Location: Convenient to the Thrift Travel Inn AND The Poplar Hill Mansion. In fact, it's only two doors away from either landmark.
That's right, if you're shopping around for a Hooker and you're confused as to where they all went, worry no more. In fact, there's a whole new group of prostitutes and there's even a bonus package, these women have teeth. Yes, there's a whole new group of reported prostitutes along with other suspicious activity going on.
Neighbors say there's all kinds of new traffic and visitors coming and going throughout the night.
So all is not lost Folks. If you're looking for some STRANGE just drop by the Poplar Hill Mansion in the evening and you should find anything and everything you ever wanted in one evening. Prostitution is still alive in the City of Salisbury.
Be sure to bring your cameras, video cameras and even signs to let these renters know you appreciate their soliciting business in such a deep recession.
UPDATE: It turns out a woman overdosed and died two nights ago in this home. SSSSSHHHHHHHH, they don't want you to know this kind of stuff happens in Salisbury, especially this location. I also came to learn the following. While the Mayor was at Poplar Hill Mansion some of the residents expressed their concerns over this property. Mayor Ireton took a walk over there and just as he walked up, a pimp and a prostitute walked out of the home and started heading towards Rt. 13. Mayor Ireton chased them off by following them almost all the way to Rt. 13 and telling them they were not welcome here in Salisbury.
Well, here's where it gets even more interesting. Mayor Ireton then came back and told these concerned citizens, "Your vigilance is turning into vigilantism." One neighbor replied, WE aren't the ones chasing these people down to Rt. 13 Mayor.
Let's get real Folks. Jim Ireton ran a campaign based around CRIME. Yeah, I know he mentioned the River too but CRIME was his big issue. That being said, look at it this way, if you will.
IF Mayor Ireton were to in fact get old Chiefy to actually report CRIME like it really is, we wouldn't be the 9th Most Dangerous City in America, (per capita) we'd be first or second. Jim knows that if things were to GET REAL with the numbers, crime would go through the roof, (on the books) and it would all be under his watch. Citizens would have to know this in advance but again, come election time Comegys, Cathcart, Dunn, Tilghman and others would use this against Ireton. Therefore, it's my opinion that Jim became wise to reality and would rather keep things just the way they are with Webster so the statistics wouldn't harm him in the Press.
Well Jim, you're either the Mayor because you want to make life BETTER in Salisbury or you're simply a typical democrat who is more concerned about his numbers than you are the citizens.
Telling citizens, neighbors and or residents in Poplar Hill they're vigilante's, yet6 no arrests and people are in fear for their children's lives, just who in the hell do you think you are! People have invested their life savings into these homes. Are you telling me that the SPD isn't professionally trained enough to KNOW where the prostitutes went after they left the Thrift Inn? Are you telling me they didn't place enough pressure on these prostitutes and drug dealers to push them out of town and instead arrested the Motel Owner because the charges would stick better on them, rather than the criminals?
It's important to note here, the Mayor didn't come to this neighborhood to discuss crime. He came there to speak about the mansion and residents confronted him, since it's only two doors down. Yes Folks, it's been reported there are drugs and prostitutes available at this property and most of the traffic is at night. They didn't go anywhere. Well, 100 yards away from where they used to be anyway.
Who owns the house?
Thanks for the tip Joe! I'll certainly do my best to stimulate the economy this evening!
I thought that Thrift Travel Inn had been closed down, but it appeared to be "open for business" in all senses of the word when I dorve down Rt. 13 a couple of days ago. Jim, Rick, what gives?
"Your vigilance is turning into vigilantism."
Sounds just like ACORN trying deflect their illegal activity onto those who have uncovered it.
In fact, there just might be a connection here -- ACORN might very well be financing this Salisbury operation!
God, I miss Chief Dykes.
I know very little about politics and the order of command, but can't the mayor be investigated as well as the chief? I mean if they are deviating from actual truths concerning crime statistics and ignoring the problem, isn't there someone that can step up and say, "whoa wait a minute!"? After all wouldn't that be endangering the welfare of the people? Would that not also be consider failure of completing their duties? So rather than just allowing people to huff and puff tell them who the next in line is to complain to. There has to be at least one ethics violation in there too.
Also why not give tips on how to capture the injustices to the common person so there is a stock pile of evidence from multiple source relating to the lack of performance by these people.
Just a thought.
freedom of information lawsuit ought to release the spd reports.
How can this be so well known and the law turn a blind eye to it? Someone has to do something. It doesn't seem as though embarrassment is getting it. Who is the owner of the property? Maybe starting there would be a beginning.
Hey the gal leaning in the car window better call the police she's been robbed; someone stole her a$$!! Someone get that girl a pork chop or two.
Could ignoring crime be construed as obstructing justice? By ignoring the crime they have put the residents in that area in danger, thereby obstructing justice for these citizens and taxpayers.
What slumlord owns that property. Shut it down as a nusiance.
Prostitution is a very controversial issue. There are a lot of prostitutes who can't support themselves by other means. There are lots of men who can't support their needs by other women.
They obviously need to be more discreet if Joe is snapping pictures of them on the street.
How about some advice for the workers and the customers?
Any advice out there?
The local government has no business telling people what they can and cannot pay for services rendered.
Besides Joe, are there any real complaints about this activity?
Maybe Joe is the only person in Salisbury who still cares about prostitution?
10:06 am
The owner of that house is a slum lord she owns another one on Dover ST which still has whores in out next to the Famous Doverdale playground, were they have spend so much money on. Plus both house are not register in the City of SBY, I have tried sevral times to report this and get no were. R. Chambers in Pasadena, MD own the buildings.
If that is 203 Elizabeth, as it appears from the blurry address on the house (and by counting down from Poplar Hill) then the house is owned by Christoper and Kimberly Miller. They, of course, do not live there.
The overdose - could that be the "suicide attempt" at 11:11 on Sunday night?
@10:24, she left her ass in her wonder pants.
The old white ho that got busted during that last sting at the thrift inn is back out on the street; saw her last night.
That comment about vigilance turning into vigilantism - maybe that's what needs to happen. It's pretty obvious that our "leaders" have their heads in the sand. If we don't do something, no-one will.
Take pictures! Take license plates! Maybe Joe could set up a special section where we could post the pics and plates...
And while we're at it, lets hit Church Street too. There's a red house set back from the road, across from the ghetto store and down a bit, that seems to be the den of the Church Street "girls"... and on the corner at the store is where the dealers take shifts.
I'll repeat a comment I made yesterday - the city could clean up if they had the will to do so. BUT if they cleaned up, they would lose hundreds of thousands of dollars of grant money.
I thought the mayor was serious about stopping crime and protecting us. Get with it Jim. This could be your finest hour. Don't be like every other politician and start working on your next campain and leave us hanging out to dry.
"Your vigilance is turning into vigilantism."
Did Jim Ireton actually say that? This sames like the same type of comments he gave the woman at the Council meeting just recently. This also sounds like some of the comments he is making to his biggest supporter, Councilwoman Campbell.
Is this the same guy I voted for?
Anonymous said...
Hey the gal leaning in the car window better call the police she's been robbed; someone stole her a$$!! Someone get that girl a pork chop or two.
10:24 AM
Hey I found it, it moved to her gut, see it hanging.
Contact the owners, they want the money not this head-ache. Start holding the land lords somewhat responsible for the people they put in their house. With-in reason.
Alot of illegal activity is going on around those little neighborhood stores,so wheres the liquor licensing board and BHZ on all this?
I dont know about Churchs store,but T's Market sells crack paraphanalia(sp?) right over the counter-glass vials with "love roses" in them and copper scrubbers-next time you go into any cheesy mini market for gas/cigs just look,some of them display copper scrubbers NOT with other cleaning supplies like dish liquid,but behind the counter with the 20 different flavors of cigars.
It's a sad day in Salisbury when regular citizens can quote the addresses of whore houses and drug dealers, yet the SPD just let the activity go unchecked. I would be embarassed to be an officer with the SPD. Maybe that is why we are down 8 officers. If Ireton doesn't clean house and get us back on track... Salisbury will be a lost cause.
Anon 10:42.. You've got to be kidding me. "Men can't support their needs with other woman" What about the wives who now have HPV or HIV? These men are weak minded idiots and if it takes a photo published on this blog to make wives aware of their risk... I say YES, LETS DO IT!!!!!
I live in Newtown, and these prostitutes disgust me. The older prostitute that was arrested with motel owners was back on Wilson Street the next day! That street is where a lot of them do business.
This is the oldest profession in the world. Get over it. You will never put an end to it. I guess this is the flavor of the month for everyone.
I think there are other things a little more important to worry about the a few ugly tramps. Oh wait! Lets concentrate on prostitutes, the easy criminals to catch instead of gang members, thieves, drug dealers or Murderers. Maybe the violent criminals are too scary to worry about.
The only way to clean it up would be to legalize it.
Surprise, surprise, the Church Street whorehouse (712) is owned by Blynn Bratten.
ANON 12:38
These girls are filthy nasty and probably filled with disease.Gross,
get rid of them.
Is that house a registered rental? Is it up to code?
Worry about real crime. Has anyone been harmed? Any property been damaged?
Is there any crime here?
Solve the murders for crying out loud. solve the robberies. There are convenience and grocery stores in town being ripped off big time! People just don't know about it. Police don't care.
Funny how Joe knows these places. LOL
Att: 2:31 PM
The house number is 205 Elizabeth ST , which is not a registered rental in SBY. Like I stated before it is own by a sumlord, which also owns a house on Dover ST next to DoverDale playground. Rachel Chambers owns both homes and lives on the western shore in Pasadena, MD. She does not care who rents the house, she just wants the rent money.
A concern resident of SBY, MD
anonymous 3:00, aka JT, yeah, that's what we call "sources" JT. We deliver everything YOU used to cover up for old Chiefy. How does it feel to finally be retired.
Update on 3:05PM
The homes on 205 Elizabeth ST and 505 Dover ST have been register rental, sorry for the wrong info earlier.
joe, if that house on elizabeth str is owned by R. chambers in Pasadena, is that person related to luray chambers. might be interesting. hum, hum. sjd
from outside looking in.
I keep reading that your mayor seams to always wind-up on the side of the criminals and to slap you in the face he then makes statements that seam to imply it's the citizens fault.
what the heck is going on in Salisbury? How long are you all going let your new mayor talk down, and patronize you?
Maybe it's none of my business because I don't live there, but it sure seams like the way I described it from an outsider.
Tee, agreed! We have a council president who gavels crime victims. We have another loser mayor who insults citizens. Only two worth a damn in that government are Debbie Campbell and Terry Cohen.
This town needs a good colon cleansing!
2:50 it could be crime if one of these girls passes someone HIV or worse.
I will tell you this. Ride by a couple of those stores at 8:30 or 9 in the morning. You will see one or two "not of school-aged gentlemen" making their rounds with backpacks on. They stop by a couple of the little stores like Price Check and the one down the road that opens early also. These places and their pay phones are HOT! Why are they not being monitored more closely?
Advice for 10:22,
Most street prostitutes in our towns and cities aren't working to support themselves. They are "working" to support their drug habit, mostly crack, meth and heroin. These women are reliable sources of many diseases including aids. My advice is to stay away from them, period. I don't know why any man can't develop a relationship with lady friends that would include sex. But for a man who can't do that, I would suggest that masturbation is better than aids!
If a man really likes the idea of sex with prostitutes, I would suggest moving to a place like Nevada where prostitution is legal, regulated and the working girls have regular disease screenings, and most sex workers require that their customers wear condoms for the protection of both parties.
Public Information
Rachel L. Chambers
216 Quiet Ridge Court
Pasadena, MD 21122
Purchased 9/7/2005 from
Newtown Restorations LLC $133,900.
Purchased 7/23/2004 from
Victor K. Mollet $105,000
Purchased 7/2/2002 from
Christ United Methodist Church
So in the last 7 years the purchase value doubled, I'd bet the rental rates have remained flat, and that this house (which is in a state of disrepair with plywood in a front window)is putting the squeeze on the owner. The house has two units A and B according to the mailbox markings, and is rumored to not only house prostitutes, but two registered sex offenders, unconfirmed though.
There is a hard core group of prostitutes that work Elizabeth Street to N. Division, to Philadelphia, to Rt. 13, to Elizabeth. They move up and down Rt. 13, and east to Church Street, depending on the pressure. Unfortunately, their presence, life styles, customers, and drug habits are in the face of families living in these neighborhoods. Salisbury either is working to support family oriented neighborhoods, or not.
TAL is right.In some cases it may be a victimless crime but most of these girls in Salisbury are either supporting nasty addictions,lazy boyfriend/pimps or both.Also,like you said,most normal men can get sex for free if they make an effort at it,why expose yourself to who knows what diseases?Or worse get robbed by one of these women and their "handlers".
My, you all have a lot of sympathy for the effing johns here. They feed the scuzzy industry.
Plaster the johns' pictures in the paper, on here, everywhere.
I have more sympathy for the prostitutes, not that I like their behavior, yeccccccch. But a lot of them were sucked into this wretched life out of desperation, often abuse at home. Some were still kids.
They need to be out of here, but send the pimps and the johns to the pen.
205 Elizabeth was was raided by the swat team friday night at 5:30 pm by 12 officers. They were there for 3 hours and took away one guy in handcuffs and 2 garbage bags of stuff. Thank you SPD and Wicomico Drug Task Force. Maybe now we can have a decent neighborhood again.
the guy that was taken away in handcuffs on Elizabeth St. friday night is back on the street Sunday night and business as usual.
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