From: Richard A. Hoppes, Acting Fire Chief
Subject: Assignment of Acting Deputy Fire Chief
As you know, John W. Tull has been the Acting Deputy Chief of Operations since May 2009. Since that time John has faithfully served in that capacity and executed the office to which he was appointed with all diligence. However John has announced that he does not intend, nor does he desire to continue to act in the position of Deputy Fire Chief within the SFD. While I am saddened by this I am compelled to honor his request to no longer act as the Deputy Fire Chief of Operations.
Therefore, effective Monday, 14 September 2009, at 0700hrs I am appointing AC John D. Bragg to serve as the Acting Deputy Fire Chief of Operations for the Department. This appointment will continue until such time as the City’s Administration selects and appoints a permanent Chief of the Department. While serving in this position DC Bragg shall be afforded every courtesy the position demands. He will be responsible for and have the full authority to execute all aspects of the position in which he has been called to serve and I remain extremely confident in Dru’s knowledge, skills, and abilities and look forward to working with him during this time of transition for the department as we strive to move forward toward success.
AC John Tull will be reassigned to the 1st Platoon to fill the temporary vacancy left by AC Gladwell being out on medical leave. John will report to the 1st Platoon on Friday, 18 September 2009, at 0700hrs.
Stay safe and should you have any questions concerning this matter feel free to contact me.
The acting fire chief has made another irrational decision by appointing a deadbeat to acting deputy chief. The majority of the members of the fire department are extremely upset by the new mayor allowing these clowns to continue to bring down the Salisbury Fire Department. The previous acting deputy chief wasn't the best, but he certainly was better than this choice. No one in the Salisbury Fire Department has any respect for these good ole boys.
If the new mayor continues to allow Hoppes and his small click to run the fire department you will see quite a few members jump ship and this is no joke.
Someone please help!
drew braggg pleaseeeee!!!!!
Dru Bragg wtf. Next thing you know the FD will be walking around with their collars sticking up. Looking like a bunch of quacks. hell he could'nt even spell CREW.
Help is on the Way -- NOT
Cast off from the a--holes down in Fruitland another bunch of know it all jerks. Saw one of their ambulance crews just this morning and I hope to god I never need one of these jokers. The crew for them was so unprofessional looking I could have sworn they were a bunch of gang members. One of them complete with earrings, tongue ring and arms full of nasty tattoos.
probably too late for help???
You know, Joe, sometimes you have to pick the best candidate out of a horrible pool. Maybe the FD is so broken, everybody who is in position to fill this role is less than desireable. You can't fix everything in a day - it wasn't broken in a day.
Out of respect for Tull, if you are going to call him a deadbeat, say why you feel this way. Out of respect for the other members of the FD, mention people who could do a better job in this role.
Jump ship!!!! HA the dead beats that are stuck in Salisbury are there for a reason.....No one else wants them!!! The department needs to hire an outside chief to shake things up and get some of those clowns in shape. As for me I will continue to practice good fire prevention in my house and would much rather drive myself or my family members to the hospital than have most of Salisbury's paramedics treat me. Dont get me completely wrong there are a few fine paramedics and EMTs working in that department however they are too few to make the department worth a damn.
Also be sure to keep all hanging ropes away from the playing deputy chiefs neck!!!!! We dont want a repeat close call!!
This surprises anyone! They do not know how to set up organized training that is budget friendly in these times of economic down turn. They allow the Ambulances, Ladder truck and other Fire trucks and equipment to spend 85% of their time around the College, University Park and University Village student housing is ridiculous and no training is involved. I say this because when you train you have on the gear you would be in during a situation so you will know the limitations and time involved. Which they do not. That is unless you consider trying to impress the students is training. With this type of leadership and waste of tax payers money should not be tolerated. As much training that is being stated driving the Fire vehicles, there should be more done during rush hour and not after the fact or only in certain areas of low traffic volume. By now every Fire fighter should be able to drive these vehicles blind folded any where in the city. Jumping ship is understandable just on the fact of no fisical responsibility of the budget and not wanting to be connected to the missmanagement of a once proud organization. This is including both Vollies and Fulltime Fire fighters.
i like how you talk about fruitland.. you should consider what you say about people. i know for a fact they dress right and dont justify somebody haveing tattoos and rings on them.. the guys there are very good medics and know what there doing..im sure there are plenty of people out there that would say if i wanted sumbody to help me it would be people from fruitland where the most respected people house at.. there great people there so dont justify but what u see on there arms or exc.. hell alot of firefighters have tattoos
There are good candidates for chief right here in Salisbury. I want department heads who live in the city they serve and are held accountable by their employers "us" when they are out and about on a daily basis. Hoppes is NOT the right choice. Go back and listen to the budget tapes and look at the choices that he's making now. Two SFD members are getting ready for another trip to Wisconsin next week. That brings the total number of trips to 62 - at our expense. This time they are going to inspect the paint on the trucks that Salisbury already owned. they have been upgraded, of course, and are now being painted Chicago red & black to match the rest of the fleet. Shame is a good firefighter doesn't need all of this glam to fight a fire and the good ones will tell you that. Hoppes will tell you (and has told me) they need it ALL.
12:52 PM I read the post and Joe isn't calling anyone a deadbeat. I think the comment is really directed to Hoppes, Gordo and Bragg. Although Tull didn't deserve the position he is a much better choice than the Bragg guy.
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Case Information
Case Number: 020300028252003Claim Type:CONTRACT
District/Location Codes: 02 / 03Filing Date:06/09/2003Case Status:BANKRUPTCY
Complaint, Judgment, and Related Persons Information
(Each Complaint, Hearing, Judgment is listed separately, along with each Related Person)
Complaint Information
Complaint Status: BANKRUPTCY
Status Date: 10/30/2003Filing Date:06/09/2003Amount$15255.96Last Activity Date:10/30/2003
Related Person Information
Connection to Complaint: ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF
Address: 110 WEST ROAD, STE. 222
City: TOWSONState:MDZip Code:21204
If Person is Attorney: Attorney Code:000116Attorney's Firm:MARGOLIS, PRITZKER, ETAL
Connection to Complaint: DEFENDANT
Address: 29800 JACKSON RD
City: SALISBURYState:MDZip Code:21804
Connection to Complaint: PLAINTIFF
Address: PO BOX 6065
City: SIOUX FALLSState:SDZip Code:57117
Case History Information
(Each Event listed for the case is listed below in chronological order)
Type: TRIALComplaint No.:
Date: 06/24/2003Comment:TRIAL SET FOR: 08152003;TIME: 0900A;LOC:03;ROOM:01
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 06/24/2003Comment:NOTICE OF INITIAL TRIAL (ATP)-D1
Type: SERVICEComplaint No.:001
Date: 07/20/2003Comment:REGL;06092003;DEF;SV-SERVED ;
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Type: COMMENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 08/15/2003Comment:A/J HELD UP. REASON SENT TO ATP
Type: TRIAL DELETEComplaint No.:
Date: 10/16/2003Comment:TRIL;08152003;0900A;03;BY SYS;45 DAYS PAST TRIAL DATE
Type: BANKRUPTCY ENTEREDComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/27/2003Comment:BANKRUPTCY ENTERED
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/30/2003Comment:NOTICE OF BANKRUPTCY FILED (ATP)-S2
Type: NOTICE SENTComplaint No.:001
Date: 10/30/2003Comment:ALSO SENT TO - DEF,
The complete case file must be obtained from the District Court in which the case was last heard.
Circuit Court of Maryland
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Case Information
Court System: Circuit Court for Wicomico County - Civil System
Case Number: 22C89000336
Title: Faith Bragg Vs John Bragg
Case Type: Civil Non-SupportFiling Date:10/03/1988
Case Status: Closed/Inactive
Case Disposition: DismissalDisposition Date:07/29/2005
Plaintiff/Petitioner Information
(Each Plaintiff/Petitioner is displayed below)
Party Type: PlaintiffParty No.:1
Name: Bragg, Faith M
Address: Domestic Relations Section
City: FranklinState:PAZip Code:16323-0369
Defendant/Respondent Information
(Each Defendant/Respondent is displayed below)
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Name: Bragg, John D
Address: 305 Park Heights Avenue
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21804-5607
Court Scheduling Information
Event Type: Contempt HearingNotice Date:
Event Date: 07/29/2005Event Time:01:00 PM
Result: Held/ConcludedResult Date:07/29/2005
Related Persons Information
(Each Related person is displayed below)
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Business or Organization Name: Wicomcio County CSS
Address: 309 Calvert Street
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Attorney(s) for the Related Persons
Name: Geleta, Esq, Michael
Practice Name: Wicomico Co. Department Of Social Services
Address: 201 Baptist St.
Suite 27
City: SalisburyState:MDZip Code:21801
Document Tracking
(Each Document listed. Documents are listed in Document No./Sequence No. order)
Doc No./Seq No.: 1/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:06/10/2005Decision:
Document Name: See Docket Sheet for Previous Entries
Doc No./Seq No.: 2/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Document Name: Payments Received
Doc No./Seq No.: 4/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Motion for Contempt
Doc No./Seq No.: 5/0
File Date: 06/10/2005Close Date:06/10/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Subpoena Issued
requested by CSS court date July 29, 2005 at 9:00a.m.
Doc No./Seq No.: 6/0
File Date: 07/06/2005Close Date:07/06/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: Return of Service - Served
Subpoena Requested by DSS served 06/29/05
Doc No./Seq No.: 7/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Hearing Entered
Doc No./Seq No.: 8/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:07/29/2005Decision:
Party Type: DefendantParty No.:1
Document Name: 4D Open Court Proceedings
Case called for Contempt Hearing. Defendant not present. Stae dismisses Contempt Petition; granted.
Judge W. Newton Jackson; presiding
Court Reporter; Debbie Dickerson
Doc No./Seq No.: 9/0
File Date: 07/29/2005Close Date:08/06/2005Decision:
Document Name: 2+ ProSe Parties when Case Closed
Doc No./Seq No.: 10/0
File Date: 11/01/2005Close Date:11/01/2005Decision:
Party Type: Interested PartyParty No.:1
Document Name: Attorney Appearance Terminated
Michael Geleta
The complete case file can be obtained from the Circuit Courthouse.
MR BRAVADO!!!!!!! Some people are so stuck on themslves they can't serve others!!!!
Dru Bragg...Deputy Chief. LOL. And his side kick Madame Cottage Cheese. What a dynamic duo!
2:58 pm.... what??? I'm confused, were you trying to defend the Fruitland crew or were you trying to to prove the other poster's point? If it was the latter, you suceeded.
Well one good thing about Dru Bragg he will be easy to find. He loves spending time in back of the fire station by the dumpsters. This is where he and numerous other firefighters spend their quality time about 15 times a day. That's right they take about 15 smoking breaks a day. Mr. Albero you should ride by there sometime and take pictures of the employees smoking all day long.
How can he be DC and supervise his girlfriend?
9:46 PM he has been getting away with it for years so what does it matter now?
Lets have a pole to see who should be chosen.
Can someone tell me what the hell a platoon is?
anon 10:20
Is that a light pole?
or a telephonr pole?
or a fishing pole?
How about a poll?
Let's take a poll and see how many of you clowns even have a clue about the FD in Salisbury or anywhere else for that matter.
I waste my time. You haven't the GUTS to post this comment.
10:20, what is a pole? Something women in the firehouse dance on?
The Salisbury Fire Department has become the biggest joke the city has ever seen. I could have sworn Jim Ireton told the career members that help was on the way. If this you your help then you are a big fraud!!
i was defending the crew from fruitland u know the old say cant judge a book by its color.. well who ever wrote that is judgeing sumbody they have no clue about and he must know what he is doing to be there cause the trainning u must go threw to be a emt is not the easiest and for god sake he works for 2 dif ambo places and vollys at another he must not be that bad.. the problem is here people always assume well wake up u cant always do that
who is Madame Cottage Cheese?
10:20-It's poll.
Lets have a spelling lesson for Anon. 10:20 PM.
The word would be poll.
This id way the FD is looked at as a bunch of idiots, if you don't like it, leave, otherwise shut up
Where are people like past chiefs Tommy Lewis?????????? We need some good examples for young people to look up to .... Who is Madame Cottege Cheese???????
On the subject of our fantastic new employees in Fruitland. I sent them a very good looking resume for an EMT position. I quickly got a letter from them saying that I did not qualify for an interview.
I wonder what qualifications I needed to get an interview. Most people love my resume, and decide after they meet me that they don't like me. And how do I get on the "good ole boy" program? Do I have too many teeth to work in this little red neck town?
Lets see Deputy Chief Hopeless... Funny
Madame Cottage Cheese! Now that's funny right there I don't care who you are!
Anonymous said...
Where are people like past chiefs Tommy Lewis?????????? We need some good examples for young people to look up to .... Who is Madame Cottege Cheese???????
11:50 AM
I certainly hope you are not suggesting that Tommy Lewis was a good example of an officer. What a Joke he was. LMAO
Madame Cottage Cheese, lol. You must be talking about the craters on the back of his girlfriends legs. GRRROOSSS!!
I certainly hope you are not suggesting that Tommy Lewis was a good example of an officer. What a Joke he was. LMAO
AMEN to That!
Today, Sunday at approximately 12:00 PM Volunteer Deputy Chief Gordy got on the radio and asked for the location of Tower 16 and Engine 2. Then he told them to meet him at Connolly Mill Road. My guess is he meant to say Gordy Tiger Mart. Then it was determined that the brand new fire trucks were to be in the Delmar Parade. I guess he wanted to show off "his" new fire trucks in his old stomping grounds. Now if I remember correctly there is a major recession going on in this city as well as the state and country. Now that is the case and the Mayor of Salisbury has gone back to revisit the original budget for major cuts. Now since the city of Salisbury is hurting for revenue then why in the world is Bill Gordy allowed to take two major capital pieces out of service just to run them through a silly parade in Delmar Delaware. This is totally rediculous, absurd and uncalled for. This man has wasted way to much money and manpower in Salisbury he needs to be run out of town.
Note to Mayor Ireton: Capitol Fire Apparatus has to be approved by you before it is allowed to leave town unless it is on an emergency run. Did you or did you not give Bill Gordy and Rick Hopper permission to take Tower 16 and Engine 2 out of the city limits for a parade in another town/state?
How much did this cost in fuel? How much did this cost in man hours? How much did this cost in wear and tear on capital apparatus? This is positive proof that Bill Gordy bought these new fire trucks just to show off and use as parade pieces. The leadership of the Salisbury Fire Department are thieves and need to be treated like criminals.
Someone needs to be held accountable for these insubordinate actions of Bill Gordy and Richard Hoppes. Jim Ireton if you ignore this situation you are derelict in your duties as the elected city executive. Do your job and put a stop to this NOW!!!
Mr. Albero,
11:35 PM's comment is worthy of a separate post. The public deserves to be shown who is running the Salisbury Fire Department and how much money is being wasted. The citizens deserve so see how and why Gordy is running the fire department with the approval of the acting fire chief and Mayor Ireton.
Bragg, what a joke! He can't tell the truth, no-one trusts him, he has NO work ethic, another disaster in the making.... and they call this leadership. Hell, might as well appoint Jester, another legend in his own mind. Is it ever going to get better? Lets just see if the likes of Riley will be considered for Chief. Joe, search Chief Ricky Riley from Clearwater FD, he has applied, he was also the Chief of Kentland the best (and highest run volume) Vollie Fire Dept. in the country.
Anon 11:05 AM might be a good chief and a friend of yours, but he is not what the City of Salisbury needs. The city doesn't have to look far to find someone that is responsible and capable of doing the job. The most important thing is that Salisbury doesn't keep the leadership they currently have. Kick them to the curb immediately.
12:39 Riley is not a friend, it's just he is a great Chief, he will be fair to everyone, and has done a great job with a dept. in Fla. that had many of the same challenges. A new face is what is needed. Everyone on my shift as well as others can't stand Drew, and that hose bag he shags. He has NO credibility, NONE!
If Bragg is the best salisbury has to offer, enough said! Stupid is as stupid does.
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