The author of a recent comment in Grapevine doesn't understand what the Americans For Prosperity members are really protesting. We are protesting for the good of our country -- for limited government, lower taxes, free markets, fair trade, accountability and transparency.
We are protesting against such issues as government-controlled health care, out-of-control government spending and cap-and-trade.
Obviously, the author is either misinformed about the AFP or is engaging in the left-wing tactic of "when you can't win with the facts, discredit those you disagree with."
AFP Lower Shore Chapter was chartered on April 2. The basis for the comment is unfounded -- we weren't an organization until after the Bush administration had left office.
Oh, but we wish we had been.
We are a nonpartisan, grass-roots organization that addresses both national and local issues. Though our efforts and discussions with commissioners from Somerset and Hartford counties, property taxes were reduced.
We hosted two health care forums in Salisbury and Baltimore, and helped and supported various tea parties across Maryland.
If anyone needs additional information, our mission statement can be found at www.afpmary land.com.
Here are a few examples of our signs: "Hands off our health care." "Hey, government, I know what is best for me." "Working people are taxed, taxed, taxed. There is no more to give."
And I saved the best for last: "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of my happiness."
I think these signs are pretty self-explanatory, don't you think?
Terry Hickman
I am glad that AFP is doing what they are doing. I was at the last meeting and while I don't always agree with Delegate Page Elmore at least those guys are coming to the AFP meetings to at least listen to what the voters have to say. Does anyone know which Delegate or Council person will be at the next meeting on the 26th?
Government needs to be held accountable and if AFP can do it, more power to them.
Grassroots my A$$. They are bought and paid for.
They were funded by big oil. Look up their connection to the Koch Family.
If you guys had been around during the Bush years, then maybe you would have a point. You weren't. This is all about hating Obama.
So in Chuck's world, if something didn't come to be during the evils of the Bush administration, then we are all "hating" and are not allowed to complain.
Once again Chuck.
for the record, we do not "hate" Obama. We were unhappy with Bush policies, and we are unhappy with Obama policies.
You would do well to remember that, rather than repeating the same old tired Pelosi talking points over and over and over
Koch ran for Libertarian Party VP in the 80's as an outsider. His Bio goes on to say that when he and his running mates bid was unsuccessful, he concentrated on making his business a success so that he could influence policy. He did give the initial seed money to start AFP (sort of) but the majority of AFP's money comes from millions of anonymous donations, both small and large.
Now here is the rub, what Billionaire influences policy the most in the Democratic party.
Ding Ding! We have a winner! It's George Soros' Move-On.org. Soros is a commie who has sworn to disarm the average american citizen and wants to bring on one world government.
Who would YOU rather be associated with Salisbury? Chuck Cook and George Soros, or a Libertarian who wants to keep America as a sovereign nation?
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