near her! She also started throwing up a lot of blood again and her nose was bleeding. She needed a platelet transfusion again. On a very positive note, her ANC took a huge jump to 1298 which means that she can stop taking all her oral antibiotics which is wonderful because she has been having the toughest time being able to keep them down. They taste terrible to her and it is hard for her to have anything in her mouth or to swallow due to the mucositis and if she throws them up she has to take them again! She was very happy about this news! The doctors think she may be able to go home early (this Friday at the earliest which would be about a week earlier than expected). I feel that it might be too early but we’ll see how she is doing the next couple of days.
I had a wonderful visit with my college roomie, Steph this afternoon and Uncle Johnny and Aunt Johanna came by tonight to get Brooke all fired up right before bed! I have not seen Brooke laugh so hard in weeks and she just had a blast with them which was great to see! She finally settled down around 11:15 so I think it might be a rough morning again!
Well thank you everyone again for all your prayers. It looks like the worst of this phase of treatment is over now! I am going to close with another video link of Brooke. This one is of her saying the Lord’s Prayer. I think I videoed this one back in March of this year. Hope you enjoy it!
God Bless,
Brooke’s proud Mommy
This is wonderful news!
Thank God! We've been praying and will continue.
This is wonderful news. Brooke is a brave girl!
That is wonderful news! Brooke is one strong young lady! We wish you continued improvement and happiness.
Mrs. Tom.
Its so enlightening to see an awnry smile! I am sure the power to be is feeling the energy that is being sent due to Joe keeping you in our hearts and updating us all on your progress.
Hugs and Kisses
God Bless you Brooke. or should I say thank God for blessing Brooke. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Thank you for sharing how God is working in your lives. Every update you make is a blessing. God's love makes us strong.
"God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1)
Another mom
Brooke seems to be a very brave little girl, and a fighter, too. Never, never give up!
She's been in my thoughts lately, and it maes me happy to see her improving. I think she's going to win this terrible battle.
She and her family will remain in my thoughts and prayers.
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